126.57(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a vegetable contractor who is required to be licensed under s. 126.56 (1) shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance, issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state, that covers all vegetables in the custody of the vegetable contractor, whether owned by the vegetable contractor or held for others, at the full local market value of the vegetables.
126.57(1)(b)(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a vegetable contractor if any of the following applies:
126.57(1)(b)1.1. The vegetable contractor pays cash on delivery under all vegetable procurement contracts.
126.57(1)(b)2.2. The vegetable contractor is a producer-owned cooperative or unincorporated cooperative association or organization that procures processing vegetables only from its producer owners.
126.57(1)(b)3.3. The vegetable contractor is a processing potato buyer who has elected not to participate in the fund in accordance with s. 126.595 (1).
126.57(2)(2)Insurance cancellation; replacement. Whenever an insurance policy under sub. (1) is canceled, the vegetable contractor shall replace the policy so that there is no lapse in coverage.
126.57(3)(3)Insurance coverage; misrepresentation. No vegetable contractor may misrepresent any of the following to the department or to any vegetable producer or producer agent:
126.57(3)(a)(a) That the vegetable contractor is insured.
126.57(3)(b)(b) The nature, coverage, or material terms of the vegetable contractor’s insurance policy.
126.57 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 16; 2005 a. 80, 441.
126.58126.58Vegetable contractors; financial statements.
126.58(1)(1)Required annual financial statement.
126.58(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c), a vegetable contractor shall file an annual financial statement with the department, before the department first licenses the vegetable contractor under s. 126.56 (1), if the vegetable contractor reports more than $500,000 in contract obligations under s. 126.56 (9) (am).
126.58(1)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (c), a vegetable contractor licensed under s. 126.56 (1) shall file an annual financial statement with the department during each license year if the vegetable contractor’s license application for that year reports more than $500,000 in contract obligations under s. 126.56 (9) (am). The vegetable contractor shall file the annual financial statement by the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the vegetable contractor’s fiscal year, except that the department may extend the filing deadline for up to 30 days if the vegetable contractor, or the accountant reviewing or auditing the financial statement, files a written extension request at least 10 days before the filing deadline.
126.58(1)(c)(c) A vegetable contractor is not required to file a financial statement under par. (a) or (b) if any of the following applies:
126.58(1)(c)1.1. The vegetable contractor pays cash on delivery under all vegetable procurement contracts.
126.58(1)(c)2.2. The vegetable contractor is a producer-owned cooperative or unincorporated cooperative association that procures processing vegetables only from its producer owners.
126.58(1)(c)3.3. The vegetable contractor is a processing potato buyer who has elected not to participate in the fund in accordance with s. 126.595 (1).
126.58(2)(2)Voluntary financial statement. A contributing vegetable contractor who is not required to file a financial statement under sub. (1) may file an annual financial statement with the department for any of the following reasons:
126.58(2)(a)(a) To qualify for a lower fund assessment under s. 126.60.
126.58(2)(b)(b) To avoid filing security under s. 126.61 (1) (b).
126.58(3)(3)Reviewed or audited financial statement. A vegetable contractor filing a financial statement under sub. (1) or (2) may file either a reviewed financial statement or an audited financial statement, except that if the amount that the vegetable contractor last reported under s. 126.56 (9) (am) is more than $7,500,000, the vegetable contractor shall file an audited financial statement.
126.58(4)(4)Accounting period. A vegetable contractor filing an annual financial statement under sub. (1) or (2) shall file a financial statement that covers the vegetable contractor’s last completed fiscal year unless the vegetable contractor has been in business for less than one year.
126.58(4m)(4m)Interim financial statement. The department may, at any time, require a vegetable contractor licensed under s. 126.56 (1) to file an interim financial statement with the department. An interim financial statement need not be a reviewed or audited financial statement.
126.58(5)(5)Generally accepted accounting principles.
126.58(5)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a vegetable contractor filing a financial statement under this section shall file a financial statement that is prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles.
126.58(5)(b)(b) If a vegetable contractor is a sole proprietor and the vegetable contractor’s financial statement is not audited, the vegetable contractor shall file a financial statement that is prepared on a historical cost basis.
126.58(6)(6)Financial statement contents.
126.58(6)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a vegetable contractor filing a financial statement under this section shall file a financial statement that consists of a balance sheet, income statement, equity statement, statement of cash flows, notes to those statements, and any other information required by the department. If the vegetable contractor is a sole proprietor, the vegetable contractor shall file his or her business and personal financial statements.
126.58(6)(b)(b) If a vegetable contractor has been in business for less than one year, the vegetable contractor may file an annual financial statement under sub. (1) or (2) consisting of a balance sheet and notes.
126.58(6)(c)(c) A vegetable contractor filing a financial statement under this section shall include in the financial statement, or in an attachment to the financial statement, calculations of all of the following:
126.58(6)(c)1.1. The vegetable contractor’s current ratio, excluding any assets required to be excluded under sub. (7).
126.58(6)(c)2.2. The vegetable contractor’s debt to equity ratio, excluding any assets required to be excluded under sub. (7).
126.58(7)(7)Assets excluded. A vegetable contractor may not include any of the following assets in the calculations under sub. (6) (c), unless the department specifically approves their inclusion:
126.58(7)(a)(a) A nontrade note or account receivable from an officer, director, employee, partner, or stockholder, or from a member of the family of any of those individuals, unless the note or account receivable is secured by a first priority security interest in real or personal property.
126.58(7)(b)(b) A note or account receivable from a parent organization, a subsidiary, or an affiliate other than an employee.
126.58(7)(c)(c) A note or account that has been receivable for more than one year, unless the vegetable contractor has established an equal offsetting reserve for uncollectible notes and accounts receivable.
126.58(9)(9)Entity covered. A person filing a financial statement under this section may not file, in lieu of that person’s financial statement, the financial statement of the person’s parent organization, subsidiary, predecessor, or successor.
126.58(10)(10)Department review. The department may analyze a financial statement filed under this section and may reject a financial statement that fails to comply with this section.
126.58 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 16; 2005 a. 80, 441; 2009 a. 296; 2017 a. 155.
126.59126.59Contributing vegetable contractors; disqualification.
126.59(1)(1)Contribution required. A vegetable contractor licensed under s. 126.56 (1) shall pay fund assessments under s. 126.60 unless one of the following applies:
126.59(1)(a)(a) The vegetable contractor is disqualified under sub. (2).
126.59(1)(b)(b) The vegetable contractor pays cash on delivery under all vegetable procurement contracts.
126.59(1)(c)(c) The vegetable contractor is a producer-owned cooperative or unincorporated cooperative association that procures processing vegetables only from its producer owners.
126.59(1)(d)(d) The vegetable contractor is a processing potato buyer who has elected not to participate in the fund in accordance with s. 126.595 (1).
126.59(1m)(1m)Voluntary contribution. A vegetable contractor who is exempt under sub. (1) (b) or (c) may volunteer to pay fund assessments under s. 126.60.
126.59(2)(2)Disqualified contractor.
126.59(2)(a)(a) A vegetable contractor who is required to file security under s. 126.61 (1) (a) is disqualified from the fund until the department determines that one of the conditions in s. 126.61 (7) (a) 1. or 2. is satisfied.
126.59(2)(b)(b) A vegetable contractor is disqualified from the fund if the department denies, suspends, or revokes the vegetable contractor’s license.
126.59(2)(c)(c) A vegetable contractor is disqualified from the fund, and required to pay cash on delivery under vegetable procurement contracts, if the department issues an order under s. 126.85 disqualifying the vegetable contractor from the fund.
126.59(3)(3)Payments by disqualified vegetable contractor.
126.59(3)(a)(a) The department may not return, to a disqualified vegetable contractor, any fund assessments that the vegetable contractor paid as a contributing vegetable contractor.
126.59(3)(b)(b) A disqualified vegetable contractor remains liable for any unpaid fund installment under s. 126.60 that became due while the vegetable contractor was a contributing vegetable contractor. A disqualified vegetable contractor is not liable for any fund installment that becomes due after the vegetable contractor is disqualified under sub. (2).
126.59(4)(4)Notice to producers. A vegetable contractor who is disqualified under sub. (2) (b) or (c) shall immediately give written notice of the disqualification to all vegetable producers and producer agents to whom the vegetable contractor has unpaid obligations under vegetable procurement contracts. The department may by rule or order specify the required form and content of the notice.
126.59 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 16; 2003 a. 38; 2005 a. 80, 441; 2009 a. 296.
126.595126.595Processing potato buyer optional nonparticipation.
126.595(1)(1)Eligibility. A processing potato buyer may elect not to participate in the fund by doing all of the following:
126.595(1)(a)(a) Submitting a notification of nonparticipation to the department by January 31 of each year or, for a new processing potato buyer, at the time of application for its first license.
126.595(1)(b)(b) Certifying in a statement to the department that the processing potato buyer will not, in the next licensing year, enter into any of the following:
126.595(1)(b)1.1. An unwritten contract with a vegetable producer in this state under which the processing potato buyer takes custody or control of processing potatoes more than 10 days before paying for the processing potatoes in full.
126.595(1)(b)2.2. A written contract with a vegetable producer in this state under which the processing potato buyer takes custody or control of processing potatoes more than 30 days before paying for the processing potatoes in full.
126.595(1)(c)(c) Certifying in a statement to the department that the processing potato buyer does not at the time of certification have any unpaid obligations to vegetable producers under any of the following:
126.595(1)(c)1.1. An unwritten contract with a vegetable producer in this state under which the processing potato buyer takes custody or control of processing potatoes more than 10 days before paying for the processing potatoes in full.
126.595(1)(c)2.2. A written contract with a vegetable producer in this state under which the processing potato buyer takes custody or control of processing potatoes more than 30 days before paying for the processing potatoes in full.
126.595(1)(d)(d) Providing evidence to the department that the processing potato buyer has a license under the federal Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 7 USC 499a to 499t, that is in good standing.
126.595(1)(e)(e) Certifying that it will disclose to all vegetable producers with whom the processing potato buyer contracts that the processing potato buyer does not participate in the fund by providing the following statement, in at least 10-point bold type, in each written contract for processed potatoes or, for unwritten contracts, in a written statement signed by the vegetable processor and the vegetable producer: “The undersigned processing potato buyer, as defined in s. 126.55 (10r), Wisconsin Statutes, does not participate in the Wisconsin agricultural producer security fund, established under s. 25.463, Wisconsin Statutes. As a result the producer does not have the security or other protections against nonpayment provided by that fund. The parties to this contract acknowledge that the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the State of Wisconsin cannot be held liable for any default under the contract between the parties.”
126.595(1)(f)(f) Maintaining documentation that every purchase of potatoes grown in this state for processing under contract with the processing potato buyer qualifies for trust protection under the federal Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 7 USC 499a to 499t, and that the vegetable producers’ trust rights have been validly preserved.
126.595(2)(2)Resuming participation.
126.595(2)(a)1.1. A processing potato buyer that has elected not to participate in the fund may rescind its election and participate in the fund by notifying the department of its intention to participate and complying with par. (b). Participation is effective the 30th day after the day on which the department receives the notice or on the effective date of the security described in par. (b) 1., whichever is later.
126.595(2)(a)2.2. A processing potato buyer that has elected not to participate in the fund shall participate in the fund if the processing potato buyer ceases to meet the requirements in sub. (1). Participation is effective on the day on which the department notifies the processing potato buyer that the potato buyer in no longer eligible under sub. (1) or on the effective date of the security described in par. (b) 1., whichever is later.
126.595(2)(b)1.1. A processing potato buyer that decides or is required to participate in the fund under par. (a) shall file security with the department in a form that satisfies the requirements in s. 126.61 (4) and that is in an amount equal to at least 75 percent of the amount last reported under s. 126.56 (9) (b). The processing potato buyer shall maintain the security until the department releases it. The department may not release the security until the processing potato buyer has participated in the fund for 2 continuous complete license years.
126.595(2)(b)2.2. A processing potato buyer that decides or is required to participate in the fund under par. (a) shall begin contributing to the fund at the beginning of its 2nd complete license year of participation, except that this requirement does not apply to a processing potato buyer that is disqualified under s. 126.59 (2).
126.595 HistoryHistory: 2005 a. 80.
126.60126.60Contributing vegetable contractors; fund assessments.
126.60(1)(1)General. A contributing vegetable contractor shall pay an annual fund assessment for each license year. Except as provided in sub. (5m), the assessment equals $20 or the sum of the following, whichever is greater, unless the department by rule specifies a different assessment:
126.60(1)(a)(a) The vegetable contractor’s current ratio assessment. The current ratio assessment for a license year equals the vegetable contractor’s current ratio assessment rate under sub. (2) multiplied by the amount reported under s. 126.56 (9) (am) in the vegetable contractor’s license application for that license year.
126.60(1)(b)(b) The vegetable contractor’s debt to equity ratio assessment. The debt to equity ratio assessment for a license year equals the vegetable contractor’s debt to equity ratio assessment rate under sub. (4) multiplied by the amount reported under s. 126.56 (9) (am) in the vegetable contractor’s license application for that license year.
126.60(2)(2)Current ratio assessment rate. A vegetable contractor’s current ratio assessment rate is calculated, at the beginning of the license year, as follows:
126.60(2)(a)(a) If the vegetable contractor has filed an annual financial statement under s. 126.58 and that financial statement shows a current ratio of at least 1.25 to 1.0, the vegetable contractor’s current ratio assessment rate equals the greater of zero or the current ratio assessment factor in sub. (3) (a) multiplied by the following amount:
126.60(2)(a)1.1. Subtract 4 from the current ratio.
126.60(2)(a)2.2. Divide the amount determined under subd. 1. by 2.
126.60(2)(a)3.3. Multiply the amount determined under subd. 2. by negative one.
126.60(2)(a)4.4. Raise the amount determined under subd. 3. to the 3rd power.
126.60(2)(a)5.5. Subtract 0.65 from the current ratio.
126.60(2)(a)6.6. Divide 0.60 by the amount determined under subd. 5.
126.60(2)(a)7.7. Raise the amount determined under subd. 6. to the 5th power.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)