AB147,14,2523 2. The cybersecurity event is any of the following and the licensee reasonably
24believes that the cybersecurity event involves the nonpublic information of at least
25250 consumers:
1a. A cybersecurity event for which notice is required to be provided to a
2government body, self-regulatory agency, or other supervisory entity under state or
3federal law.
AB147,15,54 b. A cybersecurity event that has a reasonable likelihood of materially harming
5a consumer or a material part of the normal operations of the licensee.
AB147,15,96 (b) A licensee shall provide the notification under par. (a) in electronic form and
7as promptly as possible, but no later than 3 business days from the determination
8that the cybersecurity event occurred. In the notification, the licensee shall provide
9as much of the following information as possible:
AB147,15,1110 1. The date and source of the cybersecurity event and the time period during
11which information systems were compromised by the cybersecurity event.
AB147,15,1212 2. A description of how the cybersecurity event was discovered.
AB147,15,1513 3. A description of how the nonpublic information was exposed, lost, stolen, or
14breached and an explanation of how the information has been, or is in the process
15of being, recovered.
AB147,15,1816 4. A description of the specific data elements, including types of medical,
17financial, and personally identifiable information, that were acquired without
AB147,15,1919 5. The number of consumers affected by the cybersecurity event.
AB147,15,2120 6. A description of efforts to address the circumstances that allowed the
21cybersecurity event to occur.
AB147,15,2322 7. The results of any internal review related to the cybersecurity event,
23including the identification of a lapse in automated controls or internal procedures.
18. Whether the licensee notified a government body, self-regulatory agency, or
2other supervisory entity of the cybersecurity event and, if applicable, the date the
3notification was provided.
AB147,16,64 9. A copy of the licensee's privacy policy and a statement outlining the steps the
5licensee will take, or has taken, to investigate and notify consumers affected by the
6cybersecurity event.
AB147,16,87 10. The name of a contact person who is familiar with the cybersecurity event
8and authorized to act for the licensee.
AB147,16,119 (c) The licensee shall update and supplement the information provided under
10par. (b) to address material changes to the information as additional information
11becomes available to the licensee.
AB147,16,21 12(2) Notice to consumers and producers of record. A licensee required to
13notify the commissioner under sub. (1) shall comply with s. 134.98, if applicable, and
14provide to the commissioner a copy of any notice sent under s. 134.98 (2). If the
15licensee is an insurer whose services are accessed by consumers through an
16independent insurance producer, the licensee shall notify the producer of record of
17any consumers affected by the cybersecurity event no later than the date at which
18notice is provided under s. 134.98, except that notice is not required to a producer of
19record who is not authorized by law or contract to sell, solicit, or negotiate on behalf
20of the licensee or if the licensee does not have the current producer of record
21information for a consumer.
AB147,17,3 22(3) Third-party service providers. If the licensee has knowledge of a
23cybersecurity event involving an information system maintained by a 3rd-party
24service provider, the licensee shall provide notice to the commissioner no later than
253 days after the earlier of the date the 3rd-party service provider notifies the licensee

1of the cybersecurity event or the licensee has actual knowledge of the cybersecurity
2event. The licensee is not required to comply with this subsection if the 3rd-party
3service provider provides notice under sub. (1).
AB147,17,14 4(4) Reinsurers. In the event of a cybersecurity event involving nonpublic
5information, or involving an information system maintained by a 3rd-party service
6provider, a licensee who is acting as an assuming insurer and who does not have a
7direct contractual relationship with consumers affected by the cybersecurity event
8shall notify the ceding insurer and the commissioner of the licensee's state of domicile
9of the cybersecurity event no later than 3 business days after learning of the
10cybersecurity event. The licensee shall have no other notice obligations relating to
11a cybersecurity event or other data breach under this section or any other law of this
12state. A ceding insurer who has a direct contractual relationship with the affected
13consumers shall comply with the notification requirements under this section and,
14if applicable, the requirements under s. 134.98.
AB147,8 15Section 8. 601.955 of the statutes is created to read:
AB147,17,19 16601.955 Confidentiality. (1) All of the following apply to documents,
17materials, and other information in the possession or control of the commissioner
18that are obtained by, created by, or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person
19under this subchapter:
AB147,17,2120 (a) The documents, materials, and other information are considered
21proprietary and contain trade secrets.
AB147,17,2322 (b) The documents, materials, and other information are confidential and
23privileged, and the privilege may not be constructively waived.
AB147,17,2524 (c) The documents, materials, and other information are not open to inspection
25or copying under s. 19.35 (1).
1(d) The documents, materials, and other information are not subject to
2subpoena or discovery and are not admissible as evidence in a private civil action.
AB147,18,53 (e) The commissioner may use the documents, materials, and other
4information in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of
5the commissioner's official duties.
AB147,18,76 (f) The commissioner may not make the documents, materials, or other
7information public without first obtaining written consent of the licensee.
AB147,18,108 (g) Neither the commissioner nor any person who received the documents,
9materials, or other information may testify or be required to testify in any private
10civil action regarding the documents, materials, or other information.
AB147,18,23 11(2) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the commissioner may share, upon request, the
12documents, materials, or other information with other state, federal, and
13international financial regulatory agencies if the recipient agrees in writing to
14maintain the confidentiality and privileged status of the documents, materials, or
15other information and has verified that it has the legal authority to maintain
16confidentiality. The commissioner may receive documents, materials, or other
17information related to this subchapter from other state, federal, and international
18financial regulatory agencies and shall maintain as confidential or privileged any
19documents, materials, or other information that is treated as confidential or
20privileged under the laws of the jurisdiction that is the source of the documents,
21materials, or other information. The sharing of documents under this subsection
22does not constitute a delegation of regulatory authority and does not act as a waiver
23of privilege.
AB147,19,3 24(3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the commissioner may share the documents,
25materials, or other information under this section with a 3rd-party consultant or

1vendor if the consultant or vendor agrees in writing to maintain the confidentiality
2and privileged status of the documents, materials, and other information shared
3under this section.
AB147,19,7 4(4) Nothing in this subchapter prohibits the commissioner from releasing final,
5adjudicated actions that are open to public inspection to a database or other
6clearinghouse service maintained by the National Association of Insurance
7Commissioners, its affiliates, or subsidiaries.
AB147,9 8Section 9. 601.956 of the statutes is created to read:
AB147,19,15 9601.956 Enforcement. The commissioner shall have the power to examine
10and investigate the affairs of any licensee to determine whether the licensee has
11engaged in conduct in violation of this subchapter and to take action that is necessary
12or appropriate to enforce the provisions of this subchapter. This power is in addition
13to the powers that the commissioner has under subch. IV of this chapter. An
14investigation or examination under this section shall be conducted under subchs. IV
15and V of this chapter.
AB147,10 16Section 10. Effective date.
AB147,19,1817 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after
AB147,19,1919 (End)