Summary of Bonding Authority Modifications, 1995-97 Biennium
General Obligation and Building Corporation Debt Service Fiscal Years 1995-96 and 1996-97
See PDF for table 
(3) Appropriations. The following tabulation lists all annual, biennial and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following]
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of. There is appropriated to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection for the following programs:
(1) Food safety and consumer protection. 20.115(1)(a)(a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
(f) Food regulation lapse restoration. A sum sufficient equal to the amount that lapsed to the general fund from the appropriation account under
par. (gb) on June 30, 1995, to be transferred to the appropriation account under
par. (gb).
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of services related to food and trade regulation, including special and overtime meat inspection services under
s. 97.42 (3), and investigative and audit services under
ss. 93.06 (6) (b),
100.06 (1g) (c) and
100.07 (1). All moneys received from authorized service fees related to food and trade regulation shall be credited to this appropriation.
Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under
chs. 93,
97 and
98.All moneys received under
ss. 93.06 (1r) and
97.30 (3) (a),
(b) and
98.145 and
98.146 for the regulation of food and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under
par. (f) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Effective date note
NOTE: Par. (gb) is amended eff. 7-1-97 by
1995 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text
(gb) Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under chs. 93, 97 and 98. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1r) and (1w), 93.09, 93.11, 93.12, 97.17, 97.175, 97.20, 97.21, 97.22, 97.24, 97.27, 97.29, 97.30 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 97.41, 98.145 and 98.146 for the regulation of food shall be credited to this appropriation.
Public warehouse regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the administration and enforcement of
ch. 99. All moneys received under
s. 99.02 shall be credited to this appropriation.
Dairy trade regulation; dairy product and vegetable producer security. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of vegetable procurement under
s. 100.03, of dairy plant financial condition under
s. 100.06 and of dairy trade practices under
s. 100.201. All moneys received under
ss. 100.03 (3) (a) 3.,
100.06 (9) and
100.201 (6) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Ozone-depleting refrigerants and products regulation. The amounts in the schedule for administration of the mobile air conditioner servicing and refrigerant recycling programs and for responsibilities under
ss. 100.45 and
100.50 relating to sales and labeling of products containing or made with ozone-depleting substances. All moneys received from fees under
s. 100.45 (5) (a) 3. and
(5m) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Sale of supplies. The amounts in the schedule for the publication of food safety and consumer protection informational materials and for the purchase for sale of such informational supplies. All moneys received from the sale of those materials and supplies shall be credited to this appropriation.
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulation. All moneys received from the warehouse keeper license and inspection fees and surcharges under
s. 127.02 (3) and from the grain dealer license fees and surcharges under
s. 127.03 (3) for the administration and enforcement of the warehouse keepers and grain dealers security act program under
ch. 127.
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under
s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
Automobile repair regulation. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule for the enforcement of
ch. Ag 132, Wis. adm. code.
Unfair sales act enforcement. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration and enforcement of the unfair sales act under
s. 100.30.
Weights and measures; petroleum inspection fund. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for weights and measures inspection, testing and enforcement under
ch. 98.
Recyclable and nonrecyclable products regulation. From the recycling fund, the amounts in the schedule for the implementation and enforcement of
ss. 100.29,
100.295 and
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
Animal disease indemnities. A sum sufficient for the payment of animal disease indemnities under
ch. 95.
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of services related to service fees. All moneys received from such service fees as are authorized by law shall be credited to this appropriation.
Animal health and disease research; gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, donations, grants and bequests to carry out the purpose of funding animal health and disease research for which they are made.
Sale of supplies. The amounts in the schedule for the purchase for sale of publications and other informational material, and vaccines, identification tags, seals and tools for livestock and poultry. All moneys received from the sale of those materials and supplies shall be credited to this appropriation.
Mink research assessments. The amounts in the schedule for mink research under
s. 95.15. All moneys received under
s. 70.425 shall be credited to this appropriation.
Dog licenses, rabies control and related services. The amounts in the schedule to provide dog license tags and forms under
s. 174.07 (2), to perform other program responsibilities under
ch. 174, to administer the rabies control program under
s. 95.21, to help administer the rabies control media campaign and to carry out the humane activities under
s. 93.07 (11). All moneys received by the state treasurer under
s. 174.09 (1) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Animal health contractual services. All moneys received from other state agencies for animal health contractual services, for the performance of those services.
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under
s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of authorized marketing services, except services financed under
par. (h). Except as provided in
par. (h), all moneys received from authorized fees related to marketing services, including moneys received for inspection, grading and certification of fruits and vegetables under
ss. 93.06 (1m),
93.09 (10) and
100.03 (3) (a) 1. and
2., shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts and grants to carry out the marketing services purposes for which they are made.
Grain inspection and certification. All moneys received for the inspection and certification of grain received in or shipped from the port of Milwaukee, the port of Superior or other locations in this state under
s. 93.06 (1m), to carry out the purposes for which they are received.
Marketing orders and agreements. All moneys received by the department under
ch. 96 for the formulation, issuance, administration and enforcement of marketing orders and agreements.
Marketing services and materials. All moneys received from publication sales and service fees authorized by law that are related to marketing, for the publication of informational materials and the provision of services related to marketing.
Something special from Wisconsin promotion. The amounts in the schedule for the advertising and promotion of the something special from Wisconsin slogan, mark and logo under
s. 93.44. All moneys received from fees under
s. 93.44 (4) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under
s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
Aid to Wisconsin livestock breeders association. The amounts in the schedule, less moneys available under
par. (h), for the purpose of aid to the Wisconsin livestock breeders association for the conduct of junior livestock shows and other livestock educational programs under
s. 93.31.
Aids to county and district fairs. A sum sufficient to provide state aids to counties and agricultural societies, associations or boards and to incorporated dairy or livestock associations, not to exceed $15,000 per fair as provided in
s. 93.23. No moneys in excess of the difference between $585,000 and the amount of moneys available under
par. (g) in each fiscal year may be expended from this appropriation. If the total due the several counties and agricultural societies under this paragraph exceeds $585,000, the department shall equitably prorate that amount.
Research and development grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for agricultural research and development grants under
s. 93.46 (2).
Aids to world dairy expo, inc. The amounts in the schedule for aids to the world dairy expo, inc., to be used for the payments under
s. 93.30.
Exposition center grants. The amounts in the schedule for exposition center grants under
s. 93.29.
Pari-mutuel racing supplemental aid. All moneys received from
s. 20.197 (1) (g) 1., to provide state aids to counties and agricultural societies, associations or boards and to incorporated dairy or livestock associations.
Pari-mutuel racing supplemental aid to Wisconsin livestock breeders association. All moneys transferred from the appropriation under
s. 20.197 (1) (g) 1r. to provide aid to the Wisconsin livestock breeders association for the conduct of junior livestock shows and other livestock educational programs under
s. 93.31.
(7) Agricultural resource management. 20.115(7)(a)(a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations related to agricultural resource management other than agrichemical management.
Soil and water resource management program. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the soil and water resource management program under
s. 92.14.
Wind erosion control aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for grants to counties for wind erosion control activities under
s. 92.103. No moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph after June 30, 1997.
Agricultural chemical cleanup program; general fund. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for reimbursement of corrective action costs under
s. 94.73.
Agricultural impact statements. All moneys received by the department under
s. 32.035 from the preparation of agricultural impact statements for general program operations.
Related services. All moneys received from publication sales and service fees authorized by law that are related to agricultural resource management and from costs paid by municipalities under
s. 88.64 (6), for the publication of informational materials and the conduct of services related to agricultural resource management.
Fertilizer research assessments. All moneys collected under
s. 94.64 (4) (am) to be used as provided in
s. 94.64 (8m) for fertilizer research. From this paragraph, 3.5% of the gross amount collected shall be transferred to the appropriation under
sub. (1) (a) as reimbursement for administrative expenses incurred by the department in connection with the moneys collected under
s. 94.64 (4) (am). Moneys may not be utilized for any other research or to influence either state or federal legislation.
Liming material research funds. All moneys received under
s. 94.66 (9) for research on liming materials or crop response to liming materials and other purposes as specified under
s. 94.66 (9).
Agricultural resource management services. All moneys received from other state agencies for agricultural resource management.
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under
s. 16.54 for agricultural resource management.
Gypsy moth eradication; conservation fund. From the conservation fund, the amounts in the schedule for the department to eradicate gypsy moths under
chs. 93 to
Gypsy moth eradication; segregated revenues. From the conservation fund, as a continuing appropriation, on June 30 of each year, an amount equal to all moneys received from surcharges under
s. 28.06 (2m) since the previous June 30, for gypsy moth eradication.
Soil and water management; environmental fund. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for the soil and water resource management program under
s. 92.14.
General program operations; agrichemical management. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations related to agrichemical management.
Groundwater — standards; implementation. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule to develop groundwater standards and implement
ch. 160.
Fertilizer, additives and commercial feed regulation. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule for the regulation of fertilizer, soil and plant additives and commercial feed.
Pesticide regulation and administration of agricultural chemical cleanup program. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule for pesticide regulation and for administration of the agricultural chemical cleanup program under
s. 94.73.
Chemical and container disposal. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule for chemical and container collection grants under
s. 93.55.
Agricultural chemical cleanup program; reimbursement. From the agrichemical management fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for reimbursement of corrective action costs under
s. 94.73.
(8) Central administrative services. 20.115(8)(a)(a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations to provide central administrative services.