196.193(1)(d)(d) The effective date of the rate increase is not less than 12 months from the effective date of an increase previously filed under this section nor less than 45 days from the date on which the application was filed.
196.193(1)(e)(e) If the utility’s rates in effect prior to the rate increase under this section were authorized pursuant to a hearing under s. 196.20, the rates have been in effect for a calendar year.
196.193(1)(f)(f) The commission has not rejected the application for good cause.
196.193(1)(g)(g) If the utility has 4,000 or more customers, the effective date of the rate increase is not more than 5 years from the effective date of an increase authorized pursuant to a hearing under s. 196.20.
196.193(1)(h)(h) If the utility has less than 4,000 customers, the total of all prior rate increases granted since the last hearing under s. 196.20 does not result in rates that are more than 40 percent higher than the base rates previously authorized by a hearing under s. 196.20.
196.193(2)(2)Determination of the rate increase factor. Not later than March 1 annually, the commission shall set an increase factor to apply to rates of municipally owned water public utilities or municipally owned combined water and sewer public utilities. The factor shall be equal to the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the previous year; however, the factor may not be less than 3 percent nor more than 10 percent. The rate increase factor need not be defined by rule.
196.193(3)(3)Determination of an overall rate of return. Not later than March 1 annually, the commission shall set the overall rate of return to be applicable to municipally owned water public utilities or municipally owned combined water and sewer public utilities for rate increases under this section. The commission shall consider the interest rates for state and local bonds in setting the overall rate of return. The overall rate of return need not be defined by rule.
196.193(4)(4)Notice requirements. A utility seeking an increase in rates under this section shall notify all customers, upon a form approved by the commission, by newspaper publication or by mail. The utility shall include a copy of the issued notice in its filing of an application under this section. The notice shall include all of the following:
196.193(4)(a)(a) The anticipated date of filing of the rate increase application and the anticipated effective date of the rate increase.
196.193(4)(b)(b) The impact on customer bills resulting from the rate increase calculated for at least 5 different usage levels, including an average residential usage level.
196.193(4)(c)(c) A statement that the increase is being proposed under this section and that no hearing is required.
196.193(4)(d)(d) Other information required by the commission to be included in a notice under this subsection.
196.193 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 363; 2017 a. 136.
196.194196.194Gas utility individual contracts. Nothing in ss. 196.03, 196.19, 196.20, 196.22, 196.37, 196.60, 196.604 and 196.625 prohibits the commission from approving the filing of a tariff which permits a gas utility to enter into an individual contract with an individual customer if the term of the contract is no more than 5 years, or a longer period approved by the commission, and if the commission determines that substitute gas services are available to customers or potential customers of the gas utility and the absence of such a tariff will cause the gas utility to be disadvantaged in competing for business. A tariff filed under this section shall include the condition that any such contract shall be compensatory. The tariff shall include any other condition and procedure required by the commission in the public interest. Within 20 days after a contract authorized under this section or an amendment to such a contract has been executed, the gas utility shall submit the contract to the commission. The commission shall give notice to any person, upon request, that a contract authorized under this section has been received by the commission. The notice shall identify the gas utility that has entered into the contract. Within 6 months after receiving substantial evidence that a contract may be noncompensatory, or upon its own motion, the commission shall investigate and determine whether the contract is compensatory. If the commission determines that the contract is noncompensatory, the commission may make appropriate adjustments in the rates or tariffs of the gas utility that has entered into the contract, in addition to other remedies under this chapter. The dollar amount of the adjustment may not be less than the amount by which the contract was found to be noncompensatory.
196.195196.195Alternative telecommunications regulation plans. Any telecommunications utility that as of June 9, 2011, is subject to an alternative regulation plan approved by the commission under s. 196.195, 2009 stats., shall remain regulated pursuant to such alternative regulation plan to the extent that the alternative regulation plan is not inconsistent with ss. 196.191 and 196.212, unless the telecommunications utility terminates the alternative regulation plan pursuant to the terms and conditions of the plan. If such an inconsistency exists, the requirements of ss. 196.191 and 196.212 shall apply to the intrastate switched access rates and intrastate switched access service tariff filings of such a telecommunications utility.
196.195 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 22.
196.197196.197Unbundled network elements.
196.197(1)(1)Applicability. This section applies to a petition to determine rates and costs of unbundled network elements or unbundled service elements under federal or state law, but does not apply to a petition for arbitration.
196.197(2)(a)(a) A telecommunications provider may file a petition with the commission in the form and containing the information required by the commission. The commission shall determine that a petition is complete if the petition includes all of the following:
196.197(2)(a)1.1. A request that the commission determine rates and costs of unbundled network elements or unbundled service elements, an identification of the particular rates and costs that are the subject of the petition, and an identification of the relief sought by the petitioner.
196.197(2)(a)2.2. One or more cost studies upon which the petitioner relies to support the rates and costs sought by the petitioner.
196.197(2)(a)3.3. Prefiled written direct testimony upon which the petitioner relies to support the petition and relief sought.
196.197(2)(a)4.4. Any other information required by the commission.
196.197(2)(b)1.1. No later than 30 days after the date on which a petition is filed under par. (a), the commission shall determine whether a petition is complete under par. (a) and notify the petitioner about the determination. If the commission fails to make a determination within the 30-day period, the petition is considered to be complete. If the commission determines that a petition filed under par. (a) is incomplete, the commission shall state the reason for the determination and identify the information that is needed to determine that the petition is complete.
196.197(2)(b)2.2. A petitioner may supplement a petition that the commission has determined to be incomplete. No later than 15 days after a petitioner files a supplemented petition under this subdivision, the commission shall determine whether the supplemented petition is complete and notify the petitioner about the determination. The commission shall determine that a supplemented petition is complete if it contains the information identified in the determination under subd. 1. that is needed to determine that the petition is complete. If the commission fails to make a determination under this subdivision within the 15-day period, the petition is considered to be complete. If the commission determines that a petition supplemented under this subdivision is not complete pursuant to this subdivision, the commission shall state the reason for the determination under this subdivision and identify the information that is needed to determine that the petition is complete under this subdivision. There is no limit on the number of times that a petitioner may supplement a petition under this subdivision.
196.197(2)(c)(c) A petitioner shall provide a copy of a petition filed under par. (a) or supplemented under par. (b) 2. to any other telecommunications provider that may be affected by the petition at the same time that the petition is filed or supplemented. A telecommunications provider that may be affected by the petition may respond to the petition and provide the commission any additional information.
196.197(3)(3)Time frame for final decisions.
196.197(3)(a)1.1. This paragraph applies to petitions to determine 100 or less rates.
196.197(3)(a)2.2. The commission shall enter a final decision under sub. (4) on a petition within 180 days after the date on which the petition is determined or considered to be complete under sub. (2) (b), unless an extension is agreed to under subd. 3. or granted under subd. 4.
196.197(3)(a)3.3. With the approval of the commission, the petitioner may, within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2., agree to extend the time for a final decision.
196.197(3)(a)4.4. The commission may, within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., petition the circuit court for Dane County for an extension of time for entering a final decision on the petition. Within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., the court may, upon a showing of good cause, grant an extension of not more than an additional 60 days. No more than one extension may be granted under this subdivision.
196.197(3)(b)1.1. This paragraph applies to petitions to determine more than 100 rates.
196.197(3)(b)2.2. The commission shall enter a final decision under sub. (4) on a petition within 270 days after the date on which the petition is determined or considered to be complete under sub. (2) (b), unless an extension is agreed to under subd. 3. or granted under subd. 4.
196.197(3)(b)3.3. With the approval of the commission, the petitioner may, within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2., agree to extend the time for a final decision.
196.197(3)(b)4.4. The commission may, within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., petition the circuit court for Dane County for an extension of time for entering a final decision on the petition. Within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., the court may, upon a showing of good cause, grant an extension of not more than an additional 90 days. No more than one extension may be granted under this subdivision.
196.197(4)(4)Final decision. The commission may reject a petition, grant a petition, or approve a petition with modifications or conditions. The commission shall issue a final decision that determines rates for the unbundled network elements and unbundled service elements specified in the petition, except to the extent that the evidence in the record is not sufficient for making such a determination with respect to a particular rate, unbundled network element, or unbundled service element.
196.197 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 125; 2011 a. 260 s. 81.
196.198196.198Local measured telecommunications service.
196.198(1)(1)In this section, “extended community telephone service” means a telecommunications service by which a customer in one exchange may call a customer in another exchange or combination of exchanges under a discounted toll charge plan.
196.198(2)(2)Except as provided in sub. (3), a telecommunications utility that has more than 150,000 access lines in use in this state or a telecommunications provider that has more than 150,000 access lines in use in this state may not charge a residential customer for basic local exchange service based on the duration of a call or on the time of day that a call is made. This subsection does not apply to an extended community telephone service.
196.198(3)(3)The commission may suspend the application of sub. (2) in a particular geographical area for a telecommunications utility or a telecommunications provider if, after a contested case hearing, the commission determines that all of the following apply:
196.198(3)(a)(a) Failure to suspend the application of sub. (2) makes competition in that geographical area impractical.
196.198(3)(b)(b) Suspending the application of sub. (2) is beneficial to all of the following groups:
196.198(3)(b)1.1. Residential customers in general.
196.198(3)(b)2.2. Disabled customers.
196.198(3)(b)3.3. Elderly customers.
196.198 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 496; 2011 a. 22.
196.199196.199Interconnection agreements.
196.199(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “interconnection agreement” does not include an interconnection agreement to which a commercial mobile radio service provider is a party.
196.199(2)(2)Commission powers.
196.199(2)(a)(a) The commission has jurisdiction to approve and enforce interconnection agreements and may do all things necessary and convenient to its jurisdiction.
196.199(2)(b)(b) The commission may promulgate rules that require an interconnection agreement to include alternate dispute resolution provisions.
196.199(2)(c)(c) The commission shall promulgate rules that specify the requirements for determining under sub. (3) (a) 1m. a. whether a party’s alleged failure to comply with an interconnection agreement has a significant adverse effect on the ability of another party to the agreement to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(a)1.1. Upon the filing of any of the following, the commission may investigate whether a party to an interconnection agreement approved by the commission has failed to comply with the agreement:
196.199(3)(a)1.a.a. A complaint by a party to the agreement that another party to the agreement has failed to comply with the agreement and that the failure to comply with the agreement has a significant adverse effect on the ability of the complaining party to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(a)1.b.b. A complaint filed under any provision of this chapter by any person that the commission determines may involve a failure to comply with the agreement by a party to the agreement.
196.199(3)(a)1g.1g. The commission may investigate whether a party to an interconnection agreement approved by the commission has complied with the agreement upon the filing of a petition by the party for a determination of whether the party has complied with the agreement if the petition demonstrates that a controversy has arisen over the party’s compliance with the agreement. If the commission initiates an investigation under this subdivision, the commission may determine that a party to an interconnection agreement has failed to comply with the agreement only if a complaint is filed under subd. 1. a. in which the complaining party alleges that the party’s failure to comply with the agreement has a significant adverse affect on the complaining party’s ability to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(a)1m.a.a. Within 5 business days after the filing of a complaint under subd. 1. a. or the receipt of notice under par. (b) 1. b., the party who is the subject of a complaint or the party who is identified in a notice under par. (b) 1. b. as a party who has allegedly failed to comply with an agreement may request that the commission determine whether the alleged failure to comply has a significant adverse effect on the ability of the complaining party or any other party to the agreement to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers. If a request is made under this subd. 1m. a., the commission shall make a determination within 30 business days after receipt of the request.
196.199(3)(a)1m.b.b. If the commission determines under subd. 1m. a. that an alleged failure to comply has not had a significant adverse effect on the ability of a complaining party or any other party to an agreement to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers, the commission shall terminate a proceeding on the complaint under this subsection and proceed on the complaint under s. 196.26.
196.199(3)(a)2.2. If the commission does not terminate a proceeding under subd. 1m. b., the commission may, after an investigation under subd. 1. or 1g. and after notice and hearing, do one of the following:
196.199(3)(a)2.a.a. Issue an order under this subd. 2. a. that includes a finding of a failure to comply with an interconnection agreement and that requires compliance with the agreement.
196.199(3)(a)2.b.b. Issue an order that interprets any provision of an interconnection agreement.
196.199(3)(a)2.c.c. If the commission determines that a party specified in subd. 1g. has complied with an agreement, issue an order requiring any other action that the commission determines is necessary to resolve a controversy specified in subd. 1g.
196.199(3)(a)2n.2n. The commission may not issue an order under subd. 2. more than 120 days after the filing of a complaint or petition under subd. 1. or 1g., unless all of the parties to the proceeding consent to a longer time period that is approved by the commission. An order issued under subd. 2. may be reviewed under s. 227.52.
196.199(3)(b)1.1. Before initiating an investigation of a complaint specified in par. (a) 1. b., the commission shall notify the parties to the agreement about the complaint. Within 5 business days after the parties receive notice under this subdivision, or within a shorter period of time specified by the commission in the notice, the commission shall do one of the following:
196.199(3)(b)1.a.a. If the alleged failure to comply is resolved to the satisfaction of the commission, the commission shall dismiss the complaint with respect to any issues that involve an alleged failure to comply.
196.199(3)(b)1.b.b. If the alleged failure to comply is not resolved to the satisfaction of the commission, the commission shall provide a notice to the parties that identifies the party who has allegedly failed to comply with the agreement.
196.199(3)(b)2.2. No party to an interconnection agreement may file a complaint under par. (a) 1. a. or a petition under par. (a) 1g. unless the party has first notified the other parties to the agreement and provided an opportunity to resolve the alleged failure to comply or controversy over compliance to the satisfaction of the complaining or petitioning party within 5 business days, or a shorter period of time approved by the commission, after receipt of the notice. The commission shall promulgate rules establishing standards and procedures for approving a period of time shorter than 5 business days.
196.199(3)(c)(c) No person may make any filing in a proceeding under this subsection unless there is a nonfrivolous basis for doing so. A person may not make any filing in a proceeding under this subsection unless, to the best of the person’s knowledge, information and belief, formed after a reasonable inquiry, all of the following conditions are satisfied:
196.199(3)(c)1.1. The filing is reasonably supported by applicable law.
196.199(3)(c)2.2. The allegations and other factual contentions in the filing have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified in the filing, are likely to have evidentiary support after reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery.
196.199(3)(c)3.3. The filing is not intended to harass a party to an interconnection agreement.
196.199(3)(c)4.4. The filing is not intended to cause unnecessary delay in implementing an interconnection agreement or create a needless increase in the cost of litigation.
196.199(3)(d)(d) If, at any time during a proceeding under this subsection, the commission determines, after notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard, that a person has made a filing in violation of par. (c), the commission shall order the person to pay to any party to the proceeding the amount of reasonable expenses incurred by that party because of the filing, including reasonable attorney fees, and the commission may directly assess a forfeiture against the person of not less than $25 nor more than $5,000. A person against whom the commission assesses a forfeiture under this paragraph shall pay the forfeiture to the commission within 10 days after receipt of notice of the assessment or, if the person petitions for judicial review under ch. 227, within 10 days after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of judicial review. The commission shall remit all forfeitures paid under this paragraph to the secretary of administration for deposit in the school fund. The attorney general may bring an action in the name of the state to collect any forfeiture assessed by the commission under this paragraph that has not been paid as provided in this paragraph. The only contestable issue in such an action is whether or not the forfeiture has been paid.
196.199(3)(e)(e) At any time during a proceeding under this subsection, the commission may, without holding a hearing, order a party to the interconnection agreement to take an action or refrain from taking an action that is related to complying with the agreement upon a showing by any other party to the proceeding of all of the following:
196.199(3)(e)1.1. That there is a substantial probability that, at the conclusion of the proceeding, the commission will find that the party against whom the order is sought has failed to comply with the interconnection agreement.
196.199(3)(e)2.2. For a complaint or petition filed by a party to an interconnection agreement, that the party against whom the order is sought is taking an action or failing to take an action that has a substantial adverse effect on the ability of the complaining or petitioning party to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(e)3.3. That the order is in the public interest.
196.199(3)(f)(f) The commission may require a bond or other security of a person seeking an order under par. (e) to the effect that the person shall pay the party against whom the order is issued such damages and expenses, excluding attorney fees, in an amount specified by the commission, as that party may sustain by reason of the order if the commission determines under par. (g) that the person seeking the order was not entitled to the order.
196.199(3)(g)(g) Within 5 business days after receiving an order issued under par. (e), the party against whom the order is issued may request the commission to review the order. Within 30 days after receiving a request under this paragraph, the commission shall determine whether the person who sought the order under par. (e) was entitled to the order and shall terminate, continue or modify the order on such terms as the commission determines are appropriate. If the commission determines that the person was not entitled to the order, the commission may order the person to pay the damages and expenses, excluding attorney fees, sustained, by reason of the order, by the party against whom the order was issued. In making a determination under this paragraph, the commission may consider only the factors specified in par. (e) 1. to 3. and may consider information that the commission receives after the commission issued the order under par. (e).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)