SB1104,22,2018 (d) A prosthetic or orthotic device, or any product that is a medical device or
19drug or that is otherwise used in a medical setting or in medical applications
20regulated by the U.S. food and drug administration.
SB1104,22,2221 (e) A product for which the department has determined, by rule, that the use
22of PFAS in the product is an unavoidable use.
SB1104,23,4 23(4) Information required. (a) On or before January 1, 2026, a manufacturer
24of a product distributed, sold, or offered for sale that contains intentionally added
25PFAS shall submit to the department a brief description of the product; the purpose

1for which PFAS is used in the product; the amount of each type of PFAS in the
2product; the name, address, and phone number for the manufacturer; and any
3additional information requested by the department as needed to implement this
SB1104,23,85 (b) A manufacturer shall submit the information required under par. (a)
6whenever a new product that contains intentionally added PFAS is distributed, sold,
7or offered for sale, and shall revise information provided to the department whenever
8there is a significant change in the information.
SB1104,23,18 9(5) Testing; certificate of compliance. If the department has reason to believe
10that a product contains intentionally added PFAS and the product is being
11distributed, sold, or offered for sale, the department may direct the manufacturer of
12the product to, within 30 days, provide the department with testing results that
13demonstrate the amount of each of the PFAS in the product. If testing shows that
14the product does not contain intentionally added PFAS, the manufacturer shall
15provide the department with the testing results and a certificate attesting that the
16product does not contain intentionally added PFAS. If testing shows that the product
17contains intentionally added PFAS, the manufacturer shall provide the department
18with the testing results and the information required under sub. (4).
SB1104,23,21 19(6) Financial responsibility. The manufacturer of any new product that
20contains intentionally added PFAS that is distributed, sold, or offered for sale shall
21provide proof of financial responsibility as required under s. 292.74.
SB1104,23,23 22(7) Penalty. A person that violates sub. (2) (a) or (c) shall be subject to a
23forfeiture of $100 for each violating product, for each day that the violation continues.
SB1104,30 24Section 30. 299.487 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1104,23,25 25299.487 Transportation and disposal of PFAS. (1) In this section:
1(a) “Environmental justice” means the fair treatment and meaningful
2involvement of all individuals, regardless of race, color, national origin, educational
3level, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement
4of environmental laws, regulations, and policies to ensure that no population of color
5or community of color, indigenous community, or low-income community shall be
6exposed to a disproportionate burden of the negative human health and
7environmental impacts of pollution or other environmental hazards.
SB1104,24,88 (b) “PFAS” means a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
SB1104,24,15 9(2) A person disposing of PFAS, or transporting PFAS for the purpose of
10disposal, shall attempt to the greatest extent possible to avoid disposing of PFAS in,
11or transporting PFAS to, any location where such disposal or transportation will
12contribute to environmental justice concerns and shall consider all reasonable
13alternatives for transport and disposal of PFAS. The department shall assist any
14person, upon request, in evaluating the environmental justice impacts of the person's
15disposal or transportation of PFAS.
SB1104,31 16Section 31 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB1104,25,217 (1) Emergency rules for PFAS community grant program. The department
18of natural resources may use the procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency
19rules relating to the PFAS community grant program under s. 292.66.
20Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), when promulgating emergency rules under
21this subsection, the department is not required to provide evidence that
22promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
23preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
24provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
25Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. and 1g., for emergency rules promulgated under

1this subsection, the department is not required to prepare a statement of scope of the
2rules or to submit the proposed rules in final draft form to the governor for approval.
SB1104,25,83 (2) Emission standards for PFAS. If the department of health services has
4recommended a groundwater enforcement standard for a perfluoroalkyl or
5polyfluoroalkyl substance before the effective date of this subsection, the department
6of natural resources is not required to begin promulgating rules establishing an
7emission standard for that substance until 12 months beginning after the effective
8date of this subsection.
SB1104,25,109 (3) Emergency rules for PFAS in drinking water, groundwater, surface
10water, solid waste, beds of navigable waters, and contaminated soil and sediment.
SB1104,25,1611 (a) The department of natural resources shall promulgate emergency rules
12under s. 227.24 establishing acceptable levels and standards, performance
13standards, monitoring requirements, and required response actions for any
14perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance or group or class of such substances that
15the department determines may be harmful to human health or the environment in
16the following:
SB1104,25,17 171. Drinking water under s. 281.17 (8).
SB1104,25,19 182. Groundwater under ss. 160.07 (5) and 160.15, except as provided under ss.
19160.07 (5) (b) and 160.15 (4).
SB1104,25,21 203. Surface water from point sources under ss. 283.11 (4) and 283.21 and from
21nonpoint sources under s. 281.16.
SB1104,25,22 224. Solid waste and solid waste facilities under chs. 289 and 291.
SB1104,25,23 235. Beds of navigable waters under s. 30.20.
SB1104,25,24 246. Soil and sediment under chs. 289 and 292.
1(b) The department of natural resources shall promulgate emergency rules
2under s. 227.24 to do all of the following:
SB1104,26,6 31. Add any perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance or group or class of such
4substances that the department determines may be harmful to human health or the
5environment to the list of toxic pollutants under s. 283.21 (1) (a) for purposes of
6setting toxic effluent standards or prohibitions under s. 283.11 (4).
SB1104,26,10 72. Add to the list of hazardous constituents under s. 291.05 (4) any
8perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance or group or class of such substances for
9which the department determines that the listing is necessary to protect public
10health, safety, or welfare.
SB1104,26,12 113. Administer and enforce ch. 292 in relation to remedial actions involving
12perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances or a group or class of such substances.
SB1104,26,14 134. Establish procedures for submission, review, and determination of
14applications for assistance under s. 281.73.
SB1104,26,2015 (c) Notwithstanding any finding required under par. (a) or (b), emergency rules
16promulgated under pars. (a) and (b) shall cover, at a minimum, perfluorooctane
17sulfonic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorohexane sulfonic acid,
18perfluorononanoic acid, and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid and shall include
19provisions for enforcing these standards, including requiring sampling, monitoring,
20testing, and response actions.
SB1104,27,221 (d) Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), emergency rules promulgated
22under pars. (a) and (b) remain in effect until July 1, 2026, or the date on which
23permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a)
24and (3), the department of natural resources is not required to provide evidence that
25promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the

1preservation of public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide
2a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
SB1104,27,83 (4) Report. No later than June 30, 2026, the department of natural resources
4and the department of health services shall submit a joint report to the chief clerk
5of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing
6committees under s. 13.172 (3) having jurisdiction over matters relating to the
7environment. The report shall describe the feasibility and advisability of regulating
8perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances as one or more classes of substances.
SB1104,27,129 (5) Position authorization — county well testing grant program. The
10authorized FTE positions for the department of natural resources are increased by
111.0 SEG position, to be funded from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (6) (et), for the
12purpose of administering the county well testing grant program under s. 292.67.
SB1104,27,1913 (6) Statewide biomonitoring studies. The department of health services shall
14conduct biomonitoring studies across the state to assess perfluoroalkyl and
15polyfluoroalkyl substance exposure levels and better understand the factors that
16affect perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substance exposure levels in different
17communities. The department may, as part of these studies, survey volunteer
18participants, test blood samples for the presence and levels of perfluoroalkyl and
19polyfluoroalkyl substances, and analyze the results.
SB1104,32 20Section 32 . Fiscal changes.
SB1104,28,521 (1) Position authorizations; health services; statewide biomonitoring
In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department
23of health services under s. 20.435 (1) (a), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2023-24
24is increased by $630,000 to conduct the studies under Section 31 (6) and to increase
25the authorized FTE positions for the department by 5.0 GPR positions to serve as 1.0

1research scientist, 1.0 public health educator, 1.0 program manager and study
2coordinator, 1.0 epidemiologist, and 1.0 outreach specialist. In the schedule under
3s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of health services under s.
420.435 (1) (a), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $630,000 for
5the same purposes.
SB1104,28,156 (2) Position authorizations; health services; groundwater enforcement
In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the
8department of health services under s. 20.435 (1) (a), the dollar amount for fiscal year
92023-24 is increased by $248,600 to increase the authorized FTE positions for the
10department by 4.0 GPR research scientist positions for the purpose of recommending
11enforcement standards for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances under s.
12160.07. In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department
13of health services under s. 20.435 (1) (a), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25
14is increased by $248,600 to provide funding for the positions authorized under this
SB1104,29,816 (3) Position authorizations; natural resources; PFAS action plan
In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the
18department of natural resources under s. 20.370 (4) (ma), the dollar amount for fiscal
19year 2023-24 is increased by $729,400 and the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25
20is increased by $934,200 to increase the authorized FTE positions for the department
21by 12.0 GPR positions and 1.0 GPR 4-year project position for the purpose of
22implementing the 2020 PFAS Action Plan published by the Wisconsin PFAS Action
23Council. The FTE positions shall be placed in the department as follows: 2.0 FTE
24positions to assist in conducting deposition monitoring, to develop and prioritize a
25list of sources that may be emitting PFAS compounds into the air, and to develop

1control technology standards; 3.0 FTE positions for drinking and groundwater
2monitoring; 2.0 FTE positions to assess necessary actions to limit exposure to PFAS;
32.0 FTE positions to develop water quality guidelines and standards related to PFAS,
4particularly for wastewater treatment facilities; 1.0 FTE position to develop
5standards related to PFAS disposal; 1.0 FTE position to develop sampling
6methodologies and perform sampling in cases where wildlife is suspected of having
7been contaminated by PFAS; and 1.0 FTE position to conduct community outreach
8and engagement.
SB1104,29,159 (4) Natural resources; statewide PFAS sampling and testing. In the schedule
10under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of natural resources
11under s. 20.370 (4) (mw), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2023-24 is increased by
12$1,480,000 and the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $730,000
13for the following statewide PFAS sampling and testing activities: testing at state-led
14sites; waterway monitoring; testing fish and wildlife; testing at wastewater
15treatment plants; and sampling municipal water supplies.
SB1104,29,2116 (5) Natural resources; PFAS substance emergency measures. In the schedule
17under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of natural resources
18under s. 20.370 (4) (mw), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2023-24 is increased by
19$900,000 and the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $900,000 to
20support emergency measures related to PFAS, such as providing temporary drinking
21water to homes impacted by groundwater contamination.
SB1104,29,2522 (6) Natural resources; PFAS fire fighting foam collection. In the schedule
23under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of natural resources
24under s. 20.370 (4) (ps), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2023-24 is increased by
1(7) Natural resources; PFAS disposal study. In the schedule under s. 20.005
2(3) for the appropriation to the department of natural resources under s. 20.370 (4)
3(ma), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $2,000,000 for the
4purpose of studying and analyzing different options for disposing of PFAS, including
5whether the transport of PFAS to certain locations for disposal would present
6environmental justice concerns.
SB1104,30,127 (8) Natural resources; legacy PFAS contamination in soil and groundwater.
8In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of natural
9resources under s. 20.370 (4) (ma), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is
10increased by $2,000,000 for the purpose of testing for PFAS contamination in soil and
11groundwater in areas where biosolids have been land applied for at least 10 years
12and where vulnerable aquifers are present.
SB1104,30,1713 (9) Health services; PFAS outreach and awareness. In the schedule under s.
1420.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of health services under s. 20.435
15(1) (a), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2023-24 is increased by $500,000 and the
16dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $500,000 for PFAS outreach
17and awareness activities.
SB1104,33 18Section 33 . Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
19except as follows:
SB1104,30,2120 (1) The treatment of s. 281.17 (8) (c) takes effect on the first day of the 7th month
21beginning after publication.
SB1104,30,2222 (End)