13.525(2)(2)Officers. The majority party senator and the majority party representative to the assembly shall be cochairpersons of the committee. The committee shall elect a secretary from among its nonlegislator members.
13.525(3)(3)Judicial and gubernatorial appointees. Members appointed under sub. (1) (e) or (f) shall serve at the pleasure of the authority appointing them.
13.525(4)(4)Eligibility. A member shall cease to be a member upon losing the status upon which the appointment is based. Membership on the committee shall not be incompatible with any other public office.
13.525(5)(5)Review of legislation relating to crimes.
13.525(5)(a)(a) If any bill that is introduced in either house of the legislature proposes to create a new crime or revise a penalty for an existing crime and the bill is referred to a standing committee of the house in which it is introduced, the chairperson may request the joint review committee to prepare a report on the bill under par. (b). If the bill is not referred to a standing committee, the speaker of the assembly, if the bill is introduced in the assembly, or the presiding officer of the senate, if the bill is introduced in the senate, may request the joint review committee to prepare a report on the bill under par. (b).
13.525(5)(b)(b) If the joint review committee receives a request under par. (a) for a report on a bill that proposes to create a new crime or revise a penalty for an existing crime, the committee shall prepare a report concerning all of the following:
13.525(5)(b)1.1. The costs that are likely to be incurred or saved by the department of corrections, the department of justice, the state public defender, the courts, district attorneys, and other state and local government agencies if the bill is enacted.
13.525(5)(b)2.2. The consistency of penalties proposed in the bill with existing criminal penalties.
13.525(5)(b)3.3. Alternative language needed, if any, to conform penalties proposed in the bill to penalties in existing criminal statutes.
13.525(5)(b)4.4. Whether acts prohibited under the bill are prohibited under existing criminal statutes.
13.525(5)(c)(c) The chief clerk shall print a report prepared by the committee under par. (b) as an appendix to the bill and attach it thereto as are amendments. The reproduction shall be in lieu of inclusion in the daily journal of the house in which the proposal is introduced.
13.525(5)(d)(d) If a bill that is introduced in either house of the legislature proposes to create a new crime or revise a penalty for an existing crime, a standing committee to which the bill is referred may not vote on whether to recommend the bill for passage and the bill may not be passed by the house in which it is introduced before the joint review committee submits a report under par. (b) or before the 30th day after a report is requested under par. (a), whichever is earlier.
13.525(6)(6)Committee powers and procedures. The committee may hold hearings as needed to elicit information for making a report under sub. (5) (b). The committee shall meet at the call of its cochairpersons. All actions of the committee require the approval of a majority of all of its members.
13.525 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 109; 2003 a. 321; Sup. Ct. Order No. 18-01, 2018 WI 33, 380 Wis. 2d xiii.
Effective date noteWisconsin Comment, 2018: Pursuant to S. Ct. Order 18-01, 2018 WI 33 (issued April 11 2018, eff. July 31, 2018) the court redistributed the counties that constituted the 6th judicial administrative district into other judicial administrative districts. Accordingly, as of the effective date of that order, there is no 6th judicial administrative district.
13.5313.53Joint legislative audit committee.
13.53(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint legislative audit committee consisting of the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, 2 other majority and 2 minority party senators and 2 other majority and 2 minority party representatives to the assembly, appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses. In making appointments of the members from each house other than the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, each house shall designate a cochairperson. The committee shall be staffed as are other standing committees of the legislature. The committee shall meet as often as necessary to perform its duties and functions.
13.53(2)(2)Responsibilities. The joint legislative audit committee shall have advisory responsibilities for the legislative audit bureau. The committee’s responsibility is subject to general supervision of the joint committee on legislative organization. The joint legislative audit committee may:
13.53(2)(a)(a) Evaluate the qualifications of the candidates for the position of state auditor and make recommendations to the joint committee on legislative organization.
13.53(2)(b)(b) Study and review the postaudit or other reports submitted by the legislative audit bureau, confer with the state auditor and assistants and with other legislative committees in regard to such reports and, when necessary, confer with representatives of the entities audited in order to obtain full and complete information in regard to any fiscal transactions and governmental operations within the state.
13.53(2)(c)(c) Refer to the legislature or to an appropriate standing committee information that, in its opinion, warrants action by the legislature or by the committee. It may request from a standing committee information on such action as is taken. The committee shall seek the advice of the appropriate standing committees with respect to the program portion of an audit relating to an entity which is within the purview of such committee.
13.53(3)(3)Postaudit report consideration.
13.53(3)(a)(a) In any instance in which a postaudit report of the legislative audit bureau cites cases of improper payments; inadequate accounting, operating, or administrative system controls, procedures, or related records; inaccuracies; waste or extravagance; unauthorized or unintended activities or programs; or other deficiencies required by statute to be reported, the head of the entity to which the audit report pertains shall, within a time period specified by the committee, advise the cochairpersons of the committee, the chairperson of the joint committee on legislative organization and to each appropriate standing committee of any remedial actions taken or to be taken on matters cited in the report. Where such advice is not forthcoming from the head of the entity within the time period specified by the committee, or where the committee determines that suitable action has not been taken, the committee may report the matter immediately to the joint committee on legislative organization and to each appropriate standing committee.
13.53(3)(b)(b) The committee may, in any case, propose specific corrective action to remedy undesirable practices, including changes in applicable laws, rules and procedures, but with respect to the program portion of an audit, it shall first seek the advice of the appropriate standing committees which have purview over the entity under review. If the committee introduces a bill, it shall be referred to the appropriate standing committee. The appropriate standing committees may propose corrective legislation wherever they find that the program portion of the audit indicates that a law is not being implemented in the manner intended by the legislature when the law was enacted.
13.53(3)(c)(c) Each appropriate standing committee, and the joint legislative audit committee, may hold a hearing on the contents of a postaudit report by the legislative audit bureau. An appropriate standing committee may request the joint legislative audit committee to hold such a hearing. Nothing in this paragraph precludes joint hearings by 2 or more committees.
13.53(4)(4)Fiscal and performance evaluations. The committee may at any time, without regard to whether the legislature is then in session, request the joint committee on legislative organization to investigate any matter within the scope of a postaudit completed or being conducted by the legislative audit bureau. It may also request investigation and consideration of any matter relative to the expenditures and revenues as well as the fiscal and performance activities of entities pursuant to the objectives of the committee and the legislative audit bureau.
13.53(5)(5)Interference; special duties. No member of the joint legislative audit committee, the joint committee on legislative organization or other member of the legislature may interfere in any way with the state auditor in the conduct of audit examinations. The state auditor shall carry out the auditor’s professional responsibilities in accordance with accepted professional auditing standards and shall conduct examinations within the framework of the ethics of the auditing profession. This subsection does not preclude an individual legislator or a standing committee from requesting the joint legislative audit committee or the joint committee on legislative organization to direct the state auditor to undertake specific audits. All such requests shall be reviewed by the committee to which they are directed before such committee directs the state auditor to conduct such audits. The joint committee on legislative organization may consult with the joint legislative audit committee and the legislative audit bureau prior to giving its directions to the state auditor. Nothing in this subsection precludes the joint legislative audit committee or the joint committee on legislative organization from instructing the state auditor to undertake examinations of specific activities when the committee deems it to be necessary.
13.5513.55Commission on uniform state laws.
13.55(1)(a)1.1. There is created a commission on uniform state laws to advise the legislature with regard to uniform laws and model laws. Except as provided under par. (b), the commission shall consist of all of the following:
13.55(1)(a)1.a.a. The director of the legislative council staff or a professional employee of the legislative council staff designated by the director.
13.55(1)(a)1.b.b. The chief of the legislative reference bureau or a professional employee under s. 13.92 (1) (b) designated by the chief.
13.55(1)(a)1.d.d. Two senators and 2 representatives to the assembly from the 2 major political parties appointed as are members of standing committees for 2-year terms.
13.55(1)(a)1.e.e. Two public members appointed by the governor for 4-year terms.
13.55(1)(a)1.f.f. Members having the status of life members of the national Uniform Law Commission as delegates of this state, appointed by the commission members specified in subd. 1. a. to e., for 4-year terms.
13.55(1)(a)2.2. The terms of members appointed under subd. 1. e. or f. shall expire on May 1 of an odd-numbered year.
13.55(1)(b)1.1. Except as otherwise provided in subds. 2. and 3., only senators and representatives to the assembly who are members of the bar association of this state may be appointed to seats designated for the offices of senator and representative to the assembly under par. (a).
13.55(1)(b)2.2. A seat designated for the office of senator or representative to the assembly under par. (a) that cannot be filled because of the requirement under subd. 1., or because a senator or representative to the assembly is unwilling or unable to serve on the delegation, may be filled by a former senator or representative to the assembly from the applicable political party who served on the commission during his or her term as a senator or representative to the assembly and who is a member of the bar association of this state.
13.55(1)(b)3.3. A seat designated for the office of senator or representative to the assembly under par. (a) that cannot be filled as provided in subd. 1. or 2. because there is no individual meeting the described eligibility criteria who is able or willing to serve on the delegation may be filled by any member of the bar association of this state.
13.55(1)(b)4.4. A former senator or representative to the assembly or other person may be appointed as provided in subd. 2. or 3. as are members of standing committees and shall serve for a 2-year term as provided under par. (a).
13.55(1)(b)5.5. This paragraph does not apply if the national Uniform Law Commission permits individuals to become voting commissioners or associate members of the national Uniform Law Commission without regard to membership in the bar of the state that the individual represents.
13.55(1)(c)(c) Except as provided in sub. (2), members of the commission appointed under par. (a) 1. f. shall have the same rights and responsibilities as all other members, including voting rights.
13.55(2)(2)Quorum; scheduled meetings. Any 5 members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. For purposes of determining whether a quorum exists, members appointed under sub. (1) (a) 1. f. may not be counted. The commission shall meet at least once every 2 years.
13.55(3)(3)National conference. Each commissioner may attend the annual meeting of the national Uniform Law Commission and shall do all of the following:
13.55(3)(a)(a) Examine subjects on which uniformity of legislation is desirable.
13.55(3)(b)(b) Ascertain the best methods to effect uniformity.
13.55(3)(c)(c) Cooperate with commissioners in other states in the preparation of uniform acts.
13.55(3)(d)(d) Prepare bills adapting such uniform acts to the Wisconsin statutes, for introduction in the legislature.
13.55(4)(4)Report. The commission shall make a biennial report to the law revision committee of the joint legislative council.
13.5613.56Joint committee for review of administrative rules.
13.56(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint committee for review of administrative rules, consisting of 5 senators and 5 representatives to the assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses from the majority and minority political parties in each house. In making the appointments, each house shall designate a cochairperson. The committee shall meet at the call of one of its cochairpersons.
13.56(2)(2)Participation in certain proceedings. The cochairpersons of the joint committee for review of administrative rules or their designated agents shall accept service made under ss. 227.40 (5) and 806.04 (11). If the committee determines that the legislature should be represented in the proceeding, it shall request the joint committee on legislative organization to intervene in the proceeding as provided under s. 806.04 (11). The costs of participation in the proceeding shall be paid equally from the appropriations under s. 20.765 (1) (a) and (b), except that such costs incurred by the department of justice shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (d).
13.56(3)(3)Powers and duties. The committee has the powers and duties specified under ss. 227.19, 227.24 and 227.26.
13.56 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See s. 227.19 (1) for a statement of legislative policy regarding legislative review of administrative rules. See s. 227.26 for review after promulgation of rules.
13.56 AnnotationThe vote of an absent member of the joint committee cannot be counted. Discussing legislative oversight of administrative rules. 63 Atty. Gen. 168.
13.56 AnnotationLegislative committee review of administrative rules in Wisconsin. Bunn & Gallagher. 1977 WLR 935.
13.56513.565Legislative review of certain rules. Upon referral of any proposed rule relating to animal waste treatment to the presiding officers of each house of the legislature under s. 227.19 (2), the presiding officers shall refer it to a senate and an assembly committee concerned with agriculture. The committees shall hold a public hearing to review the proposed rule.
13.5713.57National conference of state legislatures.
13.57(1)(1)The legislative delegates to the national conference of state legislatures shall be designated by the committee on senate organization for the senate and by the speaker for the assembly. Vouchers to reimburse the actual and necessary expenses of the delegates to the conference shall be certified by the chairperson of the committee on senate organization for the senate and by the speaker for the assembly.
13.57(2)(2)Officers or employees under this chapter may be designated as delegates to the conference by the appropriate legislative officer or as provided by the appropriate governing body. Vouchers to reimburse the actual and necessary expenses of these delegates to the conference shall be certified by the chairperson of the appropriate governing body or by the appropriate legislative officer.
13.57(3)(3)All expenses under sub. (1) shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or (b).
13.5813.58Joint committee on information policy and technology.
13.58(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint standing committee on information policy and technology composed of 3 majority party and 2 minority party senators and 3 majority and 2 minority party representatives to the assembly, appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses.
13.58(2)(2)Officers. In making appointments of the members of each house, each house shall designate a cochairperson.
13.58(3)(3)Staff. The committee shall be staffed as are other standing committees of the legislature.
13.58(4)(4)Meetings. The committee shall meet as often as necessary to perform its duties and functions.
13.58(5)(5)Powers and duties.
13.58(5)(a)(a) The committee shall do all of the following:
13.58(5)(a)1.1. Review information management and technology systems, plans, practices and policies of state and local units of government, including their responsiveness to the needs of state and local units of government for delivery of high-quality services on an efficient, effective and economical basis, their data security and integrity, their protection of the personal privacy of individuals who are subjects of databases of state and local governmental agencies and their provision of access to public records under s. 19.35 (1).
13.58(5)(a)2.2. Review the effects on the needs identified under subd. 1. of proposals for the expansion of existing information technology and the implementation of new information technology by the state.
13.58(5)(a)3.3. Review the impact of proposed legislation on existing technology utilization by state and local units of government.
13.58(5)(a)5.5. Upon receipt of strategic plans from the department of administration, the joint committee on legislative organization and the director of state courts, review and transmit comments concerning the plans to the entities submitting the plans.
13.58(5)(b)(b) The committee may do any of the following:
13.58(5)(b)1.1. Direct the department of administration to conduct studies or prepare reports on items related to the committee’s duties under par. (a).
13.58(5)(b)2.2. Make recommendations to the governor, the legislature, state agencies or local units of government regarding the policies, practices, proposals, legislation and reports reviewed under subd. 1. and par. (a).
13.58(5)(b)3.3. Direct the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System to prepare and submit to the committee such reports as the committee requests pursuant to the committee’s responsibilities under par. (a).
13.58(5)(b)4.4. With the concurrence of the joint committee on finance, direct the department of administration to report semiannually to the committee and the joint committee on finance concerning any specific information technology system project which is being designed, developed, tested or implemented and which the committees anticipate will have a total cost to the state exceeding $1,000,000 in the current or any succeeding fiscal biennium. The report shall include all of the following:
13.58(5)(b)4.a.a. The major stages and substages of the project, including an assessment of need, design, implementation and testing stages and their major substages.
13.58(5)(b)4.b.b. The scheduled, estimated and actual completion dates for each major stage and substage of the project.
13.58(5)(b)4.c.c. The budgeted amounts and amounts actually expended on each major stage and substage of the project.
13.58(5)(b)4.d.d. An evaluation of the project, including any problems encountered or risks associated with proceeding to the next stage of the project, if any.
13.58(5)(b)6.6. Review any University of Wisconsin System, institution, or college campus information technology project identified in a report submitted to the committee by the Board of Regents under s. 36.59 (7) to determine whether the project should be continued or implemented. The committee may forward any recommendations regarding the project to the governor and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)