(e) Three appointed by the council of the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, at least one representing the private colleges in this state.
(7) Snowmobile recreational council. There is created in the department of natural resources a snowmobile recreational council consisting of 15 members nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate, appointed for staggered 3-year terms. Commencing on July 1, 1972, 5 members shall be appointed to serve for one year, 5 members for 2 years and 5 members for 3 years. Thereafter all terms shall be for 3 years with 5 positions on the council to expire each year. At least 5 members of the council shall be from the territory north, and at least 5 members shall be from the territory south, of a line running east and west through the south limits of the city of Stevens Point.
(12) Metallic mining council. There is created in the department of natural resources a metallic mining council consisting of 9 persons representing a variety and balance of economic, scientific and environmental viewpoints. Members shall be appointed by the secretary of the department for staggered 3-year terms.
Creation. There is created a groundwater coordinating council, attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03. The council shall perform the functions specified under
s. 160.50.
Members. The groundwater coordinating council shall consist of the following members:
3. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
Designees. Under
par. (b), agency heads may appoint designees to serve on the council, if the designee is an employe or appointive officer of the agency who has sufficient authority to deploy agency resources and directly influence agency decision making.
Terms. Members appointed under
par. (b) 8. shall be appointed to 4-year terms.
Staff. The state agencies with membership on the council and its subcommittees shall provide adequate staff to conduct the functions of the council.
Meetings. The council shall meet at least twice each year and may meet at other times on the call of 3 of its members.
Section 15.09 (3) does not apply to meetings of the council.
Annual report. In August of each year, the council shall submit to the head of each agency with membership on the council, the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under
s. 13.172 (3), a report which summarizes the operations and activities of the council during the fiscal year concluded on the preceding June 30, describes the state of the groundwater resource and its management and sets forth the recommendations of the council. The annual report shall include a description of the current groundwater quality in the state, an assessment of groundwater management programs, information on the implementation of
ch. 160 and a list and description of current and anticipated groundwater problems. In each annual report, the council shall include the dissents of any council member to the activities and recommendations of the council.
(15) Milwaukee river revitalization council. 15.347(15)(a)(a) There is created in the department of natural resources a Milwaukee river revitalization council consisting of:
1. The secretary of natural resources or his or her designee.
3. Eleven members appointed by the governor for 3-year terms.
4. At least one council member shall represent each of the priority watersheds, as identified under
s. 281.65 (4) (cm), that are located in the Milwaukee river basin.
(d) Any member designated under
par. (a) 1. or
2. or any member appointed under
par. (a) 3. who is absent from 4 consecutive meetings vacates his or her position.
(16) State trails council. There is created in the department of natural resources a state trails council consisting of 9 members, appointed for 4-year terms, who are knowledgeable in the various recreational uses of trails.
Creation and membership. There is created a council on recycling, attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03, consisting of 7 members selected by the governor.
Terms. Each member of the council on recycling designated under
par. (a) shall serve a 4-year term expiring on the date that the next term of governor commences under
s. 8.25 (4) (b) 2. or until a successor is appointed.
15.347 History
History: 1971 c. 100 s.
1971 c. 164,
1973 c. 12,
1975 c. 39,
1977 c. 29 ss.
1650m (1), (4);
1977 c. 377;
1979 c. 34 ss.
2102 (39) (g), (58) (b);
1979 c. 221,
1979 c. 361 s.
1981 c. 346 s.
1983 a. 410;
1985 a. 29 ss.
3200 (39);
1985 a. 65,
1987 a. 27,
1989 a. 11,
1991 a. 32,
1993 a. 16,
1995 a. 27 ss.
169 to
9116 (5) and
9126 (19);
1995 a. 227;
1997 a. 27,
Conservation congress. The conservation congress shall be an independent organization of citizens of the state and shall serve in an advisory capacity to the natural resources board on all matters under the jurisdiction of the board. Its records, budgets, studies and surveys shall be kept and established in conjunction with the department of natural resources. Its reports shall be an independent advisory opinion of such congress.
15.348 History
History: 1971 c. 179.
Department of public instruction; creation. There is created a department of public instruction under the direction and supervision of the state superintendent of public instruction.
Same; specified divisions. 15.373(1)
Division for learning support, equity and advocacy. There is created in the department of public instruction a division for learning support, equity and advocacy.
(2) Division for libraries and community learning. There is created in the department of public instruction a division for libraries and community learning.
Office of educational accountability. There is created an office of educational accountability in the department of public instruction. The director of the office shall be appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction.
Same; attached boards. 15.375(2)
School district boundary appeal board. There is created a school district boundary appeal board in the department of public instruction. The board shall consist of 12 school board members appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction for staggered 2-year terms and the state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee. Four board members shall be school board members of school districts with small enrollments, 4 board members shall be school board members of school districts with medium enrollments and 4 board members shall be school board members of school districts with large enrollments. No 2 school board members of the board may reside within the boundaries of the same cooperative educational service agency.
Council on the education of the blind. There is created in the department of public instruction a council on the education of the blind consisting of 3 members, who shall have a visual impairment and shall have a recognized interest in and a demonstrated knowledge of the problems of children who have visual impairments, appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction for staggered 6-year terms. "Visual impairment" means having a) a visual acuity equal to or less than 20/70 in the better eye with correcting lenses, or b) a visual acuity greater than 20/70 in the better eye with correcting lenses, but accompanied by a limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.
(4) Council on special education. There is created in the department of public instruction a council on special education to advise the state superintendent of public instruction about the unmet educational needs of children with disabilities, in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the federal department of education, in developing plans to address findings identified in federal monitoring reports, in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities and on any other matters upon which the state superintendent wishes the council's opinion; and to comment publicly on any rules proposed by the department of public instruction regarding the education of children with disabilities. The state superintendent of public instruction shall appoint the members of the council for 3-year terms, and shall ensure that a majority of the members are individuals with disabilities or parents of children with disabilities and that the council is representative of the state population, as determined by the state superintendent. The council shall be composed of individuals who are involved in, or concerned with, the education of children with disabilities, including all of the following:
(a) Teachers of regular education and teachers of special education.
(b) Representatives of institutions of higher education that train special education and related services personnel.
(d) Administrators of programs for children with disabilities.
(e) Representatives of agencies other than the department of public instruction involved in the financing or delivery of related services to children with disabilities.
(f) Representatives of private schools and charter schools.
(g) At least one representative of a vocational, community or business organization that provides transition services for children with disabilities.
(h) Representatives from the department of corrections.
(6) Council on library and network development. There is created in the department of public instruction a council on library and network development composed of 15 members. Seven of the members shall be library science, audiovisual and informational science professionals representative of various types of libraries and information services, including public libraries, public library systems, school libraries, public and private academic libraries, special libraries and library educators. Eight of the members shall be public members who have demonstrated an interest in libraries or other types of information services. The members of the council shall be appointed for 3-year terms. The council shall meet 6 times annually and shall also meet on the call of the state superintendent of public instruction, and may meet at other times on the call of the chairperson or a majority of its members.
(8) Professional standards council for teachers. 15.377(8)(a)(a) Definition. In this subsection, "labor organization" means an association of employe organizations that represents the public policy, labor and professional interests of teachers.
(b) Creation. There is created a professional standards council for teachers in the department of public instruction.
(c) Members. The professional standards council for teachers shall consist of the following members, nominated by the state superintendent of public instruction and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed:
1. Two persons licensed and actively employed as elementary school teachers in the public schools, recommended by the largest statewide labor organization representing teachers.
2. Two persons licensed and actively employed as middle school, junior high school or senior high school teachers in the public schools, recommended by the largest statewide labor organization representing teachers.
3. Two persons licensed and actively employed as pupil services professionals, as defined in
s. 118.257 (1) (c), in the public schools, recommended by the largest statewide labor organization representing teachers.
4. One person licensed and actively employed as a special education teacher in the public schools, recommended by the largest statewide labor organization representing teachers.
5. Two other persons licensed and actively employed as teachers in the public schools, recommended by the largest statewide labor organization representing teachers.
5m. One person licensed as a teacher and actively employed in a private school, recommended by the Wisconsin Association of Nonpublic Schools.
6. One person actively employed as a public school district administrator, recommended by the Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators.
7. One person actively employed as a public school principal, recommended by the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators.
8. One faculty member of a department or school of education in the University of Wisconsin System, recommended by the president of the University of Wisconsin System.
9. One faculty member of a department or school of education in a private college in Wisconsin, recommended by the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
10. One additional faculty member, appointed from the list of persons recommended under
subd. 8. or
11. Two members of public school boards, recommended by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards.
12. One person who is a parent of a child who is enrolled in a public school.
13. One person who is a student enrolled in a teacher preparatory program, located in this state, that leads to initial licensure as a teacher.
Recommendations. For each vacancy on the council under
par. (c) 1. to
9. and
11., the entity authorized to recommend a member shall provide the names of 3 qualified persons to the state superintendent of public instruction.
(e) Terms. Members of the council shall serve 3-year terms except that the student appointed under
par. (c) 13. shall serve a 2-year term.
(f) Meetings. The council shall meet on a regular basis and at least twice each year.
15.377 History
History: 1971 c. 152,
1973 c. 89,
1977 c. 29;
1979 c. 346,
1985 a. 29,
1987 a. 27;
1989 a. 31;
1993 a. 184,
1995 a. 27 ss.
183 to
9126 (19),
9145 (1);
1997 a. 27,
Department of regulation and licensing; creation. There is created a department of regulation and licensing under the direction and supervision of the secretary of regulation and licensing.
Same; attached boards and examining boards. 15.405(1)(1)
Accounting examining board. There is created an accounting examining board in the department of regulation and licensing. The examining board shall consist of 7 members, appointed for staggered 4-year terms. Five members shall hold certificates as certified public accountants and be eligible for licensure to practice in this state. Two members shall be public members.
(2) Examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers and land surveyors. There is created an examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers and land surveyors in the department of regulation and licensing. Any professional member appointed to the examining board shall be registered to practice architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, the design of engineering systems or land surveying under
ch. 443. The examining board shall consist of the following members appointed for 4-year terms: 3 architects, 3 landscape architects, 3 professional engineers, 3 designers, 3 land surveyors and 10 public members.
(a) In operation, the examining board shall be divided into an architect section, a landscape architect section, an engineer section, a designer section and a land surveyor section. Each section shall consist of the 3 members of the named profession appointed to the examining board and 2 public members appointed to the section. The examining board shall elect its own officers, and shall meet at least twice annually.
(b) All matters pertaining to passing upon the qualifications of applicants for and the granting or revocation of registration, and all other matters of interest to either the architect, landscape architect, engineer, designer or land surveyor section shall be acted upon solely by the interested section.