Relating to: sale and distribution of cigarettes in packages or containers with fewer than 20 cigarettes. relating to: sale and distribution of cigarettes in packages or containers with fewer than 20 cigarettes.
Date / House | Action | Journal |
5/13/1999 Sen. | Introduced by Senators Rosenzweig, Risser, Roessler, Erpenbach, Panzer, Darling, Clausing and A. Lasee; cosponsored by Representatives Urban, Olsen, Bock, Montgomery, Jeskewitz, Ladwig, Cullen, Staskunas, Freese, Huber, Black, Owens, Richards, Miller and Young. | |
5/13/1999 Sen. | Read first time and referred to committee on Economic Development, Housing and Government Operations | |
10/26/1999 Sen. | Withdrawn from committee on Economic Development, Housing and Government Operations and referred to committee on Human Services and Aging | |
1/18/2000 Sen. | Public hearing held. | |
1/21/2000 Sen. | Executive action taken. | |
1/25/2000 Sen. | Report passage recommended by committee on Human Services and Aging, Ayes 5, Noes 0 | |
1/25/2000 Sen. | Available for scheduling. | |
3/7/2000 Sen. | Read a second time | |
3/7/2000 Sen. | Ordered to a third reading | |
3/7/2000 Sen. | Rules suspended | |
3/7/2000 Sen. | Read a third time and passed, Ayes 31, Noes 2 | |
3/7/2000 Sen. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
3/9/2000 Asm. | Received from Senate | |
3/9/2000 Asm. | Read first time and referred to committee on Public Health | |
3/21/2000 Asm. | Public hearing held. | |
3/21/2000 Asm. | Executive action taken. | |
3/29/2000 Asm. | Report concurrence recommended by committee on Public Health, Ayes 9, Noes 0 | |
3/29/2000 Asm. | Referred to committee on Rules | |
3/30/2000 Asm. | Placed on calendar 3-30-2000 by committee on Rules. | |
4/6/2000 Asm. | Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |