101.14(1)(b) (b) The secretary and any deputy may at all reasonable hours enter into and upon all buildings, premises and public thoroughfares excepting only the interior of private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any condition liable to cause fire, or any violation of any law or order relating to the fire hazard or to the prevention of fire.
101.14(1)(bm) (bm) The secretary and any deputy may, at all reasonable hours, enter the interior of private dwellings at the request of the owner or renter for the purpose of s. 101.145 (6) or 101.645 (4).
101.14(1)(c) (c) The department is hereby empowered and directed to provide the form of a course of study in fire prevention for use in the public schools, dealing with the protection of lives and property against loss or damage as a result of preventable fires, and transmit the same by the first day of August in each year to the state superintendent of public instruction.
101.14(1)(d) (d) The department may prepare and provide suitable forms for distribution to the school systems in the state, for the purpose of providing uniform reports on fire drills conducted during the year in accordance with s. 118.07 (2).
101.14(2) (2)
101.14(2)(a)(a) The chief of the fire department in every city, village or town, except cities of the 1st class, is constituted a deputy of the department, subject to the right of the department to relieve any such chief from duties as such deputy for cause, and upon such suspension to appoint some other person to perform the duty imposed upon such deputy. The department may appoint either the chief of the fire department or the building inspector as its deputy in cities of the 1st class.
101.14(2)(b) (b) The chief of every fire department shall provide for the inspection of every public building and place of employment to determine and cause to be eliminated any fire hazard or any violation of any law relating to fire hazards or to the prevention of fires.
101.14(2)(c)1.1. Except as provided under subd. 2., the chief of every fire department shall provide that the inspections required under par. (b) be made at least once in each nonoverlapping 6-month period per calendar year in all of the territory served by his or her fire department. The chief of a fire department may require more frequent inspections than required under this subdivision. The department by rule shall provide for general exceptions, based on the type of occupancy or use of the premises, where less frequent inspections are required. Upon written request by the chief of a fire department, the department by special order may grant an exception to a city, village or town to conduct less frequent inspections than required under this subdivision.
101.14(2)(c)2. 2. In 1st class cities, the fire chief may establish the schedule of fire inspections in that city. The fire chief shall base the frequency of the inspections on hazardous classification, the proportion of public area, the record of fire code violations, the ratio of occupancy to size and any other factor the chief deems significant. Property other than residential property with 4 dwelling units or less shall be inspected at least once annually.
101.14(2)(cm) (cm) In addition to the requirements of pars. (b) and (c), a fire department shall provide public fire education services.
101.14(2)(d) (d) The chief of every fire department, or, in 1st class cities, the building inspector appointed by the department under par. (a), shall designate a sufficient number of inspectors to make the inspections required under pars. (b) and (c).
101.14(2)(e) (e) Written reports of inspection shall be made and kept on file by the authority having jurisdiction to conduct inspections, or its designee, in the manner and form required by the department.
101.14(2)(f) (f) Every inspection required under pars. (b) and (c) is subject to the supervision and direction of the department, which shall, after audit, certify to the commissioner of insurance after the expiration of each calendar year each city, village or town where the inspections for the year have been made, and where records have been made and kept on file as required under par. (e).
101.14(3) (3) The department shall annually conduct training sessions and provide manuals and other materials and services to assist deputies and inspectors in the fulfillment of their duties under sub. (2).
101.14(4) (4)
101.14(4)(a)(a) The department shall make rules, pursuant to ch. 227, requiring owners of places of employment and public buildings to install such fire detection, prevention or suppression devices as will protect the health, welfare and safety of all employers, employes and frequenters of places of employment and public buildings.
101.14(4)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the rules of the department shall require all such places and buildings over 60 feet in height, the construction of which is begun after July 3, 1974, to contain an automatic fire sprinkler system on each floor.
101.14(4)(b)2.a.a. Subdivision 1. does not apply to any open parking structure, as defined by the department.
101.14(4)(b)2.b. b. If the department determines that water would cause irreparable damage and undue economic loss if discharged in such places or buildings, it shall require a suppression device which has a substance other than water.
101.14(4)(b)2.c. c. Subdivision 1. does not apply to any building over 60 feet in height the construction of which is completed or is begun prior to July 3, 1974.
101.14(4)(c)1.1. The rules of the department governing such places and buildings under 60 feet in height shall be based upon but may vary from those provisions in the building officials and code administrators international, inc., building code which relate to fire detection, prevention and suppression in public buildings and places of employment.
101.14(4)(c)2. 2. Before the effective date of the rules promulgated under subd. 1., as affected by 1983 Wisconsin Act 295, section 3, the department may grant a variance to any rule relating to automatic fire sprinklers and mandated under chapter 320, laws of 1981, if the department first does both of the following:
101.14(4)(c)2.a. a. Consults with the chief of the fire department having authority over the place of employment or public building.
101.14(4)(c)2.b. b. Determines that the variance provides protection, substantially equivalent to that of the rules mandated by chapter 320, laws of 1981, of the health, safety and welfare of employers, employes and frequenters of the place of employment or public building.
101.14(4)(d) (d) To the extent that the historic building code applies to the subject matter of this subsection, each qualified historic building, as defined under s. 101.121 (2) (c), is exempt from this subsection if the owner elects to be subject to s. 101.121.
101.14(4)(dm) (dm) Each building required by rule under this subsection to contain fire detection, prevention and suppression devices shall have the necessary devices installed at the time of its construction.
101.14(4)(e) (e) Whoever violates this subsection may be fined not less than $100 but not more than $500 for each day of violation.
101.14(4)(f) (f) The department may inspect all buildings covered by this subsection and may issue such orders as may be necessary to assure compliance with it.
101.14(4)(g) (g) As used in this subsection:
101.14(4)(g)1. 1. "Automatic fire sprinkler system" has the meaning provided in s. 145.01 (2).
101.14(4)(g)2. 2. "Fire detection, prevention and suppression devices" include but are not limited to manual fire alarm systems, smoke and heat detection devices, fire extinguishers, standpipes, automatic fire suppression systems and automatic fire sprinkler systems.
101.14(4m) (4m)
101.14(4m)(a)(a) In this subsection:
101.14(4m)(a)1. 1. "Automatic fire sprinkler system" has the meaning given in s. 145.01 (2).
101.14(4m)(a)2. 2. "Dwelling unit" has the meaning given in s. 101.61 (1).
101.14(4m)(a)3. 3. "Multifamily dwelling" has the meaning given in s. 101.971 (2).
101.14(4m)(a)4. 4. "Nondwelling unit portions" means the common use areas of a multifamily dwelling, including corridors, stairways, basements, cellars, vestibules, atriums, community rooms, laundry rooms or swimming pool rooms.
101.14(4m)(a)5. 5. "Political subdivision" means a county, city, village or town.
101.14(4m)(a)5m. 5m. "Two-hour fire resistance" means 2-hour fire separations for all walls that separate dwelling units, exit corridors and exit stair enclosures and for all floors and ceilings, so that the specified walls, floors and ceilings are capable of resisting fire for a period not shorter than 2 hours.
101.14(4m)(am) (am) A political subdivision may enact ordinances, as provided in this paragraph, that require an automatic fire sprinkler system or 2-hour fire resistance in every multifamily dwelling. Any ordinance enacted under this paragraph shall meet the standards established under pars. (b) and (c) or under pars. (d) and (e).
101.14(4m)(b) (b) The department shall require an automatic fire sprinkler system or 2-hour fire resistance in every multifamily dwelling that contains any of the following:
101.14(4m)(b)1. 1. Total floor area, for all individual dwelling units, exceeding 16,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(b)2. 2. More than 20 dwelling units.
101.14(4m)(b)3. 3. Total floor area of its nondwelling unit portions exceeding the limits established in par. (c).
101.14(4m)(c) (c) An automatic fire sprinkler system or 2-hour fire resistance is required under par. (b) in a multifamily dwelling constructed by any of the following types of construction if the total floor area of the nondwelling unit portions in the multifamily dwelling exceeds the following:
101.14(4m)(c)1. 1. Type 1 fire resistive construction, 16,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)2. 2. Type 2 fire resistive construction, 12,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)3. 3. Type 3 metal frame protected construction, 8,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)4. 4. Type 4 heavy timber construction, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)5. 5. Type 5A exterior masonry protected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)6. 6. Type 5B exterior masonry unprotected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)7. 7. Type 6 metal frame unprotected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)8. 8. Type 7 wood frame protected construction, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(c)9. 9. Type 8 wood frame unprotected construction, 4,800 square feet.
101.14(4m)(d) (d) A political subdivision's ordinances, enacted to meet the requirements of this paragraph and par. (e), shall require an automatic fire sprinkler system or 2-hour fire resistance in every multifamily dwelling that contains any of the following:
101.14(4m)(d)1. 1. Total floor area, for all individual dwelling units, exceeding 8,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(d)2. 2. More than 8 dwelling units.
101.14(4m)(d)3. 3. Total floor area of its nondwelling unit portions exceeding the limits established in par. (e).
101.14(4m)(e) (e) A political subdivision's ordinances, enacted to meet the standards established in par. (d) and this paragraph, shall require an automatic fire sprinkler system or 2-hour fire resistance in every multifamily dwelling that is constructed by any of the following types of construction if the total floor area of the nondwelling unit portions in the multifamily dwelling exceeds the following:
101.14(4m)(e)1. 1. Type 1 fire resistive construction, 12,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)2. 2. Type 2 fire resistive construction, 10,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)3. 3. Type 3 metal frame protected construction, 8,000 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)4. 4. Type 4 heavy timber construction, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)5. 5. Type 5A exterior masonry protected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)6. 6. Type 5B exterior masonry unprotected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)7. 7. Type 6 metal frame unprotected, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)8. 8. Type 7 wood frame protected construction, 5,600 square feet.
101.14(4m)(e)9. 9. Type 8 wood frame unprotected construction, 4,800 square feet.
101.14(5) (5)
101.14(5)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), in addition to any fee charged by the department by rule for plan review and approval for the construction of a new or additional installation or change in operation of a previously approved installation for the storage, handling or use of flammable or combustible liquids, the department shall collect a groundwater fee of $100 for each plan review submittal. The moneys collected under this subsection shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental management.
101.14(5)(b) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), an installation for the storage, handling or use of flammable or combustible liquids that has a capacity of less than 1,000 gallons is not subject to the groundwater fee under par. (a).
101.14 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 66.122 for provision authorizing special inspection warrants.
101.14 Annotation See note to 893.80, citing Coffey v. Milwaukee, 74 W (2d) 526, 247 NW (2d) 132.
101.141 101.141 Record keeping of fires. The department shall maintain records of all fires occurring in this state. Such records shall be open to public inspection during normal business hours.
101.141 History History: 1975 c. 224.
101.142 101.142 Inventory of petroleum product storage tanks.
101.142(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
101.142(1)(a) (a) "Petroleum product" means materials derived from petroleum, natural gas or asphalt deposits and includes gasoline, diesel and heating fuels, liquefied petroleum gases, lubricants, waxes, greases and petrochemicals.
101.142(1)(b) (b) "Storage tank" means an enclosed container with a capacity in excess of 60 gallons which is used to hold a petroleum product, regardless of the duration of storage and which is intended for use as a fixed, rather than as a portable, installation.
101.142(2) (2)Inventory of storage tanks. The department shall undertake a program to inventory and determine the location of aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks. The department may require its deputies and any person engaged in the business of distributing petroleum products to provide information on the location of aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks. The department shall develop uniform procedures for reporting the location of aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks.
101.142 History History: 1983 a. 410; 1989 a. 254; 1991 a. 82.
101.143 101.143 Petroleum storage remedial action; financial assistance.
101.143(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
101.143(1)(ad) (ad) "Bodily injury" does not include those liabilities which are excluded from coverage in liability insurance policies for bodily injury other than liabilities excluded because they are caused by a petroleum product discharge from a petroleum product storage system.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?