(1)Identification of the needs of the aged and disabled.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations of the board on aging and long-term care.
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests and devises for the activities of the board on aging and long-term care under s. 16.009, to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(k) Contracts with other state agencies. All moneys received by the board on aging and long-term care from contracts with other state agencies, for the purposes for which they are received.
(kb) Insurance and other information, counseling and assistance. The amounts in the schedule for the purpose of providing information and counseling on medicare supplemental insurance, long-term care insurance and medical assistance eligibility requirements, training, educational materials and technical assistance under s. 16.009 (2) (j). The office of the commissioner of insurance shall credit to this appropriation amounts equal to the amounts in the schedule for the purposes of this paragraph, from the appropriation under s. 20.145 (1) (g). Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each fiscal year shall revert to the appropriation under s. 20.145 (1) (g).
(m) Federal aid. All federal moneys received as authorized under s. 16.54 for the activities of the board on aging and long-term care under s. 16.009, to carry out the purposes for which received.
20.433 Child abuse and neglect prevention board. There is appropriated to the child abuse and neglect prevention board for the following program:
(1)Prevention of child abuse and neglect.
(b) Grants to organizations. The amounts in the schedule to be used for grants to organizations under s. 48.982 (4), (6), and (7).
(g) General program operations. From all moneys received under s. 69.22 (1m), the amounts in the schedule to be used for the expenses of the child abuse and neglect prevention board under s. 48.982 (2) and (3), for statewide projects under s. 48.982 (5), for the general program operations of the family resource center grant program under s. 48.982 (6), and for technical assistance to organizations under s. 48.982 (4) and (6).
(h) Grants to organizations. All moneys received under s. 69.22 (1m), less the amounts appropriated under par. (g), to be used for grants to organizations under s. 48.982 (4) and (6).
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received as contributions, gifts, grants, and bequests, other than moneys received for the children's trust fund and deposited in the appropriation account under par. (q), to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(k) Interagency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies to carry out the purposes for which received.
(m) Federal project operations. All moneys received from the federal government for technical assistance to organizations under s. 48.982 (4) and (6) and for the state administration of specific limited term projects, to be expended for the purposes specified.
(ma) Federal project aids. All moneys received from the federal government for family resource center grants under s. 48.982 (6) (a), and for specific limited term projects, to be expended as aids to individuals or organizations for the purposes specified.
(q) Children's trust fund; gifts and grants. From the children's trust fund, all moneys received as contributions, grants, gifts, and bequests for that trust fund under s. 48.982 (2) (d) or (2e) (a) 3., to carry out the purposes for which made and received under s. 48.982 (2m).
20.435 Health and family services, department of. There is appropriated to the department of health and family services for the following programs:
(1)Public health services planning, regulation and delivery; state operations.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations, including public health services regulation, administration and field services.
(ac) Child abuse and neglect prevention technical assistance. The amounts in the schedule for child abuse and neglect prevention technical assistance and training under s. 46.515 (8).
(c) Public health emergency quarantine costs. A sum sufficient to reimburse local health departments under s. 252.06 (10) (c) 1.
(gm) Licensing, review and certifying activities; fees; supplies and services. The amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified in ss. 146.50 (8), 252.23, 252.24, 252.245, 254.176, 254.178, 254.179, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.41, 254.47, 254.61 to 254.88, and 255.08 (2) and ch. 69, for the purchase and distribution of medical supplies and to analyze and provide data under s. 250.04. All moneys received under ss. 146.50 (5) (f) and (8) (d), 250.04 (3m), 252.23 (4) (a), 252.24 (4) (a), 252.245 (9), 254.176, 254.178, 254.181, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39, 254.41, 254.47, 254.61 to 254.88, and 255.08 (2) (b) and ch. 69, other than s. 69.22 (1m), and as reimbursement for medical supplies shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(gr) Supplemental food program for women, infants, and children administration. All moneys received from the supplemental food enforcement surcharges on fines, forfeitures, and recoupments that are levied by a court under s. 253.06 (4) (c) and on forfeitures and recoupments that are levied by the department under s. 253.06 (5) (c) to finance fraud reduction in the supplemental food program for women, infants, and children under s. 253.06.
(hg) General program operations; health care information. The amounts in the schedule to fund the activities of the department of health and family services under ch. 153 and to contract with the data organization under s. 153.05 (2r). The contract fees paid under s. 153.05 (6m) and assessments paid under s. 153.60 shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(hi) Compilations and special reports; health care information. All moneys received from user fees imposed under s. 153.65 (1) for the purpose of financing the costs of the department of health and family services of producing special data compilations or special reports under s. 153.65 and to contract with the data organization under s. 153.05 (2r).
(i) Gifts and grants. See sub. (9) (i).
(jb) Congenital disorders; operations. From all moneys received under s. 253.13 (2), the amounts in the schedule to be used to administer the program under s. 253.13 and for the costs of consulting with appropriate experts as specified in s. 253.13 (5).
(kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department not directed to be deposited under sub. (6) (k) for the administration of programs or projects for which received.
(m) Federal project operations. See sub. (9) (m).
(mc) Block grant operations. See sub. (9) (mc).
(n) Federal program operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of continuing programs to be expended for the purposes specified.
(q) Groundwater and air quality standards. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule to develop groundwater standards and implement ch. 160 and to assist in the development of emission standards for hazardous air contaminants under s. 46.34.
(2)Disability and elder services; institutions.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule to operate institutions, to provide administrative services and to evaluate, treat and care for persons under ch. 980, including persons placed on supervised release under s. 980.06 (2), 1997 stats., or s. 980.08.
(aa) Institutional repair and maintenance. The amounts in the schedule for repair and maintenance expenses of the institutions. Expenditures for materials, supplies, equipment and contracts for services involving the repair and maintenance of structures and equipment, excluding vehicles, shall be made from this appropriation.
(b) Wisconsin Resource Center. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations, other than operations related to security, of the Wisconsin Resource Center.
(bj) Competency examinations and conditional and supervised release services. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for outpatient competency examinations and for payment by the department of costs for treatment and services for persons released under s. 980.06 (2) (c), 1997 stats., s. 980.08 (5), 2003 stats., or s. 971.17 (3) (d) or (4) (e) or 980.08 (4) (g), for which the department has contracted with county departments under s. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d., with other public agencies, or with private agencies to provide the treatment and services.
(bm) Secure mental health units or facilities. The amounts in the schedule for the general program operations of secure mental health units or facilities under s. 980.065 for persons committed under s. 980.06 and placed in a secure mental health unit or facility.
(ee) Principal repayment and interest. A sum sufficient to reimburse s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing the acquisition, development, enlargement or extension of mental health facilities.
(ef) Lease rental payments. A sum sufficient to pay the rentals required to be made on mental health facilities under leases entered into under s. 46.035.
(f) Energy costs. The amounts in the schedule to be used at mental health institutes and centers for the developmentally disabled to pay for utilities and for fuel, heat and air conditioning and to pay costs incurred by or on behalf of the department under ss.16.858 and 16.895.
(g) Alternative services of institutes and centers. All moneys received as payments for services under ss. 46.043 and 51.06 (1r) for provision of alternative services by mental health institutes under s. 46.043 and by centers for the developmentally disabled under s. 51.06 (1r).
(gk) Institutional operations and charges. The amounts in the schedule for care, other than under s. 51.06 (1r), provided by the centers for the developmentally disabled, to reimburse the cost of providing the services and to remit any credit balances to county departments that occur on and after July 1, 1978, in accordance with s. 51.437 (4rm) (c); for care, other than under s. 46.043, provided by the mental health institutes, to reimburse the cost of providing the services and to remit any credit balances to county departments that occur on and after January 1, 1979, in accordance with s. 51.42 (3) (as) 2.; for maintenance of state-owned housing at centers for the developmentally disabled and mental health institutes; for repair or replacement of property damaged at the mental health institutes or at centers for the developmentally disabled; and for reimbursing the total cost of using, producing, and providing services, products, and care. All moneys received as payments from medical assistance on and after August 1, 1978; as payments from all other sources including other payments under s. 46.10 and payments under s. 51.437 (4rm) (c) received on and after July 1, 1978; as medical assistance payments, other payments under s. 46.10, and payments under s. 51.42 (3) (as) 2. received on and after January 1, 1979; as payments for the rental of state-owned housing and other institutional facilities at centers for the developmentally disabled and mental health institutes; for the sale of electricity, steam, or chilled water; as payments in restitution of property damaged at the mental health institutes or at centers for the developmentally disabled; for the sale of surplus property, including vehicles, at the mental health institutes or at centers for the developmentally disabled; and for other services, products, and care shall be credited to this appropriation, except that any payment under s. 46.10 received for the care or treatment of patients admitted under s. 51.10, 51.15, or 51.20 for which the state is liable under s. 51.05 (3), of forensic patients committed under ch. 971 or 975, admitted under ch. 975, or transferred under s. 51.35 (3), or of patients transferred from a state prison under s. 51.37 (5), to the Mendota Mental Health Institute or the Winnebago Mental Health Institute shall be treated as general purpose revenue — earned, as defined under s. 20.001 (4); and except that moneys received under s. 51.06 (6) may be expended only as provided in s. 13.101 (17).
(gL) Extended intensive treatment surcharge. All moneys received as payments of the surcharge for extended intensive treatment under s. 51.06 (5), for one-time payment of relocation costs for individuals under s. 46.275 (5) (e).
(gs) Sex offender honesty testing. All moneys received from persons who are required to pay for polygraph examinations, as prescribed by rule in accordance with s. 51.375 (3), for expenditures related to the lie detector test program for persons under s. 51.375.
(i) Gifts and grants. See sub. (9) (i).
(kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for the administration of programs or projects for which received.
(ky) Interagency and intra-agency aids. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for aids to individuals and organizations.
(kz) Interagency and intra-agency local assistance. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for local assistance.
(m) Federal project operations. See sub. (9) (m).
(3)Children and family services.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations relating to children's services, including field services and administrative services.
(bc) Grants for children's community programs. The amounts in the schedule for grants for children's community programs under s. 46.481. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All moneys under this appropriation account that are distributed under s. 46.481 but are not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
(bm) Services for children and families. A sum sufficient, equal to the amount determined under s. 77.63 (2), for grants to counties under s. 46.513.
(cd) Domestic abuse grants. The amounts in the schedule for the purposes of s. 46.95. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All funds allocated by the department under s. 46.95 (2) but not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless transferred to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
(cf) Foster, treatment foster and family-operated group home parent insurance and liability. The amounts in the schedule to purchase insurance or pay claims as provided under s. 48.627.
(cw) Milwaukee child welfare services; general program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations relating to providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17).
(cx) Milwaukee child welfare services; aids. The amounts in the schedule for providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17).
(da) Child Welfare Program Enhancement Plan; aids. The amounts in the schedule for activities provided under the Child Welfare Program Enhancement Plan developed under 45 CFR 1355.35.
(dd) State foster care and adoption services. The amounts in the schedule for foster care, treatment foster care, institutional child care and subsidized adoptions under ss. 48.48 (12) and 48.52, for the cost of care for children under s. 49.19 (10) (d), for the cost of the foster care monitoring system, for the cost of providing, or contracting with private adoption agencies to assist the department in providing, services to children with special needs who are under the guardianship of the department to prepare those children for adoption and for the cost of providing postadoption services to children with special needs who have been adopted.
(dg) State adoption information exchange and state adoption center. The amounts in the schedule to operate a state adoption information exchange and a state adoption center under s. 48.55.
(eg) Brighter futures initiative and tribal adolescent services. The amounts in the schedule for the brighter futures initiative under s. 46.99 and for tribal adolescent services under s. 46.995.
(f) Second-chance homes. The amounts in the schedule for grants for 2nd-chance homes under s. 46.997 (2) (a) and for an evaluation of that grant program under s. 46.997 (4). Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department shall transfer from this appropriation account to the appropriation account for the department of workforce development under s. 20.445 (3) (dz) all funds allocated under s. 46.997 (2) (a) and (4) but unexpended by June 30 of each year.
(fp) Food pantry grants. The amounts in the schedule for grants awarded under s. 46.766 (2).
(gx) Milwaukee child welfare services; collections. All moneys received by the department in payment for services provided to children and families under s. 48.48 (17), to be used to provide those services.
(hh) Domestic abuse surcharge grants. All moneys received from the domestic abuse surcharge on court fines, as authorized under s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or 973.055, to provide grants to domestic abuse services organizations under s. 46.95.
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, donations and burial trusts for the execution of the department's functions relating to children and family services consistent with the purpose of the gifts, grants, donations or trusts.
(j) Statewide automated child welfare information system receipts. All moneys received from counties under s. 46.45 (2) (a), for the costs of implementing and operating the statewide automated child welfare information system established under s. 46.03 (7g).
(jb) Fees for administrative services. All moneys received from fees charged for providing state mailings, special computer services, training programs, printed materials and publications, for the purpose of providing state mailings, special computer services, training programs, printed materials and publications.
(jj) Searches for birth parents and adoption record information; foreign adoptions. The amounts in the schedule for paying the cost of searches for birth parents under ss. 48.432 (4) and 48.433 (6) and for paying the costs of reviewing, certifying and approving foreign adoption documents under s. 48.838 (2) and (3). All moneys received as fees paid by persons requesting a search under s. 48.432 (3) (c) or (4), 48.433 (6) or 48.93 (1r) and paid by persons for the review, certification and approval of foreign adoption documents under s. 48.838 (2) and (3) shall be credited to this appropriation.
(jm) Licensing activities. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of licensing child welfare agencies under s. 48.60, foster homes and treatment foster homes under s. 48.62, group homes under s. 48.625, day care centers under s. 48.65 and shelter care facilities under s. 938.22 (7). All moneys received for these licensing activities and from fees under ss. 48.615, 48.625, 48.65 (3) and 938.22 (7) (b) and (c) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(kc) Interagency and intra-agency aids; kinship care and long-term kinship care. The amounts in the schedule for payments under s. 48.57 (3m) and (3n). All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (3) (md) to this appropriation account shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year is transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (3) (kx).
(kd) Kinship care and long-term kinship care assessments. The amounts in the schedule for assessments of kinship care relatives, as defined in s. 48.57 (3m) (a) 2., and long-term kinship care relatives, as defined in s. 48.57 (3n) (a) 2., who provide care and maintenance for children to determine if those kinship care relatives and long-term kinship care relatives are eligible to receive payments under s. 48.57 (3m) or (3n). All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (3) (md) to this appropriation account shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), the unencumbered balance on June 30 of each year is transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (3) (kx).
(kw) Interagency and intra-agency aids; Milwaukee child welfare services. The amounts in the schedule for providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17). All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for this purpose shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. Except as provided in par. (kw), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for the administration of programs or projects for which received, for such purposes.
(ky) Interagency and intra-agency aids. Except as provided in par. (kw), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for local assistance, for such purposes.
(kz) Interagency and intra-agency local assistance. Except as provided in par. (kw), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for local assistance, for such purposes.
(m) Federal project operations. See sub. (9) (m).
(ma) Federal project aids. See sub. (9) (ma).
(mb) Federal project local assistance. See sub. (9) (mb).
(mc) Federal block grant operations. See sub. (9) (mc).
(md) Federal block grant aids. See sub. (9) (md).
(me) Federal block grant local assistance. All block grant moneys received from the federal government, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for youth services local assistance, for the purposes for which received.
(mw) Federal aid; Milwaukee child welfare services general program operations. All federal moneys received for general program operations relating to providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17), to carry out the purposes for which received.
(mx) Federal aid; Milwaukee child welfare services aids. All federal moneys received for providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17), to carry out the purposes for which received.
(n) Federal program operations. See sub. (9) (n).
(na) Federal program aids. See sub. (9) (na).
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?