44.06(5) (5) The historical society shall prepare a periodic checklist of state documents and shall publish the list in such form and with such notes as to show the scope and purpose of such documents as the society considers advisable.
44.06 History History: 1991 a. 285.
44.07 44.07 Museum extension service.
44.07(1) (1) The historical society, in conjunction with its museum program and in order to make its collections and the teaching values of museum materials available on a statewide basis and to stimulate more effective local museum techniques, may operate a museum extension service with or without the cooperation of other museums or its auxiliary societies.
44.07(2) (2) The said society may for such purpose lend to other museums, public libraries, art galleries, colleges, schools or other responsible institutions or organizations, under such rules and safeguards and for such period as it deems desirable, such items and objects from its collections as are not irreplaceable.
44.07(3) (3) The society may participate in cooperative or joint exhibits with other museums or auxiliary societies in this program, and may out of the appropriation in s. 20.245 (1) extend financial assistance not to exceed $1,000 in the aggregate in any year to other museums or auxiliaries where and only where such aid is found necessary to enable such other museums or auxiliaries to participate in this program.
44.07(4) (4) Transportation charges and other minor costs of such extension exhibits may be charged the exhibitor.
44.07 History History: 1993 a. 213.
44.08 44.08 Humanities grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.245 (4) (f), the historical society shall provide funds in the 1989-91 biennium to a nonprofit corporation that supports and conducts public humanities programming, if such funds are matched by federal funds, to make grants to nonprofit organizations and institutions for local and regional heritage projects.
44.08 History History: 1989 a. 31.
44.09 44.09 District attorney, county, local and court records.
44.09(1)(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the proper officer of any county, city, village, town, school district or other local governmental unit or a district attorney may offer, and the historical society may accept for preservation, title to such noncurrent records as in the historical society's judgment are of permanent historical value and that are no longer needed for administrative purposes by the local governmental unit or district attorney. The proper officer of any court may offer, and the historical society may accept for preservation, on order of the judge of the court, title to such records as have been photographed or microphotographed in accordance with SCR chapter 72, or that have been retained for the period of time provided in SCR chapter 72, and that are deemed by the historical society to be of permanent historical value.
44.09(2) (2)Subsection (1) does not apply to patient health care records, as defined in s. 146.81 (4), that are in the custody or control of a local health department, as defined in s. 250.01 (4).
44.09 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 136 W (2d) xi (1987); 1991 a. 39, 185, 226, 315; 1993 a. 27; 1997 a. 252.
44.095 44.095 Pilot electronic records program.
44.095(1) (1) In this section:
44.095(1)(a) (a) "Electronic record" means any record, as defined under s. 19.32 (2), that is maintained in an electronic format by a state agency.
44.095(1)(b) (b) "State agency" has the meaning given in s. 16.61 (2) (d).
44.095(2) (2) The historical society shall create a pilot electronic records program. The historical society shall do all of the following:
44.095(2)(a) (a) Assist state agencies in planning archival management of their electronic records.
44.095(2)(b) (b) Examine and evaluate options for the protection, preservation and accessibility of electronic records of permanent historical value.
44.095(2)(c) (c) Develop procedures for the protection, preservation and accessibility of electronic records of permanent historical value.
44.095(2)(d) (d) Develop and periodically update a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation and accessibility of electronic records of permanent historical value. The historical society shall submit the plan by June 30, 1995, and the plan updates annually thereafter until June 30, 1998, to the governor, the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), the public records board and the division of information technology services in the department of administration.
44.095(3) (3) This section does not apply after June 30, 1998.
44.095 History History: 1993 a. 257; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
44.10 44.10 Regional depositories for records.
44.10(1) (1) The historical society, through its board of curators, in its corporate capacity and as trustee of the state may enter into agreements with the university of Wisconsin system or such other public or quasi-public institutions, agencies or corporations as the board of curators of the society shall designate to serve as the regional records depository for a given area. Said agreements shall specify the area to be served by the depository, and the methods of accessioning, cataloging, care, housing, preservation and servicing of these and such other material as may be placed by the historical society or in the name of the historical society in such regional depositories under such agreements, it being the intent of this section to provide an orderly, uniform statewide system for the retention and preservation of important court, county and local public records on a manageable basis and under proper professional care in the region of origin. Only where such arrangements cannot be accomplished may the said society transfer such records to the state archives. Said society shall compile and maintain for reference purposes as soon as may be convenient a union list of the records of county, city, village, town, school district, or other local governmental unit, or court, title to which is transferred to it under s. 44.09 (1).
44.10(2) (2) The board of curators may establish county records depositories within the regions served by the regional depositories established in sub. (1). The board may enter into agreements with these county depositories similar to those provided above for regional depositories, and records may be loaned temporarily from regional depository to a county depository, title in all cases remaining in the state society. The union list of records of county, city, village, town, school district or other local governmental units, or court, provided in sub. (1) shall indicate such transfers or loans of records between depositories so as to show at all times the present location of each group of records.
44.10 History History: 1977 c. 26; 1991 a. 226; 1993 a. 213.
44.11 44.11 Central depository library. The board of curators of the historical society shall have the same authority to participate in the formation and maintenance of a nonprofit-sharing corporation for the purpose of providing and operating a central library depository as is conferred upon the board of regents of the university of Wisconsin system under s. 36.11 (12). Section 36.11 (12) shall, so far as applicable, apply to the board of curators of the historical society and for the purposes of this section whenever the words "board of regents" appear in s. 36.11 (12) they shall be deemed to mean "board of curators of the historical society".
44.11 History History: 1971 c. 100 s. 23; 1973 c. 335 s. 13.
44.12 44.12 Educational facilities at Nelson Dewey state park.
44.12(1)(1) The state farm and craft museum, located at Nelson Dewey state park, may be developed by cooperation of the department of natural resources, the society, and such other agencies as may be interested therein in accordance with such arrangements as the department of natural resources and society agree upon.
44.12(2) (2) The purpose of this museum as an educational facility shall be to portray graphically the farm and craft practices of bygone days, so that the difficulties of pioneer farming, the great changes in the productivity of farm labor and the rise in rural income and standards of living over the years may be made vivid to this and future generations.
44.12(3) (3) In operating this museum, the society may charge a resident an admission fee and shall charge a nonresident an admission fee to defray in part the costs of operation in accordance with s. 44.02 (5), and may loan objects or materials from this central collection for special occasions and for such special exhibits as it may desire to develop at its main building, at other historic sites within the state, with other historical societies or with other state agencies.
44.12 History History: 1981 c. 93; 1983 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
44.13 44.13 Educational facilities at Old Wade House state park.
44.13(1)(1) The state carriage museum, to be known as the Wesley W. Jung Carriage Museum, located at Old Wade House state park, shall be developed by the society.
44.13(2) (2) The purpose of this museum as an educational facility is to portray graphically the hand and horse-drawn vehicle development in bygone days, so that the great and dramatic changes in land transportation may be made vivid to this and future generations. Selected examples of these vehicles illustrating the ingenuity, inventiveness and artistic skills of the pioneer craftsperson may be preserved and exhibited in a dignified, appropriate and effective manner.
44.13(3) (3) In operating this museum, the society may charge a resident an admission fee and shall charge a nonresident an admission fee to defray in part the costs of operation in accordance with s. 44.02 (5).
44.13 History History: 1993 a. 184; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
44.14 44.14 Central depository loan collection, federal documents.
44.14(1)(1) It is the purpose of this section to establish a more economical system of handling federal documents in this state in such a way as to effect savings of staff and space to the participating libraries, both state and local; to make such documents more available to more of the people, colleges and libraries of the state, in accordance with the purposes of the federal depository act of 1895 and the needs of the citizens of the state; and to make possible substantial economies in the publication costs of such documents at the federal level as well. To this end the state documents depository established by s. 44.06 may acquire and establish a central state depository and loan collection of federal documents for the benefit of the university of Wisconsin system, the state law library, the depository libraries and such other college and public libraries in this state as may desire to share in the benefits of this loan collection.
44.14(2) (2) The university of Wisconsin system and the public and other participating libraries, federal regulations permitting, may transfer outright or may loan indefinitely to this central depository any or all federal documents now in their possession which in their opinion are so little used for ready reference purposes as to make their retention unnecessary if copies are available on loan from the central depository loan collection.
44.14(3) (3) Documents so transferred may be used by the society to furnish participating libraries with items needed for their permanent reference collections, for the central loan collection, or for exchange, trade or sale in order to make more complete and useful the central loan collection established by this section.
44.14(4) (4) The board of curators may promulgate such rules governing the loan of books from the central depository loan collection and may make such charges to cover shipping costs as may be deemed necessary and advisable.
44.14 History History: 1977 c. 26; 1985 s. 332 s. 251 (3).
44.15 44.15 Historical markers program.
44.15(2) (2)Creation. It is declared to be in the public interest to stimulate interest in and knowledge of the state by marking sites of special historical, architectural, cultural, archaeological, ethnic, geological or legendary significance, and maintaining and developing such sites approximately so as to preserve their individual characteristics. The historical markers program is created to call attention to the state's historical, cultural and natural heritage through a system of markers and plaques and to supplement, wherever possible, information contained in the state register of historic places. It is the purpose of the program to significantly increase the number of historical, cultural and natural heritage sites that are marked in this state.
44.15(3) (3)Markers and plaques.
44.15(3)(a)(a) The historical society shall do all of the following:
44.15(3)(a)1. 1. Plan, develop and publicize a uniform system of marking for state and local sites of historical, architectural, cultural, archaeological, ethnic, geological and legendary significance. The marking system shall constitute large markers of standard design, in one or more sizes, with narrative text describing the associated site.
44.15(3)(a)2. 2. Plan, develop and publicize a system of plaques for the districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects listed on the state register of historic places and a system of plaques for marking state and local sites of special historical, architectural, cultural, archaeological, ethnic, geological or legendary significance. The system of plaques shall constitute small plaques of various types, each with a standard design, intended to identify the district, site, building, structure or object, and generally without narrative text. Any narrative text included on a plaque shall be standardized for a specific type of plaque. The historical society shall consider and respond to reasonable requests to establish new types of plaques.
44.15(3)(a)3. 3. Establish criteria for the selection of appropriate sites for markers and plaques under this subsection. The historical society shall accept applications for approval of the placement of markers and plaques, and for any narrative text for markers. The historical society shall approve those applications that meet the criteria established by the historical society.
44.15(3)(a)4. 4. Prepare the text for a book listing the locations and text of all markers in this state.
44.15(3)(b) (b) The markers and plaques approved by the historical society under this subsection may not be used to mark sites other than those approved by the historical society and shall be used subject to any conditions established by the historical society. No marker or plaque may include the name of the current owner of the property. Without the approval of the historical society, no person may erect or use a marker or plaque that is identical to or misleadingly resembles the markers and plaques approved under this subsection. The historical society may require the removal of any marker or plaque that does not meet the requirements of this subsection.
44.15(4) (4)State-funded markers. The historical society may identify and authorize construction of individual markers or plaques, or any series of markers or plaques, to be funded from the appropriation under s. 20.245 (3) (d). No matching funds are required for a marker or plaque that is constructed under this subsection. Funds under this subsection may be used for the purchase of plaques to be installed on historical properties and for the construction of markers or plaques in other states or countries.
44.15(5) (5)Maintenance. Any approval issued for a marker or plaque by the historical society under this section shall include a requirement that the applicant maintain the marker or plaque, and shall also include authorization permitting the historical society, if necessary, to enter the property and maintain the marker or plaque. The historical society may issue orders to maintain markers and plaques, and may maintain markers or plaques.
44.15(6) (6)State-owned property. Each board, commission, committee, department or officer in state government shall cooperate with the historical society in the placement of markers or plaques on state-owned property, and shall place and maintain such markers or plaques, as supplied by the historical society, at locations identified by the historical society.
44.15(7) (7)Donations; assistance.
44.15(7)(a)(a) The historical society may accept gifts, appropriations and bequests made to it for the purposes of this section and use them as far as practicable in accordance with the wishes of the donor.
44.15(7)(b) (b) The historical society may accept the aid, support and cooperation of county, city, village or town agencies, or private agencies or persons in executing its projects.
44.15(8) (8)Cooperation of state agencies. All state departments, independent agencies and institutions are directed to cooperate with the historical society in the performance of its duties under this section. Applicable laws shall be liberally construed in favor of such cooperation.
44.15(9) (9)Rules. The historical society shall promulgate rules to implement and administer the program. The rules shall include all of the following:
44.15(9)(a) (a) Policies and procedures for the uniform systems of markers and plaques under sub. (3) (a) 1. and 2.
44.15(9)(b) (b) Criteria for the selection of appropriate sites for markers and plaques under sub. (3) (a) 3.
44.15 History History: 1991 a. 269; 1993 a. 471; 1997 a. 27.
44.16 44.16 Historic sites foundation.
44.16(1) (1) The historical society may enter into a lease agreement with the historic sites foundation, inc., for the purpose of operating Circus World Museum, located in Baraboo, Wisconsin. The lease agreement shall not include any provision for the payment of a percentage of gross admissions income at Circus World Museum to the historical society.
44.16(2) (2) Upon request of the board of directors of the historic sites foundation, inc., the governor may nominate, and with the advice and consent of the senate appoint, one member of the board of directors to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
44.16 History History: 1985 a. 29.
44.20 44.20 Historic sites.
44.20(1)(1) The historical society shall operate and maintain the historic sites known as Stonefield Village, Pendarvis, Villa Louis, Old Wade House, Madeline Island, Old World Wisconsin and, if the First Capitol state park has been transferred to the historical society under 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9142 (1e), First Capitol.
44.20(2) (2) No historic site may be closed without specific authorization to do so from the legislature and the governor.
44.20(5) (5) Annually by December 1, the director of the historical society shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance regarding program revenues and expenditures for each historic site under sub. (1) and on the condition of the historic sites.
44.21 44.21 Historical society parking regulations. The board of curators may promulgate rules to govern parking of motor vehicles on property under the control of the historical society. Whoever violates such a rule shall forfeit to the state not more than $25.
44.21 History History: 1971 c. 170; 1985 a. 332 s. 251 (3).
subch. II of ch. 44 SUBCHAPTER II
44.30 44.30 Public policy. The legislature finds that the historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage of the state is among the most important assets of the state and furthermore that the social, economic and physical development of contemporary society threatens to destroy the remaining vestiges of this heritage. It is therefore declared to be the public policy and in the public interest of this state to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation to promote the use and conservation of such property representative of both the rural and urban heritage of the state for education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of the citizens of this state.
44.30 History History: 1987 a. 395 s. 24.
44.31 44.31 Definitions. In this subchapter:
44.31(1) (1) "Adverse effect" means any of the following:
44.31(1)(a) (a) Physical destruction, damage or alteration of any part of a property which would adversely affect the historic significance of that property.
44.31(1)(b) (b) Isolation of a property from or alteration of the character of the property's setting when that character contributes to the property's qualification as a listed property.
44.31(1)(c) (c) Introduction of visual, audible or atmospheric elements that are out of character with a property or alter its setting.
44.31(1)(d) (d) Neglect of a property resulting in its deterioration or destruction.
44.31(1m) (1m) "Director" means the director of the historical society.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?