(an) In addition to the fees under pars. (a) and (am), a groundwater fee of 10 cents per ton shall be paid to the department for all fertilizers sold or distributed in this state, with a minimum fee of $1 for aggregate sales of 10 tons or less. All moneys collected under this paragraph shall be credited to the environmental fund for groundwater management.
(ar) In addition to paying the fees under pars. (a), (am) and (an), a person who sells or distributes fertilizer in this state shall pay to the department a research fee of 10 cents per ton on all fertilizers sold or distributed in this state, with a minimum fee of $1 for sales of 10 tons or less. The department shall credit all research fees collected under this paragraph to the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (hm).
(b) A person who sells or distributes fertilizer in this state shall file an annual fertilizer tonnage report with the department setting forth the number of tons of fertilizer sold or distributed in this state. The fees under pars. (a), (am), (an) and (ar) shall be paid on the basis of the tonnage report and shall accompany the tonnage report. The report shall cover an annual reporting period ending June 30 of each year and shall be filed with the department not later than August 14 following the close of each annual reporting period. The department may, for cause, extend the filing deadline for up to 30 days in response to a written request. The department may audit the records upon which a tonnage report is based.
(c) If more than one distributor is involved in the chain of distribution of fertilizer, the one who sells directly to the consumer or to a distributor exempted from a license under sub. (3) (a) is responsible for submitting the report and paying the inspection and research fees. Distributors exempt from a license shall not be responsible for the filing of tonnage reports or the payment of inspection and research fees for products purchased from a licensee.
(d) The license of any manufacturer or distributor who has failed to file reports or pay fees when due shall be subject to immediate suspension or revocation. Unpaid fees shall constitute a debt until paid. No license may be granted or renewed until the required reports are filed and the fees are paid. A penalty of 10% of the amount due, with a minimum penalty of $10, shall be assessed against the licensee for all amounts not paid when due.
(e) Each licensee shall maintain, for a period of 2 years, a record of quantities and grades of fertilizer sold or distributed by the licensee and shall make the records available for inspection and audit on request of the department.
(f) Tonnage equivalents shall be used for liquid fertilizer for payment of inspection and research fees and in statistical reports.
(5)Statistical reports. In addition to the filing of tonnage reports for inspection and research fees, each licensee shall furnish to the department a report of the tonnage of each grade of fertilizer sold in this state during the same reporting period, or from July 1 to December 31 and from January 1 to June 30 of each year. The statements shall be filed with the department within 45 days after the close of each period. Failure to file the reports when due shall be cause for immediate license revocation or denial of license renewal. The time may be extended for an additional 30 days for cause on written request to the department. No tonnage payments, tonnage reports or information furnished under this section shall be disclosed in such a way as to divulge the operations of any person.
(a) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the payment of inspection and research fees for sales or exchanges of fertilizers between manufacturers who mix fertilizer materials for sale or as preventing the free and unrestricted shipment of fertilizers for further processing to manufacturers licensed under this section.
(c) This section does not apply to any carrier in respect to any fertilizer delivered or consigned to it by others for transportation in the ordinary course of its business as a carrier.
(7)Prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person:
(a) To distribute any fertilizer in violation of this section or rules promulgated under this section.
(b) To make any false, deceptive or misleading guarantee, claim or representation in connection with the distribution of fertilizer.
(c) To manufacture or distribute any fertilizer without a license required by sub. (3).
(d) To make any false or misleading statement in an application for a license or in any inspection fee or statistical report, or in any other statement or report filed with the department.
(8)Inspection, sampling and analysis.
(a) The department shall inspect, sample and analyze fertilizer distributed within the state at such time and place and to such extent as is necessary to determine compliance with this section.
(b) The department may enter, at all reasonable times, any building, conveyance or premises used in the manufacture and distribution of fertilizer in this state to determine compliance with this section and to stop any conveyance transporting fertilizer for the purpose of inspecting and sampling the fertilizer and examining its labeling.
(c) Manufacturers or distributors of fertilizer shall submit to the department, on request, fertilizer samples, copies of labeling or any other data or information which the department requests concerning composition and claims and representations made for fertilizer manufactured or distributed by them in this state.
(8m)Fertilizer research funds.
(a) Use of funds. At the end of each fiscal year, the moneys collected under sub. (4) (am) and s. 94.65 (6) (a) 3. shall be forwarded to the university of Wisconsin system to be used for research on soil management, soil fertility, plant nutrition problems and for research on surface water and groundwater problems which may be related to fertilizer usage; for dissemination of the results of the research; and for other designated activities tending to promote the correct usage of fertilizer materials.
(b) Fertilizer research council. The fertilizer research council shall recommend projects to be financed by fertilizer research funds. Members of the council shall meet at least annually to select projects to recommend for funding. The recommendations shall be made by majority vote of the council. If the university of Wisconsin system is unable to carry on the projected research, the council may recommend other appropriate nonprofit research institutions or agencies for receipt of funds.
(9)Rules. The department may promulgate rules:
(a) Requiring that the guaranteed analysis of phosphorus and potassium be expressed in the elemental form. If adopted, such rule shall not take effect prior to July 1, 1972, and shall provide for an additional period of at least 5 years during which both the oxide and the elemental guarantees for phosphorus and potassium may be given on the same label.
(b) Regulating the sale and labeling of fertilizer, including warning or caution statements or directions for use in connection with the labeling of fertilizer.
(c) Governing methods of sampling, testing, examining and analyzing fertilizer.
(d) Prescribing tolerances for deficiencies found in percentages of plant nutrient guaranteed to be present.
(e) Prescribing the manner in which grade and guaranteed analysis shall be declared on the label.
(f) Establishing standards of identity and purity for fertilizer materials.
(g) Prescribing standards for the exemption of mixed fertilizers from the requirement under sub. (3m) (a).
(h) Establishing standards and procedures to review an application for a permit or an amended permit for the distribution of a nonagricultural or special-use fertilizer under sub. (3m) (b).
(10)Publication. The department shall publish, at least annually, and in such form as it deems proper, information concerning the sales of fertilizers, together with other data on their production and use as it considers advisable, and a report of the results of the analyses based on official samples of fertilizers sold within the state compared with the analyses guaranteed on the product label. Information concerning the production and use of fertilizers shall be shown separately for the periods July 1 to December 31 and January 1 to June 30 of each year. No disclosure shall be made of the operations of any person.
(a) Stop sale orders. The department may issue and enforce a written or printed stop sale order to the owner or custodian of any lot or container of fertilizer distributed in violation of this section or of rules promulgated under this section. The order shall prohibit the sale or removal of the fertilizer, except as authorized by the department, until it has been brought into compliance with the law or until a plan for disposition is agreed upon with the department in writing. The stop sale order shall have the effect of a special order under s. 93.18 and shall be subject to judicial review if, within 10 days after service of the order, a request for a hearing is made to the department.
(b) Temporary holding orders. A temporary holding order may be issued whenever the department has reason to believe any lot or container of fertilizer may not be in compliance with the law pending further evaluation or laboratory examination and analysis. A temporary holding order shall be effective for no more than 15 days but may be extended for an additional 15-day period as may reasonably be necessary to complete sampling, analysis and evaluation of the fertilizer and its labeling. The fertilizer shall be released prior to the expiration of such temporary period if found to be in compliance with the law. If found to be in violation of the law, the temporary holding order shall be extended by notice, in writing, to the owner or custodian and a stop sale order issued prohibiting the further movement or disposition of the fertilizer without consent of the department, subject to the right of hearing before the department if requested within 10 days after service of such notice and stop sale order.
(c) Seizure, condemnation and sale. Fertilizer not in compliance with this section shall be subject to seizure on complaint of the department to a court having jurisdiction. If the court finds that the fertilizer is in violation of this section and orders the seizure thereof, it shall be disposed of as the court directs. Disposition shall not be ordered by the court without first granting the owner or custodian, at his or her request, reasonable opportunity to reprocess or relabel the fertilizer under supervision of the department to bring it into compliance with this section.
(d) Injunction. Upon petition of the department any court having equity jurisdiction may grant a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating or continuing to violate this section or any rules thereunder notwithstanding the existence of other remedies at law.
(a) Any person who violates this section or any rule issued thereunder shall forfeit $50 for the first violation and not less than $200 nor more than $500 for any subsequent violation. Any wilful violation shall constitute a misdemeanor and any person convicted thereof shall be fined not less than $250 nor more than $5,000 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year or both.
(b) It is the duty of each district attorney to whom any violation is reported to cause appropriate actions or proceedings to be instituted for the collection of forfeitures or enforcement of other remedies. In any enforcement action the court may, in addition to other penalties provided in this subsection, order restitution to any party injured by the purchase of fertilizer sold in violation of the law. If the violator is convicted of a crime, restitution shall be in accordance with s. 973.20.
94.645 Fertilizer and pesticide storage.
(1)Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Bulk fertilizer" has the meaning specified under s. 94.64 (1) (b).
(b) "Bulk pesticide" means liquid pesticide in a container larger than 55 gallons or solid pesticide in undivided quantities greater than 100 pounds.
(c) "Distribute" means to import, consign, sell, offer for sale, solicit orders for sale or otherwise supply fertilizer or pesticide for sale or use in this state.
(d) "Fertilizer" has the meaning specified under s. 94.64 (1) (e), except that this term does not include anhydrous ammonia.
(e) "Manufacture" means to process, granulate, compound, produce, mix, blend or alter the composition of fertilizer or to manufacture, formulate, prepare, compound, propagate, package, label or process any pesticide.
(f) "Pesticide" has the meaning specified under s. 94.67 (25).
(g) "Waters of the state" has the meaning specified under s. 281.01 (18).
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), every person who manufactures or distributes bulk fertilizer or bulk pesticides shall comply with the storage standards adopted under sub. (3).
(b) This section does not apply to containers for liquid pesticide larger than 55 gallons if the larger containers are designed for emergency storage of leaking containers which are 55 gallons or smaller and are used only for that purpose.
(3)Rules. The department shall adopt by rule standards for the storage of bulk fertilizer or bulk pesticides, for the purpose of protecting the waters of the state from harm due to contamination by fertilizer or pesticides. The rule shall apply to all persons who manufacture or distribute bulk fertilizer or bulk pesticides. The rule shall comply with ch. 160. The rule may include different standards for new and existing facilities, but all standards shall provide substantially similar protection for the waters of the state.
(a) The department shall enforce this section. The department may, by special order under s. 93.18, prohibit a violation of rules promulgated under this section and require necessary measures to correct the violation. Special orders may be issued on a summary basis, without prior complaint, notice or hearing, where necessary to protect public health or the environment. A summary special order is subject to a subsequent right of hearing before the department, if a hearing is requested within 10 days after the date on which the order is served. Any party affected by the special order may request a preliminary or informal hearing pending the scheduling and conduct of a full hearing. Hearings, if requested, shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible after receipt of a request for hearing. Enforcement of a summary special order shall not be stayed pending hearing, except as otherwise ordered by the department.
(b) The circuit court for any county where violation of such an order occurs has jurisdiction to enforce the special order by injunctive and other appropriate relief.
(5)Penalties. Any person who violates this section or any rule or order adopted under this section shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $1,000 for each violation. Each violation of this section or any rule or order under this section constitutes a separate offense and each day of continued violation is a separate offense.
History: 1983 a. 410; 1985 a. 135 s. 85; 1995 a. 227.
94.65 Soil and plant additives.
(1)Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Active ingredient" means a component of a soil or plant additive from which the soil or plant additive derives all or part of its value or effectiveness and which is:
1. A living microorganism; or
2. Defined as an active ingredient by department rule.
(b) "Brand or product name" means a name, term, design or trademark which identifies the product.
(c) "Distribute" means to import, consign, sell, offer for sale, solicit orders for sale or otherwise supply for use in this state.
(d) "Inert ingredient" means a component of a soil or plant additive which does not affect the performance or efficacy of the soil or plant additive.
(e) "Label" means the display of written, printed or graphic matter which is attached to, or forms a part of, the immediate container of a soil or plant additive, or which accompanies a bulk distribution of soil or plant additive.
(em) "Sewage sludge" has the meaning specified in s. 94.64 (1) (pm).
(f) "Soil or plant additive" means any substance which is intended to be applied to seeds, soil or plants and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting or sustaining plant growth; improving crop yield or quality; promoting or sustaining the fertility of the soil; or favorably modifying the structural, physical or biological properties of the soil for agricultural purposes. "Soil or plant additive" does not include:
1. Fertilizer, as defined in s. 94.64 (1) (e).
2. Liming material, as defined in s. 94.66 (1) (am), if the liming material is distributed solely for the purposes stated in s. 94.66 (1) (am).
3. Wood ashes or unmanipulated animal or vegetable manure, unless distributed under another name or description.
4. Pesticides registered under 7 USC 136 or by the department.
5. Any other substance exempted by department rule.
(g) "Unmanipulated animal or vegetable manure" has the meaning specified in s. 94.64 (1) (t).
(a) Except as provided under par. (b), no person may manufacture or distribute a soil or plant additive in this state unless the person first obtains an annual license from the department. Application for a license or for renewal of a license shall be made on forms provided by the department and shall be accompanied by an annual license fee of $25. All licenses expire on March 31.
(b) No license is required of a person who distributes a soil or plant additive of a license holder, if the person:
1. Distributes the soil or plant additive under the name of the license holder and in the original container packaged and labeled by the license holder; and
2. Makes no content or performance claim for the soil or plant additive other than the written claim of the license holder.
1. Except as provided under subds. 2. and 3., no person may distribute a soil or plant additive in this state unless the person first obtains a permit from the department. A separate permit must be obtained for the distribution of each soil or plant additive.
2. No permit is required of a person who distributes a soil or plant additive for which a permit has been issued to a permit holder, if the person:
a. Distributes the soil or plant additive under the name of the permit holder and in the original container packaged and labeled by the permit holder; and
b. Makes no content or performance claim for the soil or plant additive other than the written claim of the permit holder.
3. No permit is required for the landspreading of sewage sludge under a pollutant discharge elimination system permit issued by the department of natural resources under s. 283.31 or 283.35.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?