349.13 349.13 Authority to regulate the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles.
349.13(1b)(1b) In this section, "owner" includes the lessee of a vehicle if the vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, by the lessee under ch. 341.
349.13(1e) (1e)
349.13(1e)(a)(a) The department with respect to state trunk highways outside of corporate limits and the local authorities with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, including state trunk highways or connecting highways within corporate limits, may, within the reasonable exercise of the police power, prohibit, limit the time of or otherwise restrict the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles beyond the prohibitions, limitations or restrictions imposed by ch. 346, except that they may not modify the exceptions set forth in s. 346.50.
349.13(1e)(b) (b) The department may also restrict or prohibit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on any part of a state trunk highway or connecting highway within corporate limits if the local authority having jurisdiction has not enacted any stopping, standing or parking regulation applicable to the highway or part thereof in question as provided under par. (a).
349.13(1e)(c)1.1. The authority granted by this subsection may be delegated to a traffic officer or to the officer in charge of the maintenance of the highway in question, but, except as provided in subd. 2., no prohibition, limitation or restriction on parking imposed under this section is effective unless official traffic signs or markers or parking meters have been placed or erected indicating the particular prohibition, limitation or restriction.
349.13(1e)(c)2. 2. Parking regulations that prohibit, limit or restrict the parking of vehicles for any period longer than 24 consecutive hours, during any hours between 12 midnight and 7 a.m., or any portion thereof or during a snow emergency as determined by a municipality, shall be effective in the municipality upon a two-thirds vote of its respective governing body notwithstanding this subsection and s. 346.02 (7) when official traffic signs have been placed or erected at or reasonably near the corporate limits of the municipality on all state and county trunk highways and connecting highways informing motorists that 24-hour parking limitations, night parking regulations or snow emergency regulations are in effect in the municipality.
349.13(1g) (1g) The department, with respect to state trunk highways outside of corporate limits, and local authorities, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction including state trunk highways or connecting highways within corporate limits, may authorize persons whose residences abut a highway in a zone where the time of parking is limited by official signs, markers or parking meters to park their vehicles in the highway zone without regard to the time limits posted.
349.13(1j) (1j) The department, with respect to state trunk highways outside of corporate limits, and local authorities, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction including state trunk highways or connecting highways within corporate limits, may authorize persons to park their vehicles during specified hours on the near side of a highway adjacent to a schoolhouse located on property of the University of Wisconsin System when the persons are conducting business at the schoolhouse.
349.13(1m) (1m) In addition to the requirements under s. 346.503 (1m), the department, with respect to state trunk highways outside of corporate limits and parking facilities under its jurisdiction, and local authorities, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction including state trunk highways or connecting highways within corporate limits and parking facilities within corporate limits, may, by official traffic signs indicating the restriction, prohibit parking, stopping or standing upon any portion of a street, highway or parking facility reserved for any vehicle bearing special registration plates issued under s. 341.14 (1), (1a), (1e), (1m), (1q) or (1r) (a) or a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, upon which a special identification card issued under s. 343.51 is displayed or any vehicle registered in another jurisdiction and displaying a registration plate, card or emblem issued by the other jurisdiction which designates the vehicle as a vehicle used by a physically disabled person.
349.13(2) (2) Except as provided in this subsection, neither the department nor local authorities may extend stopping, standing or parking privileges to areas where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited by ch. 346. The department and local authorities, with respect to highways under their respective jurisdictions as described in sub. (1e) may do any of the following:
349.13(2)(a) (a) Permit parking on sidewalk areas when such parking will not unduly interfere with pedestrian traffic.
349.13(2)(b) (b) Permit parking on the roadway side of other parked vehicles when such double parking will not unduly interfere with the flow of vehicular traffic.
349.13(2)(c) (c) Permit parking closer than 15 feet to the end of a safety zone when such parking will not unduly interfere with the flow of vehicular traffic.
349.13(2)(d) (d) Designate parking upon the left side of a one-way street or roadway instead of the right side or permit parking on both sides.
349.13(2)(e) (e) Designate angle parking on any roadway under its jurisdiction.
349.13(2)(f) (f) Permit the parking of any vehicle or of school buses only on the near side of specified highways adjacent to schoolhouses during specified hours if the governing body of the municipality where the schoolhouse is located directs by ordinance.
349.13(3) (3) Whenever any traffic officer finds a vehicle standing upon a highway in violation of a prohibition, limitation or restriction on stopping, standing or parking imposed under ch. 346 or this section, or a disabled vehicle that obstructs the roadway of a freeway or expressway, as defined in s. 346.57 (1) (ag), the traffic officer is authorized to move the vehicle or to require the operator in charge thereof to move the vehicle to a position where parking is permitted or to either private or public parking or storage premises. The removal may be performed by, or under the direction of, the traffic officer or may be contracted for by local authorities. Any charges for removal shall be regulated by local ordinance. The operator or owner of the vehicle removed shall pay the reasonable charges for moving or towing or any storage involved based upon the ordinance.
349.13(3m) (3m) No vehicle involved in trespass parking on a private parking lot or facility shall be removed without the permission of the vehicle owner, except upon the issuance of a repossession judgment or upon formal complaint and a citation for illegal parking issued by a traffic or police officer.
349.13(4) (4) In counties having a population of 500,000 or more whenever any traffic officer finds a vehicle disabled so as to cause a hazard on any portion of the interstate system, limited access highway or any expressway, even though it may be impossible for the operator to avoid stopping or temporarily leaving the vehicle thereon, the county may remove such vehicle to a position where parking is permitted or to either private or public parking or storage premises. The removal may be performed by such officer or under the officer's direction or such removal may be contracted for by such counties and any charges shall be regulated by ordinance. The operator or owner of the vehicle removed shall pay a reasonable charge for moving or towing or any storage involved based upon said ordinance.
349.13(5) (5)
349.13(5)(a)(a) No person who removes or stores a vehicle under subs. (3) to (4) or otherwise at the request of a law enforcement officer, and no person who removes or stores a disabled vehicle, accident debris or other object that obstructs the roadway of a freeway or expressway, as defined in s. 346.57 (1) (ag), may incur any civil liability for the act, except for civil liability for failure to exercise reasonable care in the performance of the act or for conduct that is wilful, wanton or malicious.
349.13(5)(b)1.1. As used in this paragraph:
349.13(5)(b)1.a. a. "Personal property" means all property within the vehicle which is not mounted, attached or affixed to the vehicle.
349.13(5)(b)1.b. b. "Proper identification" means identification which would be sufficient to establish ownership to release the vehicle.
349.13(5)(b)2. 2. A person who has custody of a vehicle removed or stored under subs. (3) to (4) or otherwise at the request of a law enforcement officer shall release the personal property within the vehicle to the owner of the vehicle during regular office hours upon presentation by the owner of proper identification.
349.13(5)(b)3. 3. No charge may be assessed against the owner for the removal or release of the personal property.
349.13(5)(b)4. 4. If the owner removes the personal property from a motor vehicle under this paragraph, the vehicle shall be deemed abandoned unless the person enters into a written agreement to pay the full charges for towing and storage. The owner shall be informed of this subdivision by the person who has custody of the vehicle before the property is released. A vehicle deemed abandoned under this subdivision may be disposed of as are other abandoned vehicles by the local authority.
349.13(5)(b)5. 5. The personal property is subject to forfeiture under ss. 961.55 to 961.56 and 973.075 to 973.077.
349.13 Annotation Legislative Council Note, 1977: The last 2 sentences of sub. (1) are eliminated as unnecessary. These sentences contain explanations of what is meant by a sign which indicates that stopping or standing is prohibited and what is meant by a sign prohibiting parking. Although these explanations attempt to explain the conduct required of motorists by these signs, they do not define the key terms, "park or parking" and "stand or standing". In place of these explanations, definitions of the terms "park or parking" and "stand or standing" are created in 340.01 (42m) and (59m) in this bill. "Stop" is presently defined in s. 340.01 (62). [Bill 465-A]
349.13 Annotation It is not a violation of due process to tow an illegally parked car without first giving the owner notice and the opportunity to be heard regarding the lawfulness of towing the car. Sutton v. City of Milwaukee, 672 F.2d 644 (1982).
349.135 349.135 Authority to regulate radios or other electric sound amplification devices.
349.135(1) (1) Notwithstanding s. 346.94 (16), the governing body of any town, city, village or county may, by ordinance, provide that, except as provided in s. 347.38 (1), no person may operate or park, stop or leave standing a motor vehicle while using a radio or other electric sound amplification device emitting sound from the vehicle that is clearly audible under normal conditions from a distance of 50 or more feet, unless the electric sound amplification device is being used to request assistance or warn against an unsafe condition. The ordinance may provide that any person violating the ordinance may be required to forfeit not less than $40 nor more than $80 for the first violation and not less than $100 nor more than $200 for the 2nd or subsequent violation within a year.
349.135(2) (2) Any ordinance enacted under sub. (1) may not apply to any of the following:
349.135(2)(a) (a) The operator of an authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm.
349.135(2)(b) (b) The operator of a vehicle of a public utility, as defined in s. 11.40 (1) (a).
349.135(2)(c) (c) The operator of a vehicle that is being used for advertising purposes.
349.135(2)(d) (d) The operator of a vehicle that is being used in a community event or celebration, procession or assemblage.
349.135(2)(e) (e) The activation of a theft alarm signal device.
349.135(2)(f) (f) The operator of a motorcycle being operated outside of a business or residence district.
349.135 History History: 1995 a. 373; 1997 a. 35.
349.137 349.137 Authority to regulate use of motor vehicle immobilization devices.
349.137(1) (1) In this section:
349.137(1)(b) (b) "Parking area" means an area used for parking that is not on a highway.
349.137(1)(c) (c) "Parking enforcer" means a person who enforces restrictions against unauthorized parking. The term includes a person who owns or operates a parking area and any employees or agents of an owner or operator.
349.137(1)(d) (d) "Removal fee" means a fee charged by a parking enforcer to remove an immobilization device, including any amounts imposed for parking in violation of a restriction against unauthorized parking.
349.137(1)(e) (e) "Unauthorized parking" means parking a motor vehicle in a parking area contrary to a sign posted under s. 346.55 (4).
349.137(2) (2) No person may use an immobilization device to immobilize a motor vehicle to enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking except in conformity with a municipal ordinance enacted under this section or a rule adopted under s. 36.11 (8).
349.137(3) (3) The governing body of any municipality may by ordinance or the chancellor of a campus of the University of Wisconsin System may by rule under s. 36.11 (8) provide for the use of immobilization devices to enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking. Any ordinance under this subsection or rule under s. 36.11 (8) shall do all of the following:
349.137(3)(a) (a) Require the owner or operator of a parking area in which immobilization devices may be used to post and maintain in a manner that is clearly visible to operators entering the parking area a sign at each vehicular entrance to the parking area. At least one additional sign shall be posted for every 10 parking spaces in the parking area. The ordinance or rule shall require all such signs to be at least 12 inches by 18 inches in size and to clearly indicate all of the following:
349.137(3)(a)1. 1. That unauthorized parking is prohibited in the parking area.
349.137(3)(a)2. 2. That an immobilization device may be used in the parking area to enforce restrictions against unauthorized parking.
349.137(3)(a)3. 3. Whether a removal fee will be charged to remove an immobilization device and, if so, the amount of the fee.
349.137(3)(ag) (ag) Prohibit a parking enforcer from using an immobilization device to immobilize a motor vehicle to enforce parking restrictions against unauthorized parking unless the parking enforcer possesses a valid license authorizing that activity issued by the municipality.
349.137(3)(am) (am) Establish a process by which the owner, lessee or operator of a motor vehicle may contest the propriety of the use of an immobilization device or the amount of a removal fee.
349.137(3)(b) (b) Require the parking enforcer, before using an immobilization device, to do all of the following:
349.137(3)(b)2. 2. Maintain in effect a policy of bodily injury and property damage liability insurance for injury or damage arising from the use of an immobilization device in an amount of at least $1,000,000 per use of an immobilization device.
349.137(3)(b)3. 3. Notwithstanding s. 346.94 (4), at the time of immobilization of a motor vehicle, place a written notice in a reasonably secure manner on the motor vehicle that clearly states all of the following:
349.137(3)(b)3.a. a. The name of the parking enforcer and a telephone number that a person may call to request the removal of the immobilization device.
349.137(3)(b)3.b. b. The amount of the removal fee, if any.
349.137(3)(b)3.c. c. The terms of the deferral agreement described in par. (d) 2.
349.137(3)(b)4. 4. Have a person available 24 hours a day either at the parking area or at the telephone number shown on the notice described in subd. 3. to take requests for removal and to remove the immobilization device.
349.137(3)(c) (c) Require the parking enforcer, before removing an immobilization device, to do all of the following:
349.137(3)(c)1. 1. Display prominently an identification card that identifies that person as a parking enforcer and that contains a photograph of that person.
349.137(3)(c)2. 2. Inform the owner, lessee or operator of the motor vehicle, orally and in writing, before removing an immobilization device, of all of the following:
349.137(3)(c)2.a. a. If a removal fee is charged, that the owner, lessee or operator is required either to pay the removal fee or to sign a deferral agreement described in par. (d) 2.
349.137(3)(c)2.b. b. That a parking enforcer may commence legal action to collect any removal fee that has not been paid within 14 days after the removal of an immobilization device.
349.137(3)(c)2.c. c. That the owner, lessee or operator of an immobilized motor vehicle may contest the propriety of the use of an immobilization device on his or her motor vehicle or the validity of a removal fee using the process described in par. (am), and may contest any legal action commenced to collect a removal fee.
349.137(3)(c)2.d. d. That, except for the payment of the removal fee or the signing of a deferral agreement, no person may be required to do anything to have an immobilization device removed.
349.137(3)(c)2.e. e. That, if a parking enforcer uses an immobilization device on a motor vehicle that is not parked in violation of a restriction against unauthorized parking, the owner, lessee or operator shall not be required to pay a removal fee and the parking enforcer shall be liable to the owner, lessee or operator of the motor vehicle for an amount equal to the removal fee.
349.137(3)(d) (d) Require the owner, lessee or operator of a motor vehicle to do any of the following before an immobilization device may be removed:
349.137(3)(d)1. 1. Pay the removal fee.
349.137(3)(d)2. 2. Sign a deferral agreement under which the person signing the agreement agrees to pay the removal fee to the parking enforcer or contest the removal fee, or the propriety of the use of an immobilization device on his or her motor vehicle, using the process described in par. (am) within 14 days after the immobilization device is removed.
349.137(3)(e) (e) Require the parking enforcer to remove the immobilization device without undue delay after receiving a request to remove the device, not to exceed 60 minutes whenever a request for removal is made by telephone.
349.137(3)(f) (f) Require that, whenever a deferral agreement is signed, the parking enforcer provide the owner, lessee or operator of the motor vehicle a copy of the signed deferral agreement.
349.137(3)(g) (g) Require a person who signs a deferral agreement and does not do any of the activities described in par. (d) 2. within 14 days after the removal of the immobilization device to pay an amount not to exceed 3 times the removal fee plus the reasonable costs incurred to collect the removal fee to the parking enforcer within 30 days after the removal of the immobilization device.
349.137(3)(h) (h) Require a parking enforcer who uses an immobilization device on a motor vehicle that is not parked in violation of a restriction against unauthorized parking to pay an amount equal to the removal fee to the owner, lessee or operator of the motor vehicle within 14 days after the determination that the immobilization device was used improperly.
349.137(3)(i) (i) Prohibit a parking enforcer from requiring a person to transfer any goods, perform any services, or waive any available legal rights or remedies, as a condition for removing an immobilization device, except as specified in par. (d).
349.137(3)(j) (j) Specify the maximum removal fee that may be charged.
349.137(4) (4)
349.137(4)(a)(a) A municipality may enact or enforce any regulation of the use of immobilization devices to enforce parking restrictions that is not contrary to or inconsistent with this section.
349.137(4)(b) (b) A chancellor of a campus of the University of Wisconsin System may adopt or enforce any rule under s. 36.11 (8) regulating the use of immobilization devices to enforce parking restrictions that is not contrary to or inconsistent with this section.
349.137 History History: 1995 a. 434; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 35 s. 437.
349.14 349.14 Authority to use parking meters.
349.14(1) (1) It is the public policy of this state that the use of parking meters by cities, villages, towns and counties to measure the time for parking vehicles is a local matter to be determined by the local authorities.
349.14(2) (2) Cities, villages, towns and counties may by ordinance or resolution provide for the installation and operation of parking meters and may provide for the use of the revenue collected from such meters for general street and highway maintenance, repair and construction, for meeting the cost of traffic and parking regulation, for the purchase and operation of publicly owned off-street parking facilities, and for such other expenses and purposes as the local authority deems reasonably necessary to provide for the convenience, safety and welfare of persons using the streets and highways for vehicular traffic.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1999. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?