2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
January 6, 2022 - Introduced by Representatives Baldeh, Goyke, Hong, Stubbs,
Conley, Andraca, Snodgrass, Shelton, Anderson, Brostoff,
Cabral-Guevara, Considine, Drake, Emerson, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein,
Moore Omokunde, B. Meyers, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Pope, Sinicki,
Spreitzer, Subeck, Vining and Vruwink, cosponsored by Senators Johnson,
Agard, Carpenter and Roys. Referred to Committee on Corrections.
AB821,1,7 1An Act to renumber and amend 301.105; to amend 20.410 (1) (gt); to repeal
2and recreate
301.105 (title); and to create 301.105 (1g) and (2m) of the
3statutes; relating to: intrastate telecommunications service and video
4communication service initiated from a telephone or video communication
5device designated for use by inmates in a jail or state prison, extending the time
6limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency
7rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill prohibits the Department of Corrections and counties from entering
into contracts for intrastate telecommunications service or video communication
service that is initiated from a telephone or video communication device designated
for use by inmates in a jail or state prison (inmate telephone or video communication
service) if those contracts do not comply with rules promulgated by DOC.
The bill requires DOC to promulgate rules regarding the rates, tolls, and
charges and the terms and conditions of inmate telephone or video communication
service. Under the bill, these rules must follow the principle that inmates, whether
convicted or awaiting trial, who place telephone calls or initiate video
communication, and persons receiving telephone calls or video communication from
inmates, should not be subject to rates, tolls, and charges that exceed those that

major, national prepaid wireless telephone providers charge their customers. The
bill also prohibits any rate, toll, or charge from being imposed for a telephone call or
video communication with an inmate's attorney placed from a telephone or video
communication device designated for use by inmates.
Before a county may enter into a contract for inmate telephone or video
communication service, the bill requires the county to submit the contract to DOC
for approval. Under the bill, DOC may not approve such a contract unless it complies
with its rules. The bill provides that a county contract entered into without prior
DOC approval is void.
Under the bill, a DOC contract for inmate telephone or video communication
service that violates DOC rules is void.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB821,1 1Section 1 . 20.410 (1) (gt) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB821,2,42 20.410 (1) (gt) Telephone company commissions. The amounts in the schedule
3to purchase for inmates. All moneys received under s. 301.105 (2) (1m) (b) shall be
4credited to this appropriation account.
AB821,2 5Section 2. 301.105 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB821,2,7 6301.105 (title) Inmate telecommunications and video communication
AB821,3 8Section 3 . 301.105 of the statutes is renumbered 301.105 (1m), and 301.105
9(1m) (a) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB821,2,1110 301.105 (1m) (a) Deposit two-thirds of all moneys collected under this section
11subsection in the general fund as general purpose revenue-earned.
AB821,2,1312 (b) Credit one-third of all moneys collected under this section subsection to the
13appropriation account under s. 20.410 (1) (gt).
AB821,4 14Section 4 . 301.105 (1g) and (2m) of the statutes are created to read:
AB821,2,1515 301.105 (1g) In this section:
1(a) “Inmate telephone or video communication service” means intrastate
2telecommunications service or video communication service that is initiated from a
3telephone or video communication device designated for use by inmates in a jail or
AB821,3,55 (b) “Telecommunications provider” has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (8p).
AB821,3,76 (c) “Video communication device” means a device that allows the use of video
7communication service.
AB821,3,98 (d) “Video communication service” means synchronous 2-way video
9communication over the Internet.
AB821,3,1110 (e) “Video communication service provider" means any person who provides
11video communication service.
AB821,3,16 12(2m) (a) The department may not enter into a contract with a
13telecommunications provider or video communication service provider to provide
14inmate telephone or video communication service unless the contract complies with
15rules promulgated by the department under par. (c). A contract entered into in
16violation of this paragraph is void.
AB821,3,2217 (b) A county may not enter into a contract with a telecommunications provider
18or video communication service provider to provide inmate telephone or video
19communication service unless the county submits the contract to the department for
20approval. The department may not approve a county contract under this paragraph
21unless the contract complies with rules promulgated by the department under par.
22(c). A contract entered into in violation of this paragraph is void.
AB821,4,523 (c) The department shall promulgate rules governing the rates, tolls, and
24charges and the terms and conditions of inmate telephone or video communication
25service. In promulgating these rules, the department shall follow the general

1principle that inmates, whether convicted or awaiting trial, who place telephone
2calls or initiate video communication, and persons who receive telephone calls or
3video communication from inmates, should not be subject to rates, tolls, and charges
4that exceed those that are charged to customers of major, national prepaid wireless
5telephone providers.
AB821,4,76 (d) The department shall do all of the following in the rules promulgated under
7par. (c):
AB821,4,108 1. Prohibit the imposition of any rate, toll, or charge for a telephone call or video
9communication with an inmate's attorney placed from a telephone or video
10communication device designated for use by inmates in a jail or prison.
AB821,4,1211 2. Require reasonable disclosure of all rates, tolls, and charges for inmate
12telephone or video communication service to the party that is billed for the service.
AB821,5 13Section 5 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB821,4,2214 (1) The department of corrections may promulgate emergency rules under s.
15227.24 to implement s. 301.105 (2m). Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2),
16emergency rules promulgated under this subsection remain in effect until January
171, 2024, or the date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner.
18Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required to provide
19evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is
20necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
21not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
AB821,6 23Section 6 . Initial applicability.
AB821,5,524 (1) The renumbering and amendment of s. 301.105, the repeal and recreation
25of s. 301.105 (title), and the creation of s. 301.105 (1g) and (2m) first apply to a

1contract entered into between the department of corrections and a
2telecommunications provider, as defined in s. 301.105 (1g) (b), or video
3communication service provider, as defined in s. 301.105 (1g) (e), or between a county
4and a telecommunications provider or video communication service provider on July
51, 2023.
AB821,5,106 (2) The rules promulgated under s. 301.105 (2m) first apply to a contract
7entered into between the department of corrections and a telecommunications
8provider, as defined in s. 301.105 (1g) (b), or video communication service provider,
9as defined in s. 301.105 (1g) (e), or between a county and a telecommunications
10provider or video communication service provider on July 1, 2023.
AB821,5,1111 (End)