AB765,2,42 (a) Definition. In this subsection, “green bank” means a financial institution
3that uses a combination of public funds and private investment to finance the
4deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
AB765,2,95 (b) Study. The department of administration shall contract with an
6independent consultant with experience in the financing of energy conservation and
7renewable energy projects to produce a study of the prospects, options, benefits, and
8costs of developing a green bank in this state. The study shall analyze, at a
9minimum, all of the following:
AB765,2,11 101. The structure, authorities, duties, and operations of green banks operating
11in other states, including all of the following:
AB765,2,12 12a. The types of projects green banks finance.
AB765,2,15 13b. The process of aggregating multiple small projects into financial
14instruments that are attractive to private lenders, converting those instruments into
15marketable securities, and marketing those securities.
AB765,2,17 16c. How green banks can stimulate demand for capital for projects and can
17supply the capital.
AB765,2,20 18d. The levels of the initial capital provided to green banks from public funds and
19the length of time before the green banks generated sufficient funds to fully pay their
20operating expenses.
AB765,2,21 21e. How green banks can use existing bonding tools.
AB765,2,24 222. Strategies that have the potential to be successful in this state for leveraging
23private capital into the market to increase overall investment in renewable energy
24and energy efficiency projects.
13. The implications of developing a green bank as a public, quasi-public, or
2nonprofit entity.
AB765,3,5 34. Existing energy efficiency and financing programs in this state and the gaps
4that a green bank could most effectively fill, with priority given to the gaps in
5programs provided in low income, minority, and other underserved communities.
AB765,3,7 65. A business plan and timeline outlining start-up operations and milestones
7of a green bank in this state.
AB765,3,9 86. The feasibility and implications of requiring or encouraging green banks to
9give priority to projects in low income, minority, and other underserved communities.
AB765,3,13 107. The implications of a green bank in this state requiring any person who
11receives funding from the green bank to meet, of a green bank giving funding
12preference to persons who meet, and of requiring a green bank in this state to meet
13the following conditions:
AB765,3,14 14a. Maintain a permanent place of business.
AB765,3,15 15b. Be authorized to do business in this state.
AB765,3,17 16c. Not be debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible
17from contracting with any unit of federal, state, or local government.
AB765,3,19 18d. Be in compliance with the provisions of 21 USC 2000e and Federal Executive
19Order No. 11246 as amended by Executive Order No. 11375.
AB765,3,21 20e. Have general liability, worker's compensation, and automobile insurance at
21levels sufficient to protect the public given the size of the project.
AB765,3,24 22f. Have complied with all provisions of the federal Davis-Bacon Act and related
23acts and all rules promulgated under those acts for any projects to which those acts
24applied during the previous 5 years.
1g. For a person conducting a construction or maintenance contract, confirm
2that the person participates in an apprenticeship program that is currently
3registered by the U.S. Department of Labor or a state apprenticeship agency and has
4graduated at least one apprentice to journeyperson status within the last 3 years.
AB765,4,6 5h. Have a written substance abuse prevention program meeting the
6requirements of s. 103.503.
AB765,4,9 7i. Confirm that employees who will perform work on a project are properly
8classified as employees or independent contractors under applicable state and
9federal laws.
AB765,4,11 10j. Confirm that employees who will perform work on a project are covered under
11a current worker's compensation policy and are properly classified under the policy.
AB765,4,12 12k. Have all applicable professional and trade licenses.
AB765,4,14 13l. Have adequate financial resources to complete a project and any other project
14that the person is under contract to complete.
AB765,4,15 15m. Be bondable for the terms of the proposed project.
AB765,4,20 16n. Have a record of satisfactorily completing at least 5 projects of similar size
17and complexity within the last 5 years, based on completion of contracts in
18accordance with drawings and specifications, diligent execution of the work and
19completed contracts according to established time schedules, and fulfillment of
20guarantee requirements of the contract.
AB765,4,21 21o. Maintain a written safety program.
AB765,4,23 22p. Not have received a serious, willful, or repeated violation from the federal
23Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the past 10 years.
1(c) Report. The department of administration shall submit a report on the
2study conducted under this subsection no later than one year after the effective date
3of this paragraph, to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution
4to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3).
AB765,5,55 (End)