Scope Statements
Government Accountability Board
Amends section GAB 6.05, relating to the filing of campaign finance reports in electronic format.
Objective of the Rule
Require registrants subject to section 11.21 (16), Stats., and those voluntarily choosing to file campaign finance reports in electronic format to do so in the form of the internet-based Campaign Finance Information System. The amendment would create a uniform requirement and restrict registrants to an “electronic format" compatible with the Government Accountability Board's electronic filing system for campaign finance reports.
Policy Analysis
Under the current s. GAB 6.05, Wis. Adm. Code, registrants required to file campaign finance reports in electronic format pursuant to s. 11.21 (16), Stats., and those voluntarily agreeing to file in electronic format, can do so in a large variety of ways. On January 18, 2008, the Government Accountability Board approved the use of a new electronic filing system, and the technical requirements thereof, conflict with the technical electronic format filing permitted by the current rule. In effect, the current electronic filing system cannot work without a uniform and restricted electronic format that is compatible with the new electronic filing system.
Statutory Authority
Sections 11.21 (16), 5.05 (1) (f), and 227.11 (2) (a), Stats.
Comparison with Federal Regulations
Federal regulations mandated electronic filing of campaign finance reports with a standard uniform system since January 1, 2001. 11 CFR 104.18. The amendment to s. GAB 6.05, Wis. Adm. Code, will not conflict with federal regulations.
Entities Affected by the Rule
All registrants for whom the Government Accountability Board serves as filing officer and who or which accepts contributions in a total amount or value of $20,000.00 or more during a campaign period and who or which must file campaign finance reports in electronic format, as required by s. 11.21 (16), Stats. In addition, registrants who do not meet the threshold requirements of s. 11.21 (16), Stats., but who or which voluntarily chose to file campaign finance reports in electronic format with the Government Accountability Board.
Estimate of Time Needed to Develop the Rule
10 to 15 hours.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1
Revises sections of Chapter NR 10, relating to white-tailed deer population goals and deer management unit boundaries.
Policy Analysis
Under s. NR 10.104 (3), Adm. Code, the department is required to conduct Deer Management Unit (DMU) boundary and goal reviews at three-year intervals. Population goals and DMUs serve as the foundation for managing the deer herd and determining deer hunting season structures. With new information gathered through an extensive public involvement process and informed by current biological and social information, this rule will propose revised overwinter population goals and/or DMU boundaries to better manage the deer herd.
The department will seek to maintain a deer herd in balance with its range and at deer population goals that are reasonably compatible with social, economic and ecosystem management objectives for each deer management unit. Deer population goals will be based on:
1. Carrying capacity as determined by unit population responses to habitat quality and historical records of winter severity.
2. Hunter success in harvesting and seeing deer and public deer viewing opportunities.
3. Ecological and economic impacts of deer browsing.
4. Disease transmission.
5. Concern for deer vehicle collisions.
6. Chippewa treaty harvest.
7. Hunter access to land in a deer management unit.
8. Ability to keep the deer herd in a deer management unit at goal.
9. Tolerable levels of deer damage to crops.
Statutory Authority
Sections 29.014, 29.063 and 227.11, Stats.
Comparison with Federal Regulations
Federal regulations allow states to manage the wildlife resources located within their boundaries provided they do not conflict with regulations established in the Federal Register. None of these rule changes violate or conflict with the provisions established in the Federal Code of Regulations.
Entities Affected by the Rule
Deer affect nearly every Wisconsin resident in some way. Many of these effects are significant from a recreational, economic, and/or social perspective. A wide variety of groups and individuals will be interested in this proposed rule. Some groups include: Conservation Congress, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, Wis Farm Bureau Federation, WI Wildlife Federation, WI Deer Hunters Assn., The Nature Conservancy, Whitetails Unlimited, WI Bowhunters Assn., WI County Forest Association, WI Woodland Owners Assn., Quality Deer Management Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, WI Bear Hunters Assn., and the Sierra Club.
Estimate of Time Needed to Develop the Rule
200 hours.
Contact Information
Keith Warnke
101 S Webster St.
Madison, WI 53707
(608) 264-6023
Scott Loomans
101 S Webster St.
Madison, WI 53707
(608) 267-2452
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1
Non-substantive (“housekeeping") changes to Chapters NR 19 to 23, relating to regulation of sport fishing seasons, bag limits, length limits and approved gear.
Policy Analysis
The Department is beginning the process of correcting errors and inconsistencies in sections of Administrative Code relating to regulation of sport fishing. The Department anticipates requesting approval to hold hearings on these changes in June, 2009, and holding such hearings, if approved, in July 2009 and returning to the Board for adoption in August, 2009. Proposed changes include a correction to the open season for channel catfish and muskellunge in Lake Winnebago system waters, noting a deed restriction for fishing regulations in Inch Lake (Bayfield Co.), and clarification of release dates for bag limit revisions for walleye in Ceded Territory waters. Other minor changes may be included.
Statutory Authority
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.