560.43(1)(b) (b) Cooperate with center staff and respond promptly to requests for assistance in expediting and requests for information on the permit process under s. 560.42.
560.43(1)(c) (c) Include material provided by the center under s. 560.42 (4) in any public informational material on permits that it provides.
560.43(1)(d) (d) Maintain responsibility for interpreting the requirements of and granting or denying its permits.
560.43(1)(e) (e) In reviewing a submitted application for a permit, notify the applicant of all reasons the application is incomplete or incorrectly submitted at the first time the agency returns the application to the applicant.
560.43(1)(f) (f) Periodically review and, if appropriate, revise its administrative rules and its permit applications to simplify and expedite the processing of permit applications.
560.43(1)(g) (g) Provide to the center written notification of a change to a permit, along with a copy of the new or revised permit, before the effective date of the change.
560.43(2) (2)Preapplication meetings. Each regulatory agency shall provide an opportunity for a preapplication meeting with its staff to any person interested in applying for a permit upon request by the person or the center, and shall comply with the following requirements:
560.43(2)(a) (a) The regulatory agency shall conduct preapplication meetings in an informal manner.
560.43(2)(b) (b) In any preapplication meeting, the regulatory agency shall identify all permits required by the regulating agency for a business activity, describe the steps and identify the time period for each step in the permit process and identify potential problems in the process.
560.43(2)(d) (d) The regulatory agency shall invite participation by center staff in preapplication meetings when appropriate.
560.43(2)(e) (e) The regulatory agency shall publicize the availability of preapplication meetings to persons contacting them about permits.
560.43 History History: 1983 a. 91; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
560.44 560.44 Responsibilities related to brownfields redevelopment projects.
560.44(1)(1)Ombudsman. The center shall act as an ombudsman for brownfields redevelopment projects. As ombudsman, the center shall do all of the following:
560.44(1)(a) (a) Promote brownfields redevelopment projects and related educational efforts.
560.44(1)(b) (b) Coordinate interagency activities and responsibilities related to brownfields redevelopment projects.
560.44(1)(c) (c) Coordinate, with the department of workforce development, training programs or activities for unemployed persons who reside in the vicinity of a brownfields redevelopment project.
560.44(2) (2)Administration of brownfields programs. The center shall assist in administering the grant program under s. 560.13 and in administering grants and loans under s. 560.138 that are made for brownfields remediation projects.
560.44 History History: 1997 a. 27; 2001 a. 16.
subch. IV of ch. 560 SUBCHAPTER IV
Subch. IV of ch. 560 Note NOTE: 1987 Wisconsin Act 320, which created subchapter IV, contains a prefatory note explaining the Act.
560.51 560.51 Definitions. As used in this subchapter:
560.51(1) (1) "Agency" has the meaning given in s. 13.62 (2).
560.51(2) (2) "Entrepreneurial assistance program" means a program that directly or indirectly assists an entrepreneur who is starting a business which has significant growth potential, as evidenced by the potential ability to attract and receive venture capital financing, by doing any of the following:
560.51(2)(a) (a) Educating the entrepreneur about starting a business.
560.51(2)(b) (b) Evaluating the business' proposed product or service.
560.51(2)(c) (c) Preparing a business plan acceptable to investors.
560.51(2)(d) (d) Assembling a team of managers.
560.51(2)(e) (e) Securing initial and subsequent financing.
560.51(2)(f) (f) Providing ongoing managerial assistance and monitoring compliance with the business plan after the start-up of the business.
560.51(3) (3) "Intermediary" means either a person who provides continuing assistance or services to an entrepreneur who is starting a business with significant growth potential, as evidenced by the potential ability to attract and receive venture capital financing, or a consultant who works with such an entrepreneur on a specific task, such as market evaluation, manufacturing techniques or product design.
560.51(4) (4) "Intermediary assistance program" means a program that directly or indirectly trains or assists an intermediary in developing or using skills necessary to serve an entrepreneur.
560.51(5) (5) "Metropolitan area" means an urban area and surrounding territory in this state that includes at least one city or village with a population of 25,000 or more.
560.51(6) (6) "Network" means an organized arrangement for exchanging materials, information and services among entrepreneurs, intermediaries, institutional venture capital investors, other venture capital investors and persons who assist entrepreneurs, intermediaries or venture capital investors.
560.51 History History: 1987 a. 320.
560.52 560.52 Existing entrepreneurial assistance programs.
560.52(1)(1)Inventory. The department shall prepare and periodically revise an inventory of existing entrepreneurial assistance programs offered in this state. In preparing the inventory, the department may do any of the following:
560.52(1)(a) (a) Develop and apply criteria to identify effective entrepreneurial assistance programs and to group the entrepreneurial assistance programs by function.
560.52(1)(b) (b) Rely upon part or all of similar inventories prepared by other individuals or organizations.
560.52(1)(c) (c) Enter into contracts for the preparation of part or all of the inventory.
560.52(2) (2)Dissemination. The department shall disseminate the information in the inventory prepared under sub. (1) by issuing pamphlets and bulletins under s. 560.09 (4) and by maintaining a toll free telephone line during normal business hours to receive requests for information relating to the inventory.
560.52 History History: 1987 a. 320.
560.53 560.53 Intermediary assistance programs.
560.53(1)(1)Regional and statewide programs. The department shall arrange intermediary assistance programs, for regional or statewide meetings of industry, trade and professional organizations, that introduce members of the organizations to the procedures by which venture capital is invested in new businesses and the opportunities for the members to become intermediaries.
560.53(2) (2)Metropolitan programs.
560.53(2)(a)(a) In one or more metropolitan areas, the department shall identify individuals and organizations that assist intermediaries, are interested in assisting intermediaries or are interested in becoming intermediaries or developing a local network.
560.53(2)(b) (b) The department shall assist the individuals and organizations identified under par. (a) in developing, to the extent feasible, self-sustaining intermediary assistance programs. An intermediary assistance program may do any of the following:
560.53(2)(b)1. 1. Provide an inventory of existing intermediaries in the metropolitan area.
560.53(2)(b)2. 2. Develop a network in the metropolitan area.
560.53(2)(b)3. 3. Develop a network between the metropolitan area and other metropolitan areas.
560.53(2)(b)4. 4. Train intermediaries on subjects identified as necessary by the intermediaries participating in the intermediary assistance programs, including the preparation of business plans and the applicability of relevant securities regulations.
560.53(2)(b)5. 5. Establish mechanisms to refer entrepreneurs to appropriate intermediaries in the metropolitan area or in other metropolitan areas.
560.53(2)(b)6. 6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the intermediary assistance program, including the collection of data necessary to conduct the evaluation.
560.53 History History: 1987 a. 320.
560.54 560.54 State agency coordination. The department shall coordinate entrepreneurial assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs offered by agencies by doing any of the following:
560.54(1) (1) Identifying the needs of entrepreneurs and intermediaries relating to the development in the state of new businesses with high growth potential.
560.54(2) (2) Ensuring that individuals assisting entrepreneurs and intermediaries have the training necessary to provide adequate assistance.
560.54(3) (3) Ensuring that existing and new entrepreneurial assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs are matched to the needs of the entrepreneurs and intermediaries.
560.54(4) (4) Ensuring that agencies and other persons which provide entrepreneurial assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs understand the responsibilities of the agencies which provide entrepreneurial assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs.
560.54 History History: 1987 a. 320.
560.55 560.55 Report. Beginning on October 15, 2003, and no later than October 15 of each odd-numbered year thereafter, the department shall submit to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), a report describing the department's activities and the result of the department's activities under s. 560.54 since the period covered in the previous report. The department shall combine this report with the report required under s. 560.42 (5) and may combine this report with other reports published by the department, including the report under s. 15.04 (1) (d). The report may include recommendations for legislative proposals to change the entrepreneurial assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs.
560.55 History History: 1987 a. 320; 2001 a. 16.
subch. V of ch. 560 SUBCHAPTER V
560.60 560.60 Definitions. In this subchapter:
560.60(1m) (1m) "Biotechnology" means technology related to life sciences.
560.60(1s) (1s) "Board" means the development finance board created under s. 15.155 (1).
560.60(1v) (1v) "Brownfields" means abandoned, idle or underused industrial or commercial facilities, the expansion or redevelopment of which is adversely affected by actual or perceived environmental contamination.
560.60(2) (2) "Business" means a company located in this state, a company which has made a firm commitment to locate a facility in this state or a group of companies at least 80% of which are located in this state.
560.60(3) (3) "Consortium" means an association of a business and a higher educational institution.
560.60(4) (4) "Eligible recipient" means a governing body or a person who is eligible to receive a grant or loan under s. 560.62, a grant or loan under s. 560.63 or a grant or loan under s. 560.65.
560.60(6) (6) "Governing body" means a county board, city council, village board, town board, regional planning commission or transit commission under s. 59.58 (2) or 66.1021.
560.60(8) (8) "Higher educational institution" means any of the following:
560.60(8)(a) (a) The University of Wisconsin System.
560.60(8)(b) (b) An institution which is located in this state and offers a post-baccalaureate or professional degree program.
560.60(10) (10) "Job" means a position providing full-time equivalent employment. "Job" does not include initial training before an employment position begins.
560.60(11) (11) "Major economic development project" means a project to which any of the following applies:
560.60(11)(a) (a) The project is necessary to retain a significant number of jobs in a political subdivision.
560.60(11)(b) (b) The project is necessary to significantly increase the number of jobs in a political subdivision.
560.60(11)(c) (c) The project will lead to significant capital investment in this state by a business.
560.60(11)(d) (d) The project will make a significant contribution to the economy of this state.
560.60(13) (13) "Political subdivision" means a county, city, town or village.
560.60(14) (14) "Project" means a business development that increases the productivity of a business or its employees in this state, leads to significant capital investment in a business in this state, leads to the retention of existing jobs in this state or creates new jobs in this state.
560.60(15) (15) "Small business" means a business operating for profit, with 250 or fewer employees, including employees of any subsidiary or affiliated organization.
560.60(17) (17) "Technology" includes biotechnology.
560.60(18m) (18m) "Technology-based nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17), or an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the internal revenue code that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (a) of the internal revenue code, and that has as a mission the transfer of technology to businesses in this state.
560.602 560.602 Policies and standards for awarding grants and loans. The department, with the approval of the board, shall promulgate rules to establish policies and standards for awarding grants and loans under this subchapter. The rules shall include all of the following:
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