(5r) Fees to the department. The department may require that the band remit all of the fees collected under
sub. (3) (a) to the department. If the department so requires, all of these fees shall be deposited in the conservation fund and credited to the appropriation account under
s. 20.370 (9) (hs).
(6) Applicability. This section does not apply unless the department and the band have in effect a written agreement under which the band agrees to comply with
subs. (2) to
(4) and that contains all of the following terms:
(a) The manner in which the band will limit its treaty-based right to fish outside the reservation.
(b) A requirement that the fees collected by the band under
sub. (3) (a) be used only for fishery management within the reservation.
29.229 History
History: 1997 a. 27,
1997 a. 248 s.
308; Stats. 1997 s. 29.229;
1999 a. 9,
2001 a. 107.
Department approvals issued on the Lac du Flambeau reservation. 29.2295(1)(a)
(a) "Band" means the Lac du Flambeau band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
(b) "Reservation" means the territory within the boundaries of the Lac du Flambeau reservation that were in existence on April 10, 1996.
(2) Authorization. The band may elect to issue one or more of the following types of approvals, subject to
s. 29.024, as an agent of the department:
29.2295(3)(a)(a) The band shall collect the fee for an approval issued under
sub. (2) in the same amount as is collected by the department for the approval, including the issuing fee. Except as provided in
par. (b), the band shall retain the entire fee that it collects, including the issuing fee.
(b) For a resident or nonresident sports license, the band shall retain only the amount that is equal to the fee for an annual fishing license plus the issuing fee and shall remit the balance to the department.
(c) For a resident or nonresident sports license, in addition to the fees collected under
par. (a), the band shall collect the wildlife damage surcharge and remit it to the department.
(d) The band may issue approvals under this section only to applicants who appear in person on the reservation.
(4) Revenues from issuance of department approvals on the reservation by others. 29.2295(4)(a)(a) Annually, the department may pay to the band an amount for the issuance of the approvals specified in
sub. (2) (a) to
(L) within the reservation.
(b) If the department decides that it will make the payment under
par. (a), it shall calculate the total amount of the payment to equal the sum of the following:
1. The amount in fees received by the department from the issuance of the approvals specified in
sub. (2) (a) to
(j) during the preceding year by issuing agents other than the band at locations within the reservation.
2. An amount calculated by multiplying the number of resident and nonresident sports licenses issued during the preceding year by issuing agents other than the band at locations within the reservation by the amount of the fee for an annual fishing license, including the portion of the issuing fee for an annual fishing license that the department receives.
2. If the amount appropriated under
s. 20.370 (9) (hk) is insufficient to make all of the payments under this subsection, the department shall make the remaining payments from the appropriation under
s. 20.370 (9) (ht).
(5) Applicability. This section does not apply unless the department and the band have in effect a written agreement under which the band agrees to comply with
subs. (2) and
(3) and that contains all of the following terms:
(a) The manner in which the band will limit its treaty-based right to fish outside the reservation.
(b) A requirement that the fees collected and retained by the band under
sub. (3) be used only for fishery management within the reservation.
29.2295 History
History: 1997 a. 27;
1997 a. 248 s.
309; Stats. 1997 s. 29.2295;
1999 a. 9.
Sports licenses. 29.231(1)(1) A resident sports license shall be issued subject to
s. 29.024 by the department to any resident who applies for this license , and a nonresident sports license shall be issued subject to
s. 29.024 by the department to any person who is not a resident and who applies for the license.
(2) A resident sports license confers upon the licensee all of the combined privileges conferred by a resident small game hunting license, resident fishing license and resident deer hunting license subject to all of the duties, conditions, limitations and restrictions of those licenses.
(3) A nonresident sports license confers upon the licensee all of the combined privileges conferred by a nonresident small game hunting license, nonresident fishing license and nonresident deer hunting license subject to all of the duties, conditions, limitations and restrictions of those licenses.
(4) The department shall issue to each person who is issued a sports license a deer tag and back tag.
Conservation patron license. 29.235(1)
Issuance. A resident conservation patron license shall be issued subject to
s. 29.024 by the department to any resident 14 years old or older who applies for the license. A nonresident conservation patron license shall be issued subject to
s. 29.024 by the department to any person 14 years old or older who is not a resident and who applies for the license.
(2) Authorization; resident hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges. A resident conservation patron license confers upon the licensee all the combined privileges conferred by a resident small game hunting license, resident deer hunting license, resident wild turkey hunting license, resident archer hunting license, waterfowl hunting stamp, pheasant hunting stamp, a wild turkey hunting stamp, resident annual fishing license, an inland waters trout stamp, a Great Lakes trout and salmon stamp, and trapping license.
(2m) Authorization; nonresident hunting and fishing privileges. A nonresident conservation patron license confers upon the licensee all the combined privileges conferred by a nonresident small game hunting license, nonresident deer hunting license, nonresident wild turkey hunting license, nonresident archer hunting license, waterfowl hunting stamp, pheasant hunting stamp, a wild turkey hunting stamp, nonresident annual fishing license, an inland waters trout stamp, and a Great Lakes trout and salmon stamp.
(3) Authorization; admission to state parks and related areas. A person may operate a motor vehicle, except a motor bus, as defined in
s. 340.01 (31), subject to the admission requirements under
s. 27.01 (7), in any vehicle admission area under
s. 27.01 (7) without having an admission receipt affixed to the vehicle or otherwise displayed and without paying a fee if the vehicle has as an occupant a holder of a resident or nonresident conservation patron license who can present the license upon demand in the vehicle admission area. The conservation patron license permits the license holder to enter Heritage Hill state park or a state trail without paying an admission fee.
(4) Deer tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each person who is issued a conservation patron license a deer tag and back tag.
(5) Subscription. At the time the department issues a conservation patron license, it shall provide the licensee with an annual subscription to the Wisconsin natural resources magazine without any additional fee or charge.
(6) Admission receipt. At the same time the department issues a conservation patron license, it may issue an annual resident or nonresident vehicle admission receipt or a special receipt for admission to state parks and similar areas. The department may issue an annual resident or nonresident vehicle admission receipt or a special receipt for admission to state parks and similar areas to a person who has a conservation patron license on location at the state park or similar area. A person who is issued a receipt under this subsection shall affix the receipt by its own adhesive to the interior surface of the lower left-hand corner of the windshield of the vehicle or otherwise display it as authorized under a rule promulgated under
s. 27.01 (7) (e) 2. A receipt issued under this section is not considered part of a conservation patron license for the purpose of issuing a duplicate. No duplicate receipt may be issued for a receipt that is affixed by its own adhesive to a windshield unless the license holder provides evidence that the vehicle upon which the sticker receipt is affixed is no longer usable or that the vehicle was transferred to another person and the license holder presents the original receipt or remnants of it to the department.
Section 29.024 (7) applies to the issuance of a duplicate receipt that is displayed as authorized under the rule promulgated under
s. 27.01 (7) (e) 2.
Sturgeon spearing license. 29.237(1)(a)
(a) "Lake Winnebago and upper Fox and Wolf rivers system" means Buttes des Morts Lake, Winneconne Lake, Poygan Lake, Winnebago Lake, and all of the following:
1. Each stream that flows into any of these lakes, from the mouth of the stream upstream to the first dam on the stream.
2. The Fox River from the point that it flows into Lake Winnebago upstream to the dam above the city of Princeton.
3. Each tributary of the Fox River from the point that it flows into the Fox River upstream to the first dam on the tributary.
4. The Wolf River from its mouth upstream to the dam in the city of Shawano.
5. Each tributary of the Wolf River from the point that it flows into the Wolf River to the first dam on the tributary.
(b) "Validated" means marked with specified information in the manner required by the department.
(1m) Subject to
s. 29.024 and any limit imposed under
s. 29.192 (3), a sturgeon spearing license shall be issued by the department to any person applying for this license who is at least 14 years old.
(2) The sturgeon spearing license shall be accompanied by sturgeon carcass tags in the quantity to correspond with the season bag limit for spearing lake sturgeon established by the department. The serial numbers of these tags shall be entered on the license by the person issuing the license or by the department.
(3) A sturgeon spearing license authorizes the spearing of lake sturgeon subject to any limit imposed under
s. 29.192 (3) and only during the open season for spearing these sturgeon established by the department. No person may fish for sturgeon by means of a spear unless the person is issued a sturgeon spearing license. The sturgeon spearing license shall be carried on the person of the licensee at all times while fishing for sturgeon by means of a spear.
(4) Any person having taken a lake sturgeon by means of a spear shall immediately attach a current, validated sturgeon carcass tag issued to that person to the tail of the sturgeon. No person may possess, control, store or transport a lake sturgeon carcass unless it is tagged as required under this section.
(5) The department shall deposit receipts from the sale of sturgeon spearing licenses under this subsection into the conservation fund and shall credit these receipts to the appropriation account under
s. 20.370 (4) (kw).
29.237 Cross-reference
Cross Reference: See also ss.
NR 20.07 and
20.11, Wis. adm. code.
Trapping license. 29.241(1)(1)
Issuance. A trapping license shall be issued subject to
s. 29.024 by the department to any resident applying for this license.
(3) Authorization. A trapping license authorizes the use of traps for trapping fur-bearing animals.
(4) Individual licenses required. If a trapper employs any person in trapping, a license is required for each person employed.
29.241 History
History: 1997 a. 248 ss.
General restrictions on hunting. 29.301(1)(a)(a) In this subsection, "school" means a public or private elementary or secondary school, including a charter school, or a technical college.
(b) No person may hunt within 1,700 feet of any hospital, sanatorium or the grounds of any school. The department may designate the form for or furnish signs designating the restricted area. No person may be convicted of a violation of this paragraph unless the restricted area is designated by the signs.
(2) Color of clothing. In the areas in which there is a season for the hunting of deer with firearms, no person may hunt any game except waterfowl during that season unless at least 50% of each article of the person's outer clothing above the waist, including a cap, hat or other head covering, is of a highly visible color commonly referred to as hunter orange, blaze orange, fluorescent orange, flame orange or fluorescent blaze orange. Any person violating this subsection shall forfeit not more than $10.
(3) Back tag, display. No person may hunt deer unless the back tag issued to the person with the license authorizing deer hunting is attached to the center of the person's coat, shirt, jacket or similar outermost garment where it can clearly be seen.
29.301 History
History: 1975 c. 360,
1979 c. 39;
1997 a. 151;
1997 a. 248 s.
412; Stats. 1997 s. 29.301;
1999 a. 32.
Restrictions on hunting and use of firearms by persons under 16 years of age. 29.304(1)(a)(a)
Prohibition on hunting. No person under 12 years of age may hunt with a firearm or bow and arrow.
Restrictions on possession or control of a firearm. No person under 12 years of age may have in his or her possession or control any firearm unless he or she is enrolled in the course of instruction under the hunter education program and he or she is carrying the firearm in a case and unloaded to or from that class under the supervision of a parent or guardian or is handling or operating the firearm during that class under the supervision of an instructor.
Restrictions on obtaining hunting approval. Except as provided under
par. (d), no person under 12 years of age may obtain any approval authorizing hunting.