(a) All of the following information for each petroleum product storage system and home oil tank system from which a discharge has occurred for which remedial action activities are being conducted:
1. The date on which the record of the site investigation was received.
2. The environmental risk factors, as defined by the department of commerce by rule, identified at the site.
3. The year in which the approval under sub. (3) (c) 4. is expected to be issued.
(am) The number of notices received under sub. (3) (a) 3. and the number of approvals given under sub. (3) (c) 4.
(b) The percentage of sites classified as high risk under s. 101.144.
(c) The name of each person providing engineering consulting services to a claimant under this section and the number of claimants to whom the person has provided those services.
(d) The charges for engineering consulting services for sites for which approvals are given under sub. (3) (c) 4. and for other sites.
(e) The charges by service providers other than engineering consultants for services for which reimbursement is provided under this section, including excavating, hauling, laboratory testing and landfill disposal.
(em) Whether disputes have arisen between the departments under sub. (3) (cw) 2. and, if so, how those disputes have been resolved.
(f) Strategies for recording and monitoring complaints of fraud in the program under this section and for the use of employees of the department of commerce who conduct audits to identify questionable claims and investigate complaints.
Cross Reference: See also ss. Comm 46.01 and 47.01, Wis. adm. code.
The proceeds of general obligation bonds may be used to fund awards under this section. 81 Atty. Gen. 114.
101.144 Petroleum storage tank discharges.
(1) In this section:
(a) "Discharge" has the meaning given in s. 292.01 (3).
(ae) "Enforcement standard" has the meaning given in s. 160.01 (2).
(am) "Hazardous substance" has the meaning given in s. 299.01 (6).
(aq) Except as provided under sub. (3g), "high-risk site" means the site of a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum storage tank if at least one of the following applies:
1. Repeated tests show that the discharge has resulted in a concentration of contaminants in a well used to provide water for human consumption that exceeds a preventive action limit, as defined in s. 160.01 (6).
2. Petroleum product that is not in dissolved phase is present with a thickness of 0.01 feet or more, as shown by repeated measurements.
3. An enforcement standard is exceeded in groundwater within 1,000 feet of a well operated by a public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), or within 100 feet of any other well used to provide water for human consumption.
4. An enforcement standard is exceeded in fractured bedrock.
(b) "Petroleum product" has the meaning given in s. 101.143 (1) (f).
(bm) "Petroleum storage tank" means a storage tank that is used to store petroleum products together with any on-site integral piping or dispensing system. "Petroleum storage tank" does not include a pipeline facility.
(c) "Remedial action" means action that is taken in response to a discharge and that is necessary to restore the environment to the extent practicable and to minimize the harmful effects of the discharge to the air, lands and waters of this state.
(d) "Responsible person" means a person who owns or operates a petroleum storage tank, a person who causes a discharge from a petroleum storage tank or a person on whose property a petroleum storage tank is located.
(a) The department shall administer a program under which responsible persons investigate, and take remedial action in response to, those discharges of petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks that are covered under par. (b). The department may issue an order requiring a responsible person to take remedial action in response to a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum storage tank if the discharge is covered under par. (b). In administering this section, the department shall follow rules promulgated by the department of natural resources for the cleanup of discharges of hazardous substances.
(b) The program under this section covers a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum storage tank if all of the following apply:
1. The site of the discharge is classified, as provided under sub. (3m) (a) 3., as medium risk or low risk, based on the threat that the discharge poses to public health, safety and welfare and to the environment.
2. The site of the discharge is not contaminated by a hazardous substance other than the petroleum product, including any additive, that was discharged from the petroleum storage tank.
(3) The department of natural resources may take action under s. 292.11 (7) (a) or may issue an order under s. 292.11 (7) (c) in response to a discharge that is covered under sub. (2) (b) only if one or more of the following apply:
(a) The action or order is necessary in an emergency to prevent or mitigate an imminent hazard to public health, safety or welfare or to the environment.
(b) The department of commerce requests the department of natural resources to take the action or issue the order.
(c) The secretary of natural resources approves the action or order in advance after notice to the secretary of commerce.
(d) The department of natural resources takes action under s. 292.11 (7) (a) after the responsible person fails to comply with an order that was issued under s. 292.11 (7) (c) in compliance with this subsection.
(e) The department of natural resources takes the action under s. 292.11 (7) (a) because the identity of the responsible person is unknown.
(a) If, on December 1, 1999, more than 35% of sites classified under this section, excluding sites that are contaminated by a hazardous substance other than a petroleum product or an additive to a petroleum product, are classified as high-risk sites, the department of commerce and the department of natural resources shall attempt to reach an agreement that specifies standards for determining whether the site of a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum storage tank is classified as high risk. The standards shall be designed to classify no more than 35% of those sites as high-risk sites and may not classify all sites at which an enforcement standard is exceeded as high-risk sites. If the department of commerce and the department of natural resources are unable to reach an agreement, they shall refer the matters on which they are unable to agree to the secretary of administration for resolution. The secretary of administration shall resolve any matters on which the departments disagree in a manner that is consistent with this paragraph. The department of commerce shall promulgate rules incorporating any agreement between the department of commerce and the department of natural resources under this paragraph and any resolution of disagreements between the departments by the secretary of administration under this paragraph.
(b) If, 6 months after rules under par. (a) are in effect, more than 35% of the sites classified under this section, excluding sites that are contaminated by a hazardous substance other than a petroleum product or an additive to a petroleum product, are classified as high-risk sites, the department of commerce shall revise the rules using the procedure for promulgating the rules in par. (a).
(a) The department of commerce and the department of natural resources shall enter into a memorandum of understanding that does all of the following:
1. Establishes the respective functions of the 2 departments in the administration of this section and s. 101.143.
2. Establishes procedures to ensure that remedial actions taken under this section are consistent with actions taken under s. 292.11 (7).
3. Establishes standards for determining whether the site of a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum storage tank is classified as medium risk or low risk and establishes procedures and schedules for classifying sites of discharges of petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks.
(b) The department of commerce and the department of natural resources shall submit a memorandum of understanding under this subsection to the secretary of administration for review. A memorandum of understanding under this subsection does not take effect until it is approved by the secretary of administration.
(4) Any person who violates a rule promulgated or an order issued under this section shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $5,000 for each violation. Each day of continued violation is a separate offense.
History: 1995 a. 27 ss. 3685 and 9116 (5); 1995 a. 227; 1999 a. 9.
Cross Reference: See also ss. Comm 46.01 and 47.01, Wis. adm. code.
101.145 Smoke detectors.
(1)Definitions. As used in this section:
(a) "Residential building" means any public building which is used for sleeping or lodging purposes and includes any apartment house, rooming house, hotel, children's home, community-based residential facility or dormitory but does not include a hospital or nursing home.
(b) "Sleeping area" means the area of the unit in which the bedrooms or sleeping rooms are located. Bedrooms or sleeping rooms separated by another use area such as a kitchen or living room are separate sleeping areas but bedrooms or sleeping rooms separated by a bathroom are not separate sleeping areas.
(c) "Smoke detector" means a device which detects particles or products of combustion other than heat.
(d) "Unit" means a residential building or that part of a residential building which is intended to be used as a home, residence or sleeping place by one person or by 2 or more persons maintaining a common household, to the exclusion of all others.
(2)Approval. A smoke detector required under this section shall be approved by underwriters laboratory.
(3)Installation and maintenance.
(a) The owner of a residential building shall install any smoke detector required under this section according to the directions and specifications of the manufacturer of the smoke detector.
(b) The owner of a residential building shall maintain any such smoke detector that is located in a common area of that residential building.
(c) The occupant of a unit in a residential building shall maintain any smoke detector in that unit, except that if an occupant who is not an owner, or a state, county, city, village or town officer, agent or employee charged under statute or municipal ordinance with powers or duties involving inspection of real or personal property, gives written notice to the owner that a smoke detector in the unit is not functional the owner shall provide, within 5 days after receipt of that notice, any maintenance necessary to make that smoke detector functional.
(4)Requirement. The owner of a residential building the initial construction of which is commenced before, on or after May 23, 1978, shall install and maintain a functional smoke detector in the basement and at the head of any stairway on each floor level of the building and shall install a functional smoke detector either in each sleeping area of each unit or elsewhere in the unit within 6 feet of each sleeping area and not in a kitchen.
(5)Penalty. Whoever violates this section shall forfeit to the state not more than $50 for each day of violation.
(6)Department inspection and orders. The department may inspect all residential buildings, except the interior of private dwellings, as may be necessary to ensure compliance with this section. The department may inspect the interior of private dwellings at the request of the owner or renter as may be necessary to ensure compliance with this section. The department may issue orders as may be necessary to ensure compliance with this section.
History: 1977 c. 388; 1983 a. 189; 1987 a. 376; 1989 a. 109.
101.15 Mines, tunnels, quarries and pits.
(1) If any shaft or workings of a mine, or any tunnel, trench, caisson, quarry, or gravel or sand pit is being operated or used in violation of the safety orders of the department applicable thereto, the owner or operator upon receiving notice of such violation from the department shall immediately cease such operation or use. The operation or use of such shaft or workings of a mine, or of such tunnel, trench, caisson, quarry or gravel or sand pit, shall not be resumed until such safety orders have been complied with.
(a) For the purpose of this section:
1. "Excavation" or "workings" means any or all parts of a mine excavated or being excavated, including shafts, tunnels, drifts, cross cuts, raises, winzes, stopes and all other working places in a mine.
2. "Mineral" means a product recognized by standard authorities as mineral, whether metalliferous or nonmetalliferous.
3. "Shaft" means an opening made for mining minerals, for hoisting and lowering persons or material, or for ventilating underground workings.
(b) No excavation of a shaft may be commenced unless a permit is first issued therefor by the department. Permits for such excavation shall be issued upon fee payment and application filed with the department, if the department is satisfied that the shaft or the excavation and workings will be in compliance with the safety orders adopted by the department and applicable thereto. Application shall be made upon forms prescribed by the department and shall be furnished upon request.
(c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to shafts which will be less than 50 feet in depth wherein persons are not employed, or which are not equipped with power driven hoists used for hoisting persons in and out of the shafts, or which are not covered with a flammable building.
(d) The department may:
1. Employ additional mining inspectors, who shall have had at least 10 years experience in underground mining or be a graduate of a recognized college with a degree of mining engineering.
2. Cause the inspection of all underground mines, quarries, pits, zinc works or other excavations.
(e) The department shall promulgate rules to effect the safety of mines, explosives, quarries and related activities. Such rules shall provide for the establishment of uniform limits on permissible levels of blasting resultants to reasonably assure that blasting resultants do not cause injury, damage or unreasonable annoyance to any person or property outside any controlled blasting site area.
1. The department shall cause the inspections of underground mines and similar establishments at least once every 2 months and shall cause the inspections of surface mines and similar establishments at least once each year. In the making of the inspections the owner and the labor union identified as the bargaining representative of the employees of the mine or establishment shall be permitted to accompany the inspector engaged in the tour of inspection. The department shall cause a report of any inspection so made, to be submitted to representatives of the operator and of the employees.
2. The department may apply to a court of record for the closing of any underground mine, quarry, pit, zinc works or other excavation where the same is being operated in violation of any of its rules or orders, and the owners or operators have failed within a reasonable time to correct any unsafe methods of operation. The failure of any owner or operator to comply with the order or judgment of the court subjects the party or parties to contempt proceedings.
History: 1971 c. 185; 1971 c. 228 s. 44; Stats. 1971 s. 101.15; 1975 c. 94 s. 91 (9); 1977 c. 29; 1979 c. 257; 1983 a. 189; 1985 a. 29; 1993 a. 16.
Cross Reference: See also ss. Comm 7.01, 7.60, and 8.01, Wis. adm. code.
When a deputy inspector determines that there is a violation of safety orders and a condition of extreme and imminent danger to a workman's life exists, he or she may seek the assistance of a local law enforcement officer. The local law enforcement officer has a duty to render assistance unless in the officer's opinion other priority assignments take precedence. 59 Atty. Gen. 12.
101.16 Liquefied petroleum gas.
(1) The term "liquefied petroleum gas" as used in this section, shall mean and include any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of the same: propane, propylene, butanes, normal butane or isobutane and butylenes.
(2) The department shall ascertain, fix and order such reasonable standards, rules or regulations for the design, construction, location, installation, operation, repair and maintenance of equipment for storage, handling, use, and transportation by tank truck or tank trailer, of liquefied petroleum gases for fuel purposes, and for the odorization of said gases used therewith, as shall render such equipment safe. The promulgation, effect and review of standards, rules and regulations adopted under this section shall be controlled by this chapter.
(3) No person, firm or corporation, except the owner thereof and those duly authorized by the owner so to do, shall fill, refill or use in any manner a liquefied petroleum gas container or receptacle for any purpose whatsoever.
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