Current law provides that no person may personally or through an agent make
use of or threaten to make use of force in order to induce or compel a voter to vote or
refrain from voting or to vote or refrain from voting for or against a particular
candidate. The penalty for such actions is a Class I felony. This bill additionally
provides that no person may personally or through an agent make use of or threaten
to make use of force in order to induce or compel an election official to act contrary
to his or her official duties under current law.
Under current law, the Department of Justice administers an address
confidentiality program. Under current law, the program is available to victims of
of abuse, including child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human
trafficking, or a parent, guardian, or household member of a victim of abuse, if the
victim fears for his or her safety or the safety of his or her child or ward. The bill
makes the program available to election officials who are victims of stalking or
harassment and fear for their safety if the stalking or harassment occurred while the
election official was acting in that role, due to that role, or in response to an action
taken by the election official.

The bill also allows an election official who files a petition for a harassment
restraining order to be able to collect attorney fees and other costs if the petition
prevails and the harassment occurred while the petitioner was acting as an election
official, due to the petitioner's role as an election official, or in response to an action
taken by the petitioner as an election official.
Whistleblower protections
The bill provides whistleblower protection for municipal clerks, county clerks,
and election officials who witness and report election fraud or irregularities. Under
the bill, “municipal clerk” means a city clerk, town clerk, village clerk, and the
executive director of the city election commission and their authorized
representatives, as well as, in appropriate circumstances, the clerk of a school
district. Under the bill, “county clerk” includes the executive director of the county
board of election commissioners and their authorized representatives. Also, under
the bill, “election official” means an individual who is charged with any duties
relating to the conduct of an election.
The bill prohibits employment discrimination against a municipal clerk, county
clerk, or election official, including by being discharged, disciplined, or demoted, as
a reprisal because the clerk or election official lawfully reported, or is believed to have
reported, witnessing what the clerk or election official reasonably believed to be
election fraud or irregularities.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1 . 6.47 (1) (ak) of the statutes is created to read:
2 6.47 (1) (ak) “Election official” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (4e) and
3includes an “election registration official,” as defined in s. 5.02 (4g).
4Section 2 . 12.09 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
5 12.09 (4) No person may personally or through an agent make use of or
6threaten to make use of force, violence, or restraint in order to induce or compel an
7election official or election registration official to act contrary to his or her official
8duties under this chapter and chs. 5 to 10.
9Section 3 . 19.36 (14) of the statutes is created to read:

119.36 (14) Identities of election officials or election registration officials.
2Unless access is specifically authorized or required by statute, neither a municipal
3clerk, as defined in s. 5.02 (10), nor a county clerk, as defined in s. 5.02 (2), shall
4provide access under s. 19.35 (1) to records containing the personally identifiable
5information of an election official, as defined in s. 5.02 (4e), or an election registration
6official, as defined in s. 5.02 (4g), during the term for which the individual serves as
7an election official or election registration official, except that an authority may
8provide access to the name of an election official or election registration official and
9the city and state where the official resides.
10Section 4 . 66.0512 of the statutes is created to read:
1166.0512 Whistleblower protection for certain disclosures made by
12municipal clerks.
No municipal clerk, as defined in s. 5.02 (10), county clerk, as
13defined in s. 5.02 (2), or election official, as defined in s. 5.02 (4e), may be discharged,
14disciplined, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against in regard to his or her
15employment as a clerk or election official, or threatened with any such treatment, as
16a reprisal because the clerk or election official lawfully reported, or is believed to have
17reported, witnessing what the clerk or election official reasonably believed to be
18election fraud or irregularities during his or her course of employment as a clerk or
19election official. For purposes of this section, “lawfully reported” means a report of
20information the disclosure of which is not expressly prohibited by state or federal law,
21rule, or regulation.
22Section 5 . 165.68 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
23 165.68 (1) (dm) “Election official” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (4e) and
24includes an “election registration official,” as defined in s. 5.02 (4g).
25Section 6 . 165.68 (2) (am) of the statutes is created to read:

1165.68 (2) (am) An election official is eligible for participation in the
2confidentiality program established in this section if he or she attests all of the
4 1. That he or she is a resident of this state.
5 2. That he or she is an election official and is a victim of a violation under s.
612.09 (4), 940.32, 947.012, 947.0125, or 947.013, or a resident of the household of a
7victim of such a violation, and the violation occurred while the victim was acting as
8an election official, due to the victim's role as an election official, or in response to any
9action taken by the victim as an election official.
10 3. That he or she fears for his or her physical safety or for the physical safety
11of a resident of his or her household.
12 4. That he or she will not disclose his or her actual address to the person who
13committed the violation under subd. 2.
14Section 7 . 165.68 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 165.68 (2) (b) A person is eligible under par. (a) or (am) regardless of whether
16any criminal charges have been brought relating to any act or threat against the
17person, whether the person has sought any restraining order or injunction relating
18to any act or threat against the person, or whether the person has reported any act
19or threat against him or her to a law enforcement officer or agency.
20Section 8 . 813.125 (5d) of the statutes is created to read:
21 813.125 (5d) Elections official petitioner. If the petitioner is an election
22official, as defined in s. 5.02 (4e), or an election registration official, as defined in s.
235.02 (4g), the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party in the action
24reasonable attorney fees and costs if the harassment occurred while the petitioner
25was acting as an election official or election registration official, due to the

1petitioner's role as an election official or election registration official, or in response
2to any action taken by the petitioner as an election official or election registration
4Section 9 . 939.624 of the statutes is created to read:
5939.624 Increased penalty for certain crimes against election officials.
6(1) In this section, “election official” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (4e) and
7includes an “election registration official,” as defined in s. 5.02 (4g).
8(2) If a person commits, personally or through an agent, a violation of s.
9947.012, 947.0125, or 947.013 against an election official while the victim was acting
10as an election official, due to the victim's role as an election official, or in response
11to any action taken by the victim as an election official, the penalty may be increased
12as follows:
13 (a) A violation under s. 947.012 (2), 947.0125 (3), or 947.013 (1m) may be
14increased to a Class A forfeiture.
15 (b) A violation under s. 947.012 (1) or 947.0125 (2) may be increased to a Class
16A misdemeanor.
17Section 10 . 940.20 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
18 940.20 (4m) Battery to election officials, election registration officials,
19or clerks.
(a) In this subsection:
20 1. “County clerk” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (2).
21 2. “Election official” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (4e).
22 3. “Election registration official” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (4g).
23 4. “Municipal clerk” has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (10).
24 (b) Whoever intentionally causes bodily harm to an election official, election
25registration official, county clerk, or municipal clerk who is acting in his or her

1official capacity is guilty of a Class I felony if the person knows or has reason to know
2that the victim is an election official, election registration official, county clerk, or
3municipal clerk and the victim does not consent to the harm.
4Section 11 . 947.0125 (2) (g) and (3) (h) of the statutes are created to read:
5 947.0125 (2) (g) With intent to frighten, intimidate, threaten, or abuse another
6person or a person's family member, as defined in s. 940.201 (1) (a), distributes by
7means of social media the person's personal identifying information, as defined in s.
8943.201 (1) (b), without the person's consent if the actor knows or should know that
9the distribution would be likely to result in the person being subject to unwanted
10physical contact, injury, or harassment.
11(3) (h) With intent to harass or annoy another person or a person's family
12member, as defined in s. 940.201 (1) (a), distributes by means of social media the
13person's personal identifying information, as defined in s. 943.201 (1) (b), without the
14person's consent.
15Section 12 . 995.50 (2) (am) 5. and 6. of the statutes are created to read:
16 995.50 (2) (am) 5. Conduct that is prohibited under s. 947.0125 (2) (g),
17regardless of whether there has been a criminal action related to the conduct, and,
18if there has been a criminal action related to the conduct, regardless of the outcome
19of the criminal action.
20 6. Conduct that is prohibited under s. 947.0125 (3) (h), regardless of whether
21there has been an action related to the conduct, and, if there has been an action
22related to the conduct, regardless of the outcome of the action.
23 (End)