For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB882,1 1Section 1. 36.11 (22m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB882,2,42 36.11 (22m) Reasonable accommodations for victims of sexual violence and
(a) In this subsection, “sexual violence and harassment” means any of
4the following acts:
SB882,2,55 1. Sexual harassment, as defined in s. 111.32 (13).
SB882,2,66 2. Sexual assault, as prohibited under s. 940.225.
SB882,2,77 3. Stalking, as prohibited under s. 940.32.
SB882,2,88 4. Domestic abuse, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (am).
SB882,2,139 (b) The board shall direct each institution and college campus to ensure the
10safety and continued access to education of each student who has been a victim of
11sexual violence and harassment by providing student victims of sexual violence and
12harassment with reasonable accommodations. Accommodations must be offered in
13the following areas, to the extent that they are reasonably available:
SB882,2,1414 1. Housing or residential accommodations.
SB882,2,1515 2. Campus escorts.
SB882,2,1616 3. Academic accommodations.
SB882,2,1717 4. Transportation arrangements.
SB882,2,1818 5. Mental health and disability services.
SB882,2,1919 6. Student loan counseling, for a student who wishes to withdraw.
SB882,2,2020 7. Campus employment accommodations.
SB882,2,2121 8. Access or referral to medical care either on campus or in the community.
19. Victim advocate resources.
SB882,3,92 (c) 1. Each institution and college campus shall notify a student victim of the
3student victim's right to accommodations under par. (b) as soon as the student
4reports the sexual violence and harassment to the institution or college campus, the
5institution or college campus becomes aware that the student filed a report of sexual
6violence and harassment, or notice is received by the institution or college campus
7from a law enforcement agency that the student filed a report of sexual violence and
8harassment, regardless of whether the student victim pursues a formal investigation
9through the institution or college campus or a law enforcement agency.
SB882,3,1310 2. Each institution and college campus shall grant a student victim
11accommodations under par. (b) upon the student's request for such accommodations,
12regardless of whether the student victim pursues a formal investigation through the
13institution or college campus or a law enforcement agency.
SB882,3,1614 3. An institution or college campus may not impose any additional fees or
15academic penalties on a student victim in response to making accommodations
16under par. (b).
SB882,3,1917 (d) Nothing in this subsection prevents an institution or college campus from
18imposing sanctions on a perpetrator as a result of disciplinary proceedings conducted
19by the institution or college campus.
SB882,2 20Section 2 . 38.12 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
SB882,3,2321 38.12 (16) Reasonable accommodations for victims of sexual violence and
(a) In this subsection, “sexual violence and harassment” means any of
23the following acts:
SB882,3,2424 1. Sexual harassment, as defined in s. 111.32 (13).
SB882,3,2525 2. Sexual assault, as prohibited under s. 940.225.
13. Stalking, as prohibited under s. 940.32.
SB882,4,22 4. Domestic abuse, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (am).
SB882,4,73 (b) Each district board shall ensure the safety and continued access to
4education of each student of a technical college in the district who has been a victim
5of sexual violence and harassment by providing student victims of sexual violence
6and harassment with reasonable accommodations. Accommodations must be offered
7in the following areas, to the extent that they are reasonably available:
SB882,4,88 1. Housing or residential accommodations.
SB882,4,99 2. Campus escorts.
SB882,4,1010 3. Academic accommodations.
SB882,4,1111 4. Transportation arrangements.
SB882,4,1212 5. Mental health and disability services.
SB882,4,1313 6. Student loan counseling, for a student who wishes to withdraw.
SB882,4,1414 7. Campus employment accommodations.
SB882,4,1515 8. Access or referral to medical care either on campus or in the community.
SB882,4,1616 9. Victim advocate resources.
SB882,4,2417 (c) 1. Each district board shall notify a student victim of the student victim's
18right to accommodations under par. (b) as soon as the student reports the sexual
19violence and harassment to a technical college in the district, the technical college
20becomes aware that the student filed a report of sexual violence and harassment, or
21notice is received by the technical college from a law enforcement agency that the
22student filed a report of sexual violence and harassment, regardless of whether the
23student victim pursues a formal investigation through the technical college or a law
24enforcement agency.
12. Each district board shall grant a student victim accommodations under par.
2(b) upon the student's request for such accommodations, regardless of whether the
3student victim pursues a formal investigation through the technical college or a law
4enforcement agency.
SB882,5,65 3. A district board may not impose any additional fees or academic penalties
6on a student victim in response to making accommodations under par. (b).
SB882,5,97 (d) Nothing in this subsection prevents a district board from imposing
8sanctions on a perpetrator as a result of disciplinary proceedings conducted by the
9district board.
SB882,3 10Section 3 . Initial applicability.
SB882,5,1211 (1) This act first applies to the academic year beginning after the effective date
12of this subsection.
SB882,5,1313 (End)