Under this bill, in general, no person may install any structure along the route
within the area necessary for the passage of a high-wide load without the
authorization of the City of Milwaukee. Also, no person may take any action that
would make any portion of the route permanently unavailable for use by a high-wide
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 86.50 of the statutes is created to read:
486.50 Milwaukee County high-wide route
. (1) Definitions. In this
1(a) “Affected area" means the entire width of the right-of-way of the route
2described in sub. (2) extended to a height of 23 feet above the roadway.
(b) “High-wide load" means a motor vehicle transporting property on any
4portion of the route described in sub. (2) if the vehicle exceeds limitations on size
5imposed by ch. 348 and no portion of the motor vehicle or the transported property
6has a greater width than 28 feet or a greater height than 23 feet.
(c) “Political subdivision” means a city, village, town, or county.
8(2) Route. The following route through Milwaukee County is designated as the
9Milwaukee County high-wide route:
(a) Commencing at the intersection of South 70th Street and West Washington
11Street in the city of West Allis and proceeding south on South 70th
(b) At the intersection of South 70th Street and West Greenfield Avenue,
13proceeding east on West Greenfield Avenue.
(c) At the intersection of South 60th Street and West Greenfield Avenue,
15proceeding south on South 60th Street.
(d) At the intersection of South 60th Street and West Beloit Road, proceeding
17west on West Beloit Road.
(e) At the intersection of South 76th Street and West Beloit Road, proceeding
19south on South 76th Street.
(f) At the intersection of South 76th Street and West Oklahoma Avenue,
21proceeding east on West Oklahoma Avenue.
(g) At the intersection of South 20th Street and West Oklahoma Avenue,
23proceeding south on South 20th Street.
(h) At the intersection of South 20th Street and West Howard Avenue,
25proceeding east on West Howard Avenue.
1(i) At the intersection of South 13th Street and West Howard Avenue,
2proceeding south on South 13th Street.
(j) At the intersection of South 13th Street and West Waterford Avenue,
4proceeding east on West Waterford Avenue.
(k) At the intersection of South 6th Street and West Waterford Avenue,
6proceeding north on South 6th Street.
(L) At the intersection of South 6th Street and West Howard Avenue,
8proceeding east on West Howard Avenue.
(m) At the intersection of South Howell Avenue and West Howard Avenue,
10proceeding north on South Howell Avenue.
(n) At the intersection of South Howell Avenue and South Kinnickinnic Avenue,
12proceeding north on South Kinnickinnic Avenue.
(o) At the intersection of South Kinnickinnic Avenue and East Bay Street,
14proceeding east on East Bay Street.
(p) At the intersection of East Bay Street and the port of Milwaukee's private
16access road, proceeding east on the private access road.
(q) At the intersection of the port of Milwaukee's private access road and South
18Car Ferry Drive, proceeding north on South Car Ferry Drive.
(r) Ending at the northern terminus of South Car Ferry Drive.
20(3) Permitting. (a) No person may operate a high-wide load on the route
21described under sub. (2) without a permit from the city of Milwaukee.
(b) No person may install any structure within the affected area without a
23permit from the city of Milwaukee. A permit under this paragraph shall require the
24permittee, upon request, to remove any obstruction to the use of the high-wide route
1by a high-wide load within 5 days notice without cost to the user of the high-wide
2route for a high-wide load.
3(4) Prohibitions. After the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts
4date], no person may do any of the following within the affected area:
(a) Install any permanent structure without the authorization of the city of
(b) Take any action that would make any portion of the affected area
8permanently unavailable for use by a high-wide load.
(c) Install any structure without first obtaining a permit under sub. (3) (b).
10(5) Local cooperation. (a) The city of Milwaukee shall consult with all
11political subdivisions in which any portion of the Milwaukee County high-wide route
12is located before issuing or denying a permit under sub. (3), making an authorization
13under sub. (4) (a), or designating a temporary route under sub. (6).
(b) The city of Milwaukee shall share the permit fee collected for a permit under
15sub. (3) (a) proportionately among the political subdivisions affected by the
16permitted high-wide load.
(c) Political subdivisions in which any portion of the Milwaukee County
18high-wide route is located shall attempt to reach agreements among themselves and
19with persons using the high-wide route for high-wide loads regarding the allocation
20of costs and provision of services related to removing permanent structures that
21interfere with the use of any portion of the affected area by high-wide loads.
(d) Political subdivisions in which any portion of the Milwaukee County
23high-wide route is located shall attempt to reach agreements among themselves and
24with persons using the high-wide route for high-wide loads to timely provide traffic
25officer escorts for persons using the high-wide route for high-wide loads.
1(6) Temporary route changes. The city of Milwaukee may designate
2temporary changes to the route described under sub. (2). Subsection (4) does not
3apply to a highway temporarily designated under this subsection.