2017-2018 Wisconsin Legislature

Senate Bill 132

An Act to amend 100.20 (5) and 100.20 (6); and to create 66.0439, 100.20 (1v) and 100.70 of the statutes; Relating to: regulating the use of certain professional credentials and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)

Status: S - Enacted into law

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
11/27/2017 Sen.Published 11-28-2017577
6/7/2017 Sen.Report passage recommended by Committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations, Ayes 5, Noes 0300


Date / House Action Journal
3/29/2017 Sen.Introduced by Senators Darling and Ringhand;
cosponsored by Representatives Petryk, Loudenbeck, Kerkman, Brostoff, Edming, Allen, Skowronski, Weatherston, Thiesfeldt and E. Brooks
3/29/2017 Sen.Read first time and referred to Committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations156
4/25/2017 Sen.Public hearing held 
4/25/2017 Sen.Fiscal estimate received 
4/25/2017 Sen.LRB correction212
6/7/2017 Sen.Executive action taken 
6/7/2017 Sen.Report passage recommended by Committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations, Ayes 5, Noes 0300
6/7/2017 Sen.Available for scheduling 
10/27/2017 Sen.Placed on calendar 10-31-2017 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1)511
10/31/2017 Sen.Read a second time517
10/31/2017 Sen.Ordered to a third reading517
10/31/2017 Sen.Rules suspended517
10/31/2017 Sen.Read a third time and passed517
10/31/2017 Sen.Ordered immediately messaged518
10/31/2017 Asm.Received from Senate493
11/6/2017 Asm.Read first time and referred to committee on Rules516
11/7/2017 Asm.Placed on calendar 11-9-2017 by Committee on Rules 
11/9/2017 Asm.Read a second time553
11/9/2017 Asm.Ordered to a third reading553
11/9/2017 Asm.Rules suspended553
11/9/2017 Asm.Read a third time and concurred in553
11/9/2017 Asm.Ordered immediately messaged553
11/10/2017 Sen.Received from Assembly concurred in559
11/14/2017 Sen.Report correctly enrolled562
11/22/2017 Sen.Presented to the Governor on 11-22-2017576
11/27/2017 Sen.Report approved by the Governor on 11-27-2017. 2017 Wisconsin Act 73577
11/27/2017 Sen.Published 11-28-2017577
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