Rule orders filed with the revisor of statutes bureau
The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at or (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.
Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors
CR 06-057)
An order affecting A-E 6, relating to land surveyor education and experience requirements.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
HFS 107, relating to private duty nursing and respiratory care service benefits covered by the Wisconsin medical assistance program.
Effective 7-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
NR 17, relating to hound dog training and trialing on captive wild animals.
Effective 7-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
NR 25, relating to commercial fishing open seasons in Lake Michigan for chubs.
Effective 7-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
PSC 135, relating to incorporating recent changes to the federal pipeline safety regulations.
Effective 7-1-07.