AB947,3,94 (c) If any designated foreign mission of China has been and continues to be
5established at or recognized by any institution on the effective date of this paragraph
6.... [LRB inserts date], the board shall develop and implement a plan to ensure that
7the designated foreign mission of China does not remain established at or recognized
8by the institution after the first day of the 13th month beginning after the effective
9date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
AB947,2 10Section 2. 36.11 (62) of the statutes is created to read:
AB947,3,1411 36.11 (62) Prohibition of Chinese Communist Party propaganda programs.
12The board shall identify, report on, and immediately end any cultural exchange
13programs consistent with those identified by the federal department of state as
14Chinese Communist Party propaganda tools.
AB947,3 15Section 3 . 36.11 (63) of the statutes is created to read:
AB947,3,1616 36.11 (63) Communist Chinese recruitment programs. (a) In this subsection:
AB947,3,2217 1. “Communist Chinese recruitment program” means a program established
18by the government of China, including the Thousand Talents Program, the Overseas
19High-Level Talent Recruitment Program, and the National High-End Foreign
20Experts Recruitment Plan, to recruit or partner with scientists, scholars, and other
21experts by offering them benefits or privileges, such as concurrent or short-term
22appointments at Chinese institutions or Chinese research laboratories.
AB947,3,2323 2. “Government of China” means any of the following:
AB947,3,2424 a. The Communist Party of China.
1b. The People's Republic of China or any governmental unit of the People's
2Republic of China or of a province, region, or other political subdivision of the People's
3Republic of China.
AB947,4,54 c. Any instrumentality of the People's Republic of China or of the Communist
5Party of China.
AB947,4,96 3. “Participate” means a person's entering into a written agreement with a
7Chinese institution, Chinese research laboratory, or the government of China that
8confers upon the person benefits or privileges associated with, or membership in, a
9Communist Chinese recruitment program.
AB947,4,1210 (b) Subject to par. (c), after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts
11date], no system employee or student may participate in a Communist Chinese
12recruitment program.
AB947,4,1713 (c) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., not later than 6 months after the effective
14date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], any system employee or student who
15is participating in a Communist Chinese recruitment program on the effective date
16of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], shall terminate the employee's or student's
17participation in the Communist Chinese recruitment program.
AB947,4,2518 2. The chancellor of an institution may provide an extension of the deadline
19under subd. 1. for no more than 6 months for employees assigned to the institution
20and students enrolled in the institution to terminate participation in the Communist
21Chinese recruitment program if the chancellor believes that these employees and
22students are attempting to comply with the termination requirement under subd. 1.
23and the chancellor is confident that participation in the Communist Chinese
24recruitment program for the period of the extension will not pose a risk to research
25or reputational interests of the system.
1Section 4. 36.65 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 36.65 (1) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
AB947,5,33 36.65 (1) Definition Definitions. (intro.) In this section, “ chancellor":
AB947,5,4 4(a) “Chancellor” means the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
AB947,5 5Section 5. 36.65 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB947,5,76 36.65 (1) (b) “Designated foreign mission of China” has the meaning given in
7s. 36.11 (61) (a).
AB947,6 8Section 6. 36.65 (2) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
AB947,5,109 36.65 (2) (j) Funding from certain designated foreign missions. The amount
10and source of funding received from any designated foreign mission of China.
AB947,7 11Section 7. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB947,5,2212 (1) Report identifying Chinese propaganda programs. No later than the first
13day of the 7th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection or the
14beginning of the next academic year after the effective date of this subsection,
15whichever is earlier, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
16shall submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution
17to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3). The report shall identify
18any institution program consistent with those identified by the U.S. state
19department as Chinese Communist Party propaganda tools and the methods that
20the board has used to comply with s. 36.11 (62). If the board concludes that no
21institution has, or has had, a program consistent with that described in s. 36.11 (62),
22the report shall state this.
AB947,5,2323 (2) Communist Chinese recruitment programs.
AB947,5,2424 (a) In this subsection:
11. “Communist Chinese recruitment program” has the meaning given in s.
236.11 (63) (a) 1.
AB947,6,4 32. “Institution” has the meaning given in s. 36.05 (9), and includes any branch
4campus of the institution.
AB947,6,5 53. “Participate” has the meaning given in s. 36.11 (63) (a) 3.
AB947,6,6 64. “System” has the meaning given in s. 36.05 (12).
AB947,6,137 (b) Not later than 4 weeks after the effective date of this paragraph, the
8chancellor of each institution shall inform all employees assigned to the institution
9and students enrolled in the institution of the prohibition under s. 36.11 (63) (b) and
10shall require that, not later than 8 weeks after the effective date of this paragraph,
11these employees and students disclose to the chancellor, if applicable, the employee's
12or student's participation in any Communist Chinese recruitment program and
13provide a complete copy of any related contract.
AB947,6,1914 (c) Not later than 8 weeks after the effective date of this paragraph, any system
15employee or student who is participating in a Communist Chinese recruitment
16program on the effective date of this paragraph shall disclose to the chancellor of the
17institution to which the employee is assigned or the student is enrolled the
18employee's or student's participation in the Communist Chinese recruitment
19program and provide a complete copy of any related contract.
AB947,8 20Section 8. Initial applicability.
AB947,6,2321 (1) Report on funding received from designated foreign missions of China.
22The treatment of s. 36.65 (2) (j) first applies to a report submitted under s. 36.65 (2)
23at least 30 days after the effective date of this subsection.
AB947,6,2424 (End)