AB854,600 7Section 600 . 181.1510 (5) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB854,339,98 181.1510 (5) Service of process, notice, or demand may be made by other means
9under law other than this chapter.
AB854,601 10Section 601 . 181.1520 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB854,339,1511 181.1520 (2) (c) A statement that whether it revokes the authority of its
12registered agent to accept service on its behalf and, in any event, that it also consents
13to service of process under s. 181.1510 (3) and (4) in any civil, criminal,
14administrative or investigatory proceeding based on a cause of action arising during
15the time it was authorized to transact business in this state.
AB854,602 16Section 602 . 181.1533 of the statutes is repealed.
AB854,603 17Section 603. 181.1622 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 181.0214.
AB854,604 18Section 604. 181.1622 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
AB854,605 19Section 605. 181.1622 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB854,606 20Section 606. 181.1622 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 181.0214 (2) and
21amended to read:
AB854,339,2422 181.0214 (2) Information in the annual report shall must be current as of the
23date on which the annual the report is executed on behalf of a domestic signed by the
24corporation or foreign corporation.
AB854,607 25Section 607. 181.1622 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 608. 181.1622 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 181.0214 (3), and
2181.0214 (3) (a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB854,340,73 181.0214 (3) (a) A domestic corporation shall deliver its annual report to the
4department in each year following the calendar year in which the domestic
5corporation was incorporated or domesticated under s. 181.1533 corporation's
6articles of incorporation became effective
, during the calendar year quarter in which
7the anniversary date of incorporation the articles' effective date occurs.
AB854,609 8Section 609. 181.1622 (4) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB854,610 9Section 610. 181.1622 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 181.0214 (4) and
10amended to read:
AB854,340,1711 181.0214 (4) If an annual report does not contain the information required by
12this section, the department promptly shall promptly notify the reporting domestic
13corporation or foreign corporation in writing a record and return the report to it for
14correction. The notice shall comply with s. 181.0141. If the annual report is corrected
15to contain the information required by this section and delivered to the department
16within 30 days after the effective date of the such notice under s. 181.0141 (5), the
17annual report is timely filed.
AB854,611 18Section 611. 181.1622 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB854,612 19Section 612 . 182.01 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB854,341,1520 182.01 (3) Name of drafter on documents. (intro.) No articles of
21incorporation, articles of organization, articles of amendment, articles of merger,
22consolidation or share, interest exchange, conversion, or domestication, articles of
23dissolution, restated articles of incorporation, certificate of abandonment, or
24statement or articles of revocation of voluntary dissolution, provided for pursuant to
25ch. 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, or 193; no articles of organization, amended or restated

1articles of organization, statement of dissolution, statement of rescission of
2dissolution or statement of withdrawal of a statement of dissolution, articles of
3merger, conversion, interest exchange, or domestication, or statement of
4abandonment, provided for pursuant to ch. 183;
no statement of qualification or
5amendment or cancellation of a statement of qualification under s. 178.0901 or
6articles of merger, interest exchange, conversion, or domestication under ch. 178;
7and no certificate of limited partnership, certificate of amendment, restated or
certificate of limited partnership or certificate of cancellation, statement
9of dissolution, statement of termination, or articles of merger, interest exchange,
10conversion, or domestication
, provided for pursuant to ch. 179, shall be filed by the
11department unless the name of the individual who, or the governmental agency
12which, drafted such document is printed, typewritten, stamped or written thereon
13in a legible manner. A document complies with this subsection if it contains a
14statement in the following form: “This document was drafted by.... (Name)". This
15subsection shall not apply to a document executed prior to December 1, 1967, or to:
AB854,613 16Section 613 . Chapter 183 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB854,341,1717 CHAPTER 183
AB854,341,1919 COMPANY law
AB854,341,2020 subchapter I
AB854,341,2121 general provisions
AB854,341,23 22183.0101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the
23“Wisconsin Uniform Limited Liability Company Law."
AB854,341,24 24183.0102 Definitions. In this chapter:
1(1) “Articles of organization" means the articles required by s. 183.0201. The
2term includes the articles as amended or restated.
AB854,342,3 3(1m) “Business" includes every trade, occupation, and profession.
AB854,342,6 4(2) “Contribution," except in the phrase “right of contribution," means property
5or a benefit described in s. 183.0402 which is provided by a person to a limited
6liability company to become a member or in the person's capacity as a member.
AB854,342,8 7(3) “Debtor in bankruptcy" means a person that is the subject of any of the
AB854,342,109 (a) An order for relief under Title 11, USC, or a comparable order under a
10successor statute of general application.
AB854,342,1211 (b) A comparable order under federal, state, or foreign law governing
AB854,342,13 13(3m) “Department" means the department of financial institutions.
AB854,342,17 14(4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), “distribution" means a transfer of money
15or other property from a limited liability company to a person on account of a
16transferable interest or in the person's capacity as a member. The term includes all
17of the following:
AB854,342,1918 1. A redemption or other purchase by a limited liability company of a
19transferable interest.
AB854,342,2320 2. A transfer to a member in return for the member's relinquishment of any
21right to participate as a member in the management or conduct of the company's
22activities and affairs or have access to records or other information concerning the
23company's activities and affairs.
AB854,343,324 (b) “Distribution" does not include amounts constituting reasonable
25compensation for present or past service, payments made in the ordinary course of

1business under a bona fide retirement plan or other bona fide benefits program, or
2other payments made to members for good and valuable consideration other than in
3their capacity as members.
AB854,343,5 4(4c) “Domestic" means, with respect to an entity, an entity whose governing
5law is the law of this state.
AB854,343,7 6(4j) “Electronic" means relating to technology having electronic, digital,
7magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.
AB854,343,8 8(4p) “Entity" means a person other than an individual.
AB854,343,10 9(4t) “Foreign" means, with respect to an entity, an entity whose governing law
10is other than the law of this state.
AB854,343,13 11(5) “Foreign limited liability company" means an association that would be a
12limited liability company subject to this chapter but for the fact that its governing
13law is not the law of this state.
AB854,343,15 14(5g) “General cooperative association" means, with respect to a Wisconsin
15cooperative, a cooperative organized under ch. 185.
AB854,343,20 16(5m) “Governing law" means, with respect to an entity, the law of the
17jurisdiction that collectively governs its internal affairs and the liability of the
18persons associated with the entity for a debt, obligation, or other liability of the entity
19under s. 183.0104 or the corresponding applicable law with respect to entities other
20than domestic limited liability companies.
AB854,343,22 21(5p) “Individual" includes the estate of an individual adjudicated incompetent
22or a deceased individual.
AB854,343,24 23(6) “Jurisdiction," used to refer to a political entity, means the United States,
24a state, a foreign country, or a political subdivision of a foreign country.
1(7m) “Limited cooperative association" means, with respect to a Wisconsin
2cooperative, a cooperative organized under ch. 193.
AB854,344,5 3(8) “Limited liability company," except in the phrase “foreign limited liability
4company" and in subch. X, means an entity formed under this chapter or which
5becomes subject to this chapter under subch. X or s. 183.0110.
AB854,344,8 6(9) “Manager" means a person that under the operating agreement of a
7manager-managed limited liability company is responsible, alone or in concert with
8others, for performing the management functions stated in s. 183.0407 (3).
AB854,344,10 9(10) “Manager-managed limited liability company" means a limited liability
10company that qualifies under s. 183.0407 (1).
AB854,344,11 11(11) “Member" means a person to whom all of the following apply:
AB854,344,1412 (a) The person has become a member of a limited liability company under s.
13183.0401 or was a member in a company when the company became subject to this
14chapter under s. 183.0110.
AB854,344,1515 (b) The person has not dissociated under s. 183.0602.
AB854,344,17 16(12) “Member-managed limited liability company" means a limited liability
17company that is not a manager-managed limited liability company.
AB854,344,22 18(13) “Operating agreement" means the agreement, whether or not referred to
19as an operating agreement and whether oral, implied, in a record, or in any
20combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a
21sole member, concerning the matters described in s. 183.0105 (1). The term includes
22the agreement as amended or restated.
AB854,344,24 23(14) “Organizer" means a person that acts under s. 183.0201 to form a limited
24liability company.
1(15) “Person" means an individual, business corporation, nonprofit or nonstock
2corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, general
3cooperative association, limited cooperative association, unincorporated association,
4statutory trust, business trust, common-law business trust, estate, trust,
5association, joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental
6subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
AB854,345,9 7(16) “Principal office" means the principal executive office of a limited liability
8company or foreign limited liability company, whether or not the office is located in
9this state.
AB854,345,11 10(17) “Property" means all property, whether real, personal, or mixed or tangible
11or intangible, or any right or interest therein.
AB854,345,14 12(18) “Record," used as a noun, means information that is inscribed on a tangible
13medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in
14perceivable form.
AB854,345,17 15(19) “Registered agent" means an agent of a limited liability company or
16foreign limited liability company that is authorized to receive service of any process,
17notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the company.
AB854,345,20 18(20) “Registered foreign limited liability company" means a foreign limited
19liability company that is registered to do business in this state pursuant to a
20statement of registration filed by the department.
AB854,345,22 21(21) “Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record, any
22of the following:
AB854,345,2323 (a) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol.
AB854,345,2524 (b) To attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol,
25sound, or process.
1(22) “State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto
2Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the
3jurisdiction of the United States.
AB854,346,4 4(23) “Transfer" includes all of the following:
AB854,346,55 (a) An assignment.
AB854,346,66 (b) A conveyance.
AB854,346,77 (c) A sale.
AB854,346,88 (d) A lease.
AB854,346,99 (e) An encumbrance, including a mortgage or security interest.
AB854,346,1010 (f) A gift.
AB854,346,1111 (g) A transfer by operation of law.
AB854,346,15 12(24) “Transferable interest" means the right, as initially owned by a person in
13the person's capacity as a member, to receive distributions from a limited liability
14company, whether or not the person remains a member or continues to own any part
15of the right. The term applies to any fraction of the interest, by whomever owned.
AB854,346,18 16(25) “Transferee" means a person to which all or part of a transferable interest
17has been transferred, whether or not the transferor is a member. The term includes
18a person that owns a transferable interest under s. 183.0603 (1) (c).
AB854,346,20 19(26) “Written operating agreement" means an operating agreement, or part
20thereof, that is set forth in a record.
AB854,346,22 21183.0103 Knowledge; notice. (1) A person knows a fact if any of the following
AB854,346,2323 (a) The person has actual knowledge of the fact.
AB854,346,2424 (b) The person is deemed to know the fact under law other than this chapter.
AB854,346,25 25(2) A person has notice of a fact if any of the following applies:
1(a) The person has reason to know the fact from all the facts known to the
2person at the time in question.
AB854,347,33 (b) The person is deemed to have notice of the fact under sub. (2m) or (4) (b).
AB854,347,7 4(2m) A statement of authority under s. 183.0302 or statement of denial under
5s. 183.0303 on file in the office of the department is notice of the matters identified
6in such statements. Except as otherwise provided in sub. (4), such statements are
7not notice of any other fact.
AB854,347,10 8(3) Subject to s. 183.0210 (6), a person notifies another person of a fact by taking
9steps reasonably required to inform the other person in ordinary course, whether or
10not those steps cause the other person to know the fact.
AB854,347,12 11(4) (a) A person not a member is deemed to know of a limitation on authority
12to transfer real property as provided in s. 183.0302 (7).
AB854,347,1413 (b) A person not a member is deemed to have notice of all of the following as
AB854,347,1615 1. A limited liability company's dissolution 90 days after a statement of
16dissolution under s. 183.0702 (2) (b) 1. becomes effective.