1. An investigation under sub. (2) (am) indicates that sub. (4m) (a) 2., 3., or 4.
8applies to the person.
2. An investigation under sub. (2) (am) indicates that the person has been
10convicted or adjudicated delinquent of a serious crime as specified under sub. (1) (c)
119. or for a violation of the law of any other state or United States jurisdiction that
12would be a violation listed in sub. (1) (c) 9. if committed in this state, and the person
13completed his or her sentence, including any probation, parole, or extended
14supervision, or was discharged by the department of corrections, more than 5 years
15before the date of the investigation under sub. (2) (am).
(b) If the department or tribe determines that the person has demonstrated
17rehabilitation in accordance with procedures established by the department by rule
18or by the tribe and by clear and convincing evidence, the prohibition in sub. (4m) (a)
19does not apply.
597. 48.686 (5c) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 48.686 (5c).
598. 48.686 (5c) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
599. 48.686 (5c) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
600. 48.686 (5g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5g) On January 1 of each year, the department shall submit a report
25to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that specifies the number of persons in the
1previous year who have requested to demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated
2under sub. (5)
(a), the number of persons who successfully demonstrated that they
3have been rehabilitated under sub. (5)
(a), and the reasons for the success or failure
4of a person who has attempted to demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated.
601. 48.686 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) Notwithstanding s. 111.335,
the department a licensing entity 7may refuse to
license a person issue an approval to operate a child care
center, the
8department in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, a county
9department, or an agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) may refuse to certify
10a child care provider under s. 48.651, a school board may refuse to contract with a
11person under s. 120.13 (14) program to a person, and a child care program may refuse
12to employ or contract with a caregiver
or noncaregiver employee or permit a
13nonclient resident household member to reside at the child care program if the
14person has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent
on or after his or her 10th
15birthday for an offense that is not a serious crime, but that is, in the estimation of
16the department, substantially related to the care of a client. The department shall
17notify the provider and the individual of the results of a substantially related
18determination pursuant to the process set forth in sub. (4p) for
criminal background
19check determinations. The individual shall have the same appeal rights as set forth
20in sub. (4s), and the same appeal procedures apply.
602. 48.686 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) The department shall conduct throughout the state periodic training
23sessions that cover procedures and uses of
criminal background investigations;
24reporting and investigating misappropriation of property or abuse or neglect of a
1client; and any other material that will better enable entities to comply with the
2requirements of this section.
603. 48.715 (4g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4g) (a) If a person
who has been issued a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a)
5or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child care center is convicted of
6a serious crime, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1)
7(ag) 1. or a nonclient resident, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the subject to a
8background check under s. 48.686 (2) who operates, works at, or resides at a child
9care center is convicted or adjudicated delinquent for committing a serious crime
10or after his or her 10th birthday, or if the results of a
criminal background check
11conducted under s. 48.686 indicate that the
person, caregiver,
or nonclient resident 12household member, or noncaregiver employee is not eligible to be licensed, certified,
13or employed
, or
permitted to reside at a child care program, the department shall
14revoke the license of the child care center immediately upon providing written notice
15of revocation and the grounds for revocation and an explanation of the process for
16appealing the revocation.
604. 48.715 (4g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4g) (b) If a person
who has been issued a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a)
19or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child care center is the subject
20of a pending criminal charge alleging that the person has committed a serious crime,
21as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), or if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1) (ag) 1. or a 22nonclient resident, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the subject to a background
23check under s. 48.686 (2) who operates, works at, or resides at a child care center is
24the subject of a pending criminal charge or delinquency petition alleging that the
25person has committed a serious crime
on or after his or her 10th birthday, the
1department shall immediately suspend the license of the child care center until the
2department obtains information regarding the final disposition of the charge or
3delinquency petition indicating that the person is not ineligible to
be licensed to
, work at, or reside at a child care center.
5Section 605
. 48.981 (7) (a) 4p. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) 4p. A public or private agency in this state or any other state that
7is investigating a person for purposes of licensing the person to operate a foster home
8or placing a child for adoption in the home of the person
or for the purposes of
9conducting a background investigation under s. 48.685 of an adult congregate care
10worker, as defined in s. 48.685 (1) (ap).
606. 49.133 of the statutes is repealed.
12Section 607
. 49.1385 of the statutes is amended to read:
1349.1385 Grants for services for homeless and runaway youth. The
14department may award not more than
$100,000 $400,000 in each fiscal year in
15grants to support programs that provide services for homeless and runaway youth.
608. 49.141 (1) (n) of the statutes is renumbered 49.141 (1) (Lm) and
17amended to read:
(1) (Lm)
“Trial employment match program job “Subsidized
19employment placement" means a work component of Wisconsin Works administered
20under s. 49.147 (3).
609. 49.143 (2r) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) Job programs. A Wisconsin Works agency shall collaborate with
23the local workforce development board to connect individuals seeking employment
24with employment opportunities, including
the trial employment match program 25subsidized employment placement under s. 49.147 (3).
610. 49.145 (2) (n) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (n) 1. (intro.) Except as provided in subd. 4., beginning on the date
3on which the individual has attained the age of 18, the total number of months in
4which the individual or any adult member of the individual's Wisconsin Works group
5has participated in, or has received benefits under, any of the following or any
6combination of the following does not exceed
60 months, whether or not
611. 49.145 (2) (n) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (n) 1. a. The job opportunities and basic skills program under s.
1049.193, 1997 stats. Active participation on or after October 1, 1996, in the job
11opportunities and basic skills program counts toward the
48 60-month limit.
612. 49.147 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (b) If the Wisconsin Works agency determines that the appropriate
14placement for an individual is in unsubsidized employment or a
trial employment
15match program job subsidized employment placement and that the individual needs
16and wishes to pursue basic education, including a course of study meeting the
17standards established under s. 115.29 (4) (a) for the granting of a declaration of
18equivalency of high school graduation, the Wisconsin Works agency shall pay for the
19basic education services identified in the employability plan developed for the
613. 49.147 (2) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) 2. A Wisconsin Works agency shall, every 30 days, review the
23provision of case management services to an individual under this paragraph, if the
24individual is not successful in obtaining unsubsidized employment after legitimate
25efforts to secure employment, to determine whether the individual should be placed
1in a
trial employment match program job
subsidized employment placement,
2community service job, or transitional placement. The department shall promulgate
3rules that specify the criteria for the review process under this subdivision.
614. 49.147 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (title)
Trial Subsidized employment match program placement.
615. 49.147 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a)
Administration. A Wisconsin Works agency shall administer a
8trial employment match program subsidized employment placement as part of its
9administration of the Wisconsin Works program to improve the employability of
10individuals who otherwise are not able to obtain unsubsidized employment, as
11determined by the Wisconsin Works agency, by providing work experience and
12training to assist them to move promptly into unsubsidized employment. In
13determining an appropriate placement for a participant, a Wisconsin Works agency
14shall give priority to placement under this subsection over placements under subs.
15(4) and (5).
616. 49.147 (3) (ac) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (ac)
Employer subsidies and reimbursements. (intro.) The
18Wisconsin Works agency shall pay to an employer that employs a participant under
19this subsection a wage subsidy in an amount that is negotiated between the
20Wisconsin Works agency and the employer but that is not more than the state or
21federal minimum wage that applies to the participant. The wage subsidy shall be
22paid for each hour that the participant actually works, up to a maximum
of 40 hours
23number of hours per week
, as negotiated between the Wisconsin Works agency and
24the employer. The employer shall pay the participant any difference between the
25wage subsidy amount and the participant's wage and must pay the participant at
1least minimum wage. In addition to paying the wage subsidy, the Wisconsin Works
2agency may, as negotiated between the Wisconsin Works agency and the employer,
3reimburse the employer for all or a portion of other costs that are attributable to the
4employment of the participant, including any of the following:
617. 49.147 (3) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (am)
Education or training activities. A
trial employment match
7program job subsidized employment placement includes education and training
8activities, as prescribed by the employer as an integral part of work performed in
9trial employment match program the subsidized employment
618. 49.147 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c)
Time-limited participation. A participant under this subsection
12may participate in a
trial employment match program job subsidized employment
13placement for a maximum of 6 months, with an opportunity for a 3-month extension
14under circumstances determined by the Wisconsin Works agency. A participant may
15participate in more than one
trial employment match program job subsidized
16employment placement, but may not exceed a total of 24 months of participation
17under this subsection. The months need not be consecutive. The department or, with
18the approval of the department, the Wisconsin Works agency may grant an extension
19of the 24-month limit on a case-by-case basis if the participant has made all
20appropriate efforts to find unsubsidized employment and has been unable to find
21unsubsidized employment because local labor market conditions preclude a
22reasonable job opportunity for that participant, as determined by a Wisconsin Works
23agency and approved by the department.
619. 49.147 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (a)
Administration. A Wisconsin Works agency shall administer a
2community service job program as part of its administration of Wisconsin Works to
3improve the employability of an individual who is not otherwise able to obtain
4employment, as determined by the Wisconsin Works agency, by providing work
5experience and training, if necessary, to assist the individual to move promptly into
6unsubsidized public or private employment or a
trial employment match program job
7subsidized employment placement. In determining an appropriate placement for a
8participant, a Wisconsin Works agency shall give placement under this subsection
9priority over placements under sub. (5). Community service jobs shall be limited to
10projects that the department determines would serve a useful public purpose or
11projects the cost of which is partially or wholly offset by revenue generated from such
12projects. After each 6 months of an individual's participation under this subsection
13and at the conclusion of each assignment under this subsection, a Wisconsin Works
14agency shall reassess the individual's employability.
620. 49.147 (4) (as) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (as)
Required hours. Except as provided in pars. (at) and (av) and
17sub. (5m), a Wisconsin Works agency shall require a participant placed in a
18community service job program to work in a community service job for the number
19of hours determined by the Wisconsin Works agency to be appropriate for the
20participant at the time of application or review
and may require a participant to
21participate in education or training activities for not more than 10 hours per week,
22except that the Wisconsin Works agency may not require a participant under this
23subsection to spend more than 40 hours per week in combined activities under this
621. 49.147 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b)
Time-limited participation. An individual may participate in a
2community service job for a maximum of 6 months, with an opportunity for a
33-month extension under circumstances approved by the department. An
4individual may participate in more than one community service job
, but may not
5exceed a total of 24 months of participation under this subsection. The months need
6not be consecutive. The department or, with the approval of the department, the
7Wisconsin Works agency may grant an extension to the 24-month limit on a
8case-by-case basis if the Wisconsin Works agency determines that the individual
9has made all appropriate efforts to find unsubsidized employment and has been
10unable to find unsubsidized employment because local labor market conditions
11preclude a reasonable employment opportunity in unsubsidized employment for that
12participant, as determined by a Wisconsin Works agency and approved by the
13department, and if the Wisconsin Works agency determines, and the department
14agrees, that no trial employment match program job opportunities are available in
15the specified local labor market.
622. 49.147 (5) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (a) 3. The Wisconsin Works agency determines that the individual
18is incapable of performing a
trial employment match program job subsidized
19employment placement or community service job.
623. 49.147 (5) (b) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 49.147 (5)
21(b) (intro.).
22Section 624
. 49.147 (5) (b) 1. a. to d. of the statutes are renumbered 49.147 (5)
23(b) 1m. to 4m.
24Section 625
. 49.147 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is repealed.
626. 49.147 (5) (bs) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (bs)
Required hours. Except as provided in par. (bt) and sub. (5m),
2a Wisconsin Works agency may require a participant placed in a transitional
3placement to participate in education or training activities
for not more than 12
4hours per week and to engage in activities under par. (b)
1., but may not require a
5participant under this subsection to spend more than 40 hours per week in combined
6activities under this subsection.
7Section 627
. 49.147 (5m) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (a) 4. The participant is employed or engages in work under a
9community service job or transitional placement
for 25 hours per week in addition
10to participation under this subsection.
628. 49.148 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a)
Trial employment match program jobs Subsidized employment
13placement. For a participant in a
trial employment match program job subsidized
14employment placement, the amount established in the contract between the
15Wisconsin Works agency and the
trial employment match program job subsidized
16employment placement employer, but not less than minimum wage for every hour
17actually worked in the
trial employment match program job subsidized employment
18placement, not to exceed
40 hours the maximum number of allowable hours per
, as negotiated between the Wisconsin Works agency and the employer, paid by
20the employer. Hours spent participating in education and training activities under
21s. 49.147 (3) (am) shall be included in determining the number of hours actually
23Section 629
. 49.148 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c)
Transitional placements. For a participant in a transitional
25placement under s. 49.147 (5) or in a transitional placement and in technical college
1education under s. 49.147 (5m), a monthly grant of $608. For every hour that the
2participant fails to participate in any required activity without good cause, including
3any activity under s. 49.147 (5) (b)
1. a. to d.
1m. to 4m., the grant amount shall be
4reduced by $5. Good cause shall be determined by the financial and employment
5planner in accordance with rules promulgated by the department. Good cause shall
6include required court appearances for a victim of domestic abuse.
630. 49.148 (1m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (a) 1. A custodial parent of a child
8 12 weeks old or less who meets
9the eligibility requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3), unless another adult member
10of the custodial parent's Wisconsin Works group is participating in, or is eligible to
11participate in, a Wisconsin Works employment position or is employed in
12unsubsidized employment, as defined in s. 49.147 (1).
13Section 631
. 49.148 (1m) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (c) (intro.) For purposes of the time limits under ss. 49.145 (2) (n)
15and 49.147 (3) (c)
, and (4) (b),
and (5) (b) 2., all of the following apply:
632. 49.148 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) Internet service provider subscriptions. A person who meets the
18eligibility requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3) may apply to the department for
19a monthly amount sufficient to pay the cost of an Internet service provider
20subscription or $57, whichever is lower. An application submitted under this
21subsection shall include documentation of the Internet service provider and the
22monthly cost of the subscription. If the department determines that an applicant is
23eligible, the department shall coordinate with a Wisconsin Works agency to make
24payments on behalf of the person to the appropriate Internet service provider. The
25department may promulgate rules to administer this subsection.
633. 49.155 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (b) The department shall set maximum payment rates for Level I
3certified family child care providers certified under s. 48.651 (1) (a) for services
4provided to eligible individuals under this section. The maximum rates set under
5this paragraph may not exceed
75 percent of the rates established under par. (a).
634. 49.155 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (c) The department shall set maximum payment rates for Level II
8certified family child care providers for services provided to eligible individuals
9under this section. The maximum rates set under this paragraph may not exceed
10percent of the rates established under par. (a).
635. 49.155 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) 1. If a
child care provider is convicted of a serious crime, as defined
13in s. 48.686 (1) (c), or if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1) (ag) 1. a. or a nonclient
14resident, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the person subject to a background check
15under s. 48.686 (2) who operates, works at, or resides at a child care provider is
16convicted or adjudicated delinquent for committing a serious crime
on or after his or
17her 10th birthday, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), or if the department provides written
18notice under s. 48.686 (4p) that the
child care provider, caregiver, or nonclient
19resident person is ineligible
for certification, employment, or residence to operate,
20work at, or reside at the child care provider, the department or the county
21department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23 shall refuse to allow payment to the child
22care provider for any child care provided under this section beginning on the date of
23the conviction or delinquency adjudication.
636. 49.155 (7) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) 2. If a
child care provider is the subject of a pending criminal
2charge alleging that the person has committed a serious crime, as defined in s. 48.686
3(1) (c), or if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1) (ag) 1. or a nonclient resident, as
4defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the person subject to a background check under s.
548.686 (2) who operates, works at, or resides at a child care provider is the subject
6of a pending criminal charge or delinquency petition alleging that the person has
7committed a serious crime
on or after his or her 10th birthday, as defined in s. 48.686
8(1) (c), the department or the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23 shall
suspend refuse to allow payment to the child care provider for any child
10care provided under this section until the department obtains information regarding
11the final disposition of the charge or delinquency petition indicating that the person
12is not ineligible to
receive such a payment operate, work at, or reside at the child care
637. 49.155 (7) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(7) (b) 1. If a person subject to a background check under s. 48.686 (2)
16who operates, works at, or resides at a child care provider has been convicted or
17adjudicated delinquent for committing an offense that is not a serious crime, as
18defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), but the department determines under s. 48.686 (5m) that
19the offense substantially relates to the care of children or the department determines
20that the offense substantially relates to the operation of a business, the department
21or the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23 may refuse to allow
22payment to the child care provider for child care provided under this section.
2. If a person subject to a background check under s. 48.686 (2) who operates,
24works at, or resides at a child care provider is the subject of a pending criminal charge
25or delinquency petition for committing an offense that is not a serious crime, as
1defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), but the department determines under s. 48.686 (5m) that
2the offense substantially relates to the care of children or the department determines
3that the offense substantially relates to the operation of a business, the department
4or the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23 may refuse to allow
5payment to the child care provider for child care provided under this section.
638. 49.159 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) (intro.) An individual who would be eligible under s. 49.145
8except that the individual is the noncustodial parent of a dependent child is eligible
9for services and benefits under par. (b) if the individual is subject to a child support
, the individual satisfies all of the requirements related to substance abuse
11screening, testing, and treatment under s. 49.162 that apply to the individual, and
12any of the following applies to the custodial parent of the dependent child:
639. 49.161 (1) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (title)
Trial employment match program jobs Subsidized
15employment placement overpayments.
640. 49.162 of the statutes is repealed.
641. 49.163 (2) (am) 7. of the statutes is repealed.
642. 49.164 of the statutes is created to read:
1949.164 Transform Milwaukee Jobs for Childless Adults. The department
20shall establish a program identical to the Transform Milwaukee Jobs program under
21s. 49.163 except that a participant is not required to meet the eligibility criterion
22under s. 49.163 (2) (am) 2.