(e) Employes who previously were covered under sub. (1) (a), or other statutory provision regarding annual leave, who become subject to this subsection shall have their present continuous service credits for annual leave purposes applied to the career executive schedule at the appropriate rate. In no case shall the employe receive a reduction in annual leave hours earned by such change in schedules.
(eb) An employe under this subsection earns annual leave any time he or she is on temporary layoff for a period not to exceed 20 working days.
(f) The continuous service of an employe eligible for annual leave under this subsection shall not be considered interrupted if the employe was on an approved leave of absence to participate in providing specialized disaster relief services or if the employe leaves the service and is reemployed by the state in another position covered under this subsection. If reemployed in a position not covered under this subsection the employe shall be required to meet the continuous service requirements of sub. (1) (g). This paragraph applies to all persons who are employes covered under this subsection on or after July 1, 1973.
(a) Employes at the 160-hour or 176-hour rate under sub. (1) or (1m) may, in the year earned, elect to receive not more than 40 of those hours of earned annual leave as credit for termination leave or as accumulated sabbatical leave.
(b) Employes at the 200-hour or 216-hour rate under sub. (1) or (1m) may, in the year earned, elect to receive not more than 80 of those hours of earned annual leave among one or more of these options:
1. Not to exceed 40 hours in cash;
3. As credit for termination leave;
4. As accumulated sabbatical leave.
(c) Employes with less than the 160-hour rate under sub. (1) or (1m) who have accumulated, at any time during the employe's continuous state service, a minimum of 520 hours of sick leave may elect to receive not more than 40 hours of earned annual leave as credit for termination leave or as accumulated sabbatical leave or both. An election under this paragraph shall be made in the year in which the annual leave is earned.
(1r) A state officer elected by the people may take vacation without loss of pay. No such state officer is entitled to payment for unused annual leave.
(2) Leave of absence with pay owing to sickness and leave of absence without pay, other than annual leave and leave under s. 103.10, shall be regulated by rules of the secretary, except that unused sick leave shall accumulate from year to year. After July 1, 1973, employes appointed to career executive positions under the program established under s. 230.24 or positions designated in s. 19.42 (10) (L) or 20.923 (4), (4m), (8) and (9) or authorized under s. 230.08 (2) (e) shall have any unused sick leave credits restored if they are reemployed in a career executive position or in a position under s. 19.42 (10) (L) or 20.923 (4), (4m), (8) and (9) or authorized under s. 230.08 (2) (e), regardless of the duration of their absence. Restoration of unused sick leave credits if reemployment is to a position other than those specified above shall be in accordance with rules of the secretary.
(2m) An employe shall be eligible for medical or family leave under s. 103.10 upon the expiration, extension or renewal of any collective bargaining agreement in effect on April 26, 1988, which covers the employe.
(a) In this subsection, "catastrophic need" means an illness or injury that incapacitates or is expected to incapacitate an employe or an employe's family member, that requires the employe to take time off from work for an extended period of time and that creates a financial hardship for the employe.
(b) The secretary may establish, by rule, a catastrophic leave program that permits classified employes to donate certain types and amounts of leave credits to other classified employes who have been granted an unpaid leave of absence on account of a catastrophic need for which absence there is no paid leave benefits or replacement income available. The secretary shall determine the types and amounts of leave credits that may be donated.
(c) No classified employe may grieve under an agency's grievance procedure any appointing authority's decision relating to a catastrophic leave program under this subsection or appeal any such decision to the commission under s. 230.44 or 230.45 (1) (c).
(a) Officials and employes of the state who have permanent status and who are members of the national guard, the state defense force, or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or this state now or hereafter organized or constituted under federal or state law, are entitled to leaves of absence without loss of time in the service of the state, to enable them to attend military schools and annual field training or annual active duty for training, and any other state or federal tours of active duty, except extended active duty or service as a member of the active armed forces of the United States which have been duly ordered but not exceeding 30 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays enumerated in sub. (4) in the calendar year in which so ordered and held. During this leave of absence, each state official or employe shall receive base state pay less the base military pay received for and identified with such attendance but such reduction shall not be more than the base state pay. Such leave shall not be granted for absences of less than 3 days. A state official or employe serving on state active duty as a member of the national guard or state defense force, may elect to receive pay from the state under s. 20.465 (1) in an amount equal to base state salary for such period of state active duty. Leave granted by this section is in addition to all other leaves granted or authorized by any other law. For the purpose of determining seniority, pay or pay advancement and performance awards the status of the employe shall be considered uninterrupted by such attendance.
(b) Officials and employes of the state who are called to report for a preinduction physical for the military service shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for the time actually and necessarily spent in response to such call.
(c) Officials and employes of the state summoned for grand or petit jury service are entitled to leaves of absence without loss of time for the time of absence required pursuant to the summons and thereafter. There shall be no deduction from, nor interruption of pay from the state because of such absence.
(d) Employes of the state are entitled to reasonable paid leaves of absence to compete in promotional examinations and interviews. The secretary shall promulgate rules governing the lengths of time allowable for such leaves, their frequency and the provisions for their use.
1. In this paragraph, "specialized disaster relief services" means professional, technical or other services that require advanced training or expertise and that are provided to assist persons affected by a disaster.
2. An appointing authority may grant a leave of absence to a state employe to allow the employe to participate in providing specialized disaster relief services if all of the following conditions are met:
a. Except as provided under subd. 2m., the disaster occurred in this state.
b. The employe is a certified disaster service volunteer of the American Red Cross.
c. The American Red Cross submits a written request to the employe's appointing authority for the services of the employe. The request shall also specify who has requested the assistance of the American Red Cross in the particular disaster.
d. The employe has permanent status, if the employe's position is included in the classified service.
e. The leave of absence conforms with any rules of the secretary regarding leaves of absence to provide specialized disaster relief services.
2m. The governor may authorize appointing authorities to grant a leave of absence to any employe who satisfies the conditions listed in subd. 2. b. to e. to allow that employe to provide specialized disaster relief services in connection with a particular disaster that occurred outside this state. The governor may specify a disaster under this subdivision at any time after the disaster occurs.
3. A leave of absence granted under subd. 2. or 2m. may not exceed 30 workdays each year.
4. An employe who is granted a leave of absence under subd. 2. or 2m. shall receive his or her base state pay without interruption during the leave of absence. For purposes of determining seniority, pay or pay advancement and performance awards, the service of the employe shall be considered uninterrupted by a leave of absence granted under subd. 2. or 2m.
5. The secretary may promulgate any rules necessary to implement this paragraph.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (5) (c), the office of the agencies of state government shall be kept open on all days of the year except Saturdays, Sundays and the following holidays:
1. January 1;
1m. The 3rd Monday in January, which shall be the day of celebration for January 15.
3. The last Monday in May, which shall be the day of celebration for May 30;
4. July 4;
5. The first Monday in September;
6. The 4th Thursday in November;
7. December 24;
8. December 25;
9. December 31;
10. The day following if January 1, July 4 or December 25 falls on Sunday.
(b) Compensatory time off or payment, either of which shall be at the rate of time and one-half, shall be granted to state employes for all work performed on the holidays enumerated in par. (a) 1. to 9.
(c) All employes except limited term employes shall receive 9 paid holidays annually in addition to any other authorized paid leave, the time to be at the discretion of the appointing authorities.
(d) In addition to the holidays granted under par. (c), all employes except limited term employes shall earn 3.5 paid personal holidays each calendar year. Eligibility to take the personal holidays during the year earned is subject to the following:
1. Employes serving the first 6 months of a probationary period for an original appointment or as a trainee may anticipate the personal holidays earned during each year and be eligible to take the personal holidays during the probationary period, subject to subsequent completion of the first 6 months of the probationary period and also subject to subd. 3. If an employe does not complete the first 6 months of probationary service, any holiday time taken under this paragraph shall then be considered approved leave without pay, and the agency shall recover from the employe the value of such time.
2. Employes who have completed the first 6 months of a probationary period for an original appointment or as a trainee shall be eligible to take the paid holidays throughout the calendar year earned, subject to subd. 3.
3. Such holidays shall be taken at the discretion of the appointing authority who shall respect the wishes of the eligible employes as to the time of taking the holidays under this paragraph insofar as the needs of the service will permit.
4. Personal holidays earned each year shall be noncumulative. However, if an appointing authority denies an employe the opportunity to take a personal holiday during the calendar year earned, the employe shall be permitted to carry over such day to the next year. In no event may such denial and carry-over occur in subsequent successive years.
(e) Appointing authorities shall give employes time off for voting under s. 6.76 without any deduction of compensation for time lost thereby.
(f) Monday to Friday the offices of the agencies of state government shall open at 7:45 a.m. and close at 4:30 p.m., with intermissions from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Agencies may, with the permission of the governor, adjust opening and closing hours and intermission periods to relieve traffic congestion or as the needs of the service otherwise require.
(a) Except as provided under s. 230.215 (5), the standard basis of employment for the state service is 40 hours each 7 consecutive calendar day period, except that when the needs of an employing unit cannot be fulfilled by adhering to the standard basis of employment, additional hours of work may be required by the appointing authority. During a proclaimed national emergency, the governor may extend the workweek and adjust the working hours to use the available manpower of any or all agencies as he or she deems essential.
(b) The standard basis of employment shall be divided into 5 work days of 8 hours each except as provided under s. 230.215 (5), and except that when the conditions of employment cannot be satisfied by adhering to this division or when the public would not be inconvenienced, deviations may be permitted upon recommendation of the appointing authority and subsequent approval by the secretary.
(c) The governor may order some or all of the offices and other work stations of the departments of state government closed for specified periods of time or may order such other deviations in office hours or the standard basis of employment as may be necessitated by weather conditions, energy shortages or emergency situations. The governor's order may specify how any time off or other deviation occasioned by the order may be covered for state employes.
230.36 Hazardous employment, injuries, pay continued.
(1) If a conservation warden, conservation patrol boat captain, conservation patrol boat engineer, state forest ranger, conservation field employe of the department of natural resources who is subject to call for fire control duty, member of the state patrol, state motor vehicle inspector, lifeguard, excise tax investigator employed by the department of revenue, special criminal investigation agent employed by the department of justice, special tax agent, state drivers' license examiner, state fair park police officer, University of Wisconsin System police officer and other state facilities police officer and patrol officer, security officer, watcher, engineer, engineering aide, building construction superintendent, fire fighter employed at the Wisconsin Veterans Home, or guard or institutional aide or a state probation, extended supervision and parole officer or any other employe whose duties include supervision and discipline of inmates or wards of the state at a state penal institution, including a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), or while on parole supervision or extended supervision outside of the confines of the institutions, or supervision of persons placed on probation by a court of record, or supervision and care of patients at a state mental institution, and the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics suffers injury while in the performance of his or her duties, as defined in subs. (2) and (3); or any other state employe who is not listed in this subsection and who is ordered by his or her appointing authority to accompany any employe listed in this subsection while the listed employe is engaged in the duties defined in sub. (3), or any other state employe who is not listed in this subsection and who is ordered by his or her appointing authority to perform the duties, when permitted, in lieu of the listed employe and while so engaged in the duties defined in sub. (3), suffers injury as defined in sub. (2) the employe shall continue to be fully paid by the employing agency upon the same basis as paid prior to the injury, with no reduction in sick leave credits, compensatory time for overtime accumulations or vacation and no reduction in the rate of earning sick leave credit or vacation. The full pay shall continue while the employe is unable to return to work as the result of the injury or until the termination of his or her employment upon recommendation of the appointing authority. At any time during the employe's period of disability the appointing authority may order physical or medical examinations to determine the degree of disability at the expense of the employing agency.
(2) "Injury" as used in this section is physical harm to an employe caused by accident or disease.
(3) As used in this section "performance of duties" means duties performed in line of duty by:
(a) A forest ranger or field employe of the department of natural resources who is subject to call for forest fire control duty or fire watcher employed at the Wisconsin veterans home, and lifeguard, at all times while:
1. Driving or riding in a vehicle, aircraft or boat under circumstances which require hazardous maneuvering or speed in excess of the normal or posted limits in the performance of fire control duties;
2. Engaged in an effort to save lives, recover dead bodies, or protect public or private property;
3. Going to or returning from a fire and while engaged in the suppression of a fire; or
4. Engaged in public demonstration or training exercises provided such demonstration or training exercises are authorized by the appointing authority.
(b) A conservation warden, conservation patrol boat captain, conservation patrol boat engineer, member of the state patrol, state motor vehicle inspector, university of Wisconsin system police officer, security officer, watcher, state fair park police officer, special tax agent, excise tax investigator employed by the department of revenue and special criminal investigation agent employed by the department of justice at all times while:
1. In the process of making an arrest or investigating any violation or suspected violation of the law or the quelling of a riot or any other violence;
2. Engaged in an effort to save lives, recover dead bodies or protect public or private property;
3. Driving or riding in a vehicle, aircraft or boat under circumstances which require hazardous maneuvering or speed in excess of the normal or posted limits in the performance of law enforcement duties; or
4. Engaged in public demonstration or training exercises provided such demonstration or training exercises are authorized by the appointing authority.
(c) A guard, institution aide, or other employe at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics or at a state penal or mental institution, including a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), and a state probation, extended supervision and parole officer, at all times while:
1. In the process of quelling a riot or disturbance or other act of violence;
2. In the process of restraining patients, inmates, probationers, parolees or persons on extended supervision and apprehending runaways or escapees, including probationers, parolees and persons on extended supervision;
3. When injury is occasioned as the result of an act by a patient, inmate, probationer, parolee or person on extended supervision;
4. In the process of making an arrest or investigating any violation or suspected violation of law pursuant to police powers authorized by s. 46.058 (2) or 301.29 (2) and rules adopted pursuant thereto;
5. Going to or returning from a fire, engaging in the suppression of a fire, evacuating patients or inmates because of a fire or engaging in fire drills; or
6. When disease is contracted as a result of exposure to such disease arising out of the care of inmates or patients.
(d) A drivers' license examiner at all times while examining drivers, conducting road tests or checking motor vehicles.
(e) An engineering aide, engineer or building construction superintendent at all times while:
1. Driving or riding in vehicles which require hazardous maneuvering of extremely slow speed while marking or measuring physical characteristics of highways.
2. Surveying or inspecting within the right of way of highways on which traffic is maintained.
3. Surveying or inspecting on construction sites where heavy equipment is operating.
4. Investigating or inspecting highways, structures or terrain under hazardous conditions.
(4) An employe denied benefits under this section may appeal to the commission under s. 230.45 (1) (d).
(5) The employing agency which makes payments under this section is entitled to the right of subrogation for reimbursement to the extent that the injured employe may recover the reimbursed items in an action or claim in tort against any 3rd party. The repayment shall not exceed the total sums paid to such employe under this section and shall be limited to the total sum credited to such employe, as damages for pay and fringe benefits actually received in the settlement of any claim caused by the negligence of such 3rd party.
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