AB378,4,8 8a. One individual who represents a rural school board.
AB378,4,10 9b. One individual who represents an entity that may authorize a charter school
10under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x).
AB378,4,11 118. All of the following appointed by the majority leader of the senate:
AB378,4,12 12a. One individual who represents an urban school board.
AB378,4,14 13b. One individual who represents a charter school authorized under s. 118.40
AB378,4,16 159. One individual who is a school district administrator, appointed by the
AB378,4,2017 (d) Duties; advisory committee. By no later than April 15, 2023, the advisory
18committee shall submit to the department an advisory report on the contents and
19design of the financial information portal. In the advisory report, the committee
20shall include recommendations to the department on all of the following:
AB378,4,23 211. The categories of information that will be accessible to the public through
22the financial information portal. In developing the recommendations under this
23subdivision, the committee shall consider at least all of the following categories:
AB378,4,24 24a. Instructional programming.
AB378,4,25 25b. Instructional personnel.
1c. Instructional operations.
AB378,5,2 2d. Facility maintenance and operations.
AB378,5,3 3e. Pupil transportation.
AB378,5,4 4f. School administration.
AB378,5,5 5g. System administration.
AB378,5,6 6h. Staff development or professional development.
AB378,5,7 7i. Pension and health care costs.
AB378,5,8 8j. Pupil participation in open enrollment under s. 118.51.
AB378,5,9 9k. Pupil participation in part-time open enrollment under s. 118.52.
AB378,5,10 10l. Pupil participation in the early college credit program under s. 118.55.
AB378,5,14 112. For each category recommended under subd. 1., the financial data that will
12be accessible to the public through the financial information portal. In developing
13recommendations under this subdivision, the advisory committee shall consider at
14least all of the following for each category:
AB378,5,15 15a. The total amount of local, state, and federal funds received.
AB378,5,17 16b. For state funds received, the appropriation or program from which the funds
17were disbursed.
AB378,5,18 18c. The costs and expenditures related to pupil enrollment.
AB378,5,19 19d. The per pupil and per school costs.
AB378,5,23 203. On whether the department's hardware, software, data collection methods,
21training, maintenance, communications, data security, and installation
22specifications for reporting information are appropriate for the financial information
23portal, as recommended by the advisory committee.
AB378,6,2 244. The resources necessary to implement and maintain the financial
25information portal, as recommended by the advisory committee, and to what extent

1the department can implement and maintain the financial information portal with
2its existing resources.
AB378,6,43 (e) Duties; department. By no later than 45 days after receiving the advisory
4report under par. (d), the department shall do all of the following:
AB378,6,8 51. Respond in writing to the advisory committee as to whether the department
6will implement each recommendation in the advisory report. If the department
7responds that it will not implement a recommendation in the advisory report, the
8department shall include its reasons for not implementing the recommendation.
AB378,6,10 92. Deliver a copy of the response under subd. 1 . and a copy of the advisory report
10the department received under par. (d ) to the joint committee on finance.
AB378,6,2211 (f) Review by the joint committee on finance. If the cochairpersons of the joint
12committee on finance do not notify the department that the committee has scheduled
13a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the department's response to the advisory
14report within 14 working days after the date of receipt of the department's response
15under par. (e) 2., the department may implement the recommendations, as modified
16in the department's response. If, within 14 working days after the date of the
17department's response, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department
18that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
19department's response to the recommendations made in the advisory report under
20par. (d), the department may not implement any of the recommendations until the
21committee approves the department's plan to implement or reject each
22recommendation in the advisory report.
AB378,6,2323 (g) Implementation of recommendations; department.
AB378,7,3 241. Except as provided in subd. 2., the department shall implement the
25recommendations related to the financial information portal, including any

1modifications approved under par. (f ), by no later than the first day of the 13th month
2following the date on which the department may implement the recommendations
3under par. (f).
AB378,7,5 42. The department may delay providing financial information for schools in the
5financial information portal until the 2024-25 school year.
AB378,7,66 (h) Termination. The advisory committee terminates on January 1, 2025.
AB378,7,77 (End)