Submittal of rules to legislative council clearinghouse
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules for further information on a particular rule.
Accounting Examining Board
Rule Submittal Date
On September 27, 2002, the Accounting Examining Board submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Statutory Authority: ss. 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) and 442.10 (3), Stats.
The proposed rule-making order relates to definitions and independence in professional practice.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
A public hearing will be held on October 18, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 180, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53702.
Contact Person
Pamela Haack, Paralegal
Office of Administrative Rules
(608) 266-0495
Accounting Examining Board
Rule Submittal Date
On September 27, 2002, the Accounting Examining Board submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Statutory Authority: ss. 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) and 442.087 (3), Stats.
The proposed rule-making order relates to peer reviews.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
A public hearing will be held on October 18, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 180, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53702.
Contact Person
Pamela Haack, Paralegal
Office of Administrative Rules
(608) 266-0495
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Rule Submittal Date
On October 1, 2002, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Statutory Authority: s. 227.15, Stats.
The proposed rule-making order relates to inspection and certification service fees and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Import Controls.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
The department will hold a public hearing on this rule after the Rules Clearinghouse completes its review. The department's Agricultural Resource Management is primarily responsible for this rule.
Contact Person
Paula Noel
(608) 224-4574
Health and Family Services
Rule Submittal Date
On September 16, 2002, the Department of Health and Family Services submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Statutory Authority: s. 253.12 (3) (a), Stats.
The proposed rule-making order affects ch. HFS 116, relating to the birth defect prevention and surveillance system.
Beginning in 1989, the Department of Health and Family Services administered a program that collects, analyzes and disseminates information about adverse neonatal outcomes, birth defects, developmental disabilities and other severe disabilities in children from birth to age 6. The program was known as the Birth Defect Outcome and Monitoring Program.
1999 Wisconsin Act 114, enacted on May 8, 2000, replaced the Birth Defect Outcome and Monitoring Program with the Birth Defect Prevention and Surveillance System. The new system has several differences from the previous reporting program:
1. The definitions of reportable conditions under Act 114 differ from the old statute language. A birth defect is defined as a structural deformation, disruption or dysplasia, or an inherited or biochemical disease.
2. Only birth defects in infants and children up to the age of 2 must be reported to the Department.
3. The list of persons who must report a birth defect to the Department is expanded beyond physicians to include pediatric specialty clinics. Hospitals may, but are not required to report birth defects to the Department.
4. The Department becomes responsible for establishing and maintaining an up-to-date registry of birth defects that have occurred in Wisconsin in the previous 10 years.
5. A new entity known as the Council on Birth Defect Prevention and Surveillance is created for the purpose of making recommendations to the Department regarding the establishment of the registry, the Department's administrative rules and the content of the reports required from medical care providers. Beginning in April 2002, the Council is to biennially report to the legislature on the utilization and progress of the registry.
1999 Wisconsin Act 114 maintains the preexisting mechanisms that ensure the confidentiality of data by requiring parental or guardian written consent before reporting or releasing an infant's or a child's name and address.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
A public hearing will be scheduled at a later time.
Contact Person
Susan Uttech at 267-3561
Sally Meyer at 267-9510
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.