4 a. Fails to respond to the department's request to submit a corrective action
6 b. Fails to comply with the requirements of a corrective action plan submitted
7to the department.
8 (c) The department shall create and maintain a publicly available list on its
9website of hospitals that have been found to have violated any provision of this
10section, that have been issued a penalty, or that have been sent a warning notice,
11request for a corrective action plan, or any other written communication from the
13 (d) In considering an application for renewal of a hospital's license, the
14department shall consider whether the hospital is or has been in compliance with
15this section.
16(7) Material violation; corrective action plan. (a) A hospital materially
17violates this section if the hospital does any of the following:
18 1. Fails to comply with the requirements of sub. (2).
19 2. Fails to publicize the hospital's standard charges in the form and manner
20required by subs. (3) and (4).
21 (b) If the department determines that a hospital has materially violated this
22section, the department shall issue a notice of material violation to the hospital and
23request that the hospital submit a corrective plan of action. The notice shall indicate
24the form and manner in which the corrective action plan shall be submitted to the

1department, and clearly state the date by which the hospital is required to submit
2the plan.
3 (c) A hospital that receives a notice under par. (b) shall do all of the following:
4 1. Submit a corrective action plan in the form and manner, and by the specified
5date, prescribed by the notice of violation.
6 2. As soon as practicable after submission of a corrective action plan to the
7department, act to comply with the corrective action plan.
8 (d) A corrective action plan submitted to the department shall satisfy all of the
9following criteria:
10 1. Describe in detail the corrective actions the hospital will take to address any
11violation identified by the department in the notice provided under par. (b).
12 2. Provide a date by which the hospital will complete the corrective actions
13described in subd. 1.
14 (e) A corrective action plan is subject to review and approval by the department.
15After the department reviews and approves a hospital's corrective action plan, the
16department shall monitor and evaluate the hospital's compliance with the corrective
17action plan.
18 (f) A hospital is considered to have failed to respond to the department's request
19to submit a corrective action plan if the hospital does any of the following:
20 1. Fails to submit a corrective action plan in the form and manner specified in
21the notice provided under par. (b).
22 2. Fails to submit a corrective action plan by the date specified in the notice
23provided under par. (b).

1(g) A hospital is considered to have failed to comply with a corrective action plan
2if the hospital fails to address a violation within the specified period of time contained
3in the corrective action plan.
4(8) Forfeiture. (a) The department shall impose a forfeiture on a hospital in
5if the hospital does any of the following:
6 1. Fails to respond to the department's request to submit a corrective action
8 2. Fails to comply with the requirements of a corrective action plan submitted
9to the department.
10 (b) The department shall impose a forfeiture on a hospital for a violation of each
11requirement of this section. The department shall set the forfeiture in an amount
12sufficient to ensure compliance by hospitals with the provisions of this section
13subject to the limitations under par. (c).
14 (c) The forfeiture imposed under this subsection shall comply with all of the
16 1. In the case of a hospital with 30 beds or fewer, the forfeiture may not be lower
17than $600 for each day in which the hospital violates this section.
18 2. In the case of a hospital with a bed count that is greater than 30 but less than
19101, the forfeiture may not be lower than $1,200 for each day in which the hospital
20violates this section.
21 3. In the case of a hospital with a bed count that is greater than 100 but less
22than 551, the forfeiture may not be lower than $2,500 for each day in which the
23hospital violates this section.

14. In the case of a hospital with a bed count that is greater than 550, the
2forfeiture may not be less than $10,000 for each day in which the hospital violates
3this section.
4 (d) Each day a violation continues is considered a separate violation for
5purposes of this subsection.
6 (e) In determining the amount of the forfeiture under this subsection, the
7department shall consider all of the following factors:
8 1. Previous violations by the hospital's operator.
9 2. The seriousness of the violation.
10 3. Any demonstrated good faith by the hospital's operator.
11 4. Any other matters that the department determines is relevant.
12 (f) If a hospital desires to contest the imposing of a forfeiture under this
13subsection, the hospital shall, within 10 days after receipt of notice, notify the
14department in writing of its request for a hearing under s. 227.44. The department
15shall hold the hearing within 30 days after receipt of such notice and shall send notice
16to the hospital of the hearing as provided under s. 227.44 (2).
17 (g) All forfeitures shall be paid to the department within 10 days after receipt
18of notice of forfeiture or, if the forfeiture is contested under par. (f), within 10 days
19after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of administrative review, unless
20the final decision is appealed and the order is stayed by court order.
21 (h) 1. All administrative remedies shall be exhausted before an agency
22determination under this subsection shall be subject to judicial review. Final
23decisions after hearing shall be subject to judicial review exclusively as provided in
24s. 227.52, except that any petition for review of department action under this

1subsection shall be filed within 15 days after receipt of notice of the final agency
3 2. The court may stay enforcement under s. 227.54 of the department's final
4decision if a showing is made that there is a substantial probability that the party
5seeking review will prevail on the merits and will suffer irreparable harm if a stay
6is not granted, and that the hospital will meet the requirements of this section during
7such stay. When a stay is granted, the court may impose such conditions on the
8granting of the stay as may be necessary to safeguard the public and to assure
9compliance by the hospital with the requirements of this section.
10 3. The attorney general may delegate to the department the authority to
11represent the state in any action brought to challenge department decisions prior to
12exhaustion of administrative remedies and final disposition by the department.
13 (i) The department shall remit all forfeitures paid under this subsection to the
14secretary of administration for deposit in the general fund.
15(9) Legislative recommendations. Biennially, the department shall prepare
16a report to be distributed to the legislature in the manner provided in s. 13.172 (2)
17recommending amendments to this section, including recommendations in response
18to amendments to 45 CFR part 180.
19Section 2. Effective date.
20 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after
22 (End)