16.855(14)(am)(am) Except as provided in sub. (14s) and s. 13.48 (19), the department shall let all construction projects that exceed $300,000 through single prime contracting. Beginning in fiscal year 2023-24, this amount is $600,000. The department may not request or accept any alternate bids when letting a construction project through single prime contracting.
16.855(14)(b)1.1. The state is not liable to a contractor for damage from delay caused by another contractor if the department or the Board of Regents takes reasonable action to require the delaying contractor to comply with its contract. If the state is not liable under this subdivision, the delayed contractor may bring an action for damages against the delaying contractor.
16.855(14)(b)2.2. Except as otherwise provided by law, the state is not liable for any damages to a subcontractor identified under sub. (13) (a) that enters into a contract with a general prime contractor under par. (e).
16.855(14)(bm)(bm) If the bid is being let through single prime contracting, bidders for the general prime contractor who are responsible qualified bidders shall submit their bids to the department or the Board of Regents no later than 5 days after the successful subcontractor bids become available to the public under sub. (13) (b). Within 48 hours of the deadline for a general prime contractor to submit a bid, the department or board shall post on its Internet site the tabulations of all bids that identify the names of the general prime contractors that bid and the amount of each bid and shall make the tabulations and amounts available at the department or board if they are unavailable on the Internet site.
16.855(14)(c)(c) The department or the Board of Regents shall reject any bid for the general prime contractor from a bidder who submits a bid that includes contractors other than the ones identified under sub. (13) (a). The award of a contract may not be finalized until the department or board approves the required performance bond and certificate of insurance.
16.855(14)(d)(d) Except as provided in sub. (10m) (am), the department or the Board of Regents shall award all single prime contracts to the lowest bidder who is a qualified responsible bidder that results in the lowest total construction cost for the project.
16.855(14)(e)(e) Within 30 days after the deadline under par. (bm) for bidders for the general prime contractor to submit their bids, the department or the Board of Regents shall notify the general prime contractor bidder that was awarded the contract under par. (d). The contractor who is awarded the contract shall enter into contracts with the mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractors identified under par. (13) (a), shall ensure that any contract meets the requirements under sub. (14m) (a) and (b), and shall comply with the requirements under sub. (14m) (c) and (d). The department or board shall make the final bid results available on its Internet site at the time it provides the written, official notice to the successful general prime contractor bidder notifying the contractor that the contract is fully executed and that the contractor is authorized to begin work on the project.
16.855(14m)(a)(a) Any contract entered into between a general prime contractor and a subcontractor under sub. (14) (e) must contain all of the following clauses:
Prompt Payment. (General prime contractor) shall pay (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) in accordance with section 16.855 (19) (b), Wisconsin stats., for work that has been satisfactorily completed and properly invoiced by (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor). A payment is timely if it is mailed, delivered, or transferred to (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) by the deadline under section 16.855 (19) (b), Wisconsin stats.
If (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) is not paid by the deadline in this contract, (general prime contractor) shall pay interest on the balance due from the eighth day after the (general prime contractor) receives payment from the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents) for the work for which payment is due and owing to (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor), at the rate specified in section 71.82, Wisconsin stats., compounded monthly.
A (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) that receives payment as provided under this contract and that subcontracts with another entity shall pay those subcontractors, and be liable for interest on late payments to those subcontractors, in the same manner as (general prime contractor) is required to pay (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) under this contract.
Insurance and Bonds. (Mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) shall not commence work under this contract until it has obtained all necessary insurance required of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) in the contract between the (general prime contractor) and the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents).
(Mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) shall provide a separate 100 percent performance bond and a separate 100 percent payment bond to the benefit of the (general prime contractor) as the sole named obligee. Original bonds shall be given to the (general prime contractor) and a copy shall be given to the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents) no later than 10 days after execution of this contract.
Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless (general prime contractor) and its officers, directors, agents, and any others whom (general prime contractor) is required to indemnify under its contract with the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents), and the employees of any of them, from and against claims, damages, fines, penalties, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, arising in any way out of or resulting from the performance of the work under this contract, but only to the extent such claim, damage, fine, penalty, loss, or expense: (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of property, including but not limited to loss of use resulting therefrom and is caused by the negligence, or acts or omissions, of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor), its subcontractors, any of their employees, and anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, or (2) as related to such claims, damages, fines, penalties, losses, and expense of or against (general prime contractor), results from or arises out of the negligence of (general prime contractor) or other fault in providing general supervision or oversight of the work of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) or (3) as related to claims, damages, fines, penalties, losses, and expense against the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents), arises out of the (department’s or board’s) status as owner of the project or project site.
In addition (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless (general prime contractor) and its officers, directors, agents, and any others (general prime contractor) is required to indemnify under its contract with the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents), and the employees of any of them, from any liability, including liability resulting from a violation of any applicable safe place act, that (general prime contractor) or the state incurs to any employee of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) or any third party where the liability arises from a derivative claim from said employee, when the liability arises out of the failure of the (general prime contractor) or the state to properly supervise, inspect, or approve the work or work area of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor), but only to the extent that the liability arises out of the acts or omissions of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor), its employees, or anyone for whom (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) may be liable, or from (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor’s) breach of its contractual responsibilities or arises out of (general prime contractor’s) negligence or other fault in providing general supervision or oversight of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor’s) work or arises out of the (Department of Administration’s or Board of Regents’) status as owner of the project or project site. In claims against (general prime contractor) or the state by an employee of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) or its subcontractors or anyone for whose acts (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) may be liable, the indemnification obligation of this paragraph is not limited by a limitation on amount or type of damage, compensation, or other benefits payable by or for the (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) or its subcontractors under workers’ compensation act.
Except as identified above, the obligations of (mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor) under this indemnification do not extend to the liability of (general prime contractor) and its agents or employees arising out of (1) preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs, or specifications; (2) the giving of or failure to give directions or instructions by the (general prime contractor) or the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents) or their agents or employees provided the giving or failure to give is the cause of the injury or damage; or (3) the acts or omissions of other subcontractors.
Retainage. Retainage shall occur and be in amounts and on a schedule equal to that in the contract between (general prime contractor) and the (Department of Administration or Board of Regents).
16.855(14m)(b)(b) A contract entered into under sub. (14) (e) between a general prime contractor and a mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor must include a scope of work clause that is identical to the scope of work clause on which the mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor bid under sub. (13).
16.855(14m)(c)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a general prime contractor and a mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor may not enter any agreement other than the contract entered into under sub. (14) (e) if the agreement is in connection with bids submitted under sub. (13) or (14) that would alter or affect the scope or price of the contract entered into under sub. (13) or (14) (e).
16.855(14m)(c)2.2. The prohibition under subd. 1. does not apply to change orders by the department or the Board of Regents that result in changes to the plans or specifications or to back charges allowed by the contract under sub. (13).
16.855(14m)(d)(d) The general prime contractor shall base its project schedule on the schedule in the specifications or bid instructions under sub. (2) (a) unless otherwise agreed to by the mechanical, electrical, or plumbing subcontractor.
16.855(14s)(a)(a) The department may let any construction project that exceeds $300,000 to a single trade contractor for all work on the project if at least 85 percent of the estimated construction cost of the project is for work that involves the trade that is the primary business of the single trade contractor. Beginning in fiscal year 2023-24, this amount is $600,000.
16.855(14s)(b)(b) The department and the Board of Regents shall each develop and implement an open and public bidding process for purposes of contracting with single trade contractors who have submitted the lowest bid on a project and who are qualified responsible bidders. For purposes of this paragraph, the department and the board shall follow the requirements and procedures under sub. (2).
16.855(14s)(c)(c) Within 48 hours after the deadline for a single trade contractor to submit a bid, the department or the Board of Regents shall post on its Internet site the tabulations of all bids that identify the names of the single trade contractors that bid and the amount of each bid and shall make the tabulations and amounts available at the department or board if they are unavailable on the Internet site.
16.855(14s)(d)(d) Except as provided in sub. (10m) (am), the department or the Board of Regents shall award all contracts under this subsection to the lowest bidder who is a qualified responsible bidder that results in the lowest total construction cost for the project.
16.855(14s)(e)(e) Within 30 days after the deadline for a single trade contractor to submit a bid, the department or the Board of Regents shall notify the single trade contractor bidder that was awarded the contract.
16.855(14s)(f)(f) A contract awarded under this subsection is not subject to subs. (13) and (14m).
16.855(15)(15)The department shall promulgate rules to implement the advertising and award of contracts.
16.855(16)(a)(a) This section does not apply to contracts between the state and federal government or any agency thereof, or with any political subdivision of the state. Subject to the approval of the governor, the requirements of this section may be waived in emergency situations involving the public health, welfare or safety or with respect to contracting with public utilities, but only when any such waiver is deemed by the governor to be in the best interests of the state.
16.855(16)(b)1.1. In this paragraph, “agency” has the meaning given in s. 16.70 (1e).
16.855(16)(b)2.2. In emergency situations, the governor may approve repairs and construction of a building, structure, or facility in lieu of building commission approval under s. 13.48 (10), and for such purposes, may authorize the expenditure of up to $500,000 from the state building trust fund or from other available moneys appropriated to an agency derived from any revenue source. The governor may delegate to the secretary the authority to grant approvals under this subdivision. The governor shall report any such authorization to the building commission at its next regular meeting following the authorization. In this subdivision, “emergency” means any natural or human-caused situation that results in or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property.
16.855(17)(17)This section does not apply to any project on which the work is to be performed by inmates or patients in institutions under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections or the department of health services working under the supervision or with the assistance of state employees.
16.855(18)(18)This section shall not apply to restoration or reconstruction of the state capitol building, historic structures at the old world Wisconsin site and at Heritage Hill state park when the department determines that a waiver of this section would serve the best interests of this state.
16.855(19)(a)(a) As the work progresses under any contract for construction of a project the department, from time to time, shall grant to the contractor an estimate of the amount and proportionate value of the work properly completed, which shall entitle the contractor to receive the amount, less the retainage, from the proper fund. The retainage shall be an amount equal to not more than 5 percent of the estimate until 50 percent of the work has been completed. At 50 percent completion, no additional amounts shall be retained, and partial payments shall be made in full to the contractor unless the department certifies that the job is not proceeding satisfactorily. At 50 percent completion or any time thereafter when the progress of the work is not satisfactory, additional amounts may be retained but in no event shall the total retainage be more than 10 percent of the value of the work completed. Upon substantial completion of the work, any amount retained shall be paid to the contractor, less the value of any required corrective work or uncompleted work. For the purposes of this section, estimates may include any fabricated or manufactured materials and components specified, previously paid for by contractor and delivered to the work or properly stored and suitable for incorporation in the work embraced in the contract.
16.855(19)(b)(b) As the work progresses under any subcontract under sub. (14) (e) for construction of a project, the general prime contractor shall, upon request of a subcontractor, pay to the subcontractor an amount equal to the proportionate value of the subcontractor’s work properly completed, less retainage. The retainage shall be an amount equal to not more than 5 percent of the subcontractor’s work completed until 50 percent of the subcontractor’s work has been completed. At 50 percent completion, no additional amounts may be retained, and partial payments shall be made in full to the subcontractor unless the department or the Board of Regents certifies that the subcontractor’s work is not proceeding satisfactorily. At 50 percent completion or any time thereafter when the progress of the subcontractor’s work is not satisfactory, additional amounts may be retained but the total retainage may not be more than 10 percent of the value of the work completed. Upon substantial completion of the subcontractor’s work, any amount retained shall be paid to the subcontractor, less the value of any required corrective work or uncompleted work. All payments the general prime contractor makes under this paragraph shall be within 7 calendar days after the date on which the general prime contractor receives payment from the department or board.
16.855(19)(c)(c) This subsection does not apply to contracts awarded under s. 16.858.
16.855(20)(20)This section does not apply to construction work performed by University of Wisconsin System students when the construction work performed is a part of a curriculum and where the work is course-related for the student involved. Prior approval of the building commission must be obtained for all construction projects to be performed by University of Wisconsin System students, except projects specified in s. 13.48 (10) (c).
16.855(21)(21)This section does not apply to contracts by the department of natural resources for construction work related to hazardous substance spill response under s. 292.11 or environmental repair under s. 292.31.
16.855(22)(22)The provisions of this section, except sub. (10m), do not apply to construction work for any project involving a cost of not more than $300,000 if the project is constructed in accordance with policies and procedures prescribed by the building commission under s. 13.48 (29). Beginning in fiscal year 2023-24, this amount is $600,000. If the estimated construction cost of any project, other than a project exempted under sub. (12m), is at least $50,000, and the building commission elects to utilize the procedures prescribed under s. 13.48 (29) to construct the project, the department shall provide adequate public notice of the project and the procedures to be utilized to construct the project on a publicly accessible computer site. Beginning in fiscal year 2023-24, this amount is $100,000.
16.855 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also chs. Adm 21 and 24, Wis. adm. code.
16.85816.858Energy conservation audits and construction projects.
16.858(1)(1)The department may contract with a qualified contractor for an energy conservation audit to be performed at any state-owned building, structure or facility. Under the contract, the contractor shall prepare a report containing a description of the physical modifications to be performed to the building, structure or facility that are required to effect specific future energy savings within a specified period and a determination of the minimum savings in energy usage that will be realized by the state from making these modifications within that period. After review of the audit report and subject to approval under s. 13.48 (10), where required, the department may contract with the contractor for construction work to be performed at the building, structure or facility for the purpose of realizing potential savings of future energy costs identified in the audit if, in the judgment of the department, the anticipated savings to the state after completion of the work will enable recovery of the costs of the work within a reasonable period of time.
16.858(2)(a)(a) A contract under sub. (1) may provide for the construction work to be financed by the state or by the contractor. The contract shall provide for the state to pay a stated amount, which shall include any financing costs incurred by the contractor. The stated amount may not exceed the minimum savings determined under the audit to be realized by the state within the period specified in the audit. The state shall make payments under the contract as the savings identified in the audit are realized by the state, in the amounts actually realized, but not to exceed the lesser of the stated amount or the actual amount of the savings realized by the state within the period specified in the audit. If the department provides financing for construction work, the department may finance any portion of the cost of the work under a master lease entered into as provided under s. 16.76 (4). If the department provides financing for the construction work and the stated amount to be paid by the state under the contract is greater than the amount of the savings realized by the state within the period specified in the audit under sub. (1), the contract shall require the contractor to remit the difference to the department.
16.858(2)(b)(b) The department shall charge the cost of payments made by the state to the contractor to the applicable appropriation for fuel and utility costs at the building, structure or facility where the work is performed in the amounts equivalent to the savings that accrue to the state under that appropriation from expenditures not made as a result of the construction work, as determined by the department in accordance with the contract. The department may also charge its costs for negotiation, administration and financing of the contract to the same appropriation.
16.858(3)(3)Any contract under sub. (1) shall include a provision stating in substance that payments under the contract are contingent upon available appropriations.
16.858(4)(4)No later than January 1 of each year, the secretary shall report to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance identifying any construction work for which the department has contracted under this section for which final payment has not been made as of the date of the preceding report, together with the actual energy cost savings realized by the state as a result of the contract to date, or the estimated energy cost savings to be realized by the state if the total savings to be realized in the audit under sub. (1) have not yet been realized, the date on which the state made its final payment under the contract or, if the final payment has not been made, the latest date on which the state is obligated to make its final payment under the contract, and any amount that remains payable to the state under the contract.
16.858 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9.
16.86516.865Department of administration; statewide risk management coordination. The department shall:
16.865(1)(1)Be responsible for statewide risk management coordination in order to:
16.865(1)(a)(a) Protect the state from losses which are catastrophic in nature and minimize total cost to the state of all activities related to the control of accidental loss.
16.865(1)(b)(b) Place emphasis on the reduction of loss through professional attention to scientific loss control techniques and by motivational incentives, prompt claims payments and other loss prevention measures.
16.865(2)(2)Identify and evaluate exposure to loss to the state, its employees or injury to the public by reason of fire or other accidents and fortuitous events at state-owned properties or facilities.
16.865(3)(3)Recommend changes in procedures, program conditions or capital improvement for all agencies which would satisfactorily eliminate or reduce the existing exposure.
16.865(4)(4)Manage the state employees’ worker’s compensation program and the statewide self-funded programs to protect the state from losses of and damage to state property and liability and, if retained by the department of workforce development under s. 102.65 (3), process, investigate, and pay claims under ss. 102.44 (1), 102.49, 102.59, and 102.66 as provided in s. 102.65 (3).
16.865(5)(5)Arrange appropriate insurance contracts for the transfer of risk of loss on the part of the state or its employees, to the extent such loss cannot reasonably be assumed by the individual agencies or the self-funded programs. The placement of insurance may be by private negotiation rather than competitive bid, if such insurance has a restricted number of interested carriers. The department shall approve all insurance purchases.
16.865(6)(6)Train, upgrade and guide appropriate personnel in the agencies in implementation of sound risk management practices.
16.865(7)(7)Have the authority to contract for investigative and adjustment services as provided in s. 20.865 (1) (fm) which can be performed more economically or efficiently by such contract.
16.865(8)(8)Annually in each fiscal year, allocate as a charge to each agency a proportionate share of the estimated costs attributable to programs administered by the agency to be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (2) (k). The department may charge premiums to agencies to finance costs under this subsection and pay the costs from the appropriation on an actual basis. The department shall deposit all collections under this subsection in the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (2) (k). Costs assessed under this subsection may include judgments, investigative and adjustment fees, data processing and staff support costs, program administration costs, litigation costs, and the cost of insurance contracts under sub. (5). In this subsection, “agency” means an office, department, independent agency, institution of higher education, association, society, or other body in state government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, that is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not including an authority created in subch. II of ch. 114 or in ch. 231, 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, or 279.
16.865(9)(9)Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), if the department makes any payment from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (2) (a), lapse to the general fund from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (2) (k) an amount equal to the payment. The department shall effect the lapse required under this subsection in accordance with a schedule determined by the department, but the total amount of each lapse shall be effected no later than 6 years after the date of the payment to which it relates.
16.86716.867Selection of architects and engineers.
16.867(1)(1)The secretary shall establish a committee under s. 15.04 (1) (c) for each construction project under the department’s supervision, except an emergency project approved under s. 16.855 (16) (b) 2., for the purpose of selecting an architect or engineer for the project.
16.867(2)(2)If the estimated cost of a construction project under the department’s supervision is $7,400,000 or more, the selection committee appointed under sub. (1) shall use a request-for-proposal process established by the department to select an architect or engineer for the project based on qualifications.
16.867 HistoryHistory: 2017 a. 237.
16.8716.87Approval of contracts by secretary and governor; audit.
16.87(1)(1)In this section:
16.87(1)(a)(a) “Construction work” includes all labor and materials used in the framing or assembling of component parts in the erection, installation, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, conversion, razing, demolition or removal of any appliance, device, equipment, building, structure or facility.
16.87(1)(am)(am) “Disabled veteran-owned business” means a business certified by the department of administration under s. 16.283 (3).
16.87(1)(b)(b) “Environmental consultant services” includes services provided by environmental scientists, engineers and other experts.
16.87(1)(c)(c) “Limited trades work” has the meaning given under s. 16.70 (7).
16.87(2)(a)(a) A contract for engineering services or architectural services or a contract involving an expenditure of $10,000 or more for construction work, or $30,000 or more for limited trades work, to be done for or furnished to the state or a department, board, commission, or officer of the state is exempt from the requirements of ss. 16.705 and 16.75.
16.87(2)(b)(b) The department shall attempt to ensure that 5 percent of the total amount expended under this section in each fiscal year is paid to minority businesses, as defined in s. 16.75 (3m) (a) 4.
16.87(2)(c)(c) The department shall attempt to ensure that at least 1 percent of the total amount expended under this section in each fiscal year is paid to disabled veteran-owned businesses.
16.87(3)(3)Except as provided in sub. (4), a contract under sub. (2) is not valid or effectual for any purpose until it is endorsed in writing and approved by the secretary or the secretary’s designee and, if the contract involves an expenditure over $600,000, approved by the governor. Except as provided in sub. (4), no payment or compensation for work done under any contract involving $2,500 or more, except a highway contract, may be made unless the written claim is audited and approved by the secretary or the secretary’s designee. Any change order to a contract requiring approval under this subsection requires the prior approval by the secretary or the secretary’s designee and, if the change order involves an expenditure over $600,000, the approval of the governor.
16.87(4)(4)This section does not apply to contracts by the department of natural resources for environmental consultant services or engineering services for hazardous substance spill response under s. 292.11 or environmental repair under s. 292.31, or for environmental consultant services to assist in the preparation of an environmental impact statement or to provide preapplication services under s. 23.40.
16.87(5)(5)This section does not apply to any project specified in s. 13.48 (10) (c).
16.87516.875Setoffs. All amounts owed by this state under this subchapter are subject to being set off under s. 73.12.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)