21.025(11m)(a)(a) Officers and enlistees of the "Wisconsin State Defense Force" who have served honorably therein for a period of at least one year and are active members of their respective units at the time of its demobilization shall, upon application to the unit commander, be permitted to retain the items of uniform prescribed by the governor by rule.
21.025(11m)(b) (b) The uniform prescribed under par. (a) may be worn only on occasions of ceremony. "Occasions of ceremony" means occasions essentially of a military character at which the uniform is more appropriate than civilian clothing, such as memorial services, military weddings, military funerals, military balls, military parades, and meetings or functions of associations formed for military purposes, the membership of which is composed largely or entirely of honorably discharged veterans of the services.
21.025(11n) (11n)Labor disputes. The state defense force shall not be used to interfere with the orderly process of a labor dispute.
21.025(13) (13)Short title. This section may be cited as the "State Defense Force Act".
21.025 History History: 1975 c. 94 ss. 6, 91 (1); 1983 a. 27; 1987 a. 63 ss. 3, 13; 1991 a. 316.
21.03 21.03 Distribution of arms. The governor may receive and distribute, according to law, the quota of arms and military equipment which the state may receive from the government of the United States under the provisions of any acts of congress providing for arming and equipping the national guard and the state defense force.
21.03 History History: 1987 a. 63 s. 13.
21.03 Annotation Federal law prevents the state from regulating personnel criteria of the national guard. Hazelton v. Personnel Commission, 178 Wis. 2d 776, 505 N.W.2d 793 (Ct. App. 1993).
21.04 21.04 Camp Williams.
21.04(1)(1) The state camp grounds near Camp Douglas, Juneau County, shall be known as "Camp Williams". The officer in charge of Camp Williams shall have at said camp the police powers possessed by officials at state hospitals, as provided in s. 46.058 (2).
21.04(2) (2) The adjutant general may grant to the federal government the right to use any area of Camp Williams upon such conditions as the adjutant general deems advisable.
21.04(3) (3) In memory of 1st lieutenant Jerome A. Volk, the first Wisconsin air national guard pilot killed in combat during the Korean conflict, so much of Camp Williams as is under lease to the federal government for use of the air national guard shall be known as "Volk Field" during the time the property remains under lease to the government of the United States.
21.04 History History: 1979 c. 221 s. 2202 (37); 1991 a. 316.
21.05 21.05 Term of enlistment; requirements. Every person who enlists or receives a commission in the national guard shall serve for the term prescribed and satisfy the physical, educational and training requirements prescribed by the national guard bureau.
21.06 21.06 Exemptions from certain county duties. Every member of the state military forces shall be exempt from service on any body of county residents summoned by the sheriff to assist in preserving the peace.
21.06 History History: 1977 c. 318; 1979 c. 110.
21.07 21.07 Decorations and awards. The adjutant general may prescribe decorations and awards for the Wisconsin national guard and the state defense force, the form and issue thereof made under rules adopted by the adjutant general and approved by the governor.
21.07 History History: 1975 c. 189; 1981 c. 207; 1983 a. 27; 1987 a. 63 s. 13.
21.09 21.09 Training; special schools; pay and allowances. The governor may order the national guard to assemble for training at any military establishment within or without the state specified and approved by the department of defense and fix the dates and places thereof, and the governor may order members of the national guard, at their option, to attend such special schools for military training as may be authorized by the state or federal government. For such training and attendance at special schools, members of the national guard shall receive such pay and allowances as the federal government or the governor may authorize.
21.09 History History: 1991 a. 316.
21.11 21.11 Call to active service.
21.11(1) (1) In case of war, insurrection, rebellion, riot, invasion or resistance to the execution of the laws of this state or of the United States; in the event of public disaster resulting from flood, conflagration or tornado; in order to assess damage or potential damage and to recommend responsive action as a result of natural or man-made events; or upon application of any marshal of the United States, the president of any village, the mayor of any city, the chairperson of any town board, or any sheriff in this state, the governor may order into active service all or any portion of the national guard. If the governor is absent, or cannot be immediately communicated with, any such civil officer may, if the officer deems the occasion so urgent, make such application, which shall be in writing, to the commanding officers of any company, battalion or regiment, who may upon approval of the adjutant general, if the danger is great and imminent, order out that officer's command to the aid of such civil officer. Such order shall be delivered to the commanding officer, who shall immediately communicate the order to each, and every subordinate officer, and every company commander receiving the same shall immediately communicate the substance thereof to each member of the company, or if any such member cannot be found, a notice in writing containing the substance of such order shall be left at the last and usual place of residence of such member with some person of suitable age and discretion, to whom its contents shall be explained.
21.11(2) (2) Any commissioned officer or enlisted member of the national guard who fails to carry out orders or fails to appear at the time or place ordered as provided in sub. (1) shall be punished under the Wisconsin code of military justice. Any person who advises or endeavors to persuade an officer or soldier to refuse or neglect to appear at such place or obey such order shall forfeit not less than $200 nor more than $1,000.
21.11(3) (3) The adjutant general may activate members of the national guard for the purpose of serving on an honors detail of a military honors funeral for a deceased veteran under s. 45.19.
21.11 History History: 1979 c. 221; 1991 a. 316; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 62, 136.
21.12 21.12 Exemption from civil authority. During the time the state military forces are performing military duty pursuant to proper orders issued by the governor or by the governor's authority, all members thereof while going to, remaining at or returning from a place of duty shall be exempt from arrest or service of any process issued by a civilian court. In any civil or criminal prosecution against any member arising out of the member's performing military duty, it shall be a defense that the member was acting in good faith or pursuant to any lawful military order. Any such order shall be deemed prima facie lawful.
21.12 History History: 1991 a. 316.
21.12 Annotation Since this state has never granted a national guard member immunity from suit by another member for injuries negligently caused in the performance of military duty, the 1969 amendment of this section did not change the law. Mazurek v. Skaar, 60 Wis. 2d 420, 210 N.W.2d 691 (1973).
21.13 21.13 Defense of members of guard; payment of judgments.
21.13(1)(1) If any member of the national guard or the state defense force is prosecuted by any civil or criminal action for any act performed by the member while in the performance of military duty and in pursuance of military duty, the action against the member shall be defended by counsel, which may include the attorney general, appointed for that purpose by the governor upon the recommendation of the adjutant general. The adjutant general shall make the recommendation if the act performed by the member was in the line of duty. The costs and expenses of any such defense shall be audited by the department of administration and paid out of the state treasury and charged to the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (b) and if the jury or court finds that the member of the national guard against whom the action is brought acted within the scope of his or her employment as a member, the judgment as to damages entered against the member shall also be paid by the state.
21.13(2) (2) Any civil action or proceeding brought against a member of the national guard or the state defense force under sub. (1) is subject to ss. 893.82 and 895.46.
21.13 Annotation A national guard member on active duty, but operating his own car for his own purposes while on a pass, was not acting in the performance of a military duty. Wuorinen v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. 56 Wis. 2d 44, 201 N.W.2d 521 (1972).
21.13 Annotation This section controls over s. 102.03 (4), and the state must pay a judgment based on negligence occurring in the good faith performance of duty. Mazurek v. Skaar, 60 Wis. 2d 420, 210 N.W.2d 691 (1973).
21.15 21.15 Penalty for retention of military property. No person may retain at any time any arms, equipment or military stores of any kind belonging to the state or any federally owned property issued to the state, unless the property has been issued to the person pursuant to law and the proper authority permits the person to retain the property in the discharge of a public duty. No person may use any public arms, equipment, clothing or military stores belonging to the state, either as owner or bailee, for the person's private use. Any person violating this section shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200.
21.15 History History: 1979 c. 221.
21.155 21.155 Nondelivery of arms; resisting officer. No person who possesses under the laws of this state any arms, equipment or other military property may willfully neglect or refuse, after lawful demand is made for the return of the property by order of the governor, to return the property promptly. No person may knowingly resist any officer who is lawfully taking possession of such arms, equipment or other military property. Any person violating this section shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200.
21.155 History History: 1979 c. 221.
21.16 21.16 Penalty for unauthorized wearing of uniforms.
21.16(1)(1) No person may wear the uniform of the Wisconsin national guard or of the U.S. army, air force, navy or marine corps, or a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, except a person who is regularly enrolled in the U.S. army, air force, navy or marine corps, a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, the national guard of one of the states or one of the student cadet companies armed and recognized by the national or a state government, a person retired from active service or a reserve component or a person who is an inmate of any veterans' or soldiers' home. Any person violating this subsection shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $100. The district attorney of the county in which any such offense is committed shall bring an action in the name of the state against the offender.
21.16(2) (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting persons of the theatrical profession from wearing such uniform in any playhouse or theater while actually engaged in following said profession.
21.16(3) (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the members of any uniform rank of civic societies from the wearing of such uniforms.
21.16(4) (4) Whenever the national guard, or any part thereof, is called into active service on account of war, insurrection, rebellion, riot, invasion, resistance to the execution of the laws of this state, or of the United States, or on account of public disaster, no civic organization or member thereof shall parade or appear in uniform in the locality where said national guard is in service.
21.16 History History: 1979 c. 221; 1983 a. 27.
21.17 21.17 Encroachment on military areas and interference with military personnel.
21.17(1) (1) The officer in charge of any area used or to be used for military purposes may cause the area to be marked in such a manner so as to warn against encroachment by unauthorized persons, but not to unnecessarily obstruct travel on any public highway. No person may encroach or enter upon the area without the consent of the officer.
21.17(2) (2) No person may intercept, molest, abuse or otherwise interfere with any member of the national guard or any other military force organized under the laws of this state while the member is in the performance of military duty.
21.17(3) (3) Any person who violates sub. (1) or (2) shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200. The officer in charge or a designee may arrest and detain the person for such reasonable time as may be necessary to deliver the person to civil authorities.
21.17 History History: 1975 c. 94 s. 91 (1); 1975 c. 189, 199, 422; 1979 c. 221.
21.18 21.18 Military staff of governor.
21.18(1) (1) The military staff of the governor shall consist of the adjutant general, with a minimum rank of brigadier general; a deputy adjutant general for army, who may be a general officer; an assistant adjutant general, army, for readiness and training, who may be a general officer; a deputy assistant adjutant general, army, for readiness and training; a deputy adjutant general for air, who may be a general officer; a chief surgeon for army, who may be a general officer; a chief surgeon for air, who may be a general officer; a staff judge advocate for army, who may be a general officer; a staff judge advocate for air, who may be a general officer; a state chaplain, who may be a general officer; and such other officers as the governor deems necessary. Vacancies in positions other than those of the adjutant general shall be filled through appointment by the adjutant general.
21.18(2) (2) No person shall be appointed on the governor's staff who has not had previous military experience.
21.18(3) (3) All staff officers appointed under sub. (1), except the adjutant general whose tenure is governed by ss. 15.31 and 17.07 (5), shall hold their positions unless terminated earlier by resignation, disability or for cause and unless federal recognition of the officer's commission under 32 USC 323 is refused or withdrawn. The governor shall remove an officer whose federal recognition is refused or withdrawn, effective on the date of the loss of federal recognition. The terms of the deputy adjutants general for army and air shall be 5 years beginning on the first day of the 7th month of the term of the adjutant general. The deputy adjutants general may be reappointed to successive terms. Vacancies on the military staff of the governor shall be filled by appointment from officers actively serving in the Wisconsin national guard. Interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the adjutant general for the residue of the unexpired term.
21.18 History History: 1981 c. 35; 1983 a. 391; 1987 a. 63.
21.19 21.19 Adjutant general; powers and duties.
21.19(1) (1) The adjutant general shall be chief of staff to the governor. The adjutant general shall have the custody of all property, military records, correspondence and other documents relating to the national guard and any other military forces organized under the laws of this state. The adjutant general may appoint an assistant quartermaster general to issue and account for state property. The adjutant general shall be the medium of military correspondence with the governor and perform all other duties pertaining to the office or prescribed by law, including the preparation and submission to the governor of reports under s. 15.04 (1) (d).
21.19(1m) (1m) The adjutant general shall administer, with the approval of the governor, state-federal cooperative funding agreements.
21.19(2) (2) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state may rent to appropriate organizations or individuals state-owned lands, buildings and facilities used by, acquired for, or erected for the Wisconsin national guard when not required for use by the Wisconsin national guard. Such rental shall not be effective unless in writing and approved by the governor and the adjutant general or a designee in writing.
21.19(3) (3)
21.19(3)(a)(a) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state, upon appraisal by the state chief engineer submitted to the governor in writing, may sell and convey upon such terms as the department of military affairs may determine, with the approval of the governor in writing, any state-owned property acquired or erected for state military purposes, which property is no longer useful to the national guard.
21.19(3)(b) (b) Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (14) (c), the department, under the authority and procedures established in par. (a), may sell and convey the Wisconsin national guard armory located at 1225 E. Henry Clay Street, Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee County. The proceeds of a sale shall be used first to pay off all bonds, all or a part of which were used to construct or purchase the property. Any moneys remaining from the sale shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the appropriation under s. 20.465 (1) (g).
21.19(4) (4) The adjutant general shall be the auditor of military accounts, and all accounts or claims payable from the treasury of the state for military purposes shall be regularly audited by the adjutant general before payment. The adjutant general shall cause to be prepared and issued all necessary books and forms required by the adjutant general's office for the national guard. All of the books and forms shall be made to conform as nearly as practicable to those in use in the United States army.
21.19(5) (5) In the absence or incapacity of the adjutant general the senior ranking deputy adjutant general for army or air shall have all the powers and duties of the adjutant general.
21.19(6) (6) The adjutant general as quartermaster general shall also be chief of all logistical services.
21.19(7) (7)
21.19(7)(a)(a) The adjutant general as quartermaster general shall:
21.19(7)(a)1. 1. Have charge of all the military property of the state and shall carefully preserve, repair and account for the property.
21.19(7)(a)2. 2. Keep in such manner as the governor directs, and subject to the governor's inspection, an account of all moneys received and expended.
21.19(7)(a)3. 3. Perform the customary duties of the office, and of the office of chief of all logistical services, and have the custody of all records, returns and papers pertaining to those offices.
21.19(7)(b) (b) The transportation of all troops, arms, accoutrements, stores and other property and the preparation for encampments shall be contracted for by the adjutant general under direction of the governor.
21.19(8) (8) The adjutant general or a designee shall issue all necessary supplies to members and units of the national guard and may contract for the purchase and transportation of such supplies, subject to s. 16.71 (1).
21.19(9) (9) When any military property belonging to the state as owner or bailee is wrongfully held by another person, the adjutant general may bring an action in the name of the state to recover possession of the same or the money value thereof.
21.19(10) (10) The adjutant general may, upon receipt of meritorious requests for state service flags for public use and within the limits of the appropriation made under s. 20.465 (1) (e), furnish such flags without charge to the persons or organizations requesting them.
21.19(11) (11) The adjutant general shall provide such medical supplies and services as are necessary to the national guard during periods of state active duty not otherwise provided under this chapter and ch. 102, to be charged to the appropriation under s. 20.465 (1) (c).
21.19(12) (12) The adjutant general shall provide from the appropriation under s. 20.465 (1) (c) a United States flag to the next of kin of each deceased member of the national guard who dies as a result of state service under s. 21.11.
21.20 21.20 Civil service status. All full-time state-paid employees of the department of military affairs shall be under the classified service, except the adjutant general, the executive assistant to the adjutant general, the deputy adjutants general for army and air and the administrator of the division of emergency management.
21.21 21.21 Printing report of convention of officers. Upon the request of the adjutant general and upon the order of the department of administration the state printer shall print and deliver to the adjutant general not to exceed 1,000 copies of the report of the annual convention of the officers of the national guard which the adjutant general shall distribute; but such report shall not exceed 150 pages.
21.21 History History: 1991 a. 316.
21.25 21.25 Badger Challenge program.
21.25(1) (1) The department of military affairs may administer the Badger Challenge program for disadvantaged youth. If the department administers the Badger Challenge program under this subsection, it shall recruit 25% of each class from families who are eligible to receive temporary assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 et seq. If the department of military affairs administers the Badger Challenge program under this subsection, it shall promulgate rules for administering the Badger Challenge program.
21.25(2) (2) The department of military affairs may assess and collect a reasonable fee from persons participating in the Badger Challenge program. Fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.465 (4) (g).
21.25 History History: 1997 a. 237; 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 16.
21.26 21.26 Youth Challenge program.
21.26(1) (1) The department of military affairs shall administer the Youth Challenge program for disadvantaged youth under 32 USC 509.
21.26(2) (2) Annually, the department of military affairs shall do all of the following:
21.26(2)(a) (a) Calculate 40% of the average cost per pupil attending the Youth Challenge program and report this information to the department of public instruction.
21.26(2)(b) (b) Notwithstanding s. 118.125, report to each school district in which a pupil attending the program is enrolled the pupil's name and the name and address of the pupil's custodial parent or guardian.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?