101.715 History History: 1989 a. 109.
101.72 101.72 Dwelling code council. The dwelling code council shall review the standards and rules for manufactured buildings for dwellings and recommend a statewide manufactured building code for adoption by the department which shall include rules providing for the conservation of energy in the construction and maintenance of dwellings. Such rules shall take into account the costs to home buyers of specific code provisions in relation to the benefits derived therefrom. Upon its own initiative or at the request of the department, the council shall consider and make recommendations to the department pertaining to rules and any other matters related to this subchapter.
101.72 History History: 1975 c. 405.
101.73 101.73 Departmental duties. The department shall:
101.73(1) (1) Adopt rules which establish standards for the use of building materials, methods and equipment in the manufacture and installation of manufactured buildings for use as dwellings or dwelling units. Where feasible, the standards used shall be those nationally recognized and shall apply to the dwelling and to its electrical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other systems. Such rules shall take into account the conservation of energy in construction and maintenance of dwellings and the costs to home buyers of specific code provisions in relation to the benefits derived therefrom.
101.73(1m) (1m) Adopt a rule which requires any manufactured building which uses electricity for space heating to be superinsulated.
101.73(2) (2) Adopt rules for the examination of plans and specifications and for periodic in-plant and on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities, processes, fabrication, assembly and installation of manufactured buildings to ensure that examinations and inspections are made in compliance with the rules adopted for construction, electrical wiring, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other systems under ss. 101.70 to 101.77 and with the rules for indoor plumbing adopted by the department under ch. 145.
101.73(3) (3) Provide for examination of plans and specifications and in-plant inspections when contracted for by the manufacturer under s. 101.75 (1) and shall contract to provide on-site inspection services for the installation of manufactured buildings for dwellings, at municipal expense, for any municipality which requires such service under s. 101.76 or 101.761.
101.73(5) (5) Adopt rules for the certification, including provisions for suspension and revocation thereof, of on-site inspectors of the installation of manufactured buildings for dwellings. Persons certified as on-site inspectors may be employees of the department, a city, village, town or county or an independent agency.
101.73(6) (6) Adopt rules for the certification, including provisions for suspension and revocation thereof, of independent inspection agencies to conduct in-plant inspections of manufacturing facilities, processes, fabrication and assembly of manufactured buildings for dwellings and to certify compliance with this subchapter.
101.73(7) (7) Issue or recognize an insignia of compliance for dwellings which conform to the manufactured building code.
101.73(8) (8) Biennially review the rules promulgated under this subchapter.
101.73(9) (9) Issue special orders which it deems necessary to secure compliance with this subchapter and enforce the same by all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings.
101.73(10) (10) Prescribe and furnish to municipalities a standard building permit form for all new one- and 2-family dwellings.
101.73(11) (11) Hear petitions regarding the manufactured building code, rules and special orders in accordance with s. 101.02 (6) (e) to (i) and (8).
101.73(12) (12) Establish by rule a schedule of fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred under this subchapter.
101.73 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Comm 16.01, Wis. adm. code.
101.74 101.74 Departmental powers. The department may:
101.74(1) (1) Hold hearings on any matter relating to this subchapter.
101.74(2) (2) At the request of the owner or renter enter, inspect and examine dwellings, dwelling units and premises necessary to ascertain compliance with the rules and special orders under this subchapter.
101.74(2m) (2m) Study the operation of the dwelling construction code and other laws related to the construction of dwelling units to determine their impact upon the cost of building construction and their effectiveness upon the health, safety and welfare of the occupants.
101.74(3) (3) Revise the rules under this subchapter after consultation with the dwelling code council.
101.74(4) (4) Provide for or engage in the testing, approval and certification of materials, devices and methods for the manufacture or installation of manufactured buildings.
101.74(5) (5) Collect and publish data secured from the examinations and inspections under s. 101.73 (2) and (3), and from building permits.
101.74(6) (6) Adopt rules prescribing procedures for approving new building materials, devices and methods for the manufacture or installation of manufactured buildings for dwellings.
101.74(7) (7) Enter into reciprocal agreements with other states regarding the design, construction, inspection and labeling of manufactured buildings where the laws or rules of other states meet the intent of the manufactured building code and the rules promulgated under this subchapter.
101.74 History History: 1975 c. 405.
101.745 101.745 Smoke detectors.
101.745(1)(1)Definition. The definition of smoke detector under s. 101.145 (1) (c) also applies to this section.
101.745(2) (2)Approval. A smoke detector required under this section shall be approved by underwriters laboratory.
101.745(3) (3)Installation. A smoke detector required under this section shall be installed according to the directions and specifications of the manufacturer.
101.745(4) (4)Requirement. The manufacturer of a manufactured building shall install a functional smoke detector on each floor level except the attic or storage area of each dwelling unit.
101.745 History History: 1977 c. 388; 1983 a. 189 s. 329 (4); 1987 a. 376; 1989 a. 109.
101.75 101.75 Inspections, insignia and alterations.
101.75(1)(1)Inspections and compliance. Manufacturers of manufactured buildings shall contract with a certified independent inspection agency or the department to conduct in-plant inspections and certify compliance with this subchapter. Manufacturers shall reimburse the independent inspection agency in accordance with the terms of the contract or reimburse the department in accordance with fees established under s. 101.73 (12). All inspections shall be performed by persons certified by the department.
101.75(2) (2)Display of insignia required. All manufactured buildings manufactured, sold for initial use or installed within this state shall display, in a manner determined by the department, the insignia issued or recognized under ss. 101.73 (7) and 101.74 (7). All manufactured buildings bearing such insignia shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of all building ordinances and regulations of any local government except those related to zoning and siting requisites including but not limited to building setback, side and rear yard requirements and property line requirements.
101.75(3) (3)Department approval of alterations. No person shall alter an approved manufactured building in any way prior to or during installation without the approval of the department.
101.75(4) (4)Counterfeit insignia. No person may falsely or fraudulently make, forge, alter or counterfeit any insignia issued or recognized under ss. 101.73 (7) and 101.74 (7).
101.75 History History: 1975 c. 405.
101.76 101.76 Municipal authority. Except as provided by s. 101.761, cities, villages, towns and counties:
101.76(1) (1) May:
101.76(1)(a) (a) With the approval of the department, exercise jurisdiction over the installation of manufactured buildings for dwellings by passage of ordinances, provided such ordinances are in strict conformance with this subchapter and the on-site inspection is performed by persons certified by the department. Except as provided by s. 101.761, a county ordinance shall apply in any city, village or town which has not enacted such ordinance.
101.76(1)(b) (b) Under s. 66.0301, jointly exercise the jurisdiction granted under par. (a).
101.76(1)(c) (c) By ordinance establish and collect fees to defray the cost of jurisdiction exercised under par. (a) or (b).
101.76(1)(d) (d) By ordinance provide remedies and penalties for violation of the jurisdiction exercised under par. (a) or (b).
101.76(2) (2) Shall contract with the department for on-site installation inspection services which the municipality does not perform under sub. (1) (a) or (b) and reimburse the department for its reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of such services pursuant to s. 101.73 (12).
101.76(3) (3) Shall use the standard building permit form prescribed by the department and file a copy of each such permit issued with the department.
101.76 History History: 1975 c. 405; 1981 c. 20; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
101.76 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Comm 20.06, Wis. adm. code.
101.761 101.761 Certain municipalities excepted.
101.761(1) (1) In this section, "municipality" means a city, village or town with a population of 2,500 or less.
101.761(2) (2) Except as provided under sub. (6), a municipality is exempt from:
101.761(2)(a) (a) The requirements under s. 101.76 (2).
101.761(2)(b) (b) Any rule adopted under s. 101.73 regarding suspension or revocation of standard building permits.
101.761(3) (3) The department or a county may not enforce this subchapter or an ordinance adopted under s. 101.76 (1) (a) or provide inspection services in a municipality unless requested to do so by a person with respect to a particular manufactured building or by the municipality. A request by a person or a municipality with respect to a particular manufactured building does not give the department or a county authority with respect to any other manufactured building. Costs shall be collected under s. 101.76 (1) (c) or ss. 101.73 (12) and 101.76 (2) from the person or municipality making the request.
101.761(4) (4) Municipalities shall furnish statistical data relating to housing starts to the department as requested by the department.
101.761(5) (5) This section does not affect the applicability of or ordinances adopted under this subchapter to manufacturers, builders and owners of manufactured buildings located in a municipality.
101.761(6) (6) Any dwelling not inspected under s. 101.76 shall comply with the rules adopted under s. 101.73 (1) which take into account the conservation of energy in construction and maintenance of dwellings and the costs of specific code provisions to home buyers in relationship to the benefits derived from the provisions.
101.761 History History: 1981 c. 20, 314; 1989 a. 31; 1997 a. 35.
101.77 101.77 Penalties. Whoever violates this subchapter shall forfeit to the state not less than $25 nor more than $500 for each violation and each day that such violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
101.77 History History: 1975 c. 405.
subch. IV of ch. 101 SUBCHAPTER IV
101.80 101.80 Definitions. In this subchapter:
101.80(1) (1) "Municipality" means city, town, village and county.
101.80(2) (2) "Public buildings" and "places of employment" include all exterior wiring except wiring owned, leased, operated or maintained by a public utility including any electrical cooperative, in the exercise of its utility function.
101.80 History History: 1979 c. 309; 1983 a. 189; 1995 a. 27.
101.82 101.82 Departmental duties. The department shall:
101.82(1) (1) Adopt rules for the construction and inspection of electrical construction of public buildings and places of employment and for the inspection of electrical construction of places where farming, as defined in s. 101.01 (11), is conducted. Where feasible, the standards used shall be those nationally recognized. No rule may be adopted which does not take into account the conservation of energy in construction and maintenance of buildings.
101.82(2) (2) Adopt rules for the certification, including provisions for suspension and revocation thereof, of electrical inspectors for the purpose of inspecting the electrical wiring of public buildings and places of employment. Persons certified as inspectors may be employees of the department, a municipality or private inspection agency.
101.82(3) (3) Contract to provide inspection services, at municipal expense, to any municipality which requests such service under s. 101.86.
101.82(3m) (3m) Provide inspection services in those municipalities which have not adopted and enforced ordinances providing for inspection of electrical construction under s. 101.86 and defray the cost of this inspection through fees charged to the owner of the inspected building.
101.82(4) (4) Establish by rule a schedule of fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred under this subchapter.
101.82 History History: 1979 c. 309; 1989 a. 348; 1995 a. 27.
101.82 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Comm 16.01, Wis. adm. code.
101.84 101.84 Departmental powers. The department may:
101.84(1) (1) Hold hearings on any matter relating to this subchapter and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence at the hearings.
101.84(2) (2) At the request of the owner or tenant, enter, inspect and examine the exterior and interior wiring of a public building or place of employment necessary to ascertain compliance with the rules promulgated under this subchapter.
101.84 History History: 1979 c. 309.
101.86 101.86 Municipal authority.
101.86(1) (1) Municipalities may:
101.86(1)(a) (a) Exercise jurisdiction over electrical construction and inspection of electrical construction in public buildings and places of employment by passage of ordinances, providing such ordinances meet the minimum requirements of the department's rules adopted under this subchapter. A county ordinance shall apply in any city, village or town which has not enacted such an ordinance.
101.86(1)(b) (b) Under s. 66.0301, jointly exercise the jurisdiction granted under par. (a).
101.86(1)(c) (c) By ordinance, establish and collect fees to defray the cost of jurisdiction exercised under par. (a) or (b) or a contract under sub. (2).
101.86(1)(d) (d) By ordinance, provide remedies and penalties for violation of the jurisdiction exercised under par. (a) or (b).
101.86(2) (2) A municipality may contract with the department for those inspection services which the municipality does not perform or contract for under sub. (1) (a) or (b) and reimburse the department for its reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of such services under s. 101.82 (4).
101.86(3) (3) The cost of inspection services provided by any county which has enacted an ordinance under sub. (1) or contracted under sub. (2) if not defrayed by fees shall be charged to or taxed upon the property within those cities, villages and towns in the county which have not enacted a local construction and inspection ordinance under sub. (1) or contracted under sub. (2), and no part of the cost of inspection services may be charged to or taxed against the property within any city, village or town which has enacted such an ordinance or contracted under sub. (2).
101.86 History History: 1979 c. 309; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
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