29.327 29.327 Regulation of waterfowl blinds.
29.327(1) (1) In this section:
29.327(1)(a) (a) "Blind" means a permanent structure used in hunting waterfowl which is not removed at the end of hunting hours each day.
29.327(1)(b) (b) "Waterfowl" means wild geese, brant, wild ducks, rails, coots, gallinules, snipe, woodcock, plovers, sandpipers and wild swan.
29.327(2) (2)
29.327(2)(a)(a) A blind situated on state-owned property and used in hunting waterfowl must bear the name of the owner affixed permanently to the blind in lettering one-inch square or larger.
29.327(2)(b) (b) A blind on state-owned property may be erected not more than 7 days prior to the opening of the waterfowl hunting season and must be removed by the owner within 7 days after the close of the season unless the department approves an extension of the deadline for removal due to compelling personal needs of the owner. Any owner who erects a blind more than 7 days prior to the opening of the waterfowl hunting season or who does not remove a blind within 7 days after the close of the waterfowl season, or by a later date approved by the department, shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $200.
29.327 Note NOTE: Sub. (2) is shown as affected by two acts of the 1997 legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
29.327 History History: 1977 c. 443; 1997 a. 248 ss. 441, 442; Stats. 1997 s. 29.327; 1997 a. 249 s. 36; s. 13.93 (2) (c).
29.331 29.331 Trapping regulation.
29.331(1) (1)Tags. Each trap used under a trapping license shall be tagged with a metal tag stamped with the name and address of the owner. All untagged traps shall be seized and confiscated, and the owner or person using or attending the untagged traps shall be punished as provided under s. 29.971 (4) and (12).
29.331(2) (2)Shipments. All shipments of hides must be marked showing the number and kinds of hides in the package, the name and address of the shipper, and the number of the shipper's trapping license.
29.331(3) (3)Report. On or before June 1 annually, the licensee shall report to the department, by affidavit, on blanks furnished by the department, the number of the licensee's license, the number and value of each variety of animals taken during the previous 12 months ending May 1, and other information required on the blanks furnished.
29.331(3m) (3m)Use of fees. From the moneys received from the sale of trapping licenses, the department shall credit an amount equal to $2 times the number of trapping licenses issued to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (Lq).
29.331(5) (5)Molesting traps.
29.331(5)(a)(a) No person may molest, take or appropriate a trap belonging to another person when the trap is lawfully placed. No person may take or appropriate the animal or contents of any lawfully placed trap belonging to another person.
29.331(5)(b) (b) A person who violates this subsection shall be fined not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both. In addition, if a person violates this subsection, the court shall revoke all licenses issued to the person under this chapter for 5 years.
29.331 History History: 1973 c. 90; 1975 c. 365 s. 62; 1979 c. 34; 1979 c. 190 s. 4; 1981 c. 236; 1981 c. 243 s. 7; 1981 c. 391; 1983 a. 27; 1991 a. 254, 316; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 283 to 287, 476; Stats. 1997 s. 29.331.
29.334 29.334 Hunting and trapping; treatment of animals. A person who hunts or traps any game animal or fur-bearing animal shall kill the animal when it is taken and make it part of the daily bag or shall release the animal unless authorized under s. 29.857, 29.863, 28.867 [s. 29.867], 29.869, 29.871 or 29.877.
29.334 Note NOTE: The bracketed language indicates the correct cross-reference. Corrective legislation is pending.
29.334 History History: 1997 a. 248 s. 513.
29.337 29.337 Hunting and trapping by landowners and occupants.
29.337(1)(1) The owner or occupant of any land, and any member of his or her family, may hunt or trap beaver, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, woodchucks, rabbits and squirrels on the land without a license at any time, except as follows:
29.337(1)(a) (a) An owner or occupant may not hunt any of these wild animals during the period of 24 hours before the time for commencement of the deer hunting season in any area where an open season for hunting deer with firearms is established.
29.337(1)(b) (b) Such persons may not hunt coyotes during an open season for hunting deer with firearms in an area that is closed by the department by rule to coyote hunting.
29.337(2) (2) The owner or occupant of any land and any member of his or her family may take beaver, rabbits, raccoons and squirrels on the land at any time by means of live trapping with box traps in areas where the discharge of a firearm is illegal.
29.337 History History: 1979 c. 142; 1987 a. 27; 1993 a. 246; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 433 to 436; Stats. 1997 s. 29.337.
29.341 29.341 Duties on accidental shooting.
29.341(1) (1) Any person who, while hunting any wild animal or bird, discharges a firearm or arrow, and by that discharge injures or kills another person, shall immediately give his or her name and address to the injured person, render assistance to the injured person and obtain immediate medical or hospital care for the injured person, and immediately report the injury or death to the sheriff or police of the locality in which the shooting took place.
29.341(2) (2) Any person intentionally failing to comply with sub. (1) shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, or both. Any person who neglects to comply with sub. (1) shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than 9 months or both.
29.341 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 248 s. 413; Stats. 1997 s. 29.341.
29.345 29.345 Hunting, fishing or trapping accident; failure to report.
29.345(1)(1) Every person who has caused or been involved in an accident in which a person has been injured by discharge of a firearm or arrow while hunting, fishing or trapping, or inflicted an injury upon himself or herself with a firearm or with an arrow while hunting, fishing or trapping, shall render a report to the department at any of its field offices within 10 days after the injury unless the person is physically incapable of making the required report, in which event the person or persons involved in the accident shall designate an agent to file the report within the specified time.
29.345(2) (2) Any person who is involved in an accident with firearm or arrow while hunting, fishing or trapping, and who fails to submit the report required by this section, shall forfeit not more than $50. In addition, the court may revoke any license issued to the person under this chapter and may further provide that no license shall be issued to the person under this chapter for a fixed period of time specified by the court.
29.345 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 248 s. 414; Stats. 1997 s. 29.345.
29.347 29.347 Possession of deer; heads and skins.
29.347(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
29.347(1)(a) (a) "Law enforcement officer" means a warden or any other law enforcement officer authorized by the department to issue tags for car kill deer.
29.347(1)(b) (b) "Validated" means marked with specified information in the manner required by the department.
29.347(2) (2)Deer tags. Except as provided under sub. (5) and s. 29.324 (3), any person who kills a deer shall immediately attach to the ear or antler of the deer a current validated deer carcass tag which is authorized for use on the type of deer killed. Except as provided under sub. (2m) or s. 29.871 (7), (8) or (14), no person may possess, control, store or transport a deer carcass unless it is tagged as required under this subsection. The carcass tag may not be removed before registration. The removal of a carcass tag from a deer before registration renders the deer untagged.
29.347(2m) (2m)Removal and retention of tags.
29.347(2m)(a)(a) A deer carcass tag attached under sub. (2) and a registration tag attached by the department or a car kill tag attached under sub. (5) may be removed from a gutted carcass at the time of butchering, but the person who killed or obtained the deer shall retain all tags until the meat is consumed.
29.347(2m)(b) (b) Any person who retains a tag under par. (a) may give deer meat to another person. The person who receives the gift of deer meat is not required to possess a tag.
29.347(3) (3)Heads and skins. The head and skin of any deer lawfully killed, when severed from the rest of the carcass, are not subject to this chapter; but no person shall have possession or control of the green head or green skin of a deer during the period beginning 30 days after the close of the open deer season and the opening of the succeeding season, or at any time a deer head in the velvet, or a deer skin in the red, blue or spotted coat.
29.347(4) (4)Antlers removed or broken. Any deer taken during an open season for hunting antlered deer only or for hunting antlerless deer only from which the antlers have been removed, broken, shed or altered so as to make determination of the legality of the deer impossible is an illegal deer.
29.347(5) (5)Car kill deer.
29.347(5)(a)(a) Any person who while operating a motor vehicle on a highway accidentally collides with and kills a deer may retain possession of the carcass. If the motor vehicle operator does not want to retain the carcass, the carcass may be retained by any other person at the scene of the accident.
29.347(5)(b) (b) No person may retain possession of the carcass of a deer killed in the manner specified in par. (a) and remove the carcass from the scene of the accident unless one of the following apply:
29.347(5)(b)1. 1. The person has the carcass tagged by a law enforcement officer.
29.347(5)(b)2. 2. The person contacts a law enforcement officer and gives his or her name, the location of the carcass and the date and the time, and the law enforcement officer approves the removal and gives the person the instructions and location for having the carcass tagged at a later time.
29.347(5)(c) (c) The person removing a carcass under the procedure specified in par. (b) 2. shall have the carcass tagged within 24 hours after receiving the instructions under par. (b) 2.
29.347(5)(d) (d) No fee may be charged for a tag issued under this subsection.
29.347(6) (6)Farm-raised deer. This section does not apply to farm-raised deer.
29.347 History History: 1975 c. 97, 199; 1983 a. 546; 1991 a. 269, 316; 1995 a. 79, 126; 1997 a. 248 s. 504; Stats. 1997 s. 29.347.
29.347 Annotation Only the tag of person who kills the deer may be attached under sub. (2). State v. Skow, 141 W (2d) 49, 413 NW (2d) 650 (Ct. App. 1987).
29.351 29.351 Skins of fur-bearing animals. No person may do any of the following:
29.351(1) (1) Possess or control the skin of any mink, muskrat, fisher, pine marten or otter showing that the animal was shot.
29.351(2) (2) Possess or control the green skin of any fur-bearing animal, except beaver, from the 5th day after the beginning of the closed season for that animal until the end of that closed season.
29.351(3) (3) Possess the raw skin of any muskrat, mink, otter, fisher or pine marten at any time unless the person is the holder of a valid scientific collector permit, fur dealer license, trapping license or resident conservation patron license. No license is required for a person breeding, raising and producing domestic fur-bearing animals in captivity, as defined in s. 29.873, or for a person authorized to take muskrats on a cranberry marsh under a permit issued to the person by the department.
29.351 History History: 1983 a. 27; 1987 a. 27; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 s. 507; Stats. 1997 s. 29.351.
29.354 29.354 Possession of game birds and animals.
29.354(1)(1)Approval necessary. No person, except a person who has a valid hunting license, sports license, conservation patron license, taxidermist permit or scientific collector permit and who is carrying this approval on his or her person, may possess or have under his or her control any game bird, animal or the carcass of any game bird or animal.
29.354(2) (2)Nests and eggs. No person, except a person who has a valid scientific collector permit, may take, needlessly destroy or possess or have under his or her control the nest or eggs of any wild bird for which a closed season is prescribed under this chapter.
29.354(3) (3)Mounted collections. This section does not permit seizure of or prohibit possession or sale of lawfully obtained wild birds and animals which are mounted or in the process of being mounted for a private collection.
29.354(4) (4)Farm-raised deer and fish. This section does not permit the seizure by the department, or prohibit the possession or sale, of farm-raised deer or farm-raised fish.
29.354 History History: 1973 c. 214; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 29; 1991 a. 269; 1995 a. 79; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 509 to 511; Stats. 1997 s. 29.354.
29.357 29.357 Transportation; general provisions.
29.357(1) (1)During closed season. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter, no person may transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive or offer to deliver or receive for transportation, any game or game fish or carcass at any time other than during the open season for the game or game fish and 3 days thereafter. Whenever any game or game fish or carcass is offered to any person for transportation at any time other than during the open season therefor and 3 days thereafter, the person shall immediately notify the department or its wardens of the offer and by whom made.
29.357(2) (2)Trunks; valises. No person may carry or control in any trunk, valise, or other package or enclosure, at any time on any common carrier, any game or game fish, or carcass.
29.357(3) (3)Transportation employes. No employe of any railroad, express or other transportation company, and no steward, porter or other employe of any dining, parlor or sleeping car may have possession or control of, at any time while on duty, any game or game fish, or carcass.
29.357(4) (4)Labeling game shipments. No person shall transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive for transportation, any package or parcel containing any wild animal or carcass, unless the package or parcel is labeled in plain letters on the address side of the package or parcel with the name and address of the consignor, the name and address of the consignee, and the number of pounds of each kind of fish or the number of each variety of other wild animals; or carcasses contained in the package or parcel; and unless the consignor is the owner of the shipment and delivers to the common carrier with the package or parcel, either personally, or by agent, a writing signed by the consignor personally, stating that the consignor is the owner of the shipment.
29.357(5) (5)Exemptions.
29.357(5)(a)(a) Subsections (1) to (4) do not apply to a person who has a valid taxidermist permit and who possesses, transports, causes to be transported, delivers or receives, or offers to deliver or receive, a wild animal carcass in connection with his or her business.
29.357(5)(b) (b) Subsections (1) to (4) do not apply to the possession, transportation, delivery or receipt of farm-raised deer or farm-raised fish.
29.357 History History: 1985 a. 29; 1991 a. 269, 316; 1995 a. 79; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 516, 517; Stats. 1997 s. 29.357.
29.361 29.361 Transportation of deer.
29.361(1) (1) No common carrier may receive for transportation or transport or attempt to transport any deer or carcass except as provided in this section.
29.361(2) (2) Any person may transport a lawfully taken deer if it is properly tagged and registered, except as otherwise provided by rule during the open season for deer and for 3 days thereafter.
29.361(2m) (2m) Any person may transport an antlerless deer killed under the authority of his or her hunter's choice, bonus or other deer hunting permit on any highway, as defined s. 340.01 (22), in order to register the deer in the deer management area where the dear was killed or in an adjoining management area.
29.361(3) (3) The place of delivery of any shipment authorized under this section by a resident shall be within the state and by a nonresident shall be either within the state or at his or her residence outside the state.
29.361(4) (4) This section does not apply to a bona fide public zoo.
29.361(5) (5) This section does not apply to a person who has a valid taxidermist permit and who is transporting, attempting to transport or receiving the carcass of a deer in connection with his or her business.
29.361(6) (6) This section does not apply to the transportation of farm-raised deer.
29.361 History History: 1979 c. 34; 1981 c. 111; 1985 a. 29; 1991 a. 269; 1995 a. 79; 1997 a. 248 s. 522; Stats. 1997 s. 29.361; 1997 a. 249 s. 37.
29.364 29.364 Transportation of game birds.
29.364(1) (1) Transportation. No common carrier may receive for transportation or transport or attempt to transport any game bird or carcass of a game bird except as provided in this section.
29.364(2) (2)Residents. Any resident who has all of the required hunting approvals may transport in the resident's personal possession the legal daily bag limit or possession limit of any game birds for which an open season has been provided to any point within the state.
29.364(3) (3)Nonresidents. Any nonresident who has all of the required hunting approvals may transport in the nonresident's personal possession the legal daily bag limit or possession limit of game birds for which an open season has been provided from any point within the state to any point within or without the state.
29.364(4) (4)Migratory birds.
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