301.21(6) (6) Contracts under this section are subject to approval under s. 302.26, except that for purposes of s. 302.26 this section constitutes legislative approval of contracts between the department and the state of Minnesota.
301.21 History History: 1981 c. 20; 1983 a. 27; 1989 a. 31 s. 965; Stats. 1989 s. 301.21; 1995 a. 344; 1997 a. 27, 283.
301.21 Annotation That this section does not, apart from the authority to contract for out-of-state placements, grant specific authority to transfer prisoners to out-of-state prisons does not mean that the department of corrections is without authority to so transfer prisoners without their consent. Prisoners do not have a constitutionally protected liberty interest in not being transferred from one prison to another. Evers v. Sullivan, 2000 WI App 144, 237 Wis. 2d 759, 615 N.W.2d 680, 00-0127.
301.21 Annotation DOC has the authority under sub. (2m) to delegate to employees at a private correctional facility in another state the responsibility for conducting reviews and making recommendations on the security classifications and program assignments of Wisconsin prisoners incarcerated in that facility. State ex rel. Treat v. Puckett, 2002 WI App 58, 252 Wis. 2d 404, 643 N.W.2d 515, 00-2712.
301.21 Annotation The state is not required to use the extradition process whenever and wherever prisoners are transported through noncontracting states on their way to incarceration in a contracting state. State ex rel. Jones v. Smith, 2002 WI App 94, 253 Wis. 2d 712, 643 N.W.2d 548, 01-1673.
301.21 Annotation The reference to "provisions of law and regulation concerning the confinement of persons" in sub. (2m) (b) means the conditions of confinement and procedures used in the out-of-state institution. Sentence credit under the law of the state where the prison is located are not laws concerning confinement but are an element of that state's sentencing system and do not apply to a prisoner serving a Wisconsin sentence. State ex rel. Griffin v. Litscher, 2003 WI App 60, 261 Wis. 2d 694, 659 N.W.2d 455, 02-1704.
301.21 Annotation Transferring inmates from Wisconsin prisons to out-of-state facilities does not violate state law. Lambert v. Sullivan, 35 F. Supp. 2d 1131 (1999).
301.21 Annotation A prisoner has no liberty interest in avoiding transfer to any prison, whether within or without the state. Berdine v. Sullivan, 161 F. Supp. 2d 972 (2001).
301.21 Annotation A Wisconsin prisoner's income while imprisoned in an out-of-state institution is not subject to department of corrections rules, but instead is subject to the rules of the host state. Doty v. Doyle, 182 F. Supp. 2d 750 (2002).
301.235 301.235 Structures, facilities and permanent improvements.
301.235(1)(1) In this section unless the context requires otherwise:
301.235(1)(a) (a) "Existing building", in relation to any conveyance, lease or sublease made under sub. (2) (a) 1., 2. and 3., means all detention, treatment, administrative, recreational, infirmary, hospital, vocational and academic buildings; all dormitories and cottages; all storage facilities, heating plants, sewage disposal plants, and such other buildings, structures, facilities and permanent improvements as in the judgment of the secretary are needed or useful for the purposes of the department, and all equipment therefor and all improvements and additions thereto which were erected, constructed or installed prior to making the conveyance, lease or sublease.
301.235(1)(b) (b) "New building", in relation to any conveyance, lease or sublease made under sub. (2) (a) 1., 2. and 3., means all detention, treatment, administrative, recreational, infirmary, hospital, vocational and academic buildings; all dormitories and cottages; all storage facilities, heating plants, sewage disposal plants, and such other buildings, structures, facilities and permanent improvements as in the judgment of the secretary are needed or useful for the purposes of the department, and all equipment therefor and all improvements and additions thereto which are erected, constructed or installed after making the conveyance, lease or sublease.
301.235(1)(c) (c) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17).
301.235(2) (2) The department shall have and may exercise the following powers and duties:
301.235(2)(a) (a) In order to provide new buildings and to enable the construction and financing thereof, to refinance indebtedness created by a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of providing a new building or buildings or additions or improvements thereto which are located on land owned by, or owned by the state and held for, the department or on lands of the institutions under the jurisdiction of the department or owned by the nonprofit corporation, or for any one or more of those purposes, but for no other purpose unless authorized by law, the department, subject to s. 16.848, has the following powers and duties:
301.235(2)(a)1. 1. Without limitation by reason of any other statute except s. 16.848, the power to sell and to convey title in fee simple to a nonprofit corporation any land and any existing buildings thereon owned by, or owned by the state and held for, the department or any of the institutions under the jurisdiction of the department for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as in the judgment of the secretary are in the public interest.
301.235(2)(a)2. 2. The power to lease to a nonprofit corporation for a term or terms not exceeding 50 years each any land and any existing buildings thereon owned by, or owned by the state and held for, the department or any of the institutions under the jurisdiction of the department upon such terms and conditions as in the judgment of the secretary are in the public interest.
301.235(2)(a)3. 3. The power to lease or sublease from the nonprofit corporation, and to make available for public use, any such land and existing buildings conveyed or leased to the nonprofit corporation under subds. 1. and 2., and any new buildings erected upon the land or upon any other land owned by such nonprofit corporation, upon such terms, conditions and rentals, subject to available appropriations, as the secretary determines are in the public interest. With respect to any property conveyed to the nonprofit corporation under subd. 1., the lease from the nonprofit corporation may be subject or subordinated to one or more mortgages of the property granted by the nonprofit corporation.
301.235(2)(a)4. 4. The duty to submit the plans and specifications for all such new buildings and all conveyances, leases and subleases made under this section to the department of administration and the governor for written approval before they are finally adopted, executed and delivered.
301.235(2)(a)5. 5. The power to pledge and assign all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of the new buildings as security for the payment of rentals due and to become due under any lease or sublease of the new buildings under subd. 3.
301.235(2)(a)6. 6. The power to covenant and agree in any lease or sublease of the new buildings made under subd. 3. to impose fees, rentals or other charges for the use and occupancy or other operation of the new buildings in an amount calculated to produce net revenues sufficient to pay the rentals due and to become due under the lease or sublease.
301.235(2)(a)7. 7. The power to apply all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of existing buildings to the payment of rentals due and to become due under any lease or sublease made under subd. 3.
301.235(2)(a)8. 8. The power to pledge and assign all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of existing buildings to the payment of rentals due and to become due under any lease or sublease made under subd. 3.
301.235(2)(a)9. 9. The power to covenant and agree in any lease or sublease made under subd. 3. to impose fees, rentals or other charges for the use and occupancy or other operation of existing buildings in an amount calculated to produce net revenues sufficient to pay the rentals due and to become due under the lease or sublease.
301.235(2)(a)10. 10. The power and duty, upon receipt of notice of any assignment by any such nonprofit corporation of any lease or sublease made under subd. 3., or of any of its rights under any such sublease, to recognize and give effect to the assignment, and to pay to the assignee thereof rentals or other payments then due or which may become due under any such lease or sublease which has been so assigned by the nonprofit corporation.
301.235(2)(b) (b) The state is liable for accrued rentals and for any other default under any lease or sublease made under par. (a) 3., and may be sued therefor on contract as in other contract actions under ch. 775, except that it is not necessary for the lessor under any such lease or sublease or any assignee of the lessor or any person or other legal entity proceeding on behalf of the lessor to file any claim with the legislature prior to the commencement of any such action.
301.235(2)(c) (c) Nothing in this section empowers the secretary or the department to incur any state debt.
301.235(2)(d) (d) All conveyances, leases and subleases made under this section shall be made, executed and delivered in the name of the department and shall be signed by the secretary and sealed with the seal of the department.
301.235(2)(e) (e) All laws, except ch. 150, conflicting with this section are, insofar as they conflict with this section and no further, superseded by this section.
301.235 History History: 1989 a. 31; 1997 a. 79; 2005 a. 25.
301.24 301.24 Lands; condemnation, easements, leases, sales, purchases.
301.24(1)(1)Condemnation. When the department is authorized and desires to acquire land and is unable to agree with the owner upon the terms of purchase, or when agreement cannot be had without unreasonable delay, the department may condemn the land in the manner prescribed in ch. 32.
301.24(2) (2)Easements. The department may grant easements for the extension of municipal and public utilities onto the lands of the institutions under its jurisdiction, for the purpose of connecting railroads, roads, water systems, sewers, electric lines and similar facilities, to serve the institutions.
301.24(3) (3)Leases. The department may lease additional lands for the operation of the institutions under its jurisdiction.
301.24(4) (4)Sales. Except where a sale occurs under s. 16.848, the department, with the approval of the building commission, may sell and convey such lands under the jurisdiction of the department as the secretary deems to be in excess of the present or future requirements of the department for either the operation of its facilities or programs, for the maintenance of buffer zones adjacent to its facilities or for other public purposes. The proceeds of the sales shall be credited to the state building trust fund.
301.24(4m) (4m)Correctional institution property disposition. In addition to any other requirements under this section, except where a sale occurs under s. 16.848, the department may sell or otherwise transfer or dispose of the property acquired for the correctional institution under s. 46.05 (1o), 1985 stats., only if the sale, transfer or disposition is approved by the joint committee on finance. The department shall submit a plan for any such proposed sale, transfer or disposition to the committee.
301.24(5) (5)Purchases. The department, with the approval of and release of state building trust funds by the building commission, may acquire by purchase such lands, together with such improvements as are situated thereon, as the secretary deems necessary for the department's farm programs, or for the purpose of providing adequate buffer zones to its existing facilities, or for the purpose of eliminating flexuous boundaries in cooperation with owners of lands adjoining lands under the department's jurisdiction.
301.24(6) (6)Lease of lands for radio range station. The department may lease state owned lands under its control situated in section 16, township 24 north, range 18 east, town of Seymour, Outagamie County, not exceeding 2 acres in extent, to the United States of America, to be used by the civil aeronautics administration for a radio range station. The terms of the lease shall be determined by the department and may grant to the lessee authority to erect navigational aids and other structures on such lands. Such lease shall not be effective unless approved by the governor in writing.
301.24 History History: 1989 a. 31 ss. 974, 975, 2569; 1989 a. 56 s. 84; 1995 a. 378; 2005 a. 25.
301.25 301.25 Sewer system at Taycheedah Correctional Institution. The department, with the approval of the governor, may enter into an agreement containing terms, conditions and covenants approved by the building commission, to participate in the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the area adjacent to the Taycheedah Correctional Institution in the town of Taycheedah, Fond du Lac County; to connect the sewer system of the Taycheedah Correctional Institution thereto; to pay sewage disposal charges; and to grant easements or, subject to s. 16.848, convey land to meet construction requirements.
301.25 History History: 1975 c. 189 s. 99 (1); 1975 c. 224 s. 146m; 1989 a. 31 s. 1069; Stats. 1989 s. 301.25; 2005 a. 25.
301.26 301.26 Community youth and family aids.
301.26(1) (1)Procedures. The department shall develop procedures for the implementation of this section and standards for the development and delivery of juvenile delinquency-related services under ch. 938, and shall provide consultation and technical assistance to aid counties in implementation and service delivery. The department shall establish information systems, monitoring and evaluation procedures to report periodically to the governor and legislature on the state impact of this section.
301.26(2) (2)Receipt of funds.
301.26(2)(a)(a) All funds to counties under this section shall be allocated to county departments under ss. 46.21, 46.22 and 46.23 subject to ss. 46.495 (2) and 301.031, except that monthly advance payments to the counties may be less than one-twelfth of the contracted amounts. No reimbursement may be made to any multicounty department until the counties which established the department have drawn up a detailed contractual agreement, approved by the secretary, setting forth the plans for joint sponsorship.
301.26(2)(b) (b) Uniform fees collected or received by counties under s. 301.03 (18) for services provided under this section shall be applied to cover the cost of the services.
301.26(2)(c) (c) All funds to counties under this section shall be used to purchase or provide juvenile delinquency-related services under ch. 938, except that no funds to counties under this section may be used for purposes of land purchase, building construction, or maintenance of buildings under s. 46.17, 46.175, or 301.37, for reimbursement of costs under s. 938.209, for city lockups, or for reimbursement of care costs in temporary shelter care under s. 938.22. Funds to counties under this section may be used for reimbursement of costs of program services, other than basic care and supervision costs, in juvenile detention facilities.
301.26(2m) (2m)Public participation process. In determining the use of funds under this section, county departments under ss. 46.21, 46.22 and 46.23 shall assess needs using an open public participation process which involves representatives of those receiving services.
301.26(3) (3)Grants-in-aid.
301.26(3)(a)(a) Receipt of funds under this subsection is contingent upon use of a public participation process required under sub. (2m).
301.26(3)(c) (c) Within the limits of the appropriations under s. 20.410 (3) (cd) and (ko), the department shall allocate funds to each county for services under this section.
301.26(3)(dm) (dm) The department may carry forward for a county from one calendar year to another funds allocated under this subsection that are not spent or encumbered. The amount that the department may carry forward for a county under this paragraph may not exceed 5% of the amount allocated to the county for the 12-month period ending December 31. The funds carried forward under this paragraph do not affect a county's base allocation.
301.26(3)(e) (e) The department may carry forward $500,000 or 10% of its funds allocated under this subsection and not encumbered or carried forward under par. (dm) by counties by December 31, whichever is greater, to the next 2 calendar years. The department may transfer moneys from or within s. 20.410 (3) (cd) to accomplish this purpose. The department may allocate these transferred moneys to counties with persistently high rates of juvenile arrests for serious offenses during the next 2 calendar years to improve community-based juvenile delinquency-related services. The allocation does not affect a county's base allocation.
301.26(3)(em) (em) The department may carry forward any emergency funds allocated under sub. (7) (e) and not encumbered or carried forward under par. (dm) by December 31 to the next 2 calendar years. The department may transfer moneys from or within s. 20.410 (3) (cd) to accomplish this purpose. The department may allocate these transferred moneys to counties that are eligible for emergency payments under sub. (7) (e). The allocation does not affect a county's base allocation.
301.26(4) (4)State services.
301.26(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (cm), the department of corrections shall bill counties or deduct from the allocations under s. 20.410 (3) (cd) for the costs of care, services and supplies purchased or provided by the department of corrections for each person receiving services under s. 48.366, 938.183 or 938.34 or the department of health and family services for each person receiving services under s. 46.057 or 51.35 (3). The department of corrections may not bill a county for or deduct from a county's allocation the cost of care, services and supplies provided to a person subject to an order under s. 48.366 or 938.183 after the person reaches 18 years of age. Payment shall be due within 60 days after the billing date. If any payment has not been received within 60 days, the department of corrections may withhold aid payments in the amount due from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (cd).
301.26(4)(b) (b) Assessment of costs under par. (a) shall be made periodically on the basis of the per person per day cost estimate specified in par. (d) 2. and 3. Except as provided in pars. (bm), (c), and (cm), liability shall apply to county departments under s. 46.21, 46.22, or 46.23 in the county of the court exercising jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 for each person receiving services from the department of corrections under s. 48.366, 938.183, or 938.34 or the department of health and family services under s. 46.057 or 51.35 (3). Except as provided in pars. (bm), (c), and (cm), in multicounty court jurisdictions, the county of residency within the jurisdiction shall be liable for costs under this subsection. Assessment of costs under par. (a) shall also be made according to the general placement type or level of care provided, as defined by the department, and prorated according to the ratio of the amount designated under sub. (3) (c) to the total applicable estimated costs of care, services, and supplies provided by the department of corrections under ss. 48.366, 938.183, and 938.34 and the department of health and family services under s. 46.057 or 51.35 (3).
301.26(4)(bm) (bm) Notwithstanding par. (b), the county department under s. 46.21, 46.22 or 46.23 of the county of residency of a juvenile who has been adjudicated delinquent by a court of another county or by a court of another multicounty jurisdiction may voluntarily assume liability for the costs payable under par. (a). A county department may assume liability under this paragraph by a written agreement signed by the director of the county department that assumes liability under this paragraph and the director of the county department that is otherwise liable under par. (b).
301.26(4)(c) (c) Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b) and (bm), the department of corrections shall pay, from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (hm), (ho) or (hr), the costs of care, services and supplies provided for each person receiving services under s. 46.057, 48.366, 51.35 (3), 938.183 or 938.34 who was under the guardianship of the department of health and family services pursuant to an order under ch. 48 at the time that the person was adjudicated delinquent.
301.26(4)(cm)1.1. Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b), and (bm), the department shall transfer funds from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (cg) to the appropriations under s. 20.410 (3) (hm), (ho), and (hr) for the purpose of reimbursing juvenile correctional facilities, secured residential care centers for children and youth, alternate care providers, aftercare supervision providers, and corrective sanctions supervision providers for costs incurred beginning on July 1, 1996, for the care of any juvenile 14 years of age or over who has been placed in a juvenile correctional facility based on a delinquent act that is a violation of s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 stats., s. 948.35, 1999 stats., or s. 948.36, 1999 stats., or s. 939.32 (1) (a), 940.03, 940.06, 940.21, 940.225 (1), 940.305, 940.31, 941.327 (2) (b) 4., 943.02, 943.10 (2), 943.23 (1g), 943.32 (2), 948.02 (1), 948.025 (1), or 948.30 (2), that is a conspiracy to commit any of those violations, or that is an attempted violation of s. 943.32 (2) and for the care of any juvenile 10 years of age or over who has been placed in a juvenile correctional facility or secured residential care center for children and youth for attempting or committing a violation of s. 940.01 or for committing a violation of s. 940.02 or 940.05.
301.26(4)(cm)2. 2. Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b), and (bm), the department shall transfer funds from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (cg) to the appropriations under s. 20.410 (3) (hm), (ho), and (hr) for the purpose of reimbursing juvenile correctional facilities, secured residential care centers for children and youth, alternate care providers, aftercare supervision providers, and corrective sanctions supervision providers for costs incurred beginning on July 1, 1996, for the care of any juvenile 14 years of age or over and under 18 years of age who has been placed in a juvenile correctional facility under s. 48.366 based on a delinquent act that is a violation of s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.05, or 940.225 (1).
301.26(4)(cm)3. 3. The per person daily reimbursement rate for juvenile correctional services under this paragraph shall be equal to the per person daily cost assessment to counties under par. (d) 2. and 3. for juvenile correctional services.
301.26(4)(d)1.1. Except as provided in pars. (e) to (g), for services under s. 938.34, all payments and deductions made under this subsection and uniform fee collections made under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (hm).
301.26(4)(d)1m. 1m. Except as provided in pars. (e) to (g), for services under ss. 48.366 and 938.183, all payments and deductions made under this subsection and uniform fee collections made under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (hm).
301.26(4)(d)2. 2. Beginning on July 1, 2005, and ending on June 30, 2006, the per person daily cost assessment to counties shall be $203 for care in a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (19), $203 for care for juveniles transferred from a juvenile correctional institution under s. 51.35 (3), $234 for care in a residential care center for children and youth, $157 for care in a group home for children, $47 for care in a foster home, $83 for care in a treatment foster home, $81 for departmental corrective sanctions services, and $32 for departmental aftercare services.
301.26 Note NOTE: Subd. 2. is shown as affected by 2 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
301.26(4)(d)3. 3. Beginning on July 1, 2006, and ending on June 30, 2007, the per person daily cost assessment to counties shall be $209 for care in a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (19), $209 for care for juveniles transferred from a juvenile correctional institution under s. 51.35 (3), $244 for care in a residential care center for children and youth, $163 for care in a group home for children, $50 for care in a foster home, $87 for care in a treatment foster home, $82 for departmental corrective sanctions services, and $33 for departmental aftercare services.
301.26 Note NOTE: Subd. 3. is shown as affected by 2 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
301.26(4)(dt) (dt) Except as provided in pars. (e) to (g), for serious juvenile offender services, all uniform fee collections under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (hm).
301.26(4)(e) (e) For foster care, treatment foster care, group home care and institutional child care to delinquent juveniles under ss. 49.19 (10) (d), 938.48 (4) and (14) and 938.52 all payments and deductions made under this subsection and uniform fee collections under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (ho).
301.26(4)(ed) (ed) For foster care, treatment foster care, group home care and institutional child care to serious juvenile offenders under ss. 49.19 (10) (d), 938.48 (4) and (14) and 938.52 all uniform fee collections under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (ho).
301.26(4)(eg) (eg) For corrective sanctions services under s. 938.533 (2), all payments and deductions made under this subsection and uniform fee collections under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (hr).
301.26(4)(f) (f) For services under s. 51.35 (3), payments made under par. (d) for services to juveniles who are ineligible for medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49 and uniform fee collections under s. 46.03 (18) shall be deposited in the appropriation under s. 20.435 (2) (gk) and all other payments made under this subsection shall be deposited in the general fund and treated as a nonappropriated receipt.
301.26(4)(g) (g) For juvenile field and institutional aftercare services under ch. 938 and for the office of juvenile offender review, all payments and deductions made under this subsection and uniform fee collections under s. 301.03 (18) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.410 (3) (hm).
301.26(6) (6)Performance standards.
301.26(6)(a)(a) The intent of this subsection is to develop criteria to assist the legislature in allocating funding, excluding funding for base allocations, from the appropriations under s. 20.410 (3) (cd) and (ko) for purposes described in this section.
301.26(6)(b) (b) The department shall submit recommendations to the joint committee on finance regarding performance standards criteria to be used to determine whether counties are successfully diverting juveniles from juvenile correctional institutions and into less restrictive community programs and are successfully rehabilitating children adjudged delinquent on or before December 31, 1987. Beginning on January 1, 1988, counties shall provide information requested by the department in order to apply the criteria and assess performances.
301.26(7) (7)Allocations of funds. Within the limits of the availability of federal funds and of the appropriations under s. 20.410 (3) (cd) and (ko), the department shall allocate funds for community youth and family aids for the period beginning on July 1, 2005, and ending on June 30, 2007, as provided in this subsection to county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22, and 46.23 as follows:
301.26(7)(a) (a) For community youth and family aids under this section, amounts not to exceed $44,145,100 for the last 6 months of 2005, $88,290,200 for 2006, and $44,145,100 for the first 6 months of 2007.
301.26(7)(b) (b) Of the amounts specified in par. (a), the department shall allocate $2,000,000 for the last 6 months of 2005, $4,000,000 for 2006, and $2,000,000 for the first 6 months of 2007 to counties based on each of the following factors weighted equally:
301.26(7)(b)1. 1. Each county's proportion of the total statewide juvenile population for the most recent year for which that information is available.
301.26(7)(b)2. 2. Each county's proportion of the total Part I juvenile arrests reported statewide under the uniform crime reporting system of the office of justice assistance during the most recent 3-year period for which that information is available.
301.26(7)(b)3. 3. Each county's proportion of the number of juveniles statewide who are placed in a juvenile correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth during the most recent 3-year period for which that information is available.
301.26(7)(c) (c) Of the amounts specified in par. (a), the department shall allocate $1,053,200 for the last 6 months of 2005, $2,106,500 for 2006, and $1,053,300 for the first 6 months of 2007 to counties based on each of the factors specified in par. (b) 1. to 3. weighted equally, except that no county may receive an allocation under this paragraph that is less than 93% nor more than 115% of the amount that the county would have received under this paragraph if the allocation had been distributed only on the basis of the factor specified in par. (b) 3.
301.26(7)(e) (e) For emergencies related to community youth and family aids under this section, amounts not to exceed $125,000 for the last 6 months of 2005, $250,000 for 2006, and $125,000 for the first 6 months of 2007. A county is eligible for payments under this paragraph only if it has a population of not more than 45,000.
301.26(7)(h) (h) For counties that are participating in the corrective sanctions program under s. 938.533 (2), $1,062,400 in the last 6 months of 2005, $2,124,800 in 2006, and $1,062,400 in the first 6 months of 2007 for the provision of corrective sanctions services for juveniles from that county. In distributing funds to counties under this paragraph, the department shall determine a county's distribution by dividing the amount allocated under this paragraph by the number of slots authorized for the program under s. 938.533 (2) and multiplying the quotient by the number of slots allocated to that county by agreement between the department and the county. The department may transfer funds among counties as necessary to distribute funds based on the number of slots allocated to each county.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?