This statement of scope was approved by the Governor on July 18, 2013.
Rule No.
Revises Chapter Phar 18.
Relating to
The operation of the prescription drug monitoring program.
Rule Type
1. Finding/Nature of Emergency (Emergency Rule Only)
2. Detailed Description of the Objective of the Proposed Rule
The Pharmacy Examining Board (Board) seeks to modify ch. Phar 18 based on feedback and information it has obtained while developing and deploying the Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). The modifications would seek to improve the efficiency of the PDMP by ensuring consistency between the language in the rule and how the PDMP functions. Specifically, the Board seeks authorization to consider modifying definitions in ss. Phar 18.02 and 18.04, to modify the list of required data elements in s. Phar 18.04, to clarify the language describing the obligation to submit zero reports in s. Phar 18.06 and the language describing the obligation to notify the department when a dispenser decides to no longer dispense monitored prescription drugs in s. Phar 18.08, to clarify who may access PDMP data in s. Phar 18.09, and to modify the language in ss. Phar 18.10 and 18.11.
3. Description of the Existing Policies Relevant to the Rule, New Policies Proposed to be Included in the Rule, and an Analysis of Policy Alternatives
Currently, the Board is aware that some provisions of ch. Phar 18 create inefficiencies and ambiguities that the PDMP has to overcome to be as effective of a tool to combat prescription drug misuse and abuse as it can be. The Board has noted the feedback it has received while developing and deploying the PDMP and has gained considerable expertise in ways to improve the PDMP once it becomes fully operational. All of the modifications the Board seeks to make are based on feedback from stakeholders and PDMP users or other information obtained while developing and deploying the PDMP.
An alternative to the making the modifications is to not make the modifications, which would not enable the Board to improve the PDMP based on information obtained while developing and deploying the PDMP and the feedback of stakeholders and PDMP users.
4. Detailed Explanation of Statutory Authority for the Rule (Including the Statutory Citation and Language)
In s. 450.19 (2), Stats., the legislature directs the Board to establish rules to govern the PDMP. In s. 961.31, Stats., the legislature also authorizes the Board to promulgate rules relating to the dispensing of controlled substances. Finally, in ss. 15.08 (5) (b), and 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., the legislature confers to the Board the powers to promulgate rules for the guidance of the profession and to interpret the provisions of statutes it enforces.
5. Estimate of Amount of Time that State Employees will Spend Developing the Rule and of Other Resources Necessary to Develop the Rule
80 hours.
6. List with description of all entities that may be affected by the proposed rule
1) Licensees who are authorized to prescribe and dispense controlled substances: Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, Anesthesiologist Assistants, Dentists, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Podiatrists
2) Department of Safety and Professional Services Staff.
7. Summary and Preliminary Comparison with any Existing or Proposed Federal Regulation that is Intended to Address the Activities to be Regulated by the Proposed Rule
There are no existing or proposed federal regulations intended to address the activities regulated by the proposed rule.
8. Anticipated Economic Impact of Implementing the Rule (Note if the Rule is Likely to Have a Significant Economic Impact on Small Businesses)
There is no anticipated economic impact of the proposed rule.
Contact Person
Sharon Henes, 608-261-2377.
Workforce Development
Unemployment Insurance, Chs. DWD 100—150
This statement of scope was approved by the Governor on August 14, 2013.
Rule No.
Amends Chapters DWD 126, 127, and 129.
Relating to
Work registration, work search, and unemployment insurance benefit claiming procedures.
Rule Type
Finding/Nature of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development (department) finds that an emergency exists and emergency rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. The reason for the emergency is:
  To fulfill the new statutory directives to require claimants for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to increase their number of weekly work search actions from two to at least four;
  To execute the new statutory requirement to request additional information from claimants;
  To promote the improvement in the Wisconsin economy as a result of the immediate implementation of legislative directives with respect to the UI program contained in 2013 Wisconsin Act 20 and 2013 Wisconsin Act 36;
  To improve the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund balance and thereby relieve employers of the burden of additional taxation;
  To simplify the process and compliance with respect to requirements for UI claimants to register for work; and,
  To better assist UI benefit claimants to obtain gainful employment.
The Department is considering the possibility of flexible effective date provisions in the rules, so that the rule changes in different areas of the rules can be brought into effect as soon as the necessary program policies and procedures have been developed, staff training has been completed, and programming changes have been implemented and tested. In addition, phasing in the changes for UI claim procedures, job search requirements, and reemployment services requirements will allow adequate time for public education.
Detailed Description of the Objective of the Proposed Rule
The emergency rules will amend and update current rules related to the UI program by disqualifying claimants who are not actively seeking work and reducing the amount of time that claimants collect UI benefits. The emergency rules will ensure that those receiving UI benefits are engaging in activities that an unemployed person who wants to work would perform. The emergency rules will enhance the department's ability to guarantee that claimants perform those activities directed by the department to assist claimants in becoming reemployed and prescribe methods by which claimants will be notified of requirements with respect to benefit eligibility.
  Section 108.04 (2) (a) 3., Stats., as amended by 2013 Wis. Act 20, requires weekly work search activities for a UI Benefit claimant be increased from 2 to at least 4 searches per week, and some claimants may be required to conduct more than 4 work searches per week.
  Section 108.04 (15), Stats., created by 2013 Wis. Act 36 authorizes the department to request information from UI benefit claimants related to work search efforts.
  Section 108.04 (2) (a) 4., Stats., as created by 2013 Wis. Act 36, authorizes the department to request information from UI benefit claimants related to work search efforts.
Description of Existing Policies Relevant to the Rule, New Policies Proposed to be Included in the Rule, and an Analysis of Policy Alternatives
UI benefits provide a temporary safety net for unemployed individuals who are out of work through no fault of their own until they secure additional employment. Section 108.04 (2), Stats., provides that an otherwise qualified claimant is eligible for UI benefits in any given week if the individual is able and available to work, has registered for work, and the individual conducts a reasonable search for suitable work.
2013 Wisconsin Act 20 amended these qualification requirements. First, it clarified that a claimant's registration for work must be done as directed by the department. Second, it increased the number of weekly work search actions a claimant must conduct from two to at least four, unless the department waives the work search requirement. Third, the department must adopt rules to prescribe when it may require a claimant to conduct more than four work search actions in a week. Finally, as the department enhances its focus on assisting claimants to become reemployed, the administrative rules must enable the department to provide claimants with notifications through email and other modern technological means.
The emergency rules will make the rules consistent with the newly enacted legislation and will clarify and narrow the exemptions available to a claimant who is required to conduct work searches. These emergency rules will strengthen the requirements for unemployed individuals to actively seek employment and thereby improve their employment prospects and align the job search requirements with the underlying goal of the UI program.
Under current administrative rules, the department may require claimants to participate in a public employment office workshop which offers instructions in improving a claimant's skills for finding and obtaining employment. Consistent with the statutory changes provided by 2013 Wisconsin Act 36, the emergency rule will enable the department to identify additional services it may provide claimants to become more quickly employed and potentially require claimants to attend training services to enhance their job prospects.
Finally, as required by 2013 Wisconsin Act 20, the emergency rules will provide criteria as to when the department may in a particular week require a claimant to conduct more than four weekly work search actions.
The policy alternative to not amend the administrative rules by the emergency rule process is unacceptable. First, the administrative rules will be inconsistent with state statutes. Second, without adopting the emergency rules, the department may not be able to require claimants to provide information to the department as prescribed by the department. This will deter the department from verifying that claimants are actively seeking work and enabling the department to provide needed employment services to claimants. Moreover, not amending the rules by the emergency rule process may encourage some claimants to remain unemployed and to continue to collect unemployment benefits rather than obtain employment, resulting in additional taxes being imposed on employers.
Detailed Explanation of Statutory Authority for the Rule, Including the Statutory Citation and Language
Section 108.04 (2) (b), Stats., provides: “[t]he requirements for registration for work and search for work shall be prescribed by rule of the department, and the department may by general rule waive these requirements under certain stated conditions."
In addition, s. 108.14 (2), Stats., provides in part: “[t]he department may adopt and enforce all rules which it finds necessary or suitable to carry out this chapter."
Other statutory authority includes:
Sec. 108.03, Wis. Stats. Payment of benefits — authority to prescribe conditions for the payment of benefits.
Sec. 108.04, Wis. Stats. Eligibility for benefits — authority to adopt rules on the requirement for work registration and work searches.
Sec. 108.08, Wis. Stats. Notification of unemployment — authority to adopt rules for how a claimant shall notify the department of his or her unemployment.
Sec.108.09, Wis. Stats. Settlement of benefit claims — authority to adopt rules on how claimants shall file claims.
Estimate of Amount of Time that State Employees will Spend Developing the Rule and Other Resources Necessary to Develop the Rule
The total amount of staff time is estimated to be approximately 30 additional hours of effort will be needed to develop these rules by the emergency rule process. The department has already submitted a scope statement to make these rules permanent rules and enacting these amendments by the emergency rule process can be part of the ongoing effort.
List with Description of all Entities that may be Affected by the Proposed Rule
These emergency rules will impact all individuals who qualify for UI benefits. These emergency rules will also impact businesses in two aspects. First, the emergency rules are projected to result in more UI claimants finding employment faster. As a result, unemployed individuals will be collecting lower amounts of UI benefits and there will be fewer charges to employers' UI accounts. This will result in employers having to pay lower amounts of unemployment tax. Second, more unemployed individuals will seek employment. As a result, there are likely to be more job applications for employers to review when employers are seeking to hire individuals.
Summary and Preliminary Comparison with any Existing or Proposed Federal Regulation that is Intended to Address the Activities to Be Regulated by the Proposed Rule
Federal law states UI claimants must be registered for work and must be available and actively seeking work to be eligible for UI benefits. In addition, federal law requires claimants to participate in reemployment services to which they have been referred as a condition of UI eligibility. These rules will clarify what are the required work search activities a claimant must conduct and strengthen the ability of the department to monitor claimants' efforts to obtain employment and require him or her to participate in reemployment services.
Anticipated economic impact of implementing the rule (note if the rule is likely to have an economic impact on small businesses)
These emergency rules will have a positive economic impact. The increase in the requirement for work search activities and work registration will likely decrease charges to the UI trust fund due to individuals obtaining employment sooner or becoming disqualified for not actively seeking work. This will have a positive economic impact on employers, due to fewer charges to employers' UI accounts. In addition, claimants who are regularly collecting a paycheck rather than an unemployment check will have a larger, more positive economic impact on the community.
Contact Person
Janell Knutson, Director, UI Bureau of Legal Affairs, (608) 266-1639,
Workforce Development
Employment and Training, Chs. DWD 805—830
This statement of scope was approved by the Governor on August 15, 2013.
Rule No.
Creates Chapter DWD 801.
Relating to
Workforce training grants under 2013 Wisconsin Act 9.
Rule Type
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) finds that an emergency exists and emergency rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. The reason for the emergency is:
DWD proposes to create new rules in Chapter DWD 801 to implement the program of workforce training grants enacted by 2013 Wisconsin Act 9. DWD held a public hearing on the permanent rule for this new program on July 15, 2013, and has made revisions to the text of the proposed permanent rule in response to the comments received. It would now benefit the public welfare to proceed with the rules in emergency form so that the program can begin this fall.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.