Scope statements
Chapter Comm 47 - Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund (PECFA).
Objective of the rule. To (1) update the Department's criteria for awarding grants for cleanup of properties contaminated by petroleum product discharges, to be consistent with several statutory changes that have occurred after corresponding portions of this chapter were either established or revised; (2) consider the effects on the PECFA program from rules promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources under chapter 160 and section 242.11, Stats., and (3) implement improvements to the PECFA administrative and regulatory processes.
Policy analysis
The Department implemented Comm 47 in 1993 as a means of controlling PECFA program costs and establishing necessary administrative and regulatory procedures. The initial rule included monetary caps on site investigation activities, introduced price competition to site remediations, established services that consultants could provide, and delineated eligible and non-eligible costs.
The code update will continue the technical and policy development of the PECFA program. The goals and objectives that formed the basis for the initial rule remain current, and the new rule development effort will concentrate on the same issues of remediation, cost control, and administrative process improvement. In addition, new strategies will be developed for reviving cleanup at sites where past cleanup efforts have stalled. Clarifications will also be developed for making the rule easier to understand and use.
The alternative to rule development is continued operation and administration using the current version of Comm 47. Although the current rule has helped achieve the objectives of the program, advances in remediation technology, experience with current trends in costs, and a need to include new operating procedures in the administrative rule make an update of the code both timely and essential. The only feasible alternative to rule development at this point in time would be a temporary delay in the rulemaking process. This delay would reduce the public benefits that will be achieved through the rule revision.
Statutory authority
Sections 101.02 (1), 101.143, 101.144, 227.10 (1), and 227.11 (2), Stats.
Staff time required
The Department estimates approximately 500 hours will be needed to develop the rule changes. This time includes drafting the changes and processing them through public hearings, legislative review, and adoption. The Department will assign existing staff to develop the rule changes, and no other additional resources will be needed.
Chapters Comm 81 - 85 and Comm 2, relating to the Wisconsin Uniform Plumbing Code and Fee Code.
Objective of the rule.
a) review and revise the uniform plumbing code with respect to possible effects of the adoption of proposed ch. NR 151, stormwater and infiltration.
b) establish or incorporate the appropriate and most recent national standards for design and installation of plumbing systems and to ensure that new technology will be used or allowed and will function properly.
c) evaluate current policies and practices for approval of plumbing products and systems.
d) address code requirement clarity problems and incorporate any official code interpretations since the last code revision.
e) revise tables and other rule text that no longer reflect accepted rulemaking format and style.
f) add and revise definitions for matters relating to updated technology, clarity, materials and installations, and/or statutory changes.
Policy analysis
a) Existing policies. Current rules relating to stormwater are outdated. The rules do not reflect stormwater detention, retention and treatment options and concerns.
b) New policies. The proposed revisions will allow options for designers and installers to comply with municipal and state stormwater management plans.
c) Policy alternatives. The alternative of not revising the code will result in Commerce rules being outdated and possibly inconsistent with rules of the Department of Natural Resources.
Statutory authority
Section 145.02, Stats. Provides the Department authority over the construction, installation and maintenance of plumbing in connection with all buildings in this state, including buildings owned by the state or any political subdivision thereof, so that plumbing shall be safe, sanitary and to safeguard the public health and the waters of the state.
Section 145.13, Stats. Requires the Department to adopt the state uniform plumbing code. The state plumbing code and amendments to that code as adopted by the department have the effect of law in the form of standards statewide in application and shall apply to all types of buildings, private or public, rural or urban, including buildings owned by the state or any political subdivision thereof. The state plumbing code shall comply with ch. 160, Stats. All plumbing installations shall so far as practicable be made to conform with such code.
Section 145.02 (2), Stats. Provides that the department shall have general supervision of all such plumbing and shall after public hearing prescribe, publish and enforce reasonable standards which shall be uniform and of statewide concern so far as practicable. Any employee designated by the department may act for the department in holding such public hearing. To the extent that the historic building code applies to the subject matter of these standards, the standards do not apply to a qualified historic building if the owner elects to be subject to s. 101.121, Stats.
Staff time required
The following is the estimated time that department staff will be involved in these code change issues. Adequate staffing is available to carry out these functions.
Advisory council meetings and task groups   120
Code topics research, language drafting   160
Hearings, responses, revisions, etc.   40
Legislative review through adoption   30
Administrative and support     20
Environmental assessment     120
    TOTAL   490
Chs. Comm 90 and Comm 2, relating to design and construction of public swimming pools and fees.
Objective of the rule. The objectives of this rule revision, to be incorporated into one or more rule packages, are to:
a) review two national standards, ANSI/NSPI - 1 and – 9 (relating to swimming pools and aquatic recreation facilities/waterparks) for possible revisions to ch. Comm 90.
b) re-title ch. Comm 90 to include water attractions (water park features) within this chapter.
c) create clearly understood codes that reflect contemporary designs and installations, and the application of sound practices relating to health and safety to employees and pool customers.
Policy analysis
a) Existing policies. Commerce conducts plan review for all public swimming pools, whirlpools and water attractions. Water attractions, both indoor and outdoor, have become major tourism attractions in the state; the current rules do not adequately recognize and address the current technology being used in this industry elsewhere in the U.S.
b) New policies. Commerce would update ch. Comm 90 to include rules for water attractions, including water play features.
c) Policy alternatives. The alternative of not revising these codes will result in the continuance of the current situation whereby Commerce administers rules that do not adequately recognize and address the current technology used in this industry elsewhere in the U.S.
Statutory authority
The Department authority for regulating the design and installation of public swimming pools and water attractions is given in s. 145.26, Stats.
The Department authority for regulating amusement rides, which include waterslides, is given in ss. 101.02 (15) (h) to (j) and 101.17, Stats.
Staff time required
Advisory council meetings (6), plus preparation
4 staff at 6 hrs. each     185
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.