Scope statements
Natural Resources
The department will be presenting a rule package pertaining to the eradication and control of CWD in Wisconsin. This rule may include modifications to the deer hunting seasons, management zones and other deer hunting related regulations. This rule is necessary to update rules that were approved by the NRB last year, in order to adapt and modify CWD management strategies based on testing results and hunter success.
Policy analysis
Adaptive management is essential to effective management and control of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Wisconsin. Since the discovery of CWD in February of 2002, our wildlife health and wildlife management staff have made major strides in what is known about the extent of the disease in the state, what is known about the hunters attitudes regarding the disease and its management, and through research done here and abroad, what is known about the disease. By annually reviewing, and when necessary modifying zones, harvest strategies and regulations, we are able to adapt our management strategies to more effectively react and use what information is available to our managers. In 2005, we will be forwarding a rule package that will be developed based on hunter surveys, 2004 post-harvest deer season results and population data, and testing results. Proposed changes will not deviate from the previous CWD rule order. The modifications proposed will be consistent with the Department's and the Board's policy of aggressive measures to control the spread of the disease, prevent new areas of disease establishment and to eradicate the disease in areas of known infection.
Statutory authority
Sections 29.014, 29.063, 29.307, 29.335 and 167.31, Stats.
Staff time required
505 hours.
Groups likely affected by the proposed rule
Groups likely impacted will be landowners in close proximity to CWD positive cases, deer hunters, meat processors and other businesses.
Preliminary federal regulatory analysis
Provided state rules and statutes do not relieve individuals from the restrictions, requirements and conditions of Federal statutes and regulations, regulation of hunting and trapping of native species has been delegated to state fish and wildlife agencies. No federal regulations regarding CWD hunting seasons, zones or harvest regulations have been drafted or implemented. Additionally, none of the proposed rules exceed the authorities granted the states in 50 CFR 10.
Objective of the rule.
Trans 196.04 (1) (d) establishes the convenience fee for telephone vehicle registration renewal. DOT has entered into a new vendor contract for this service, and the rule will be amended to reflect the new cost to DOT. In addition, DOT offers Internet as well as telephone registration renewal service, and the rule will be amended to reflect this service option. In addition, Trans 196.04 (10) (a), (b) and (c) establish the fee for special handling of vehicle title and registration transactions. The rule will be amended to increase the fee from $4 to $5 for title and title/registration transactions, and from $2 to $3 for renewal transactions. This fee will equal the fee a person pays for in-person counter service at DMV customer service centers, and reflects the cost to DOT to provide immediate service, whether by in-person or by special handling transactions.
Policy analysis
Currently, the cost to DOT, and the fee charged to the customer, is $2.50 per transaction. DMV has negotiated a new vendor contract with US Bank through the state banking arrangement. Under the new contract, DOT will be charged the actual vendor billing from each credit card company. Our current projection for the remainder of FY 05 is that the charge to DOT will approximate $1.50 per transaction; however, that is not certain and, moreover, it will change as the actual volume and composition of renewal transactions change. The convenience fee resides in a Program Revenue (PR) appropriation, which must clear at the end of the fiscal year. On the other hand, a rule amendment takes at least 7 months, even in the best of circumstances. This means that DOT would never be able to clear the PR appropriation at the end of the fiscal year. Moreover, DOT would always be in a rule-change process to update the fee.
This rule making proposes to re-word the provision so that DMV establishes the fee at least annually to approximate the cost to DMV, and that DMV publishes the fee on the DOT Internet web site and on the DOT telephone IVR message.
In addition, DOT offers Internet as well as telephone vehicle registration renewal. The rule making will add the Internet service option in the rule language.
Also, DOT incurs extra cost to provide immediate service, whether it is through in–person transactions at a customer service center or through special handling. The rule increases the special handling fee to reflect this cost, and makes the fees equal.
Comparison to federal regulations
This is a state activity, and no federal regulations apply.
Entities affected by the rule
The general public will be affected, as vehicle registration renewal by telephone and Internet is available for many types of vehicles.
Statutory authority
Section 341.255 (3), Stats.
Staff time required
Approximately 20 hours.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.