(f) Assistance. The executive director may request any state agency to provide assistance necessary for the board to fulfill its duties.
(16)Land information board.
(a) Creation. There is created a land information board attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03.
(b) Members. The board consists of the following members:
1. The secretary of administration, the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the secretary of natural resources, the secretary of revenue and the secretary of transportation, or their designees.
2. Four representatives from county and municipal government selected from various geographical regions of the state, including at least one member of a county board of supervisors, at least one member of a city council, village board or town board and at least one person who is a county officer active in land information management, to serve 6-year terms.
3. Four representatives chosen from public utilities and private businesses selected from various geographical regions of the state, including at least one public utility representative and at least one representative of a professional land information organization, to serve 6-year terms.
4. The state cartographer.
5. One member nominated to the governor by a statewide association whose purposes include support of a network of statewide land information systems.
(c) Advisory members. The state historic preservation officer and the state geologist, or their designees, a representative of a regional planning commission who is selected by the board, a county employe active in land information management who is selected by the board, and representatives of state and federal agencies active in land information management who are selected by the board, shall serve as nonvoting, advisory members of the board.
Note: Sub. (16) is repealed eff. 9-1-03 by 1997 Wis. Act 27.
(19)Office of justice assistance. There is created an office of justice assistance which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The executive staff director of the office shall be appointed by the governor to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
(22)State use board. There is created a state use board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 8 members appointed to serve for 4-year terms, including a representative of the department of administration; a representative of the subunit of the department of health and family services which administers mental health laws; a representative of the subunit of the department of workforce development which administers vocational rehabilitation laws; 2 representatives of private businesses, one of whom shall represent a small business; one representative of a work center, as defined in s. 16.752; and one member who does not represent any of the foregoing entities. A member vacates his or her office if the member loses the status upon which his or her appointment is based. In this subsection, "small business" means an independently owned and operated business which is not dominant in its field and which has had less than $2,500,000 in gross annual sales for each of the 2 previous calendar years or has 25 or fewer employes.
(24)National and community service board.
(a) Creation. There is created a national and community service board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03.
(b) Membership. The national and community service board shall consist of the voting members described in par. (c) and the nonvoting members described in par. (d), appointed for 3-year terms.
(c) Voting members. The national and community service board shall include as voting members the following members:
1. At least one member who has expertise in the educational, training and developmental needs of youth, particularly of disadvantaged youth.
2. At least one member who has experience in promoting voluntarism among older adults.
3. At least one member who is a representative of private nonprofit organizations that are representative of a community, or a significant segment of a community, and that are engaged in meeting the human, educational, environmental or public safety needs of that community.
4. The state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee.
4m. The secretary of administration or his or her designee.
5. At least one member who is a representative of a school board or of a county, city, village or town government.
6. At least one member who is a representative of organized labor.
7. At least one member who is a representative of the business community.
8. At least one member who is at least 16 years of age and not more than 25 years of age and who is a participant or a supervisor in a national service program described in 42 USC 12572 (a).
9. At least one member who is a representative of a national service program described in 42 USC 12572 (a).
10. If less than 16 members are appointed under subds. 1. to 9., a sufficient number of members to bring the total number of voting members to 16.
(d) Nonvoting members. In addition to the voting members specified in par. (c), the national and community service board shall include as a nonvoting member the state representative of the corporation for national and community service designated under 42 USC 12651f, and may include as nonvoting members such representatives of state agencies providing community services, youth services, educational services, social services, services for the aging and job training programs as the governor may appoint.
(e) Membership limitations. No more than 4 of the voting members of the national and community service board may be state officers or employes. No more than 9 of the voting members of the national and community service board may belong to the same political party. In appointing members to the national and community service board, the governor shall ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that the membership of the board is diverse with respect to race, national origin, age, sex and disability.
(25)Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board. There is created a technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the state superintendent of public instruction, the secretary of administration and the following members appointed for 4-year terms:
(a) A member of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, appointed by the president of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
(b) A member of the technical college system board, appointed by the president of the technical college system board.
(bm) A member of the educational communications board.
(c) Four other members.
15.107 Same; councils.
(2)Council on small business, veteran-owned business and minority business opportunities. There is created in the department of administration a council on small business, veteran-owned business and minority business opportunities consisting of 13 members, appointed by the secretary of administration for 3-year terms, with representation as follows: at least 2 shall be owners or employes of small businesses at least 51% owned by one or more members of a racial minority group; at least one shall be an owner or employe of a small business at least 51% owned by one or more handicapped persons; at least one shall be an owner or employe of a small business operated on a nonprofit basis for the rehabilitation of disabled persons; at least 2 shall be owners or employes of veteran-owned businesses, as defined in s. 16.75 (4) (d); at least one shall be a representative of the department of commerce; and at least one shall be a consumer member. No member may serve for more than 2 consecutive full terms. The secretary of administration, or a department employe who is the secretary's designee, shall serve as the council's nonvoting secretary.
(5)Acid deposition research council.
(a) There is created in the department of administration an acid deposition research council consisting of the following members:
1. The secretary of administration or his or her designee.
2. The chairperson of the public service commission or his or her designee.
3. The secretary of natural resources or his or her designee.
4. A representative of the university of Wisconsin system appointed by the secretary of administration.
5. A representative of a major utility, as defined under s. 285.41 (1) (f), appointed by the secretary of administration.
6. A representative of an industry which is a large source, as defined under s. 285.45 (1) (a), appointed by the secretary of administration.
7. A representative of an environmental organization in this state, appointed by the secretary of administration.
(b) Members of the council appointed under par. (a) 4. to 7. shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
(c) The council shall perform the functions specified under s. 16.02.
(6)Council on health care fraud and abuse.
(a) There is created a council on health care fraud and abuse which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The council consists of 15 members appointed for 3-year terms, at least one of whom shall have expertise in the medical assistance program and the remainder of whom shall include representatives of insurers, as defined in s. 146.36 (1) (d); employe benefit plan administrators; health maintenance organizations, as defined in s. 609.01 (2); physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5); health care providers, as defined in s. 146.81 (1), other than physicians; and law enforcement.
(b) The governor shall designate one of the members to serve as chairperson of the council and shall establish the length of term for that office.
(c) The council shall meet at least twice annually.
(d) This subsection does not apply after December 30, 2000.
(7)Interagency coordinating council. There is created in the department of administration an interagency coordinating council consisting of the following members appointed to 4-year terms:
(a) The secretary of employe trust funds or his or her designee.
(b) A representative of the unit in the department of health and family services that deals with health statistics.
(c) A representative of the unit in the department of health and family services that deals with the medical assistance program.
(d) A representative of the unit in the department of health and family services that deals with health care information.
(e) A representative of the unit in the University of Wisconsin System that deals with health statistics research analysis.
(f) A representative of the unit in the department of administration that deals with information technology.
(g) A representative of the office of the commissioner of insurance.
(9)Low-level radioactive waste council.
(a) Creation. There is created in the department of administration a low-level radioactive waste council. The council shall be composed of 3 public members and 4 legislative members appointed as follows:
1. One member who is appointed as are members of standing committees in the senate.
2. One member who is appointed by the senate minority leader.
3. One member who is appointed as are members of standing committees in the assembly.
4. One member who is appointed by the assembly minority leader.
(b) Application. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 2002.
(11)Women's council.
(a) Creation. There is created a women's council which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The council shall consist of 15 members. Except as provided in par. (c), all members shall be appointed for staggered 2-year terms.
(b) Membership. The council consists of the following members:
1. The governor, or his or her designee.
2. Six public members appointed by the governor, one of whom the governor shall designate as chairperson.
3. Two public members appointed by the president of the senate.
4. Two public members appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
5. Two members of the senate, appointed in the same manner as members of standing committees are appointed.
6. Two members of the assembly, appointed in the same manner as members of standing committees are appointed.
(c) Assembly member's and governor's terms. Each member of the assembly serving on the council shall serve for the period of his or her term in office. The governor or his or her designee serving on the council under par. (b) 1. shall serve a 4-year term.
(12)Certification standards review council.
(a) Creation. There is created in the department of administration a certification standards review council consisting of 9 members.
(b) Membership.
1. The secretary of administration shall appoint 8 members as follows:
a. One member to represent municipalities having wastewater treatment plants with average flows of more than 5,000,000 gallons per day.
b. One member to represent municipalities having wastewater treatment plants with average flows of less than 5,000,000 gallons per day.
c. One member to represent industrial laboratories with permits issued under ch. 283.
d. One member to represent commercial laboratories.
e. One member to represent public water utilities.
f. One member to represent solid and hazardous waste disposal facilities.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?