(as) Water resources — trading water pollution credits. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for water pollution credit trading pilot projects under s. 283.84.
(at) Watershed — nonpoint source contracts. Biennially, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for nonpoint source water pollution abatement program contracts under s. 281.65 (4g).
(au) Cooperative remedial action; contributions. From the environmental fund, all moneys received under s. 292.51 (2) for cooperative remedial action to conduct the cooperative remedial action for which received.
(av) Cooperative remedial action; interest on contributions. From the environmental fund, a sum sufficient equal to the amounts earned by the investment fund on revenue received by the department of natural resources under par. (au), as determined quarterly by the department of administration, to conduct cooperative remedial action.
(bh) Water regulation and zoning — dam inspections and safety administration; general fund. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for dam inspections and safety administration under ch. 31. All moneys received from fees under s. 31.20, 1987 stats., shall be credited to this appropriation.
(bi) Water regulation and zoning — fees. From the general fund, all moneys received under ss. 23.32 (3), 30.28, 31.39 and 281.22 for activities relating to permits and approvals issued under chs. 30 and 31, water quality standards under subch. II of ch. 281 and for wetland mapping under s. 23.32.
(bj) Storm water management — fees. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the storm water discharge permit program under s. 283.33. All moneys received under s. 283.33 (9) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(bL) Wastewater management — fees. From the general fund, all moneys received under s. 281.17 (3) for the certification of operators of water systems, wastewater treatment plants and septage servicing vehicles and under s. 281.48 (4s) (a) and (b) for wastewater management activities.
(br) Water regulation and zoning — dam safety and wetland mapping; conservation fund. The amounts in the schedule for dam inspections and safety administration under ch. 31 and wetland mapping under s. 23.32.
(ku) Great Lakes trout and salmon. All moneys received under ss. 29.191 (5), 29.219 (3) (c) and 29.228 (7) (c) to provide additional funding for the trout and salmon rearing and stocking program for outlying waters and to administer s. 29.191 (5).
(kv) Trout habitat improvement. All moneys received under s. 29.191 (4) for improving and maintaining trout habitat in inland trout waters, for conducting trout surveys in inland trout waters and for administering that section.
(ma) General program operations — state funds. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the management and protection of the state's water resources and the state's fishery resources.
(mi) General program operations — private and public sources. From the general fund, all moneys not otherwise appropriated that are received from private or public sources, other than state agencies and the federal government, for facilities, materials or services provided by the department relating to the management of the state's water resources and the state's fishery resources to pay for expenses associated with those facilities, materials or services.
(mk) General program operations — service funds. All moneys received by the department from the department and from other state agencies for purposes relating to the department's function relating to the state's water resources and the state's fishery resources.
(mm) General program operations — federal funds. From the general fund, all moneys received as federal aid for the state's water resources and the state's fishery resources, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which received.
(mq) General program operations — environmental fund. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for administration of environmental activities under chs. 160, 281 and 283, except s. 281.48.
(mr) General program operations — nonpoint source. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for performing the duties of the department under s. 281.65.
(mt) General program operations — environmental improvement programs; state funds. From the environmental improvement fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations under s. 281.58, 281.59, 281.60, 281.61 or 281.62.
(mu) General program operations — state funds. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations that relate to the management and protection of the state's fishery resources under ss. 23.09 to 23.11, 30.203 and 30.277 and ch. 29 and for transfers to the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (kb).
(mw) Petroleum inspection fund supplement to environmental fund; groundwater management. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule to be transferred to the environmental fund for environmental management.
(mx) General program operations — clean water fund program; federal funds. As a continuing appropriation, from the clean water fund program federal revolving loan fund account in the environmental improvement fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations of the clean water fund program under s. 281.58 or 281.59.
(my) General program operations — environmental fund; federal funds. From the environmental fund, all moneys received as federal aid for the state's water resources, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which received.
(mz) General program operations — federal funds. Except as provided in sub. (9) (my), all moneys received as federal aid for the state's water resources and the state's fishery resources, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which received.
(nz) General program operations — safe drinking water loan programs; federal funds. As a continuing appropriation, from the safe drinking water loan program federal revolving loan fund account in the environmental improvement fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations of the safe drinking water loan program under s. 281.59 or 281.61 and other drinking water quality activities under s. 281.62.
(5)Conservation aids.
(ac) Resource aids — Milwaukee Public Museum. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for a grant to the Milwaukee Public Museum to develop a permanent interactive exhibit gallery on biological diversity. No moneys may be encumbered from this appropriation after June 30, 1999.
(aq) Resource aids — Canadian agencies migratory waterfowl aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts received from waterfowl hunting stamps specified under s. 29.191 (1) to be contributed to governmental or nonprofit agencies in Canada for the propagation, management and control of migratory waterfowl.
(ar) Resource aids — county conservation aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for county fish and game projects under s. 23.09 (12).
(as) Recreation aids — fish, wildlife and forestry recreation aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for wildlife habitat development and planning on county forest lands, and recreational development on county forest lands under s. 23.09 (11).
(av) Resource aids — private forest grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for private forest grants under s. 26.38.
(aw) Resource aids — nonprofit conservation organizations. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for a grant to a nonstock, nonprofit corporation under s. 23.0955 (2) for assistance to nonprofit conservation organizations under s. 23.0955.
(ax) Resource aids — lake states wood utilization consortium.
NOTE: Par. (ax) is repealed eff. 6-30-98 by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
(bq) Resource aids — county forest loans; severance share payments. All moneys received from acreage loan severance share payments as calculated under s. 28.11 (9) (ag) 1. for county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b), except as provided in s. 28.11 (9) (ar).
(br) Resource aids — forest croplands and managed forest land aids. The amounts in the schedule for local aids to counties under s. 23.09 (18).
(bs) Resource aids — county forest loans. The amounts in the schedule to provide county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b).
(bt) Resource aids — county forest project loans. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to provide county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b) 2.
(bu) Resource aids — county forest project loans; severance share payments. All moneys received from project loan severance share payments as calculated under s. 28.11 (9) (ag) 2 for county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b) 2., except as provided in s. 28.11 (9) (ar).
(bv) Resource aids — county forests, forest croplands and managed forest land aids. A sum sufficient to pay county forest aids under s. 28.11 (8) (a), forest croplands aids under subch. I of ch. 77 and managed forest land aids under ss. 77.85 and 77.89 (1).
(bw) Resource aids — urban forestry and county forest administrator grants. The amounts in the schedule for urban forestry grants under s. 23.097 and county forest administrator grants under s. 28.11 (5m).
(bx) Resource aids — national forest income aids. All moneys received from the U.S. government for allotments to counties containing national forest lands, and designated for the benefit of public roads in such counties, shall be distributed in proportion to the national forest acreage in each county as certified by the U.S. forest service. Such distribution shall be made annually within 60 days after receipt of the money from the federal government.
(by) Resource aids — fire suppression grants. The amounts in the schedule for grants for fire suppression clothing, supplies, equipment and vehicles under s. 26.145. No moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph after June 30, 1999.
(cq) Recreation aids — recreational boating and other projects. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for recreational boating aids under s. 30.92, for the grant for Black Point Estate under s. 23.0962, for financial assistance to the Wisconsin Lake Schooner Education Association under 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9137 (12f), for the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9136 (2), for the Portage levee system under s. 31.309 and for the engineering and environmental study under s. 31.307.
NOTE: Par. (cq) is repealed and recreated eff. 7-1-99 by 1997 Wis. Act 27 to read:
(cq) Recreation aids -- recreational boating and other projects. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for recreational boating aids under s. 30.92, for the grant for Black Point Estate under s. 23.0962, for the Portage levee system under s. 31.309 and for the engineering and environmental study under s. 31.307.
NOTE: Par. (cq) is repealed and recreated eff. 7-1-00 by 1997 Wis. Act 237 to read:
(cq) Recreation aids — recreational boating and other projects. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for recreational boating aids under s. 30.92, for the grant for Black Point Estate under s. 23.0962, for the Portage levee system under s. 31.309 and for the engineering and environmental study under s. 31.307.
(cr) Recreation aids — county snowmobile trail and area aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund to provide state aid to counties for snowmobile trails and areas consistent with the requirements of ss. 23.09 (26) and 350.12 (4) (b).
(cs) Recreation aids — snowmobile trail areas. As a continuing appropriation, from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund an amount equal to the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment, as determined under s. 25.29 (1) (d), for the purposes specified under s. 350.12 (4) (b).
(ct) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle project aids; gas tax payment. As a continuing appropriation, an amount equal to the estimated all-terrain vehicle gas tax payment to provide aid to towns, villages, cities, counties and federal agencies for nonstate all-terrain vehicle projects.
(cu) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle project aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from moneys received from all-terrain vehicle fees under s. 23.33 (2) to provide aid to towns, villages, cities, counties and federal agencies for nonstate all-terrain vehicle projects.
(cv) Recreation aids — motorcycle recreation aids; trails. The amounts in the schedule to provide aid to towns, villages, cities and counties for the acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of off-the-road Type 1 motorcycle trails and facilities under s. 23.09 (25) (a) and to the department for the development and maintenance of existing off-the-road Type 1 motorcycle trails at the Black River state forest and the Bong state recreation area under s. 23.09 (25) (a).
(cy) Recreation and resource aids, federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government for aids to localities.
(da) Aids in lieu of taxes. From the general fund, a sum sufficient to pay aids to municipalities for state lands under ss. 70.113 and 70.114.
(dq) Aids in lieu of taxes. A sum sufficient to pay aids to municipalities for state lands under s. 70.113.
(dx) Resource aids — payment in lieu of taxes; federal. All moneys received from the federal government attributable to payments associated with national forest lands for distribution to towns, villages and cities in proportion to the level of municipal services provided and the number of acres of national forest lands within each municipality in accordance with 31 USC 6907.
(ea) Enforcement aids — spearfishing enforcement. As a continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to make payments to counties and municipalities under s. 29.947 to reimburse them for certain law enforcement costs associated with spearfishing.
(eq) Enforcement aids — boating enforcement. From the moneys received under s. 30.52 (3), the amounts in the schedule for the payment of state aids under s. 30.79, after first deducting the amounts appropriated under sub. (3) (ar).
(er) Enforcement aids — all-terrain vehicle enforcement. The amounts in the schedule from moneys received from all-terrain vehicle fees under s. 23.33 (2) for local law enforcement aids.
(es) Enforcement aids — snowmobiling enforcement. The amounts in the schedule from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund to provide law enforcement aids to counties as authorized under s. 350.12 (4) (a) 4. to be used exclusively for the enforcement of ch. 350.
(et) Enforcement aids — boating. From the moneys transferred to the conservation fund from the appropriation account under s. 20.855 (4) (s), the amounts in the schedule for the payment of state aids under s. 30.79.
(ex) Enforcement aids — federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54 for aids to localities.
(fq) Wildlife damage claims and abatement. All moneys received under ss. 29.181 (3) and 29.563 (13) and not appropriated under par. (fr) and sub. (1) (Ls) to provide state aid under the wildlife damage abatement program under s. 29.889 (5) (c) and the wildlife damage claim program under s. 29.889 (7) (d) and for county administration costs under s. 29.889 (2) (d).
(fr) Wildlife abatement and control grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule from moneys received under s. 29.563 (13) for wildlife abatement and control grants under s. 29.887.
(6)Environmental aids. From the general fund or other fund if so indicated:
(aa) Environmental aids; nonpoint source. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for grants and assistance under the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program under s. 281.65 and for transfers to the appropriation account under s. 20.115 (7) (km) as provided in s. 281.65 (4) (t). Beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000, the department may not expend more than 50% of the funds appropriated under this paragraph in each fiscal year for local assistance. The department shall allocate $300,000 in each fiscal year from this appropriation for grants under s. 281.65 (8) (cm).
(ag) Environmental aids — nonpoint repayments. All moneys received as repayments of cash surpluses and cash advances from recipients of grants under the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program under s. 281.65, for grants and assistance under the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program under s. 281.65.
(aq) Environmental aids — nonpoint source program. Biennially, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for nonpoint source grants and assistance under s. 281.65 and for transfers to the appropriation account under s. 20.115 (7) (km) as provided in s. 281.65 (4) (t).
(ar) Environmental aids — lake management grants. From the conservation fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for lake management grants under s. 281.69.
(as) Environmental aids — lake management planning grants. From the conservation fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for lake management planning grants under s. 281.68.
(at) Environmental aids — rural nonpoint practices. From the conservation fund, the amounts in the schedule for assistance under s. 281.65 for rural nonpoint source cropland practices that were installed in 1997.
NOTE: Par. (at) is repealed eff. 7-1-99 by 1997 Wis. Act 237.
(ba) Environmental aids — dump closure cost share. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the state contribution to the costs of closing nonapproved solid waste disposal facilities owned by political subdivisions under s. 289.83.
(bj) Environmental aids — waste reduction and recycling grants and gifts. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, devises and donations relating to waste reduction and recycling to carry out the purpose for which made.
(bq) Environmental aids — municipal and county recycling grants. From the recycling fund, a sum sufficient for municipal and county grants under s. 287.23 but not to exceed the following:
1. In fiscal year 1991-92, $18,500,000.
2. In fiscal year 1992-93, $42,300,000 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subd. 1.
3. In fiscal year 1993-94, $72,149,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. and 2.
4. In fiscal year 1994-95, $101,349,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 3.
5. In fiscal year 1995-96, $130,549,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 4.
6. In fiscal year 1996-97, $159,749,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 5.
7. In fiscal year 1997-98, $183,749,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 6.
8. In fiscal year 1998-99, $207,749,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 7.
9. In fiscal year 1999-2000, $231,749,200 plus the amount of any refunds under s. 287.23 in prior fiscal years, less the amount encumbered under subds. 1. to 8.
(br) Environmental aids — waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants. From the recycling fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants under s. 287.25 and the grants required under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9136 (2f).
(bs) Environmental aids — household hazardous waste. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for grants to municipalities under the household hazardous waste collection and disposal program under s. 299.41.
(bt) Environmental aids — lake states wood utilization consortium.
NOTE: Par. (bt) is repealed eff. 6-30-98 by 1995 Wis. Act 27.
(ca) Environmental aids — scenic urban waterways. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to administer a program for scenic urban waterways under s. 30.275.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?