10.51 10.51 Election occurrences listing; explanation.
10.51(1g)(1g) This subchapter contains listings of election occurrences in chronological order by date according to the position or persons involved with the specific actions or notices to be performed or given.
10.51(1r) (1r) All the listings contained in this subchapter relate to other provisions of the statutes that are referred to in each paragraph of these listings.
10.51(2) (2)Sections 10.62 to 10.82 are intended as a timetable guide and check list to certain election procedure requirements, and shall not be considered substantive law.
10.51(3) (3) In case of any conflict between ss. 10.62 to 10.82 and the substantive statutes to which such sections refer, or the original acts of the legislature on which said substantive statutes are based, the substantive statute or the original act of the legislature shall control.
10.51 History History: 1973 c. 334 s. 28; Stats. 1973 s. 10.51; 2005 a. 149.
10.52 10.52 Election occurrences listing; fluctuations. In ss. 10.62 to 10.82, each subsection is arranged in chronological order with each occurrence listed in the month it is most likely to happen. Due to calendar fluctuations, there will be times when these occurrences will happen in a different month than listed and may occur in a different sequence than as shown.
10.52 History History: 1973 c. 334 s. 28; Stats. 1973 s. 10.52.
10.53 10.53 Revisor to correct listings.
10.53(1g) (1g) In preparing each edition of the statutes for publication the revisor shall, if the revisor finds that a conflict exists between the listings in ss. 10.62 to 10.82 and the substantive statutes to which those sections refer, correct the listing in this subchapter to properly reflect the intent of the substantive statute or of the act of the legislature on which the substantive statute is based.
10.53(1r) (1r) For any correction made by the revisor under the authority of this section, the revisor shall prepare a note explaining the correction that shall be printed with the affected listing in this subchapter.
10.53(2) (2) If the revisor makes any correction under the authority of this section, the revisor shall incorporate the change in a revisor's correction bill to be submitted to the legislature at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
10.53(3) (3) Whenever a new act of the legislature requires a position or person to give an election notice or to perform a specific action in connection with any election, but such act fails to create an appropriate paragraph for inclusion within the listings in this subchapter, the revisor shall create and print the appropriate paragraph in compliance with this section.
10.53 History History: 1973 c. 334; 1991 a. 32; 2005 a. 149.
10.62 10.62 Elections board; spring primary and election. The following subsections set forth, in chronological order, dates relating to the spring primary and election or occurrences during the spring period that affect the elections board:
10.62(1) (1)November.
10.62(1)(a)(a) No later than November 15. On or before November 15 the board sends a type A notice of the spring election to the county clerks. See s. 10.06 (1) (a).
10.62(1m) (1m)December.
10.62(1m)(a)(a) December 1. December 1 is the earliest date that nomination papers may be circulated for candidates running in the spring election. See s. 8.10 (2).
10.62(2) (2)January.
10.62(2)(a)(a) First Tuesday in January.
10.62(2)(a)1.1. 5 p.m., on the first Tuesday in January, or the next day if Tuesday is a holiday, is the deadline for candidates for state office at the spring election to file nomination papers and a declaration of candidacy with the board unless the deadline for filing is extended. See ss. 8.10 (2) and (5) and 8.21.
10.62(2)(a)2. 2. 5 p.m., on the first Tuesday in January, or the next day if Tuesday is a holiday, is the deadline for eligible candidates for state office to file applications to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund. See s. 11.50 (2) (a).
10.62(2)(b) (b) 2nd Tuesday in January. As soon as possible after the deadline for filing nomination papers, but no later than the 2nd Tuesday in January, the board sends the county clerks notice of any required primary and includes the certified list of candidates. See s. 10.06 (1) (c).
10.62(2)(c) (c) January 17. No later than January 17, the board mails to each candidate for state office or the candidate's campaign treasurer, to each committee or individual supporting or opposing a candidate, and to each group or individual supporting or opposing a statewide referendum who is registered with it, forms for the continuing report, unless a registrant is required to file reports with the board in an electronic format. See s. 11.21 (2).
10.62(2)(f) (f) 22 days prior to primary. No later than 22 days prior to the spring primary, the board mails to each candidate for state office or the candidate's campaign treasurer, and to each committee or individual supporting or opposing a candidate who is registered with it, forms for the pre-primary report, unless a registrant is required to file reports with the board in an electronic format. See s. 11.21 (2).
10.62(2)(gm) (gm) Last Tuesday in January. On the last Tuesday in January in presidential election years, the committee to determine the candidates for the presidential preference primary convenes. See s. 8.12 (1) (b).
10.62(2)(gs) (gs) Friday after last Tuesday in January. On the Friday after the last Tuesday in January in presidential election years, the board contacts each person who has been nominated for president. See s. 8.12 (1) (d).
10.62(2)(h) (h) January 31. No earlier than January 1 and no later than January 31, the board shall receive continuing reports by candidates for state office, by committees and individuals supporting or opposing candidates for state office, and by groups, individuals, and corporations supporting or opposing a statewide referendum. See s. 11.20 (4).
10.62(3) (3)February.
10.62(3)(a)(a) February 1. No special election may be scheduled after February 1 and before the date of the spring election. See s. 8.50 (intro.).
10.62(3)(am) (am) Beginning on February 1.
10.62(3)(am)1.1. The board sends notice to delinquents of failure to comply with filing requirements. See s. 11.21 (13).
10.62(3)(am)2. 2. The board makes a list of delinquents available for public inspection. See s. 11.21 (10).
10.62(3)(e) (e) Last 14 days before primary. The board shall receive reports of late contributions of $500 or more by candidates for state office or committees or individuals supporting or opposing such a candidate, and reports of late disbursements exceeding $20 by committees or individuals supporting or opposing a candidate for state office during the last 14 days before the spring primary. See s. 11.12 (5) and (6).
10.62(3)(f) (f) 14 to 8 days before primary. No earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days before the primary, the board shall receive election reports by candidates for state office and by committees and individuals supporting or opposing such candidates. See s. 11.20 (2).
10.62(3)(g) (g) Beginning 7 days before primary.
10.62(3)(g)1.1. The board sends notice to delinquents of failure to comply with filing requirements. See s. 11.21 (13).
10.62(3)(g)2. 2. The board makes a list of delinquents available for public inspection. See s. 11.21 (10).
10.62(3)(h) (h) 3rd Tuesday in February.
10.62(3)(h)1.1. The 3rd Tuesday in February is the day of the spring primary. See s. 5.02 (22).
10.62(3)(h)2. 2. The 3rd Tuesday in February is the last day to remove a candidate's name from the presidential preference ballot. See s. 8.12 (1) (d).
10.62(3)(h)3. 3. 5 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday in February is the deadline for any person seeking endorsement by the national convention of a political party for the office of president to submit a petition to the board for placement on the presidential preference ballot. See s. 8.12 (1) (c).
10.62(3)(hm) (hm) 4th Tuesday in February.
10.62(3)(hm)1.1. 4:30 p.m., on the 4th Tuesday in February, is the deadline for any write-in candidate for justice or state superintendent who is certified to appear on the spring election ballot to file an application to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund. See s. 11.50 (2) (a).
10.62(3)(hm)2. 2. The 4th Tuesday in February is the deadline for any candidate seeking to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund to file a special financial report with the board. See s. 11.50 (2) (c).
10.62(3)(j) (j) 3 days after primary results received.
10.62(3)(j)1.1. At 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the day on which the board receives the last statement from a county board of canvassers for the primary is the deadline to demand a recount. See s. 9.01 (1) (a).
10.62(3)(j)2. 2. At 9 a.m., on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition, the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See s. 9.01 (1) (b).
10.62(3)(j)3. 3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See s. 9.01 (4).
10.62(3)(j)4. 4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See s. 9.01 (6) (a).
10.62(4) (4)March.
10.62(4)(a)(a) 2nd Tuesday after primary. On or before the 2nd Tuesday after the spring primary the chairperson of the board, or the chairperson's designee, canvasses the returns and makes his or her certifications and determinations. See s. 7.70 (3) (a).
10.62(4)(b) (b) First Tuesday in March.
10.62(4)(b)2.2. As soon as possible after the state canvass but no later than the first Tuesday in March the board sends the county clerks a type B notice and type A and C notices, when necessary, of the spring election. See s. 10.06 (1) (e).
10.62(4)(b)4. 4. No later than the first Tuesday in March, the board sends a certified list of candidates who are eligible to participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund to the state treasurer. See s. 7.08 (2) (c).
10.62(4)(f) (f) 22 days prior to election. No later than 22 days prior to the spring election, the board mails to each candidate for state office or the candidate's campaign treasurer, to each committee or individual supporting or opposing a candidate, and to each group or individual supporting or opposing a statewide referendum who is registered with it, forms for the pre-election report, unless a registrant is required to file reports with the board in an electronic format. See s. 11.21 (2).
10.62(4)(j) (j) Last 14 days before election. The board shall receive reports of late contributions of $500 or more by candidates for state office or committees or individuals supporting or opposing such a candidate, and by groups and individuals supporting or opposing statewide referenda and reports of late disbursements exceeding $20 by committees and individuals supporting or opposing a candidate for state office during the last 14 days before the spring election. See ss. 11.12 (5) and (6) and 11.23 (6).
10.62(4)(k) (k) 14 to 8 days before election. No earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days before the election, the board shall receive election reports by candidates for state office, by committees and individuals supporting or opposing candidates for state office, and by groups, individuals, and corporations supporting or opposing statewide referenda. See s. 11.20 (2).
10.62(4)(L) (L) Beginning 7 days before election.
10.62(4)(L)1.1. The board sends notice to delinquents of failure to comply with filing requirements. See s. 11.21 (13).
10.62(4)(L)2. 2. The board makes a list of delinquents available for public inspection. See s. 11.21 (10).
10.62(5) (5)April.
10.62(5)(a)(a) First Tuesday in April. The first Tuesday in April is the day of the spring election. See s. 5.02 (21).
10.62(5)(c) (c) 3 days after election results received.
10.62(5)(c)1.1. At 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the day on which the board receives the last statement from a county board of canvassers for the election is the deadline to demand a recount. See s. 9.01 (1) (a).
10.62(5)(c)2. 2. At 9 a.m., on the day following the last day for filing of a recount petition, the board of canvassers reconvenes to begin the recount procedure. See s. 9.01 (1) (b).
10.62(5)(c)3. 3. 5 p.m., 2 days after completion of the first recount, is the deadline to demand a recount in any remaining wards or municipalities. See s. 9.01 (4).
10.62(5)(c)4. 4. No later than 5 business days after the recount determination aggrieved parties may appeal to circuit court. See s. 9.01 (6) (a).
10.62(6) (6)May.
10.62(6)(c)(c) May 15.
10.62(6)(c)1.1. May 15 is the deadline for the board to notify the state chairperson of each recognized political party of the results of the presidential preference vote. See s. 8.12 (3).
10.62(6)(c)2. 2. May 15 is the latest date that the chairperson of the board, or the chairperson's designee, may canvass the spring election and make his or her certifications and determinations. See s. 7.70 (3) (a).
10.62(6)(c)3. 3. Following the canvass, the board issues the certificates of election. See s. 7.70 (5) (a).
10.62(7) (7)June.
10.62(7)(a)(a) 90 days after primary. Most spring primary election materials may be destroyed 90 days after the spring primary. See s. 7.23.
10.62(8) (8)July.
10.62(8)(a)(a) 90 days after election. Most spring election materials may be destroyed 90 days after the spring election. See s. 7.23.
10.62(8)(b) (b) 3 years after any election. Records transferred to the board by any former registrant who has submitted a dissolution report may be destroyed 3 years after the last election in which the registrant participated. See ss. 11.12 (3) and 11.23 (3).
10.62(8)(c) (c) 6 years after any election. Financial reports may be destroyed 6 years after any election. See ss. 7.23 (1) (d) and 11.21 (11) (a).
10.62(8)(e) (e) 10 years after any election. Official canvasses may be destroyed 10 years after the election to which they relate. See s. 7.23 (1) (i).
10.64 10.64 County clerk; spring primary and election. The following subsections set forth, in chronological order, dates relating to the spring primary and election or occurrences during the spring period that affect the county clerk:
10.64(1) (1)November.
10.64(1)(b)(b) 4th Tuesday in November. On the 4th Tuesday in November, the county clerk publishes a type A notice of the spring election. See s. 10.06 (2) (a).
10.64(1m) (1m)December.
10.64(1m)(a)(a) December 1. December 1 is the earliest date that nomination papers may be circulated for candidates running for office in the spring election. See s. 8.10 (2).
10.64(2) (2)January.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?