1An Act to create 20.932 of the statutes; relating to: state and local
2governmental use of certain mobile or online software applications and
3electronic devices.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under this bill, no official, employee, or contractor of a state agency or local
governmental unit, other than a law enforcement officer for law enforcement
purposes, may access or use a mobile or online software application prohibited under
the bill, as specified below, using an electronic device that is owned, operated, or
leased by a state agency or local governmental unit. Additionally, the bill prohibits
any state agency or local governmental unit from owning, operating, or leasing any
electronic device prohibited under the bill.
The bill provides that all of the following mobile or online software applications
and their successor applications and all mobile or online software applications and
all electronic devices manufactured, developed, owned, or provided by the following
entities, or a parent, subsidiary, or successor of the entity, are prohibited software
applications and devices:
1. TikTok.
2. ByteDance Limited.
3. Huawei Technologies.
4. ZTE Corporation.
5. Hytera Communications Corporation.
6. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company.

7. Zhejiang Dahua Technology Company.
8. Tencent QQ.
9. QQ Wallet.
10. WeChat.
11. Tencent Holdings.
12. Alibaba Group.
13. AliPay.
14. Kaspersky Lab.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 20.932 of the statutes is created to read:
220.932 Ban on mobile or online software applications and electronic
3devices deemed cybersecurity threats.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
4 (a) “Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision, a special purpose
5district, an agency or corporation of a political subdivision or special purpose district,
6a school district, or a combination or subunit of any of the foregoing, in this state.
7 (b) “State agency" means an association, authority, board, department,
8commission, independent agency, institution, system, office, society, or other body in
9state government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law.
10(2) Ban. (a) No official, employee, or contractor of a state agency or local
11governmental unit, other than a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 967.02 (5),
12for law enforcement purposes, may access or use a mobile or online software
13application prohibited under sub. (3) using an electronic device that is owned,
14operated, or leased by a state agency or local governmental unit.
15 (b) No state agency or local governmental unit may own, operate, or lease any
16electronic device prohibited under sub. (3).
17(3) Prohibited applications and electronic devices. All of the following
18mobile or online software applications and their successor applications and all

1mobile or online software applications and all electronic devices manufactured,
2developed, owned, or provided by the following entities, or a parent, subsidiary, or
3successor of the entity, are prohibited software applications and devices:
4 (a) TikTok.
5 (b) ByteDance Limited.
6 (c) Huawei Technologies.
7 (d) ZTE Corporation.
8 (e) Hytera Communications Corporation.
9 (f) Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company.
10 (g) Zhejiang Dahua Technology Company.
11 (h) Tencent QQ.
12 (i) QQ Wallet.
13 (j) WeChat.
14 (k) Tencent Holdings.
15 (L) Alibaba Group.
16 (m) AliPay.
17 (n) Kaspersky Lab.
18 (End)