2. Upon completion of the ward canvass, the results shall be announced, the results telephoned to the proper clerks and all materials returned to the municipal clerk immediately. See
ss. 7.51 (4) (b) and
(5) and
7.53 (1).
3 days after last day of municipal canvass. 10.68(3)(f)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of municipal canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
3 days after last day of county canvass. 10.68(3)(g)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of county canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
3 days after last day of state canvass. 10.68(3)(h)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
10.68(3)(j)1.1. 4:30 p.m., on the 4th Tuesday in February, is the deadline for any write-in candidate for justice or state superintendent who is certified to appear on the spring election ballot to file an application to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund. See
s. 11.50 (2) (a).
2. The 4th Tuesday in February is the deadline for any candidate seeking to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund to file a special financial report with the board. See
s. 11.50 (2) (c).
3. The 4th Tuesday in February is the deadline for any candidate in the spring election who filed an application to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund to withdraw the application. See
s. 11.50 (2) (h).
Last 14 days before election. Any contribution of $500 or more which is received by a candidate or his or her personal campaign committee within 14 days of the spring election must be reported to the board or other appropriate filing officer within 24 hours of receipt. See
s. 11.12 (5).
8 days before election. The 8th day before the election is the deadline for each candidate or his or her personal campaign committee to file a pre-election report with the board or other appropriate filing officer. Such report is current to the end of the 15th day preceding the election. See
s. 11.20 (2) and
10.68(5)(a)1.1. The Friday before the spring election is the deadline for filing observer appointments. See
s. 7.39 (3).
10.68 Note
NOTE: Section 7.39 was repealed by
1999 Wis. Act 182. Corrective legislation is pending.
First Tuesday in April. The first Tuesday in April is the day of the spring election. See
s. 5.02 (21).
Day after election. Within 24 hours after the polls close, municipalities with more than one ward shall begin municipal canvass. See
s. 7.53 (2).
3 days after last day of municipal canvass. 10.68(5)(d)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of municipal canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
3 days after last day of county canvass. 10.68(5)(e)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of county canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
Thursday after election. 9 a.m., on the Thursday after the spring election, is the latest county canvass may begin. See
s. 7.60 (3).
2nd Tuesday in April. The 2nd Tuesday in April is the latest municipalities holding annual elections may declare results of the spring election. See
s. 7.53 (2).
3 years after any election. Records maintained by a candidate or his or her personal campaign committee relating to an election may be destroyed 3 years after such election. See
s. 11.12 (3).
10.68(7)(b)1.1. July 10 is the deadline for every candidate for state or local office or his or her personal campaign committee to file a continuing report with the board or other appropriate filing officer. Such report is current to the end of June 30. See
s. 11.20 (4) and
2. July 10 is the deadline for each candidate at the spring election who receives a grant from the Wisconsin election campaign fund to deliver or transmit to the board proof of payment for disbursements made unless a candidate participates in a special election at least 30 days before that date. See
s. 11.50 (12).
Public and general provisions; spring primary and election. The following subsections set forth, in chronological order, dates relating to the spring primary and election or occurrences during the spring period which affect the public.
August 1. August 1 is the earliest application may be made for absentee ballots for the spring primary. See
s. 6.86 (1).
October 1. October 1 is the earliest application may be made for absentee ballots for the spring election. See
s. 6.86 (1).
1st Tuesday in January. 5 p.m., on the 1st Tuesday in January in presidential election years, or the next day if Tuesday is a holiday, is the deadline for the state chairperson of each recognized political party whose candidate for governor received at least 10% of the vote cast at the last election to certify to the board that the party will participate in the presidential preference primary. See
s. 8.12 (1) (a).
3 days after first Tuesday in January. The deadline for electors to petition a city requesting a primary is 3 days after the first Tuesday in January, or the next day if Tuesday is a holiday. See
ss. 8.10 (2) and
8.11 (1) (c).
January 31. January 31 is the deadline for every candidate, committee, individual or group registered under
s. 11.05 to file a continuing report with the board or other appropriate filing officer. Such report is current to the end of December 31. See
s. 11.20 (4) and
60 days before election. The deadline for filing a petition requesting submission of a question to require or abolish registration in municipalities of 5,000 population or less is 60 days before the spring election. See
s. 6.27 (3) and
Last 14 days before primary. During the last 14 days before the spring primary, any contribution of $500 or more which is received by a candidate, committee or individual registered under
s. 11.05 and any disbursement exceeding $20 which is made by a committee or individual supporting or opposing a candidate within 14 days of the primary must be reported to the board or other appropriate filing officer within 24 hours. See
s. 11.12 (5) and
2nd Wednesday before primary. 5 p.m., on the 2nd Wednesday before the spring primary, is the deadline for voter registration. See
s. 6.28 (1).
8 days before primary. The 8th day before the primary is the deadline for each candidate and each committee or individual supporting or opposing a candidate to file a pre-primary report with the board or other appropriate filing officer. Such report is current to the end of the 15th day preceding the primary. See
ss. 11.09 (3) and
11.20 (2) and
Wednesday before primary. On the Wednesday before the spring primary, in cities of the 1st class, the board of election commissioners sits to hear registration objections. See
s. 6.48 (2).
Friday before primary. 5 p.m., on the Friday before the spring primary, is the deadline for application by mail for an absentee ballot for the spring primary. See
s. 6.86 (1).
10.70(3)(f)1.1. 5 p.m., on the Monday before the spring primary, is the deadline for application in person for absentee ballots for the spring primary. See
s. 6.86 (1).
2. 5 p.m. on the day before the spring primary is the deadline for registration at the office of the municipal clerk. See
s. 6.29 (2) (a).
3. 5 p.m., on the day before the spring primary, is the latest that voting may be conducted in nursing homes, retirement homes and community-based residential facilities. See
s. 6.875 (6).
2. 5 p.m. on the day of the primary is the deadline for hospitalized electors to make application for an absentee ballot by agent. See
s. 6.86 (3) (c).
3 days after last day of municipal canvass. 10.70(3)(h)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of municipal canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
3 days after last day of county canvass. 10.70(3)(i)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of county canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedures. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6).
10.70(3)(j)1.1. 5 p.m., 3 days after the last day of canvass, is the deadline to demand the first recount. See
s. 9.01 (1) (a).
2. At 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See
s. 9.01 (1) (b).
3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See
s. 9.01 (4).
4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See
s. 9.01 (6) (a).
Thursday after primary. 9 a.m. on the Thursday after the spring primary is the latest that the county canvass may begin. See
s. 7.60 (3).