169.35 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56; 2013 a. 36.
169.36169.36Record-keeping and reporting requirements.
169.36(1)(1)Captive wild animal farm licenses, bird hunting preserve licenses, and nonprofit educational exhibiting licenses.
169.36(1)(a)(a) Records; generally. Each person holding a captive wild animal farm license, a bird hunting preserve license, or a nonprofit educational exhibiting license shall keep a correct and complete record of all of the following information:
169.36(1)(a)1.1. For each transaction in which live wild animals are purchased, sold, acquired, or transferred:
169.36(1)(a)1.a.a. The complete name and address and the number of any license issued under this chapter of the person from whom the wild animals were purchased or acquired or of the person to whom the wild animals were sold or transferred.
169.36(1)(a)1.b.b. The date of the transaction and the number and species of the wild animals.
169.36(1)(a)2.2. All wild animals belonging to the holder of the license that have died, have been killed, or have escaped.
169.36(1)(b)(b) Records; additional requirements; exemptions.
169.36(1)(b)1.1. A person holding a bird hunting preserve license is exempt from keeping the records required under par. (a) 1. a. for those wild birds that are killed on the land subject to the license.
169.36(1)(b)2.2. For the taking of wild reptiles or wild amphibians from the wild, a person required to hold a license for such taking under this chapter shall include in the person’s records the date of the taking and the location of the taking.
169.36(2)(2)Wild fur farm licenses. Each person holding a wild fur farm license shall keep a correct and complete record of the complete name and address and the number of any license issued under this chapter of each person to whom the license holder sells a live fur-bearing wild animal.
169.36(3)(3)Rehabilitation licenses. Each person holding a rehabilitation license shall keep a correct and complete record of all of the following information for each wild animal:
169.36(3)(a)(a) The date that the wild animal in need of rehabilitation is received and the species of the wild animal.
169.36(3)(b)(b) The condition of the wild animal that requires rehabilitation.
169.36(3)(c)(c) The disposition of the wild animal, including the date and location of its release into the wild or its transfer to the department.
169.36(3)(d)(d) The cause of death, if known, for a wild animal that dies.
169.36(3)(e)(e) Health records as required by the department.
169.36(4)(4)Dog training and trial licenses. Each person holding a bird dog training license, a hound dog training license, a dog club training license, a bird dog trial license, or a hound dog trial license shall keep a receipt of the purchase of each wild animal purchased under the authority of the license and a correct and complete record of any testing for disease on these wild animals that is required under rules promulgated under s. 169.06 (3m).
169.36 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 17, Wis. adm. code.
169.36(5)(5)Scientific research licenses. Each person holding a scientific research license shall keep a correct and complete record of all of the following information for each wild animal:
169.36(5)(a)(a) The disposition of the wild animal, including the date and location of its release into the wild or its transfer to the department.
169.36(5)(b)(b) The cause of death, if known, for a wild animal that dies.
169.36(7)(7)Additional information. The department may impose additional record-keeping requirements on any holders of licenses under this chapter.
169.36(8)(8)Zoos. If a zoo or aquarium is not an accredited member of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, the governing body of the zoo or aquarium shall keep correct and complete records of all transactions involving the movement of wild animals that are native wild animals, nonnative wild animals of the family cervidae, harmful wild animals, or endangered or threatened species. The department shall determine the information to be kept in these records.
169.36(9)(9)Records; timing.
169.36(9)(a)(a) A person holding a license subject to this section shall record all of the information required under this section within 7 days after the occurrence of the transaction or activity. A person holding a license subject to this section shall keep these records for 3 years after the last day of the year in which the record was entered.
169.36(9)(b)(b) In addition to the requirements under par. (a), the person holding a license subject to this section shall provide a copy of the record required under this section to the department on a quarterly basis, as determined by the department, if the transaction or activity involved any live wild animal of the family canidae, ursidae, mustelidae, or felidae, or any harmful wild animal.
169.36(9)(d)(d) The department may require, by rule, that submission of the records required under this section to the department be a condition for renewal of any license subject to this section.
169.36(10)(a)(a) Each person holding a license subject to this section shall submit an annual summary report for each license year to the department that contains all of the following information for each species of wild animal possessed by the person holding the license:
169.36(10)(a)1.1. The number of wild animals that the person holding the license possesses on the date of the report.
169.36(10)(a)2.2. The number of wild animals that the person holding the license has purchased or otherwise acquired during the reporting year.
169.36(10)(a)3.3. The number of wild animals that the person holding the license has sold, released into the wild, or otherwise transferred during the reporting year.
169.36(10)(a)4.4. The number of wild animals that have been killed or have escaped or died during the reporting year.
169.36(10)(b)(b) The person holding the license shall submit the annual report under par. (a) within 30 days after the last day of the license year that the report covers.
169.36(10m)(10m)Prior records. A person required to keep records or reports under s. 29.853 (3) (b), 1999 stats., s. 29.855 (3) (c), 1999 stats., s. 29.865 (4) (b), 1999 stats., s. 29.867 (8), 1999 stats., s. 29.869 (9), 1999 stats., s. 29.871, 1999 stats., or s. 29.877 (6), 1999 stats., shall maintain copies of the records and reports that are in existence on January 1, 2003 for a period of 3 years beginning on January 1, 2003.
169.36(11)(11)Requirements as to form. The records and reports required under this section shall be in the English language and shall be on forms provided by the department or in a format approved by the department.
169.36 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56; 2021 a. 238 s. 45.
169.37(1)(1)Departmental authority. For purposes of enforcing this chapter and the rules promulgated under this chapter with respect to a person who is required to have a license or maintain records under this chapter, a conservation warden or representative of the department, upon presenting his or her credentials to that person, may do any of the following:
169.37(1)(a)(a) Enter and inspect any land, vehicle, building, or other structure where live wild animals are possessed or where carcasses of wild animals are possessed.
169.37(1)(b)(b) Inspect any equipment, materials, or other activities related to the wild animals.
169.37(1)(c)(c) Gain access to and inspect any records required to be kept under s. 169.36.
169.37(1)(d)(d) Investigate and inspect any wild animal or any other animal to be introduced, stocked, or released into the wild. Inspection under this paragraph may include the removal of reasonable diagnostic samples from wild animals for biological examination.
169.37(2)(2)Times for inspections. An inspection authorized under sub. (1) or (4) may be conducted during any of the following times:
169.37(2)(a)(a) Normal business hours.
169.37(2)(b)(b) During the time that the person who possesses wild animals or carcasses of wild animals is conducting business.
169.37(2)(c)(c) At any time, if the inspection is necessary for public health, safety, or welfare.
169.37(3)(3)Prohibiting inspections. No person who has been requested to submit to an inspection under this section or s. 169.38 or an operator of a vehicle for such a person, or employee or person acting on behalf of such a person, may prohibit entry as authorized under this section or s. 169.38 unless a court restrains or enjoins the entry or inspection.
169.37(4)(4)Inspections of introduced or stocked animals. Only persons determined by the department to be experienced in wildlife disease may remove diagnostic samples under sub. (1) (d).
169.37(5)(5)Taxidermists. For an inspection of a taxidermist’s place of business, this section does not apply, and the department shall conduct the inspection as authorized under s. 29.506 (7).
169.37 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56.
169.38169.38Inspections of items subject to regulation by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
169.38(1)(1)Departmental authority. For purposes of enforcing s. 90.21 and rules promulgated under that section and ch. 29 and rules promulgated under that chapter, with respect to a person who keeps farm-raised deer that are white-tailed deer, and for purposes of enforcing this chapter and ch. 29 and rules promulgated under this chapter and ch. 29, with respect to a person who keeps farm-raised game birds or wild animals under a license issued under s. 95.68, 95.69, or 95.71, a conservation warden or representative of the department, upon presenting his or her credentials to that person, may do any of the following:
169.38(1)(a)(a) Enter and inspect any land, vehicle, building, or other structure where white-tailed deer, farm-raised game birds, or wild animals are possessed or where carcasses of white-tailed deer, farm-raised game birds, or wild animals are possessed.
169.38(1)(b)(b) Inspect any equipment, materials, or other activities related to farm-raised deer that are white-tailed deer, farm-raised game birds, or wild animals.
169.38(1)(c)(c) Gain access to and inspect any records that relate to farm-raised deer that are white-tailed deer and that are required to be kept under s. 93.07 (10), 95.55, or 169.36 (10m) or any rules promulgated under those sections.
169.38(1)(d)(d) Gain access to and inspect any records relating to farm-raised game birds required to be kept under s. 93.07 (10) or 95.57 or any rules promulgated under those sections.
169.38(1)(e)(e) Gain access to and inspect any records relating to wild animals required to be kept under s. 93.07 (10), 95.68, 95.69, 95.71, or 169.36 (10m) or any rules promulgated under those sections.
169.38(2)(2)Times for inspections. An inspection authorized under sub. (1) may be conducted during any of the following times:
169.38(2)(a)(a) Normal business hours.
169.38(2)(b)(b) During the time that the person who keeps white-tailed deer, farm-raised game birds, or wild animals is conducting business.
169.38(2)(c)(c) At any time, if the inspection is necessary for public health, safety, or welfare.
169.38(2)(d)(d) At any time, if the inspection is limited to determining whether a fence that is used to contain farm-raised deer that are white-tailed deer complies with the requirements established by rule under s. 90.21 (6).
169.38 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56.
169.39169.39Humane care and housing.
169.39(1)(1)Compliance with rules. No license may be issued under this chapter unless the department determines that the applicant will comply with all of the rules promulgated under subs. (2) and (3).
169.39(2)(2)Rules; general. The department shall promulgate and enforce rules for the housing, care, treatment, enrichment, feeding, and sanitation of wild animals subject to regulation under this chapter to ensure all of the following:
169.39(2)(a)(a) That the wild animals receive humane treatment and enrichment.
169.39(2)(b)(b) That the wild animals are held under sanitary conditions.
169.39(2)(c)(c) That the wild animals receive adequate housing, care, and food.
169.39(2)(d)(d) That the public is protected from injury by the wild animals.
169.39(3)(3)Rules; housing. The rules for housing under sub. (2) shall include requirements for the size and location of permanent enclosures and of temporary enclosures at locations other than those where the wild animals are permanently housed. The rules regulating the location of enclosures shall include the distance required between 2 enclosures. The rules for housing shall include specifications for enclosures for each species of harmful wild animal that the department designates under s. 169.11 (1).
169.39(4)(4)Orders. The department may issue an order requiring any person holding a license under this chapter to comply with the rules promulgated under sub. (2).
169.39 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56.
169.39 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 17, Wis. adm. code.
169.40169.40Trespassing. A person who hunts, traps, kills, or takes a wild animal subject to regulation under this chapter on land subject to a license issued under this chapter without the permission of the license holder or of the holder’s employee or agent is liable to the license holder for any damage that the person causes to any wild animal that is subject to regulation under this chapter or to any property or land that is subject to the license.
169.40 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 56.
169.42169.42Taking custody of captive wild animals.
169.42(1)(1)Intake of wild animals. A conservation warden may take into custody a wild animal that is subject to regulation under this chapter on behalf of the department if the conservation warden has reasonable grounds to believe that the wild animal is one of the following:
169.42(1)(a)(a) An abandoned or stray captive wild animal.
169.42(1)(b)(b) An unwanted captive wild animal delivered to the conservation warden.
169.42(1)(c)(c) A wild animal possessed, taken, introduced, stocked, released, exhibited, propagated, rehabilitated, hunted, sold, or purchased in violation of this chapter, any rule promulgated under this chapter, or any ordinance enacted under s. 169.43.
169.42(1)(d)(d) A captive wild animal that is not confined as required by a quarantine under s. 93.07 (10) or any rule or ordinance relating to the control of any animal disease.
169.42(1)(e)(e) A captive wild animal that has caused damage to persons or property.
169.42(1)(f)(f) A participant in an animal fight intentionally instigated by any person.
169.42(1)(g)(g) A captive wild animal that has been mistreated in violation of this chapter, any rule promulgated under this chapter, or ch. 951.
169.42(1)(h)(h) A captive wild animal delivered by a veterinarian under s. 173.13 (2).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)