The Department has determined that current dollar amounts specified under s. 779.41 (1) (intro), (1) (a), (b), and (c), Stats., shall be increased by 1.6%, according to the prior year annual change in the consumer price index. Thus, dollar amounts for charges under the mechanic's lien law are adjusted as follows:
Under s. 779.41 (1) (intro), mechanic's liens generally, $1,595.
Under s. 779.41 (1) (a), mechanic's liens on a trailer or semitrailer designed for use with a road tractor, $4,790.
Under s. 779.41 (1) (b), mechanic's liens on road machinery, including mobile cranes, trench hoes, farm tractors, machines of husbandry, or off-highway construction vehicles and equipment, $7,980.
Under s. 779.41 (1) (c) 1. to 4., mechanic's liens on vehicles:
  1. More than 10,000 and less than 20,000 pounds, $3,195.
  2. 20,000 pounds or more but less than 40,000 pounds, $6,305.
  3. 40,000 pounds or more, but less than 60,000 pounds, $9,580.
  4. 60,000 pounds or more, $12,770.
These revised dollar amounts under the mechanic's lien law shall apply to work commenced on or after January 1, 2000 for which a lien is claimed. These revised dollar amounts shall remain in effect until the first day of the first month following publication of new adjusted dollar amounts in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
Contact Information
Merry Fran Tryon, Director
Consumer Protection Bureau
Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
2811 Agriculture Drive
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Telephone: (608) 224-4921
Public Notice
Dept. of Workforce Development
Child Care Co-Payment Schedule for Licensed and Certified Care
The current copayment schedule included in the Wisconsin Administrative Code at Table s. DWD 56.08 (1) (c) may be changed by publication in the Wisconsin Administrative Register, pursuant to s. DWD 56.08 (3) (b). The following page shows the new copayment schedule for licensed and certified child care with changes passed as part of the budget bill. Its effective date is February 27, 2000.
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
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Document Sales and Distribution Section
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Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.