115.81(4)(a)(a) The responsible local educational agency shall do all of the following:
115.81(4)(a)1.1. Ensure that the child receives a free appropriate public education.
115.81(4)(a)2.2. Ensure that the child’s treatment and security needs are considered when determining the least restrictive environment for the child.
115.81(4)(a)3.3. While the child resides at a residential care center for children and youth, appoint an individualized education program team to conduct reevaluations of the child in the manner provided under s. 115.782 (4).
115.81(4)(a)4.4. While the child resides at a residential care center for children and youth, after consulting with the residential care center for children and youth and a county department or a state agency, as appropriate, refer the child to another local educational agency if the responsible local educational agency determines that the child’s special education needs may be appropriately served in a less restrictive setting in the other local educational agency.
115.81(4)(a)5.5. If the child is leaving the residential care center for children and youth, assign staff or an individualized education program team to develop a reintegration plan for the child in cooperation with a county department and staff of the residential care center for children and youth.
115.81(4)(b)(b) The county department or state agency, as appropriate, shall do all of the following:
115.81(4)(b)1.1. Consider the child’s educational needs when selecting a residential care center for children and youth for the child.
115.81(4)(b)2.2. In cooperation with the responsible local educational agency and staff of the residential care center for children and youth, participate in the individualized education program team evaluation of the child and the development of the individualized education program for the child.
115.81(4)(b)3.3. Notify the local educational agency that will be responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education to the child whenever the county department or state agency anticipates removing the child from the residential care center for children and youth.
115.81(4)(b)4.4. In cooperation with the responsible local educational agency and staff of the residential care center for children and youth, develop a reintegration plan for the child if the child is leaving the residential care center for children and youth.
115.81(4)(b)5.5. Pay all of the residential care center for children and youth related costs of educating the child while the child resides in the residential care center for children and youth.
115.81(4)(c)(c) Whenever a local educational agency receives a referral under par. (a) 4., the local educational agency shall assign staff to determine whether the child can appropriately receive special education and related services provided in the local educational agency. If the assigned staff determine that the child can appropriately receive special education and related services in the local educational agency, the local educational agency shall provide such services for the child and is eligible for state tuition payments under s. 121.79 (1) (a). If the assigned staff determine that the child cannot appropriately receive special education and related services in the local educational agency, the local educational agency shall keep a written record of the reasons for that determination.
115.812115.812Placement disputes; school board referrals; interagency cooperation.
115.812(1)(1)Placement disputes. If a dispute arises between a local educational agency and the department of children and families, the department of corrections, or a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23, or between local educational agencies under s. 115.81 (4) (c), over the placement of a child, the state superintendent shall resolve the dispute. This subsection applies only to placements in nonresidential educational programs made under s. 48.57 (1) (c) and to placements in residential care centers for children and youth made under s. 115.81.
115.812(2)(2)School board referrals. Annually on or before August 15, each local educational agency shall report to the appropriate county departments under ss. 51.42 and 51.437 the names of children who reside in the local educational agency, are at least 16 years of age, are not expected to be enrolled in an educational program 2 years from the date of the report and may require services described under s. 51.42 or 51.437 (1). This subsection does not affect a local educational agency’s responsibility to make services available to children with disabilities.
115.812(3)(3)Interagency cooperation.
115.812(3)(a)(a) A school board, cooperative educational service agency and county children with disabilities education board may enter into an agreement with a county administrative agency, as defined in s. DHS 90.03 (10), Wis. Adm. Code, to allow the employees of the school board, agency or county children with disabilities education board to participate in the performance of evaluations and the development of individualized family service plans under s. 51.44.
115.812(3)(b)1.1. In this paragraph, “public agency” has the meaning given in s. 323.60 (1) (i), except that it excludes a local educational agency.
115.812(3)(b)2.2. If a public agency that is required by federal or state law or by an interagency agreement to provide or pay for the location, identification or evaluation of a child with a disability, including a child with a disability who is not yet 3 years of age, or for assistive technology devices or services, supplementary aids or services, transition services or special education or related services for a child with a disability, and fails to do so, the local educational agency shall provide or pay for the services. The public agency shall reimburse the local educational agency for the cost of providing the services.
115.812 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 164; 2005 a. 258; 2007 a. 20; 2009 a. 42, 180, 185.
115.817115.817Children with disabilities education board.
115.817(1)(1)Definitions. In this section “board” means the county children with disabilities education board.
115.817(2)(a)(a) A county board of supervisors may determine to establish a special education program, including the provision of related services for children with disabilities, for school districts in the county.
115.817(2)(b)(b) The program may provide for one or more special schools, classes, treatment or instruction centers for children with one or more types of disabilities.
115.817(2)(c)(c) A school district shall be included under the county program only to the extent approved by formal action of the school board.
115.817(3)(a)(a) The board shall consist of 3 or more persons, as determined by the county board of supervisors, elected by the county board or appointed by the chairperson of the county board, as the rules of the county board direct. Board members shall be electors selected from that part of the county participating in the program and shall be representative of the area the board serves. The board may include school board members, members of the county board of supervisors and other electors. Board members shall hold office for a term of 3 years, except that the terms of office of members of the first board shall be 3 years, 2 years and one year. Board members shall receive compensation and reimbursement for mileage in an amount fixed by the county board of supervisors, but not more than that of county board members.
115.817(3)(b)(b) The board annually shall select one member as chairperson and one as secretary. The county treasurer shall serve as board treasurer but shall not be a member of the board.
115.817(3)(c)(c) The board shall appoint an advisory committee whose membership includes school district administrators representative of the area the board serves.
115.817(4)(4)Application. Upon authorization of the county board, the board shall apply to the division for the establishment of a program or part of a program to provide special education and related services. The application shall state whether the program or part will be available in the county at large or only to certain school districts.
115.817(5)(5)Board duties.
115.817(5)(a)(a) The board shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the organization, equipment, operation and maintenance of such programs and may do all things necessary to perform its functions, including the authority to erect buildings subject to county board approval and employ teachers and other personnel. The board shall prepare an annual budget, which shall be subject to approval of the county board under s. 65.90 unless a resolution is adopted under sub. (9) (c), and shall include funds for the hiring of staff, the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment and the operation and maintenance of buildings or classrooms.
115.817(5)(b)1.1. At the close of each fiscal year, the board shall employ a certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442 to audit its accounts and certify the audit. The cost of the audit shall be paid from board funds.
115.817(5)(b)3.3. The department shall establish by rule a standard contract and minimum standards for audits performed under this paragraph.
115.817(5)(c)(c) If the county board of supervisors establishes an initiative to provide coordinated services under s. 59.53 (7), the county children with disabilities education board shall participate in the initiative, and may enter into written interagency agreements or contracts under the initiative.
115.817(5)(d)(d) Annually by October 1, the board and the school boards of the school districts participating in the county program shall submit a report to the state superintendent that specifies the portion of each school day that each pupil enrolled in the county program who is also enrolled in the school district of the pupil’s residence spent in county program classes in the previous school year and the portion of the school day that the pupil spent in school district classes in the previous school year. The state superintendent shall develop guidelines for a full-time equivalency methodology. The state superintendent is not required to promulgate the guidelines as rules.
115.817(6)(6)Assignment of functions.
115.817(6)(a)(a) The board may not assign by resolution or by contract the full administrative or instructional services of the board.
115.817(6)(b)(b) The ability of the board to contract with the board of control of a cooperative educational service agency, a school board or other public agency in the county for a portion of administrative or instructional services is not prohibited by par. (a). The board shall be responsible for all programs contracted under this paragraph.
115.817(7)(7)Withdrawal and dissolution.
115.817(7)(a)(a) The school board of any school district that is included under the administration of a board may withdraw from participation in any part of the program only with the approval of the state superintendent after conference with the board and a determination by the state superintendent that such withdrawal is in the interest of the program in the county and the school district affected. Such withdrawal shall be effective only if the school board has the approval of the division to establish an equivalent part of a program. Such withdrawal shall be effective either December 31 or June 30 provided that 12 months’ notice has been given to the board. The withdrawing school district shall be liable for its proportionate share of all operating costs until its withdrawal becomes effective, shall continue to be liable for its share of debt incurred while it was a participant and shall receive no share in the assets.
115.817(7)(b)(b) A program established under this section may be dissolved by action of the county board, but such dissolution shall not take place until the end of the school term in which the action was taken. When a program is dissolved, assets and liabilities shall be distributed under s. 66.0235 to all units which participated in the program, except as provided in sub. (9m).
115.817(8)(8)Transportation. The board may promulgate a plan for the transportation at county expense of children who are receiving special education and related services under this section, special education and related services provided at child care centers, or special education and related services provided by a private organization within whose attendance area the child resides and which is situated not more than 5 miles beyond the boundaries of the area the board serves, as measured along the usually traveled route. The plan, upon approval of the state superintendent, shall govern the transportation of such children. Any such plan for transportation during the school term supersedes ss. 115.88 and 121.54 (3).
115.817(9)(9)Area taxed.
115.817(9)(a)(a) The tax for the operation and maintenance of each part of a special education program and for the transportation of children under sub. (8) shall be levied against the area of the county participating in the part of the program. The tax for the costs associated with the dissolution of the program operated by the Racine County children with disabilities education board that are specified under sub. (9m) shall continue to be levied only against the area of Racine County that participated in the program before its dissolution.
115.817(9)(b)(b) Beginning July 1, 1981, no board, except a board that has constructed or acquired building facilities, may continue to operate under this section if the area taxed under par. (a) constitutes less than 50 percent of the full value of taxable property within the county.
115.817(9)(c)(c) Upon the adoption of a resolution by a majority of the school boards that are located in whole or in part in the county and are participating in the county program under sub. (2) (c), this subsection shall not apply commencing on the effective date of the resolution. A resolution adopted under this paragraph between January 1 and June 30 in any year shall be effective on January 1 of the year commencing after its adoption. A resolution adopted under this paragraph between July 1 and December 31 in any year shall be effective on January 1 of the 2nd year commencing after its adoption. In the year in which the resolution is effective, the county budget under s. 59.60 or 65.90 shall include a line item for the special education program.
115.817(9m)(9m)Racine County. If the program operated by the Racine County children with disabilities education board is dissolved by the Racine County board of supervisors under sub. (7) (b), all assets and liabilities shall be distributed as provided under sub. (7) (b), except that Racine County shall continue to be responsible for paying the costs associated with the postretirement health benefits of former employees of the Racine County children with disabilities education board and the costs incurred under s. 40.05 (2) (b) before dissolution for the unfunded prior service liability for former employees of the Racine County children with disabilities education board.
115.817(10)(10)State aids.
115.817(10)(a)(a) The board may apply for and receive the state aid under s. 115.88 for the transportation, board and lodging, treatment, and instruction of children participating in programs under this section.
115.817(10)(b)(b) The board may apply for and receive the state aid under ss. 121.135 and 121.14. This paragraph does not apply beginning on the effective date of a resolution adopted under sub. (9) (c).
115.817(10)(c)(c) All state aid shall be paid to the county treasurer and credited to the fund of the board.
115.817(11)(11)Violations. The state superintendent shall withhold aid from any board that violates this section.
115.82115.82Admission and transportation of nonresidents.
115.82(1)(1)A cooperative educational service agency, county children with disabilities education board or school district that provides special education and related services shall admit a nonresident if the program is appropriate for the child’s disability. Refusal to admit a child does not relieve the local educational agency that is responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education to the child under this subchapter from that responsibility.
115.82(2)(2)In addition to the requirements of s. 121.54 (3), when board and lodging are not furnished to a nonresident child with a disability, the school district in which the child resides shall provide transportation, except as follows:
115.82(2)(a)(a) If there is a plan of transportation under s. 115.817 (8), the county children with disabilities education board shall provide transportation.
115.82(2)(b)(b) If the child is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), the nonresident school district shall provide transportation.
115.82(2)(c)(c) If the child is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.50, the school district specified to do so in the whole grade sharing agreement shall provide transportation.
115.82 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 164; 1999 a. 117; 2015 a. 55.
115.88115.88State aid.
115.88(1)(a)(a) A school board, board of control of a cooperative educational service agency, operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), operator of a school under a contract with a school board under s. 118.40 that is not an instrumentality of a school district, or, upon authorization of the county board, a county children with disabilities education board may employ, for a special education program, either full-time or part-time licensed teachers, licensed coordinators of special education, school nurses, licensed school social workers, licensed school psychologists, licensed school counselors, paraprofessionals, licensed consulting teachers to work with any teacher of regular education programs who has a child with a disability in a class, and any other personnel approved by the department.
115.88(1)(b)(b) A school board, board of control of a cooperative educational service agency, operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), operator of a school under a contract with a school board under s. 118.40 that is not an instrumentality of a school district, or, upon authorization of the county board, a county children with disabilities education board may contract with private or public agencies for substitute teaching and paraprofessional staffing services, physical or occupational therapy services, orientation and mobility training services, educational interpreter services, educational audiology, speech and language therapy, pupil transition services for eligible pupils who are 18 to 21 years old, or any service approved by the state superintendent, on the basis of demonstrated need.
115.88(1m)(1m)Program aid.
115.88(1m)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), if the state superintendent is satisfied that the special education program has been maintained during the preceding school year in accordance with law, the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of each county, cooperative educational service agency, charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), and school district maintaining such special education program a sum equal to the amount expended by the county, agency, charter school, and school district during the preceding year for salaries of personnel and services enumerated in sub. (1) (a) and (b) and other expenses approved by the state superintendent, as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b).
115.88(1m)(ag)(ag) Subject to par. (b), if the state superintendent is satisfied that the special education program of an operator of a school under a contract with a school board under s. 118.40 that is not an instrumentality of a school district has been maintained during the previous school year in accordance with law, the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of the school board a sum equal to the amount expended by the operator during the previous school year for salaries of personnel and services enumerated in sub. (1) (a) and (b) and other expenses approved by the state superintendent as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b). Within 30 days of its receipt, the school board shall pay to the operator of the school under a contract with the school board the aid received under this paragraph.
115.88(1m)(b)(b) The department shall promulgate rules establishing the percentage of the salaries of school nurses, licensed school social workers, licensed school psychologists, and licensed school counselors that may be certified under par. (a) as costs eligible for reimbursement. For each category of personnel, the department shall base the percentage on the average percentage of work time that the category spends providing services to children with disabilities, including conducting evaluations under s. 115.782.
115.88 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PI 30, Wis. adm. code.
115.88(2m)(2m)Special or additional transportation; aid.
115.88(2m)(a)(a) A school board, board of control of a cooperative educational service agency, operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), or, upon authorization of the county board, a county children with disabilities education board shall provide special or additional transportation as required in the individualized education program developed for the child with a disability under s. 115.787 (2) or as required under s. 121.54 (3). The operator of a school under a contract with a school board under s. 118.40 that is not an instrumentality of the school district shall provide special or additional transportation under this paragraph if the contract between the operator and the school board requires the operator to provide the special or additional transportation.
115.88(2m)(b)(b) If the state superintendent is satisfied that a school board, board of control, operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), or county children with disabilities education board has provided special or additional transportation during the previous school year as described under par. (a), the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of the school board, board of control, operator of the charter school, or county children with disabilities education board providing the transportation a sum equal to the amount expended by the school board, board of control, operator of the charter school, or county children with disabilities education board during the previous school year as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriations under s. 20.255 (2) (b).
115.88(2m)(c)(c) If the state superintendent is satisfied that the operator of a school under a contract with a school board under s. 118.40 that is not an instrumentality of the school district has provided special or additional transportation during the previous school year as described under par. (a), the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of the school board a sum equal to the amount expended by the operator during the previous school year for providing the transportation as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b). Within 30 days of its receipt, the school board shall pay to the operator of the school under a contract with the school board the aid received under this paragraph.
115.88(3)(3)Board and lodging aid. There shall be paid the amount expended for board and lodging and transportation between the boarding home and the special education program of nonresident children enrolled under s. 115.82 (1) in the special education program. The department shall certify to the department of administration in favor of each school district, cooperative educational service agency, county children with disabilities education board, state agency of another state or private, nonsectarian special education service which operates the special education program while providing board, lodging and transportation an amount equal to the amount expended for such board and lodging and transportation as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b).
115.88(4)(4)Hospitals and convalescent home aid. The full cost of special education for children in hospitals and convalescent homes for orthopedically disabled children shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b). The supervision of such instruction shall be under the department and the school board of the school district in which the hospital or convalescent home is located. The school board of the district in which the hospital or convalescent home is located shall submit to the department an itemized statement of all revenues and expenditures for the actual cost of such instruction and any other information it requires.
115.88(6)(6)Aid for instruction outside of district. The department shall certify to the department of administration, in favor of each school district, an amount equal to the amount expended for salaries and travel expenses, as determined in advance by the state superintendent, for providing special education outside the school district of employment, as eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b).
115.88(7)(7)Offsetting receipts. In any school year, the following revenues shall be deducted from costs aidable under this section before aids are calculated under this section:
115.88(7)(a)(a) Any federal operational revenues expended on costs aidable under this section.
115.88(7)(b)(b) That portion of state tuition payments attributable to the special annual tuition rate under s. 121.83 (1) (c), regardless of the school year in which the services were provided. The tuition revenues shall be allocated to the most appropriate part of a program.
115.88(8)(8)Enrollment out of state. If a child with a disability is enrolled in a public special education program located in another state and the state superintendent is satisfied that the program in which the child is enrolled complies with this subchapter, the state superintendent shall certify to the department of administration in favor of the school district in which the child resides or the school district attended by the child under s. 118.50, 118.51, or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4) a sum equal to the amount expended by the school district during the preceding year for the additional costs associated with the child’s special education program as costs eligible for reimbursement from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b).
115.88(9)(9)Distribution schedule. Each county, cooperative educational service agency, operator of a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) and school district entitled to state aid under this section shall receive 15 percent of its total aid entitlement in each month from November to March and 25 percent of its total entitlement in June.
115.88(10)(10)Audit of eligible costs. The state superintendent may audit costs under this section and adjust the amounts eligible for reimbursement to cover only actual, eligible costs.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)