20.915(1) (1)Purchase. Each state agency, upon written approval of the governor, may purchase necessary aircraft, trucks and automobiles for its general use. All aircraft, trucks and automobiles shall be purchased through the department of administration under ss. 16.70 to 16.82. The department of administration shall ensure that each general fleet passenger automobile at the time of procurement has a fuel economy rating of no less miles per gallon than the fleet average miles per gallon required of automobile manufacturers by the federal government at that time. Law enforcement vehicles and work vehicles for heavy passenger or equipment loads are exempt from the mileage requirement.
20.915(2) (2)Insurance. Every state agency may secure public liability, property damage and fire, theft and windstorm insurance for the protection of state automobiles, trucks and aircraft. Such insurance may provide public liability and property damage coverage for state traffic patrol officers and conservation division employees when, in the performance of their official duties, it is necessary to move other vehicles. The cost of such insurance by such state agencies shall be audited and paid in the same manner as other expenses.
20.915(5) (5)Definition. In this section, "automobile" has the meaning given under s. 340.01 (4).
20.915 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1979 c. 34, 221, 355; 1981 c. 20; 1983 a. 27.
20.916 20.916 Traveling expenses.
20.916(1)(1)Employees to be reimbursed. State officers and employees shall be reimbursed for actual, reasonable and necessary traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties in accordance with sub. (9). The officers and employees of any state agency shall, when for reasons of economy or efficiency they are stationed at any other place than an official location of such state agency, receive their actual and necessary traveling and other expenses when called to such official location for temporary service.
20.916(1m) (1m)Reimbursement of volunteers. Except where reimbursement is required by law, an individual who volunteers his or her services to a state agency may, at the discretion of the appointing authority of the state agency receiving the services, be reimbursed by the state agency for actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of the services. Reimbursement shall not exceed the maximum amounts established for state officers and employees under sub. (8).
20.916(2) (2)Reimbursement of job applicants. Subject to rules of the secretary of the department of employment relations, reimbursement may be made to applicants for all or part of actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in connection with oral examination and employment interviews.
20.916(3) (3)Furnishing of group transportation to place of work. The department of health and family services, the department of corrections, and the department of natural resources may, with the approval of the governor and the department of administration, provide group transportation, in the absence of convenient and public scheduled transportation, for employees to and from the Mendota and Winnebago mental health institutes and the centers for the developmentally disabled in the case of employees of the department of health and family services, to the Ethan Allen School, the Taycheedah Correctional Institution, and the Fox Lake Correctional Institution in the case of employees of the department of corrections, and to and from its temporary branch offices located at the Nevin Fish Hatchery grounds in the case of employees of the department of natural resources. Any employee, if injured while being so transported, shall be considered to have been in the course of his or her employment.
20.916(4) (4)Use of private automobiles.
20.916(4)(a)(a) If any state agency determines that the duties of any employee require the use of an automobile, it may authorize such employee to use a personal automobile in the employee's work for the state, and reimburse the employee for such at a rate which is set biennially by the department of employment relations under sub. (8) subject to the approval of the joint committee on employment relations.
20.916(4)(b) (b) Upon recommendation of the head of the state agency and approval by the secretary of administration, an additional reimbursement at the rate of one cent per mile may be paid to any employee for the use of the employee's personal automobile when used as an emergency vehicle or under conditions which may cause excessive wear or depreciation including pulling trailers or which require the installation of special equipment.
20.916(4)(c) (c) For travel between points convenient to be reached by railroad, bus or commercial airplane without unreasonable loss of time, the allowance for the use of a personal automobile shall not exceed the lowest cost of the most practical means of public transportation between such points. The department of administration shall give due consideration to the circumstances on each case when determining the most practical means of public transportation. The cost of meals and lodging paid by the state and the cost of the use of a state-owned automobile not chargeable to an employee may not exceed the cost which would have been incurred had the most practical form of public transportation been used, at the most appropriate time, if a practical form of public transportation is available.
20.916(4)(d) (d) All allowances for the use of a personal automobile shall be paid upon the certification of the amounts payable by the head of the state agency to the department of administration.
20.916(4)(e) (e) When an assigned or pool state-owned automobile is available and tendered to an employee, and the employee exercises the option to utilize the employee's personal automobile on state business, the mileage allowance shall be at a rate equal to the approximate cost per mile of operation of state automobiles, including depreciation, as determined by the secretary of administration.
20.916(4m) (4m)Use of private motorcycles.
20.916(4m)(a) (a) In this subsection, "motorcycle" has the meaning given under s. 340.01 (32).
20.916(4m)(b) (b) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, if any state agency determines that an employee's duties require the use of a motor vehicle, and use of a personal motor vehicle is authorized by the agency under similar circumstances, the agency shall authorize the employee to use a personal motorcycle for the employee's duties and shall reimburse the employee for the use of the motorcycle at rates determined biennially by the secretary of employment relations under sub. (8), subject to the approval of the joint committee on employment relations. No state agency may authorize an employee to use or reimburse an employee for the use of a personal motorcycle under this paragraph if more than one individual is transported on the motorcycle. All allowances for the use of a motorcycle shall be paid upon approval and certification of the amounts payable by the head of the state agency for which the employee performs duties to the department of administration.
20.916(5) (5)Use of private airplanes.
20.916(5)(a)(a) Whenever any state agency determines that the duties of any member or employee require the use of an airplane, it may authorize him or her to charter such airplane with or without a pilot; and it may authorize any member or employee to use his or her personal airplane and reimburse him or her for such use at a rate set biennially by the department of employment relations under sub. (8), subject to the approval of the joint committee on employment relations. Such reimbursement shall be made upon the certification of the amount by the head of the state agency to the department of administration.
20.916(5)(b) (b) The head of the state agency whose members or employees are authorized to use their own airplanes in their work for the state shall file with the department of administration a list of all persons so authorized and the airplanes so to be used with a statement of the passenger capacity of each such airplane.
20.916(6) (6)Payment for unauthorized travel prohibited. The payment of travel expenses not authorized by statute is prohibited. Any unauthorized payment made shall be recoverable as for debt from the person to whom made.
20.916(7) (7)Personal use of state vehicles and aircraft. With the approval of the secretary of administration, a state officer or employee may use a state-owned motor vehicle or state-owned aircraft for personal use. An officer or employee shall reimburse the state for personal use of a state-owned motor vehicle at the same reimbursement rate provided an employee by the state for the use of his or her personal automobile on state business as approved in the schedule under sub. (8). An officer or employee shall reimburse the state for personal use of a state-owned aircraft at a rate determined by the secretary of administration which covers all costs associated with the operation of the aircraft.
20.916(8) (8)Uniform travel schedule amounts; allowances.
20.916(8)(a)(a) The secretary of employment relations shall recommend to the joint committee on employment relations uniform travel schedule amounts for travel by state officers and employees whose compensation is established under s. 20.923 or 230.12. Such amounts shall include maximum permitted amounts for meal and lodging costs, special allowance expenses under sub. (9) (d), and porterage tips, except as authorized under s. 16.53 (12) (c). In lieu of the maximum permitted amounts for expenses under sub. (9) (b), (c), and (d), the secretary may recommend to the committee a per diem amount and method of reimbursement for any or all expenses under sub. (9) (b), (c), and (d).
20.916(8)(b) (b) The approval process for the uniform travel schedule amounts under this subsection shall be the same as that provided under s. 230.12 (3) (b). The approved amounts for the uniform travel schedule shall be incorporated into the compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
20.916(9) (9)Reimbursement for travel expenses.
20.916(9)(a)(a) Definitions. In this subsection, unless the context otherwise requires:
20.916(9)(a)1. 1. "Employee" means any officer or employee of the state and any legislator or board member entitled to actual, reasonable and necessary expenses.
20.916(9)(a)2. 2. "Headquarters city", "headquarters village" and "headquarters town" include the area within the city, village or town limits, if any, where an employee's permanent work site is located and the area within a radius of 15 miles from the employee's permanent work site.
20.916(9)(a)3. 3. "Reasonable" means not extreme or excessive.
20.916(9)(b) (b) Lodging. All reimbursement claims for lodging must be accompanied by a receipt.
20.916(9)(c) (c) Meals. Subject to the limitation prescribed in s. 16.53 (12) (c), employees shall be reimbursed for all reasonable amounts expended for their own meals incurred in the performance of their official duties. Receipts for meals are not required except for any unusual amount, which must be accompanied by a receipt and full explanation of the reasonableness of such expense.
20.916(9)(d) (d) Special allowance expenses. Employees shall be reimbursed for the following expenses when traveling on state business:
20.916(9)(d)1. 1. For reasonable laundry, cleaning or pressing service, if away from home more than 3 days. Charges shall be limited to one cleaning, one pressing and one laundry charge per calendar week.
20.916(9)(d)2. 2. For tips for meals and taxis, at the maximum rate of 15% of the meal charge or taxi fare.
20.916(9)(d)3. 3. For a reasonable number of travel-related, personal telephone calls.
20.916(9)(e) (e) Expenses in an employee's headquarters city, village or town. Employees who are headquartered in a city, village or town in which the expense occurs shall be reimbursed for their actual, reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of official duties only on the approval of the head of the employee's agency. This does not apply to travel between an employee's residence and the city, village or town in which the employee is headquartered, which shall not be reimbursable.
20.916(9)(f) (f) Transportation. Employees shall be reimbursed for their actual transportation expenses when traveling in the performance of their official duties, subject to the following limitations:
20.916(9)(f)1. 1. `Scheduled air travel.' Reimbursement for air travel shall be limited to the lowest appropriate airfare, as determined by the secretary of employment relations. An employee may be reimbursed for air travel at a rate other than the lowest appropriate airfare only if the employee submits a written explanation of the reasonableness of the expense.
20.916(9)(f)2. 2. `Train.' Travel by train shall be limited to coach unless overnight, where accommodations should be limited to roomette.
20.916(9)(f)3. 3. `Reimbursement.' All claims for reimbursement of transportation expense, except for taxicabs and airport limousines, must be accompanied by a receipt.
20.916 Annotation The department of administration may not impose a requirement of demonstrating automobile liability insurance coverage and possession of a valid operator's license upon state employees as a condition for entitlement to reimbursement for travel expense. 59 Atty. Gen. 47.
20.916 Annotation The university cannot accept trust funds that are for an unlawful purpose, and the expenditure of trust funds must comply with special and general laws. 62 Atty. Gen. 4.
20.917 20.917 Moving expenses; temporary lodging allowance.
20.917(1)(a)(a) Whenever an employee currently employed in a position in the civil service, other than on a limited term basis, is ordered to relocate or is promoted to a different position in the civil service and the new place of employment requires in the judgment of the new appointing authority at the new place of employment, or in the judgment of the appointing authority in an intra-agency relocation or promotion, a change in location of residence, the appointing authority shall authorize the employee to be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expense of transporting the employee and the immediate members of the employee's family to the new place of residence and for the transportation of the employee's household effects to the new place of residence.
20.917(1)(b) (b) Reimbursement under this section for an employee who relocates as a result of transfer or demotion made at the employee's request is at the discretion of the new appointing authority, or in an intra-agency transfer or demotion at the employee's request, at the discretion of the appointing authority of the state agency by which the employee is employed.
20.917(1)(c) (c) Reimbursement for moving expenses may be granted to a person reporting to his or her first place of employment or reporting upon reemployment after leaving the civil service, if reimbursement is recommended by the appointing authority and approved in writing by the secretary of employment relations prior to the time when the move is made.
20.917(1)(d) (d) Reimbursement may not be granted if the distance between the old and new residences of the employee is less than a minimum distance established for reimbursement of moving expenses in the compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
20.917(1)(e) (e) In addition to other costs payable under this subsection, an employee who is eligible for reimbursement under par. (a) shall be paid a stipend of $600 for preparation of household effects incident to moving and other moving expenses not otherwise reimbursable under this section. An employee who is eligible for reimbursement under par. (b) may, at the discretion of the appointing authority, be paid a stipend of not more than $600 for preparation of household effects incident to moving and other moving expenses not otherwise reimbursable under this section. An appointee who receives reimbursement under par. (c) may, at the discretion of the appointing authority, be paid a stipend of not more than $600 for preparation of household effects incident to moving and other moving expenses not otherwise reimbursable under this section.
20.917(2) (2)
20.917(2)(a)(a) The secretary of employment relations shall recommend a maximum dollar amount which may be permitted for reimbursement of any employee moving costs under sub. (1) (a) to (c), subject to the limitations prescribed in par. (b). This amount shall be submitted for the approval of the joint committee on employment relations in the manner provided in s. 20.916 (8), and upon approval shall become a part of the compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
20.917(2)(b) (b) The amount of reimbursement for moving household effects interstate may not exceed the maximum amount as set forth in the rate tables of the major household goods tariff publishing bureaus, as determined by the department of administration. The amount of reimbursement for moving household effects intrastate may not exceed the maximum amount established by the department of administration for the weight of goods moved and the distance involved. In any instance, the amount of reimbursement for moving household effects may not exceed the amount required to move household effects with a weight of 15,000 pounds at the maximum rates for transporting household effects established by the department of administration. The amount of reimbursement for transporting the employee and his or her immediate family to the new place of residence may not exceed the cost of automobile travel at the rate determined under s. 20.916 (4).
20.917(2)(c) (c) No more than 2 reimbursements under sub. (1) may be granted to any employee in a calendar year. Each reimbursement shall be approved and paid in the same manner as provided for the payment of travel expenses under s. 20.916.
20.917(2m) (2m) An individual who is living outside the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia and who incurs travel and transportation expenses for the purpose of reporting to his or her first place of employment or reporting upon reemployment after leaving the civil service to a location within the contiguous 48 states or District of Columbia may be reimbursed for actual, necessary and reasonable expenses incurred, if the reimbursement is recommended and approved in the manner prescribed in sub. (1) (c). In no case may the reimbursement exceed the maximum reimbursement rate for an individual who incurs such expenses upon appointment to a position in the federal government, as prescribed by applicable federal regulation. The reimbursement payable under this subsection is in lieu of the reimbursement otherwise payable under subs. (1) and (2).
20.917(3) (3)
20.917(3)(a)(a) An appointing authority may recommend payment of a temporary lodging allowance for not to exceed 45 days to an employee or person reporting to employment in the civil service, other than on a limited term basis, if the employee or person is eligible for moving expense reimbursement under sub. (1), whether or not that reimbursement is granted, and must establish a temporary residence at his or her headquarters city, village or town, subject to the following:
20.917(3)(a)1. 1. Lodging allowances shall be in accordance with the schedule established by the secretary of employment relations, but may not exceed the rate established under s. 13.123 (1) (a) 1.
20.917(3)(a)2. 2. Lodging allowance payments are subject to prior approval in writing by the secretary of employment relations.
20.917(3)(a)3. 3. Claims for lodging allowance payments shall be approved and paid in the same manner as travel expenses.
20.917(3)(b) (b) This subsection applies to employees in all positions in the civil service, including those employees in positions included in collective bargaining units under subch. V of ch. 111, whether or not the employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
20.917(5) (5)
20.917(5)(a)(a) To encourage affirmative action, as defined in s. 230.03 (2), at the correctional facilities under s. 302.01, the department of corrections may, from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (1) (a), reimburse an employee for any of the following expenses incurred during the first 30 days of employment or the first 30 days following successful completion of a preservice training program:
20.917(5)(a)1. 1. All or a portion of one month's rent, if the employee does not receive a temporary lodging allowance;
20.917(5)(a)2. 2. All or a portion of a rental security deposit, not to exceed one month's rent; and
20.917(5)(a)3. 3. The cost of transportation between the employee's home and headquarters city, village or town, not to exceed the cost of 4 round trips.
20.917(5)(b) (b) Payments under this subsection are in addition to any payments made under sub. (1). Payments under this subsection may be made only with the prior written approval of the secretary of employment relations.
20.917(6) (6) The secretary of employment relations may, in writing, delegate to an appointing authority the authority to approve reimbursement for moving expenses under sub. (1) (c), a temporary lodging allowance under sub. (3) (a) 2. or expenses under sub. (5) (b).
20.918 20.918 Damaged personal articles. A state agency may reimburse its employees for the cost of repairing articles of clothing, watches or eye glasses damaged in the line of duty, if the damage is not caused by employee carelessness or normal wear and tear resulting from the type of work performed by an employee. If the clothing, watch or eye glasses are damaged beyond repair, a state agency may pay an employee an amount not exceeding the actual value of the clothing, watch or eye glasses as determined by the employee's appointing authority. Payments under this section are subject to the approval of the appointing authority and shall not exceed the amount specified in the compensation plan under s. 230.12. Payments shall not be approved for damage to an item if the actual value or repair cost is less than an amount set forth in the compensation plan under s. 230.12.
20.918 History History: 1989 a. 119.
20.919 20.919 Notary public. Each state agency may expend from its proper appropriation a sum sufficient to pay all fees and expenses necessarily incurred in qualifying an employee as a notary public, and securing a notarial seal or rubber stamp, but such notary shall receive no fees for notarial services rendered to the state.
20.920 20.920 Contingent funds.
20.920(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
20.920(1)(a) (a) "Agency head" means the constitutional officer, secretary, commissioner, executive or administrative officer or body serving as appointing authority for staff of a state agency.
20.920(1)(b) (b) "Contingent fund" means an amount of money set aside for a state agency to use in making small payments.
20.920(1)(c) (c) "Secretary" means the secretary of administration.
20.920(2) (2)Establishment.
20.920(2)(a)(a) With the approval of the secretary and state treasurer, each state agency may establish a contingent fund. The secretary shall determine the funding source for each contingent fund, total amount of the fund and maximum payment from the fund.
20.920(2)(b) (b) No part of a contingent fund may be utilized to pay the salary or wages of an employee of a state agency.
20.920(2)(c) (c) All moneys in a contingent fund, except petty cash accounts established under s. 16.52 (7), shall be deposited in a separate account in a public depository approved by the depository selection board. The agency head of each state agency having a contingent fund is responsible for all disbursements from the fund, but the agency head may delegate the responsibility for administration of the fund to a custodian, who shall be an employee of the agency. State agency invoices which qualify for payment from a contingent fund may be paid by check, share draft or other draft drawn by the agency head or custodian against the account. No such invoice need be submitted for audit prior to disbursement. After making each disbursement, the agency head shall file with the secretary a claim for reimbursement of the contingent fund on a voucher which shall be accompanied by a copy of the invoice to be reimbursed. Upon audit and approval of the claim by the secretary, the department of administration shall reimburse the contingent fund with the total amount lawfully paid therefrom.
20.920 History History: 1985 a. 29.
20.921 20.921 Deductions from salaries.
20.921(1) (1)Optional deductions.
20.921(1)(a)(a) Any state officer or employee or any employee of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority may request in writing through the state agency in which the officer or employee is employed or through the authority that a specified part of the officer's or employee's salary be deducted and paid by the state or by the authority to a payee designated in such request for any of the following purposes:
20.921(1)(a)1. 1. The purchase of U.S. savings bonds.
20.921(1)(a)2. 2. Payment of dues to employee organizations.
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