2. The contractor, if any, insuring benefits under
s. 49.46,
49.468 or
49.47 shall be entitled to receive a premium, in an amount and on terms agreed, for such benefits for the persons eligible to receive them and for its services as insurer.
(c) Payment for services provided under this section shall be made directly to the hospital, skilled and intermediate nursing homes, prepaid health care group, other organization or individual providing such services or to an organization which provides such services or arranges for their availability on a prepayment basis.
(d) No payment may be made for inpatient hospital services, skilled nursing home services, intermediate care facility services, tuberculosis institution services or inpatient mental institution services, unless the facility providing such services has in operation a utilization review program and meets federal regulations governing such utilization review program.
(dm) After distribution of computer software has been made under
1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9126 (13h), no payment may be made for home health care services provided to persons who are enrolled in the federal medicare program and are recipients of medical assistance under
s. 49.46 or
49.47 unless the provider of the services has in use the computer software to maximize payments under the federal medicare program under
42 USC 1395.
49.45(3)(e)1.1. The department may develop, implement and periodically update methods for reimbursing or paying hospitals for allowable services or commodities provided a recipient. The methods may include standards and criteria for limiting any given hospital's total reimbursement or payment to that which would be provided to an economically and efficiently operated facility.
2. A hospital whose reimbursement or payment is determined on the basis of the methods developed and implemented under
subd. 1. shall annually prepare a report of cost and other data in the manner prescribed by the department.
3. The department may adopt a prospective payment system under
subd. 1. which may include consideration of an average rate per diem, diagnosis-related groups or a hospital-specific prospective rate per discharge.
4. If the department maintains a retrospective reimbursement system under
subd. 1. for specific provided services or commodities, total reimbursement for allowable services, care or commodities provided recipients during the hospital's fiscal year may not exceed the lower of the hospital's charges for the services or the actual and reasonable allowable costs to the hospital of providing the services, plus any disproportionate share funding that the hospital is qualified to receive under
42 USC 1396r-4.
7. The daily reimbursement or payment rate to a hospital for services provided to medical assistance recipients awaiting admission to a skilled nursing home, intermediate care facility, community-based residential facility, group home, foster home, treatment foster home or other custodial living arrangement may not exceed the maximum reimbursement or payment rate based on the average adjusted state skilled nursing facility rate, created under
sub. (6m). This limited reimbursement or payment rate to a hospital commences on the date the department, through its own data or information provided by hospitals, determines that continued hospitalization is no longer medically necessary or appropriate during a period where the recipient awaits placement in an alternate custodial living arrangement. The department may contract with a peer review organization, established under
42 USC 1320c to
1320c-10, to determine that continued hospitalization of a recipient is no longer necessary and that admission to an alternate custodial living arrangement is more appropriate for the continued care of the recipient. In addition, the department may contract with a peer review organization to determine the medical necessity or appropriateness of physician services or other services provided during the period when a hospital patient awaits placement in an alternate custodial living arrangement.
7m. Notwithstanding
subd. 7., the daily reimbursement or payment rate for services at a hospital established under
s. 45.375 (1) provided to medical assistance recipients whose continued hospitalization is no longer medically necessary or appropriate during a period where the recipient awaits placement in an alternate custodial living arrangement shall be the skilled nursing facility rate paid to the facility created under
s. 45.365 (1).
8. Reimbursement or payment for outpatient hospital services may not exceed reimbursement or payment for comparable services performed by providers not owned or operated by hospitals.
9. Hospital research costs that the department finds to be indirectly related to patient care are not allowable costs in establishing a hospital's reimbursement or payment rate under
subd. 1.
10. Hospital procedures on an inpatient basis that could be performed on an outpatient basis shall be reimbursed or paid at the outpatient rate. The department shall determine which procedures this subdivision covers.
49.45(3)(f)1.1. Providers of services under this section shall maintain records as required by the department for verification of provider claims for reimbursement. The department may audit such records to verify actual provision of services and the appropriateness and accuracy of claims.
2. The department may deny any provider claim for reimbursement which cannot be verified under
subd. 1. or may recover the value of any payment made to a provider which cannot be so verified. The measure of recovery will be the full value of any claim if it is determined upon audit that actual provision of the service cannot be verified from the provider's records or that the service provided was not included in
s. 49.46 (2). In cases of mathematical inaccuracies in computations or statements of claims, the measure of recovery will be limited to the amount of the error.
2m. The department shall adjust reimbursement claims for hospital services that are provided during a period when the recipient awaits placement in an alternate custodial living arrangement under
par. (e) 7. and that fail to meet criteria the department may establish concerning medical necessity or appropriateness for hospital care. In addition, the department shall deny any provider claim for services that fail to meet criteria the department may establish concerning medical necessity or appropriateness.
3. Contractors under
sub. (2) (b) shall maintain records as required by the department for audit purposes. Contractors shall provide the department access to the records upon request of the department, and the department may audit the records.
(fm) The department shall seek, on behalf of dentists who are providers, federal reimbursement for the cost of any equipment that the department requires dentists to use to verify medical assistance eligibility electronically. If the department is successful in obtaining federal reimbursement of that expense, the department shall reimburse dentists who are providers for the portion of the cost of the equipment that is reimbursed by the federal government.
(g) The secretary may appoint personnel to audit or investigate and report to the department on any matter involving violations or complaints alleging violations of laws, regulations, or rules applicable to Title XIX of the federal social security act or the medical assistance program and to perform such investigations or audits as are required to verify the actual provision of services or items available under the medical assistance program and the appropriateness and accuracy of claims for reimbursement submitted by providers participating in the program. Department employees appointed by the secretary under this paragraph shall be issued and shall possess at all times during which they are performing their investigatory or audit functions under this section identification signed by the secretary which specifically designates the bearer as possessing the authorization to conduct medical assistance investigations or audits. Pursuant to the request of a designated person and upon presentation of that person's authorization, providers and recipients shall accord such person access to any records, books, recipient medical records, documents or other information needed. Authorized employees shall have authority to hold hearings, administer oaths, take testimony and perform all other duties necessary to bring such matter before the department for final adjudication and determination.
49.45(3)(h)1.1. For purposes of any audit, investigation, examination, analysis, review or other function authorized by law with respect to the medical assistance program, the secretary shall have the power to sign and issue subpoenas to any person requiring the production of any pertinent books, records, medical records or other information. Subpoenas so issued shall be served by anyone authorized by the secretary by delivering a copy thereof to the person named therein, or by registered mail or certified mail addressed to such person at his or her last-known residence or principal place of business. A verified return by the person so serving the subpoena setting forth the manner of service, or, in the event service is by registered or certified mail, the return post-office receipt signed by the person so served shall constitute proof of service.
2. In the event of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued under this paragraph and duly served upon any person, any judge in a court of record in the county where the person was served may enforce the subpoena in accordance with
s. 885.12.
3. The failure or refusal of a person to purge himself or herself of contempt found under
s. 885.12 and perform the act as required by law shall constitute grounds for decertification or suspension of that person from participation in the medical assistance program and no payment may be made for services rendered by that person subsequent to decertification or during the period of suspension.
(i) The department may not reimburse a provider for certain elective surgical procedures without a 2nd opinion from another provider. Second opinions are required for selected elective surgical procedures for which 2nd opinions disagree with the original opinions at demonstrably high rates. The department shall notify the providers of the surgical procedures for which a 2nd opinion is required.
(j) Reimbursement for administrative contract costs under this section is limited to the funds available under
s. 20.435 (4) (bm).
(k) If a physician performs a surgical procedure that is within the scope of practice of a podiatrist, as defined in
s. 448.60 (3), the allowable charge for the procedure may not exceed the charge the department determines is reasonable.
2. The department may not pay a provider for a designated health service that is authorized under this section or
s. 49.46 or
49.47, that is provided as the result of a referral made to the provider by a physician and that, under
42 USC 1396b (s), if made on behalf of a beneficiary of medicare under the requirements of
42 USC 1395nn, as amended to August 10, 1993, would result in the denial of payment for the service under
42 USC 1395nn.
3. A provider shall submit to the department information concerning the ownership arrangements of the provider or the entity of which the provider is a part that corresponds to the information required of providers under
42 USC 1395nn (f), as amended to August 10, 1993.
4. Any person who fails to comply with
subd. 3. may be required to forfeit not more than $10,000. Each day of continued failure to comply constitutes a separate offense.
(4) Information restricted. The use or disclosure of any information concerning applicants and recipients of medical assistance not connected with the administration of this section is prohibited.
49.45(5)(a)(a) Any person whose application for medical assistance is denied or is not acted upon promptly or who believes that the payments made in the person's behalf have not been properly determined or that his or her eligibility has not been properly determined may file an appeal with the department pursuant to
par. (b). Review is unavailable if the decision or failure to act arose more than 45 days before submission of the petition for a hearing.
49.45(5)(b)1.1. Upon receipt of a timely petition under
par. (a) the department shall give the applicant or recipient reasonable notice and opportunity for a fair hearing. The department may make such additional investigation as it considers necessary. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant or recipient and to the county clerk or, if a Wisconsin works agency is responsible for making the medical assistance determination, the Wisconsin works agency. The county or the Wisconsin works agency may be represented at such hearing. The department shall render its decision as soon as possible after the hearing and shall send a certified copy of its decision to the applicant or recipient, the county clerk and to the county officer or the Wisconsin works agency charged with administration of the medical assistance program. The decision of the department shall have the same effect as an order of the county officer or the Wisconsin works agency charged with the administration of the medical assistance program. The decision shall be final, but may be revoked or modified as altered conditions may require. The department shall deny a petition for a hearing or shall refuse to grant relief if:
b. The sole issue in the petition concerns an automatic payment adjustment or change that affects an entire class of recipients and is the result of a change in state or federal law.
c. The petitioner abandons the petition. Abandonment occurs if the petitioner fails to appear in person or by representative at a scheduled hearing without good cause, as determined by the department.
2. If a recipient requests a hearing within the timely notice period specified in
42 CFR 431.231 (c), medical assistance coverage shall not be suspended, reduced or discontinued until a decision is rendered after the hearing but medical assistance payments made pending the hearing decision may be recovered by the department if the contested decision or failure to act is upheld. The department shall promptly notify the county department or, if a Wisconsin works agency is responsible for making the medical assistance determination, the Wisconsin works agency of the county in which the recipient resides that the recipient has requested a hearing. Medical assistance coverage shall be suspended, reduced or discontinued if:
a. The recipient is contesting a state or federal law or a change in state or federal law and not the determination of the payment made on the recipient's behalf.
b. The recipient is notified of a change in his or her medical assistance coverage while the hearing decision is pending but the recipient fails to request a hearing on the change.
3. The recipient shall be promptly informed in writing if medical assistance is to be suspended, reduced or terminated pending the hearing decision.
(5m) Supplemental funding for rural hospitals. 49.45(5m)(am)
(am) Notwithstanding
sub. (3) (e), from the appropriations under
s. 20.435 (4) (b) and
(o) the department shall distribute not more than $2,256,000 in each fiscal year, to provide supplemental funds to rural hospitals that, as determined by the department, have high utilization of inpatient services by patients whose care is provided from governmental sources, and to provide supplemental funds to critical access hospitals, except that the department may not distribute funds to a rural hospital or to a critical access hospital to the extent that the distribution would exceed any limitation under
42 USC 1396b (i) (3).
(b) The supplemental funding for rural hospitals under
par. (am) shall be based on the utilization, by recipients of medical assistance, of the total inpatient days of a rural hospital in relation to that utilization in other rural hospitals.
(5r) Supplemental payments for hospitals. From the appropriations under
s. 20.435 (4) (b) and
(o), the department shall distribute not more than $2,451,000, beginning on July 1, 2000, as a supplemental payment to a hospital for which medical assistance revenues were at least 8% of the hospital's total revenues in the most recent fiscal year prior to the year of payment. The department shall calculate a qualifying hospital's supplemental payment amount by multiplying the total amount by the percentage obtained by dividing the hospital's total medical assistance revenues in the most recent prior fiscal year by the total amount of medical assistance revenues for all qualifying hospitals for that period.
(6b) Centers for the developmentally disabled. From the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (2) (gk), the department may reimburse the cost of services provided by the centers for the developmentally disabled. Reimbursement to the centers for the developmentally disabled shall be reduced following each placement made under
s. 46.275 that involves a relocation from a center for the developmentally disabled, by $184 per day, beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000, and by $190 per day, beginning in fiscal year 2000-01.
(6c) Preadmission screening and resident review. 49.45(6c)(a)1.
1. "Active treatment for developmental disability" means a continuous program for an individual who has a developmental disability that includes aggressive, consistent implementation of specialized and generic training, treatment, health services and related services, that is directed toward the individual's acquiring behaviors necessary for him or her to function with as much self-determination and independence as possible and that is directed toward preventing or decelerating regression or loss of the individual's current optimal functional status. "Active treatment for developmental disability" does not include services to maintain generally independent individuals with developmental disability who are able to function with little supervision or in the absence of active treatment for developmental disability.
2. "Active treatment for mental illness" means the implementation of an individualized plan of care for an individual with mental illness that is developed under and supervised by a physician licensed under
ch. 448 and other qualified mental health care providers and that prescribes specific therapies and activities for the treatment of the individual while the individual experiences an acute episode of severe mental illness which necessitates supervision by trained mental health care providers.
4. "Developmental disability" means any of the following:
a. Significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning that is concurrent with an individual's deficits in adaptive behavior and that manifested during the individual's developmental period.
6. "Facility care" means services provided in a facility that are in conformity with
42 USC 1396r and that are payable under
sub. (6m).
Preadmission screening. Except as provided in
par. (e), beginning on August 9, 1989, every individual who applies for admission to a facility or to an institution for mental diseases shall be screened to determine if the individual has developmental disability or mental illness. Beginning on August 9, 1989, the department or an entity to which the department has delegated authority shall screen every individual who has been identified as having a developmental disability or mental illness to determine if the individual needs facility care. If the individual is determined to need facility care, the department or an entity to which the department has delegated authority shall also assess the individual to determine if he or she requires active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness.
Resident review. Except as provided in
par. (e), the department or an entity to which the department has delegated authority shall review every resident of a facility or institution for mental diseases who has a developmental disability or mental illness and who has experienced a significant change in his or her physical or mental condition to determine if any of the following applies:
2. The resident requires active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness.
49.45(6c)(d)1.1. No payment may be made under
sub. (6m) to a facility or to an institution for mental diseases for the care of an individual who is otherwise eligible for medical assistance under
s. 49.46 or
49.47, who has developmental disability or mental illness and for whom under
par. (b) or
(c) it is determined that he or she does not need facility care, unless it is determined that the individual requires active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness and has continuously resided in a facility or institution for mental diseases for at least 30 months prior to the date of the determination. If that individual requires active treatment and has so continuously resided, he or she shall be offered the choice of receiving active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness in the facility or institution for mental diseases or in an alternative setting. A facility resident who has developmental disability or mental illness, for whom under
par. (c) it is determined that he or she does not need facility care and who has not continuously resided in a facility for at least 30 months prior to the date of the determination, may not continue to reside in the facility after December 31, 1993, and shall, if the department so determines, be relocated from the facility after March 31, 1990, and before December 31, 1993. The county department shall be responsible for securing alternative residence on behalf of an individual who is required to be relocated from a facility under this subdivision, and the facility shall cooperate with the county department in the relocation.
2. Payment may be made under
sub. (6m) to a facility or institution for mental diseases for the care of an individual who is otherwise eligible for medical assistance under
s. 49.46 or
49.47 and who has developmental disability or mental illness and is determined under
par. (b) or
(c) to need facility care, regardless of whether it is determined under
par. (b) or
(c) that the individual does or does not require active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness.
49.45(6c)(e)1.1. Payment under
sub. (6m) may be made to a facility and no screening under
par. (b) or review under
par. (c) is required for an individual who is medically diagnosed as having developmental disability or mental illness, and who is not a danger to himself or herself or to others, if, immediately after release from a hospital, the individual enters the facility, as part of a medically prescribed period of recovery, for a period not to exceed 30 days and the admission is approved by the department or an entity to which the department has delegated authority.
2. Payment under
sub. (6m) may be made to a facility or institution for mental diseases for an individual who is 65 years of age or older, is medically diagnosed as having developmental disability or mental illness, is not a danger to himself or herself or to others and is competent to make an independent decision, if, following screening under
par. (b) or review under
par. (c), all of the following apply:
a. It is determined that the individual needs facility care and requires active treatment for developmental disability or active treatment for mental illness.
b. The individual chooses not to participate in active treatment.
Hearing. An individual for whom admission to a facility or institution for mental diseases is denied under
par. (b) or for whom a determination under
par. (c) results in prohibition of payment to a facility or institution for mental diseases under
par. (d) and relocation from the facility to a facility or institution for mental diseases may request a hearing from the department.
Rule making. The department shall promulgate all of the following rules:
1. Establishing criteria and procedures for a determination by the department under
par. (d) that a resident be relocated from a facility after March 31, 1990, and before December 31, 1993.
(6h) Liability for disallowances. If the department or the federal health care financing administration finds a skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility in this state that provides care to medical assistance recipients for which the facility receives reimbursement under
sub. (6m) to be an institution for mental diseases, the facility shall be liable for any retroactive federal medicaid disallowances for services provided after the date of the finding.
(6j) Limitation on certain facility coverage. The department shall determine, under a method devised by the department, the average population during the period from January 1, 1987, to June 30, 1988, of persons in each skilled nursing facility or an intermediate care facility who are mentally ill and are aged 21 to 64, except persons under 22 years of age who were receiving medical assistance services in the facility prior to reaching age 21 and continuously thereafter. Beginning July 1, 1988, the payment under
sub. (6m) for services provided by a facility to persons who are mentally ill and are within the age limitations specified in this subsection may not exceed the payment for the average population of these persons in that facility, as determined by the department.
2. "Cost center" means a group of similar facility expenses.