29.421 29.421 Removal of rough fish. The department may take rough fish by means of seines, nets or other devices, or cause rough fish to be taken, from any of the waters of this state, other than waters in a self-contained fish rearing facility or in a preexisting fish rearing facility that is an artificial body of water. Whenever the department takes rough fish under this section it shall dispose of the fish in any manner that it determines to be appropriate.
29.421 History History: 1971 c. 266; 1977 c. 418; 1997 a. 27, 237; 1997 a. 248 ss. 676, 677; Stats. 1997 s. 29.421; 1999 a. 32.
29.421 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. NR 20.38, Wis. adm. code.
29.424 29.424 Control of detrimental fish.
29.424(1) (1) When the department finds that any species of fish is detrimental to any of the waters of the state it may designate the species of fish and specify the waters in which the species of fish is found to be detrimental. The department may remove or cause to be removed detrimental fish of the species designated from the waters specified.
29.424(2) (2)Subsection (1) does not authorize the department to remove fish from a self-contained fish rearing facility or from a preexisting fish rearing facility that is an artificial body of water unless one or more of the following apply:
29.424(2)(a) (a) The fish are of a species that is not native to this state and the department determines that having the fish in that particular self-contained fish rearing facility or preexisting fish rearing facility poses a risk of being detrimental to the waters of the state.
29.424(2)(b) (b) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection has requested that the department of natural resources remove the fish to address a problem affecting fish health.
29.424 History History: 1975 c. 360; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 678 to 680; Stats. 1997 s. 29.424.
29.424 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. NR 20.38, Wis. adm. code.
subch. VI of ch. 29 SUBCHAPTER VI
Subch. VI of ch. 29 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. NR 19.01, Wis. adm. code.
29.501 29.501 Fur dealers regulated.
29.501(1) (1) In this section:
29.501(1)(a) (a) "Dressed fur" means the dressed or tanned skins of any fur-bearing animal, but does not include fur in the manufactured article.
29.501(1)(b) (b) "Fur auctioneer" means a person duly licensed to sell furs of wild-fur-bearing animals of this or other states or foreign countries.
29.501(1)(c) (c) "Fur dresser or dyer" means a person engaged in the business of dressing, dyeing, tanning and otherwise preparing furs to be made into manufactured articles.
29.501(1)(d) (d) "Itinerant fur buyers" means persons other than resident fur dealers who engage in the business of buying, bartering, trading or otherwise obtaining raw furs from trappers or from fur buyers or fur dealers in retail lots for purposes of resale, except those buying furs at a nationally advertised public auction conducted by a regularly licensed fur auctioneer.
29.501(1)(e) (e) "Raw fur" means the undressed skins or pelts of any fur-bearing animal.
29.501(1)(f) (f) "Resident fur dealer, Class A" means persons having an established post or place of business in the state where they carry on the business of buying, bartering, trading and otherwise obtaining raw or dressed furs, to the amount of $2,000 or more each year.
29.501(1)(g) (g) "Resident fur dealer, Class B" means persons having an established post or place of business in the state where they carry on the business of buying, bartering, trading and otherwise obtaining raw or dressed furs, to the amount of less than $2,000 each year.
29.501(2) (2) No person may engage in the business of buying, bartering, bargaining, trading or otherwise obtaining raw furs until he or she has a license issued under this section.
29.501(3) (3) Licenses shall be issued, subject to s. 29.024 (2g) and (2r), by the department upon application. The form of application and license shall be prescribed by the department.
29.501(5) (5) Persons who have not had a place of business in the state for at least one year immediately preceding the date of application for such license, shall be issued itinerant fur buyers' licenses only.
29.501(6) (6) Each resident fur dealer, Class A; resident fur dealer, Class B; fur dresser or dyer; itinerant fur dealer or fur auctioneer license shall bear upon its face the date of issuance. The license shall be shown to the department upon request.
29.501(6m) (6m)
29.501(6m)(a)(a) Every person licensed under this section shall keep records of all transactions in the buying, selling, dressing, dyeing or tanning of raw furs by the person. This record shall show the name and address of each person from whom furs were purchased and to whom sold, together with the date of receipt and shipment, and a detailed account as to the number and kinds of raw furs in each shipment received or sold. This record shall be open to the inspection of the department at all reasonable hours. The records shall be kept intact for a period of 2 years after the expiration of any license issued under this section, as to all transactions carried on while the license was effective.
29.501(6m)(b) (b) Not less than 10 days before conducting a fur auction, the fur auctioneer shall file with the department evidence of national advertising showing the date and place of the auction.
29.501(6m)(c) (c) Within 10 days after conducting any fur auction, the fur auctioneer shall file with the department on forms furnished by it a report of the auction containing the date and place of the auction, the names and addresses of all persons buying furs taken from wild fur-bearing animals, the quantities and kinds of furs bought, and the amounts paid for the furs by each buyer.
29.501(7) (7) All packages of raw furs shipped or transported by any person shall have plainly marked on the outside of the package or shipment the kinds and number of furs in the package or shipment, the license number, and the name of the consignor and the consignee.
29.501(8) (8) No person on the person's own behalf or as an agent for any person may receive for shipment or cause to be received for shipment out of or in the state, any package of fur or furs unless the contents are plainly marked on the outside of the package as to the number and kinds of fur contained in the package, the license number, and the address of the consignor and consignee.
29.501(9) (9) Nothing in this section prohibits any person from buying raw or dressed furs for the purpose of making garments for himself or herself or a member of his or her family, but the person shall apply to the department for a permit to buy the furs.
29.501(9m) (9m) This section applies to the raw furs and dressed furs of fur-bearing animals that are subject to regulation under ch. 169.
29.501(10) (10) Any person who violates this section shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 9 months, or both. Any person violating sub. (6m) shall forfeit not more than $100.
29.501 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1983 a. 27; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 191, 237; 1997 a. 248 ss. 288 to 290; Stats. 1997 s. 29.501; 1999 a. 32; 2001 a. 56.
29.503 29.503 Wholesale fish dealer license.
29.503(1) (1)Definitions. In this section, unless the content otherwise requires:
29.503(1)(a) (a) "Canned fish" means fish and seafood products prepared for human consumption commercially, sterilized by heat and preserved in hermetically sealed containers.
29.503(1)(b) (b) "Fish" means any processed or unprocessed fish of those species which are found in the waters of the state as defined in s. 281.01 (18), including parts of fish or fish products. "Fish" does not include minnows produced and sold or purchased as bait.
29.503(1)(c) (c) "Producer of fish" means any person who fishes with or without a crew.
29.503(1)(d) (d) "Seafood" means food sold fresh or frozen and commonly known as oysters, shrimp, lobsters, lobster tails, crabs, scallops, clams and other types of shell fish which are or can be lawfully taken for commercial purposes, but not any canned fish or fish known as lutefisk.
29.503(1)(e) (e) "Wholesale fish dealer" means any person who buys, barters, sells or solicits fish in any manner for himself or herself or any other person for sale to anyone other than a consumer; but no established retail store or locker plant is a "wholesale fish dealer" solely as the result of the sale of fish to a restaurant, hotel or tavern at no reduction in the retail price charged other retail customers. A producer of fish, except as otherwise hereinafter provided, who sells fish directly to retailers is a wholesale fish dealer. Hotels, meat markets, grocery stores, restaurants and taverns are retailers, except when they sell fish for resale, in which case they are wholesale fish dealers.
29.503(2) (2)License required; exemption.
29.503(2)(a)(a) No person may engage in business as a wholesale fish dealer unless he or she is issued a wholesale fish dealer license by the department.
29.503(2)(b) (b) No producer of fish who holds a commercial fishing license or contract under this chapter shall be required to obtain a license to sell the fish that he or she produces.
29.503(3) (3)Lake sturgeon. A wholesale fish dealer license does not authorize a person to sell, buy, barter, trade, possess, control or transport lake sturgeon.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (3) is shown as amended eff. 3-10-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Prior to 3-10-03 it reads:
Effective date text (3) Rock and lake sturgeon. A wholesale fish dealer license does not authorize a person to sell, buy, barter, trade, possess, control or transport rock or lake sturgeon.
29.503(4) (4)Tagging and labeling requirements.
29.503(4)(a)(a) Tag, label or receipt required. No wholesale fish dealer may sell, buy, barter, trade, possess, control or transport any fish unless the fish are tagged and labeled in accordance with the law of the state or country where they were taken or, if no label or tag is required under the law of that state or country, unless the fish are accompanied by a receipt from the person from whom the fish were purchased or obtained.
29.503(4)(b) (b) Special tagging requirements for lake trout. No wholesale fish dealer or producer of fish may sell, buy, barter, trade, possess, control or transport any lake trout unless the lake trout is tagged with a valid, current commercial fish tag issued or authorized by the department or by a governmental agency of another state or country. If a licensed wholesale fish dealer gives the department at least 12 hours' notice of the date, time and location of arrival at the state line of lawfully possessed, untagged lake trout which are intended for importation into this state by the licensed wholesale fish dealer, the department or its representatives shall meet the shipment of lake trout and attach a "foreign lake trout tag" to each fish or seal the shipment with a department seal which may not be removed prior to delivery to the licensed wholesale fish dealer. The department or its representative shall tag the lake trout in a timely and orderly manner, and so as not to create any damage or spoilage to the fish. The tag shall be attached through the gills and mouth of whole lake trout, or in a manner which results in 2 complete fillets joined by the tag. For tagging of other forms of lake trout, the department shall promulgate rules to determine the manner in which the tag shall be attached to or accompany the trout, and the conditions, if any, under which the tag may be separated from the trout.
29.503(4)(c) (c) Failure to tag or label. Fish which are not tagged, labeled or accompanied by a receipt showing the fish were taken in another state or country as required under par. (a) or (b) are presumed to have been taken from the waters of this state.
29.503(4)(d) (d) Package labeling requirements. No wholesale fish dealer or producer of fish may transport or cause to be transported, or deliver or receive for transportation, any package or box containing any fish unless it is labeled legibly in a manner which discloses the name, address and license number of the consignor which shall be identical to that on the license; the name and address of the consignee; and each kind of fish contained in the package or box. If the shipment of fish is accompanied by an invoice containing the name, address and license number of the consignor, which shall be identical to that on the license; the name, address and license number, if any, of the consignee; the date of shipment from the consignor; the kinds of fish, the pounds of each kind and the description of the fish being shipped; and the signature of the person completing the invoice, the kinds of fish contained may be omitted from the package or box labels. Producers shall only be required to label or provide invoices for packages or boxes of fish being transported by vehicle or boat for purposes of sale. This paragraph does not apply to a producer of fish on the Mississippi River.
29.503(5) (5)Records and reports.
29.503(5)(a)(a) Records. Each wholesale fish dealer shall keep records of all fish purchased or obtained in his or her capacity as a wholesale fish dealer, in the manner required and on forms provided by the department. The record shall include the name, address and fish dealer license number of the purchaser; the name, address and wholesale fish dealer or commercial fishing license number of the person from whom the fish were purchased or obtained; the date of the transaction; the kinds of fish, the pounds of each kind and the description of the fish purchased or obtained; and the signature of the person completing the record.
29.503(5)(b) (b) Reports. On or before the 10th day of each month, each wholesale fish dealer shall submit the records for the preceding month to the department. If the records are mailed to the department, the date of the postmark constitutes the date of submission.
29.503(6) (6)Inspections.
29.503(6)(a)(a) Subjects of inspection. Fish stored or in the possession of a wholesale fish dealer, records and reports of a wholesale fish dealer and buildings, structures, vehicles, boats, equipment and materials related to a wholesale fish dealer's business are subject to inspection by the department as provided in this subsection.
29.503(6)(b) (b) Inspection authority; entry; inspection. For the purpose of enforcing this subsection, a warden or a representative of the department, upon presentation of his or her credentials to a wholesale fish dealer, a person operating a vehicle or boat for a wholesale fish dealer or an employee or person acting on behalf of a wholesale fish dealer, is authorized during any time when business is being conducted on the premises:
29.503(6)(b)1. 1. To enter any building or structure, except a dwelling place, where fish are stored, processed, packed or held, where a wholesale fish dealer's records or reports are kept, where vehicles, boats, equipment or materials used in a wholesale fish dealer's business are located or where activities related to a wholesale fish dealer's business are conducted and to enter any vehicle or boat used to transport or hold fish.
29.503(6)(b)2. 2. To inspect fish stored or in the possession of a wholesale fish dealer, records or reports of a wholesale fish dealer and buildings, structures, vehicles, boats, equipment and materials related to a wholesale fish dealer's business.
29.503(6)(c) (c) Failure to permit inspection. No wholesale fish dealer, operator of a vehicle or boat for a wholesale fish dealer or employee or person acting on behalf of a wholesale fish dealer may prohibit entry or prohibit an inspection to be conducted as authorized under this subsection unless a court restrains or enjoins the entry or inspection.
29.503(7) (7)Exemption. This section does not apply to fish produced in a state or municipal fish hatchery or to farm-raised fish.
29.503 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1979 c. 142; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 29; 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 227; 1997 a. 27, 191, 237; 1997 a. 248 ss. 291 to 296, 556; Stats. 1997 s. 29.503; 2001 a. 109.
29.503 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ss. NR 19.001 and NR 25.17, Wis. adm. code.
29.506 29.506 Taxidermists.
29.506(1)(1)Definition. In this section, "taxidermist" means a person who mounts or preserves the carcass of any wild animal for consideration.
29.506(2) (2)Permit requirements. No person may engage in business as a taxidermist unless he or she is issued a taxidermist permit subject to s. 29.024 by the department. This subsection does not apply to agents or employees of taxidermists while working under the direct supervision of a taxidermist permit holder.
29.506(3) (3)Permits. The department may not issue a taxidermist permit to any person unless that person has a seller's permit issued by the department of revenue and the number of the seller's permit is reported on the application form.
29.506(4) (4)Authorization. Subject to this section, a taxidermist permit authorizes the permit holder to possess and transport carcasses of wild animals in connection with his or her business. This authority supersedes, to the extent permitted under this section, restrictions on the possession and transportation of carcasses of wild animals established under this chapter and ch. 169. A taxidermist permit entitles the permit holder to the same privileges as a Class A fur dealer's license.
29.506(5) (5)Prohibition on commingling carcasses; carcass identification.
29.506(5)(a)(a) Commingling. No person may commingle, store, possess or transport carcasses of wild animals received in connection with his or her business with carcasses of wild animals received for any other purpose. This paragraph does not require separate refrigeration units for carcasses of wild animals received in connection with a person's business, if properly identified and recorded under par. (b), and carcasses of wild animals received for any other purpose.
29.506(5)(b) (b) Carcass identification; owner information. A person who receives the carcass of any wild animal in connection with his or her business as a taxidermist shall attach an identification tag to the carcass and record information concerning the owner of the carcass. The identification tag shall remain with the carcass while it is in the possession or under the control of the taxidermist. Each identification tag shall have an identification number which corresponds with the information record of the owner of the carcass. The information record of the owner shall include the owner's name, address and signature, a description of the carcass and the date the carcass is received by the taxidermist. This paragraph does not apply to salvage or spare parts of any carcass owned by a taxidermist that are used for repair or replacement purposes.
29.506(6) (6)Records. A taxidermist shall maintain records on sales forms, in triplicate, as required by the department. These records shall include information records of the owner as required under sub. (5) (b), records of all other wild animal carcasses received in his or her place of business and records of deliveries and shipments of wild animal carcasses. Records related to the effective period of a taxidermist permit shall be maintained for 2 years following the end of that effective period. This subsection does not apply to salvage or spare parts of any carcass owned by a taxidermist that are used for repair or replacement purposes.
29.506(7) (7)Inspections.
29.506(7)(a)(a) Departmental authority; limitations. A warden may enter a taxidermist's place of business for inspection purposes as provided under par. (b) only:
29.506(7)(a)1. 1. Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
29.506(7)(a)2. 2. On weekdays, excluding legal holidays.
29.506(7)(a)3. 3. Upon presentation of his or her credentials to the taxidermist or an employee or agent of the taxidermist.
29.506(7)(b) (b) Items subject to inspection. All records required under subs. (5) (b) and (6) or related to the taxidermist's business are subject to departmental inspection as provided under par. (a). A taxidermist or an employee or agent of the taxidermist shall cooperate with and exhibit items subject to inspection to a warden or any other agent of the department.
29.506(7)(c) (c) Report. If requested, the department shall issue a report concerning any inspection conducted under this subsection.
29.506(7m) (7m)Taxidermy school permit.
29.506(7m)(a)(a) The department shall issue a taxidermy school permit to a person who applies for the permit; who, on August 15, 1991, holds a valid taxidermist permit issued under this section; and who, on August 15, 1991, operates a taxidermy school approved by the educational approval board under s. 45.54.
29.506(7m)(b) (b) A taxidermy school permit authorizes the holder of the permit to purchase muskellunge, bass, bluegill, sunfish, crappie, rock bass or northern pike, or the carcass of these fish, from persons who caught the fish and to resell the fish only to students enrolled in a taxidermy course at the taxidermy school operated by the purchaser. For purposes of this paragraph, a taxidermy course may not include a correspondence course in taxidermy.
29.506(7m)(c) (c) A taxidermy school permit issued under this subsection shall limit the number of each species of fish that the operator of the taxidermy school may possess on any given date to the number that the taxidermy school needs for its course of instruction for a period of 2 years beginning on that date.
29.506(7m)(d) (d) For the species of fish specified in par. (b), a holder of a taxidermy school permit issued under this subsection shall comply with the tagging requirements under sub. (5) (b) and the recording requirements under sub. (6) and shall allow inspections as authorized under sub. (7).
29.506(8) (8)Penalties. Any person who violates this section is subject to the following penalties:
29.506(8)(a) (a) For a first conviction for any violation, a forfeiture of not more than $25.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?